Thank you for purchasing the OMRON® HBF-514 Full Body Sensor Body Composition Monitorand
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The Full Body Sensor Body Composition Monitor and Scale is easy to use. The monitor calculates the
estimated values f or body f at pe rcent age, skel etal muscle perce nta ge, re sting metabo lism a nd vis cer al f at
level using the BI (Bioelectrical Impedance) Method. The monitor also calculates the BMI (Body Mass
Index) and body age as well as weight. Push the power switch on, select your Personal Profile Number,
and step onto the measurement pl atf or m . The per son al memor y function can be used to store data f or up
to four personal profiles. The memory function stores the measurement results for each personal profile
from 1 day, 7 days, 30 days and 90 days ago, along with high and low readings for each type of
measurement result.
Your HBF-514 comes with the following components:
•Instruction Manual
•4 “AA” Batteries
•Measurement Log Sheet
Do not use, or allow others to use, this monitor if fitted with a cardiac pacemaker or other
implanted medical device.
Pregnant women should not use this device.
Read all of the information in the instruction manual and any other literature in the box before
operating the unit.
To assure the correct use of the product, basic safety measures should always be followed including the
warnings and cautions listed in this instruction manual.
Indicates a pote ntial ly ha zardou s sit uatio n which , i f not avo ided, could r esult
Do not use this monitor if you have a cardiac pacemaker or other implanted medical device. The Full Body
Sensor Body Composition Monitorand Scale passes an extremely weak electrical current of 50kHz and less
than 500µA through your body when taking a measurement to determine the amount of fat tissue. This weak
current is not felt while using the monitor. Do not use, or allow others to use, this monitor if fitted with a
cardiac pacemaker or other medical device.
Pregnant women should not use this device.
in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result
in minor or moderate i njury to the us er or pat ient or da mage to the equipme nt
or other property.
Contact your physician or healthcare provider before beginning a weight reduction or exercise program.
Keep the monitor out of the reach of young children. The cord can become entangled and cause strangulation.
Persons with disabilities or persons who are physically frail should be assisted by another person when using
this monitor or use a handrail, a walker, or other support device to preven t falling when steppi ng on and of f the
Read all of the information in the instruction manual and any other literature in the box before operating the
Do not use mobile telephones, microwave ovens or other devices that generate strong electrical or
electromagnetic fields near the monitor. This may result in an operational failure.
Do not step on the edge or the display area of the measurement platform. The monitor may tilt. The display unit
may be damaged.
Do not step on the measurement platform when your body or feet are wet, for example after taking a bath or
shower. You may slide and lose your balance.
Do not place the monitor on a cushioned floor surface such as a carpet or mat. A correct meas urem ent may n ot
be possible.
Do not use the unit on slippery surfaces such as tile floors or wet floors. The monitor may move. You may lose
your balance and fall.
Do not jump on the measurement pl atform. You may lose your balance and fall. The monitor may be damage d.
Stand on the measurement platform with bare feet. Attempting to stand on the measurement platform when
wearing socks may cause you to slip and lose your balance.
Do not insert the batteries with their polarities incorrectly aligned.
Do not use new and worn batteries together.
Do not use batteries of a different kind together.
Replace old batteries with new ones immediately. Replace all four batteries at the same time.
Remove the batteries if the unit will not be used for three months or more.
Do not expose the batteries to flames or fire.
Should battery fluid leak and contact your eyes, skin or clothing immediately rinse with plenty of clean water.
Immediately contact your physician in case of eye or skin contact.
Dispose of the device, batteries, comp onents and optional accessories according to applicable local regulations.
Unlawful disposal may cause environmental pollution.
Operate the unit only as intended. Do not use for any other purpose.
This unit is intended for home use only. It is not intended for professional use in hospitals or other medical
facilities. This unit does not support the standards required for professional use.
Remove the display unit from main u nit be fore st epping on the unit . If you try t o remove the di splay un it wh ile
stepping on to the unit, you may lose your balance and fall.
Do not hold the handle inside the electrode grips when storing the display unit in the display unit holder. Your
fingers could be trapped between the handle and the unit.
Do not disassemble or modify the unit. Changes or modifications not approved by Omron Healthcare will void
the user warranty.
