The temperature controller E5AN allows the user to carry out the following:
• Select from many types of temperature, nonĆcontact temperature sensor and analog
• Select heating and cooling control in addition to standard control
• Select AT (autoĆtuning) and ST (selfĆtuning) as tuning functions
• Use multiĆSP and the run/stop function according to event input (for units equipped
with the event input function)
• Use the HBA (heater burnout alarm) function (for units equipped with the heater
burnout alarm function)
• Use the communications function (for units equipped with the communications
• Calibrate sensor input
• The E5AN features a watertight construction (NEMA4X : equivalent to IP66).
• The E5AN conforms to UL/CSA/IEC safety standards and EMC standards.
* This User's Manual describes how to use the E5AN.
Before using your E5AN, thoroughly read and understand this manual in order to
ensure correct use.
Also, store this manual in a safe place so that it can be retrieved whenever necessary.
* For an additional description of the communications function, also refer to the
E5AN/EN/CN/GN Temperature Controller, Communications Function User's
Manuals (Cat. No. H102).
E OMRON, 1999
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted,
in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is
subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages
resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
Moreover, because
When the product is used under the circumstances or environment described in this
manual, always adhere to the limitations of the rating and functions. Also, for safety,
take countermeasures such as fitting fail safe installations.
• In circumstances or environments that have not been described below in this manual.
• For control in nuclear power, railway, aircraft, vehicle, incinerator, medical, entertainment,
or safety applications.
• Where death or serious property damage may occur, or where extensive safety precautions
are required.
JSafety Signal Words
This manual uses the following signal words to mark safety precautions for the E5AN.
These precautions provide important information for the safe application of the product. You
must be sure to follow the instructions provided in all safety precautions.
Indicates information that, if not heeded, could possibly result in loss of life or
JSafety Precautions
serious injury.
Indicates information that, if not heeded, could result in relatively serious or
minor injury, damage to the product, or faulty operation.
F Electric Shock Warning
Do not touch the terminals while the power is ON.
Doing so may cause an electric shock.
Do not allow metal fragments or lead wire scraps to fall inside this product.
These may cause electric shock, fire or malfunction.
Never disassemble, repair or modify the product.
Doing so may cause electric shock, fire or malfunction.
Do not operate this product in flammable and explosive gas atmospheres.
The life expectancy of the output relays varies greatly with the switching capacity and other switching
conditions. Always use the output relays within their rated load and electrical life expectancy. If an outĆ
put relay is used beyond its life expectancy, its contacts may become fused or burned.
Use this product within the rated load.
Not doing so may cause damage or fire.
Use this product within the rated supply voltage.
Not doing so may cause damage or fire.
Tighten the terminal screws to a torque of 0.74 to 0.90 Nm
Loose screws may cause malfunction.
Set all settings according to the control target of the product.
If the settings are not appropriate for the control target, the product may operate in an unexpected manĆ
ner, resulting in damage to the product or resulting in accidents.
To maintain safety in the event of a product malfunction, always take appropriate safety measures, such
as installing an alarm on a separate line to prevent excessive temperature rise.
If a malfunction prevents proper control, a major accident may result.
Be sure to observe these precautions to ensure safe use.
(1) Do not wire unused terminals.
(2) Be sure to wire properly with correct polarity of terminals.
(3) To reduce induction noise, separate the highĆvoltage or largeĆcurrent power lines from other lines,
and avoid parallel or common wiring with the power lines when you are wiring to the terminals.
We recommend using separating pipes, ducts, or shielded lines.
(4) Do not use this product in the following places:
• Places subject to dust or corrosive gases (in particular, sulfide gas and ammonia gas)
• Places subject to high humidity, condensation or freezing
• Places subject to direct sunlight
• Places subject to vibration and large shocks
• Places subject to splashing liquid or oily atmosphere
• Places directly subject to heat radiated from heating equipment
• Places subject to intense temperature changes
(5) To allow heat to escape, do not block the area around the product. (Ensure that enough space is
left for the heat to escape.)
• Do not block the ventilation holes on the casing.
(6) When you draw out or draw in the internal mechanism or the terminal unit from the housing,
never touch electrical components inside or subject the internal mechanism to shock.
(7) Cleaning: Do not use paint thinner or the equivalent. Use standard grade alcohol to clean the product.
(8) Use specified size (M3.5, width 7.2 mm or less) crimped terminals for wiring.
(9) Allow as much space as possible between the E5AN and devices that generate powerful highĆfreĆ
quency noise (e.g. highĆfrequency welders, highĆfrequency sewing machines) or surges.
(10) When executing selfĆtuning, turn the load (e.g. heater) ON simultaneously or before you turn the
the main unit ON. If you turn the the main unit ON before turning the load ON, correct selfĆtuning
results and optimum control may no longer be obtained.
(11) Use a 100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz), 24 VAC (50/60 Hz) or 24 VDC power supply matched to the power
specifications of the E5AN. Also, make sure that rated voltage is attained within two seconds of
turning the power ON.