Do not subject the monitor to strong shocks, such as dropping the unit on the floor.
Do not submerge the device or any of the components in water.
What is Full Body Sensing?
Full Body Sensing provides a comprehensive understanding of your body composition to help
you reach and/or maintain your fitness goals. Unlike other body composition monitors that rely
on foot-to-foot measurements, Omron’s monitor measures the whole body (arm to foot) which
provides a clinically-proven accurate profile.
How Omron calculates your body composition:
Omron’s algorithm focuses on the Bioelectrical Impedance Method as well as height, weight,
age and gender.
Bioelectrical Impedance Method: The Omron Full Body Sensor Body Composition Monitorand
Scale estimates the body fat percentage by the Bioelectrical Impedance Method. Muscles, blood, bones
and body tissues with high wate r cont ent conduct electricity eas il y. On the other hand, body fat does not
store much water, therefore has little electric conductivity. The Omron Full Body Sensor Body
Composition Monitorand Scale sends an extremely weak electrical current of 50 kHz and less than 500
µA through your body to determine the amount of water in each tissue. You will not notice or feel the
electrical curre n t.
The ratios of the water in your upper and lower body change throughout the day – as gravity pulls more
water into yo ur lower extremities. This means the electrical impedance of the body also varies – if more
water is in your legs, other monitors such as foot-to-foot may show incorrect body fat readings. The
Omron Full Body Sensor Body Composition Monitor and Scale takes measurements from both hands
and feet – which reduces the influence water movement makes on your body composition results.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. BMI is a reliable
indicator of body f atness f or people . BMI does not measure b ody fat d irectly, but research has shown that
BMI correlates to direc t measures of body fat. BMI i s used as a s creening t ool to ide ntify poss ible weigh t
problems for adults.
BMI is calculated by using the following formula based on a ratio between your weight and height:
Source: Values for obesity judgment proposed by WHO, the World Health Organization.
BMI (Designation by the WHO)
- (Underweight)
0 (Normal)
+ (Overweight)
++ (Obese)
BMI Classification Bar
BMI Rating
7.0 - 10.7
10.8 - 14.5
14.6 - 18.4
18.5 - 20.5
20.6 - 22.7
22.8 - 24.9
25.0 - 26.5
26.6 - 28.2
28.3 - 29.9
30.0 - 34.9
35.0 - 39.9
40.0 - 90.0
Body fat serves a vital role in storing energy and protecting internal organs. We carry two types of fat in
our bodies: 1) essential fat which is stored in small amounts to protect the body and 2) stored fa t which is
stocked for energ y during physical activi ty. While too much body fat may be unhealthy, having too little
fat can be just as unhe althy. Also, the distribution of body fat in men a nd women is different, so the ba sis
for classifying the body fat percentage is different between the genders.
Interpreting the Body Fat Percentage Result
GenderAgeLow (–)Normal (0)High (+)Very High (++)
Source: NIH/WHO guidelines for BMI
Source: Gallagher et al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, Sept. 2000
Visceral fat is found in the abdomen and surrounding vital organs. It is different from fat found directly
underneath the skin, which is referred to as subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat can go largely unnoticed
because it’s not visible to the naked eye. One way visceral fat can be seen is through Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI).
MRI Cross Section at the Navel Level
Subcutaneous Fat
Visceral Fat
Too much visceral fat is thought to be closely linked to increased levels of fat in the bloodstream, which
may lead to conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In order to prevent or
improve these cond itio ns, it i s importa nt to t ry to r educe the amount of visc eral f at level s to an accep table
Interpreting the Visceral Fat Level Result
Visceral Fat Level 9
0 (Normal)
Visceral fat area (0 - approx. 300 cm2, 1 inch=2.54 cm) distr ibution with 30 levels.
Source: Omron Healthcare
NOTE:Visceral fat levels are relative and not absolute values.
10 Visceral Fat Level 14
+ (High)
Visceral Fat Level 15
++ (Very High)
Regardless of your activity level, a minimum level of caloric intake is required to sustain the body’s
everyday functions. Known as the resting metabolism, this indicates how many calories you need to
ingest in order to provide enough energy for your body to function.
60-70% of daily energy use is for resting metabolism
The total amount of energy used by the body in a typical day is as follows:
Resting metabolismEnergy required to maintain vital functions.
Energy used for daily activities such as
Daily activity metabolism
Diet-induced thermogenesis Energy emitted after eating a meal.
The ratio of these is 60%-70% for resting metabolism, 20%-30% for daily activity, and 10% for diet
induced thermogenesis. This means that resting metabolism accounts for most of our daily energy
If our daily caloric intake exceeds the amount of energy required for these activities, the additional
calories can be stored as fat.
Skeletal muscle is the type of muscle that we can see and feel. When you work out to increase muscle
mass, skeletal muscle is being e xerci sed. Skelet al muscles a ttac h to the skelet on and co me in p airs - - one
muscle to move the bone in one direction and another to move it back the other way. Increasing skeletal
muscle will increase your body’s energy requirements. The more muscle you have, the more calories
your body will burn. Building skele tal muscle can help pr event “rebo und” weight gain . The maintenance
and increase of skeletal muscle is closely linked to resting metabolism rate.
Interpreting the Skeletal Muscle Percentage Result
Body age is based on your resting metabolism. Body age is calculated by using your weight, body fat
percentage and skeletal muscle percentage to produce a guide to whether your body age is above or
below the average for your actual age.
Contact your physician or healthcare provider before beginning a weight reduction or exercise
There are lots of reasons for people t o lose wei ght. To be healthier . To look better. To feel better . To have
more energy.
No matter what the reason, successful weight loss and healthy weight management depend on sensible
goals and expectations. If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll be more likely to meet
them and have a better chance of keeping the weight off.
The foundation of a su ccessf ul wei ght l oss prog ram re main s a c ombin ation of a heal thy di et a nd exerci se
customized for you. Si mply re ducing food i nta ke to lo se wei ght can lead t o a dec line in muscl e mass a nd
bone density. So even though your weight goes down, your resting metabolism is reduced making the
body more prone to putting on fat. More skeletal muscle can prevent “rebound” weight gain.
The Omron Full Body Sensor Body Composition Moni to rand Scale tracks your prog res s by moni t ori ng
weight, skeletal muscle, body fat, BMI and resting metabolism rate to help you reach your goals.
Here’s a comparison of losing weight quickly versus slowly:
Example comparing the same loss of 20 lb:
A starvation diet produces rapid
weight loss of 20 lb,
but disrupts body mass...
Fat reduction: 6 lb
Lean body mass reduction
(muscle, bone, etc.): 14 lb
Change in body fat percentage
Before diet:
After diet:
Lean body mass (muscle, bone, etc.)
greatly reduced, while the body fat
percentage has not changed.
A healthy diet
with weight loss of 20 lb...
Change in body fat percentage
Body fat percentage
Before diet:
After diet:
Body fat percentage reduced to a normal
Fat reduction: 18 lb
Lean body mass reduction
(muscle, bone, etc.): 2 lb
Body fat percentage
Being aware of the times when the body fat percentages shift within your daily schedule will assist you
in obtaining an accurate trending of your body composition. It is recommended to use this unit in the
same environment and daily circumstances. Reference the chart below:
Daily activities
Waking up
Recommended time
2 hours
Recommended time
2 hours
After waking up
Recommended time
2 hours
Recommended time
Going to bed
About 2 hours or more after a meal
Avoid Taking Measurements Under the Following Conditions:
-Immediately after vigorous exercise, after a bath or sauna.
-After drinking alcohol or a large amount of water, after a meal (about 2 hours).
If a measurement is taken under these physical conditions, the calculated body composition may differ
significantly from the actual one because the water content in the body is changing.
Results may differ from actual body fat percentage
There are certain cond itions when sign ificant dif ferenc es may occur betw een the estimate d and the actual
body fat values. These differences may be related to changing ratios of body fluid and/or body
The body fat percentage measured by this monitor may significantly differ from the actual body fat
percentage for the following people:
•Elderly peop le
•People with a fever
•Body builders or highly trained athletes
•Persons under goi ng dial ys is
•Persons with osteoporosis who have very low bone density