(12) Attach a surge suppressor or noise filter to peripheral devices that generate noise (in particular,
motors, transformers, solenoids, magnetic coils or other equipment that have an inductance comĆ
(13) When mounting a noise filter on the power supply, be sure to first check the filter's voltage and
current capacity, and then mount the filter as close as possible to the E5AN.
(14) Use within the following temperature and humidity ranges:
• Temperature: Ć10 to 55_C, Humidity: 25 to 85% (with no icing or condensation)
If the E5AN is installed inside a control board, the ambient temperature must be kept to under
55_C, including the temperature around the E5AN.
If the E5AN is subjected to heat radiation, use a fan to cool the surface of the E5AN to under
(15) Store within the following temperature and humidity ranges:
• Temperature: Ć25 to 65_C, Humidity: 25 to 85% (with no icing or condensation)
(16) Never place heavy objects on, or apply pressure to the E5AN as it may cause it to deform and deteriĆ
orate during use or storage.
(17) Avoid using the E5AN in places near a radio, television set, or wireless installation. These devices
can cause radio disturbances which adversely affect the performance of the E5AN.
(18) Allow at least 30 minutes for the E5AN to warm up.
(19) Locate a switch or circuit breaker and clearly indicate its position so that the operator can immediĆ
ately turn the E5AN OFF.
Conventions Used in This Manual
JMeanings of Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in parameter names, figures and in text explanations.
These abbreviations mean the following:
PVProcess value
SPSet point
SVSet value
EUEngineering unit *1
*1 EU" stands for Engineering Unit. EU is used as the minimum unit for engineering units
such as _C, m, and g.
The size of EU varies according to the input type. For example, when the input temperature
setting range is -200 to +1300_C, 1 EU is 1_C, and when the input temperature setting range
is -20.0 to +500.0_C, 1 EU is 0.1_C.
In the case of analog input, the size of EU varies according to the decimal point position of
the scaling setting, and 1 EU becomes the minimum scaling unit.
JHow to Read Display Symbols
The following tables show the correspondence between the symbols displayed on the displays
and alphabet characters.
Displays the process value or parameter type.
ăLights for approximately one second during startup.
Displays the set point, parameter operation read value or the manipulated
ăLights for approximately one second during startup.
(1) ALM1 (alarm 1)
Lights when alarm 1 is ON.
ALM2 (alarm 2)
Lights when alarm 2 is ON.
ALM3 (alarm 3)
Lights when alarm 3 is ON.
(2) HB (heater burnout alarm display)
Lights when a heater burnout is detected.
(3) OUT1, OUT2 (control output 1, control output 2)
Lights when control output 1 and/or control output 2 are ON. HowĆ
ever, whenever control output 1 is the current output, OUT1 stays off.
(4) STOP (stop)
Lights when operation is stopped.
During operation, this indicator lights when an event or the run/stop
function is stopped.
(5) CMW (communications writing control)
Lights when communications writing is enabled" and is out when it
is disabled."
F Temperature unit
The temperature unit is displayed when the display unit parameter is set
to a temperature. Indication is determined by the currently selected temĆ
perature unit" parameter set value. When this parameter is set to _C",
" is displayed, and when set to _F", " is displayed.
Flashes during ST operation.
JHow to use keys
F(level) key
F(mode) key
F(up) key
F(down) key
The following describes the basic functions of the front panel keys.
Press this key to select the setting levels. The setting level is selected in
order operation level" ←→ adjustment level", initial setting level" ←→
communications setting level".
Press this key to select parameters within each level.
Each press of this key increases values displayed on the No.2 display. HoldĆ
ing down this key speeds up the incrementation.
Each press of this key decreases values displayed on the No.2 display. HoldĆ
ing down this key speeds up the decrementation.
This key combination sets the E5AN to the protect level." For details on
the protect level, see Chapter 5 Parameters.
1.2I/O Configuration and Main Functions
JI/O configuration
Temperature input/
analog input
CT input
Event input 2ch
SP input from external
digital switch function and
Run/Stop function
Control output 1
Control output 2
Heating and
Alarm 3
Alarm 2
Alarm 1
Input error
Control output 1
Alarm output 3
Alarm output 2
Alarm output 1
JMain functions
The following introduces the main functions of the E5AN. For details on
each function and how to use the functions, see Chapter 3 onwards.
F Input sensor
F Control output
F Alarms
Ă• The following input sensors can be connected for temperature input:
Thermocouple: K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B
NonĆcontact temperature sensor type : ES1A
: KĂ(10 to 70_C), KĂ(60 to 120_C), KĂ(115 to 165_C),
ăK (160 to 260_C)
Platinum resistance thermometer
: Pt100, JPt100
Analog input: 0 to 50 mV
Ă• Control output is either relay, voltage or current output depending on
the model of E5AN.
Ă• If heating and control output 2 control is selected on the E5ANĆj3jjj,
alarm 3 output is used as control output 2 side output. Therefore, use
alarm 1, 2 if an alarm is needed in heating and cooling control.
Ă• Set the alarm type and alarm value, or upperĆ and lowerĆlimit alarms.
Ă• If necessary, a more comprehensive alarm function can be achieved by
setting the standby sequence", alarm hysteresis" and close in alarm/
open in alarm" alarm latch ON/OFF parameters.
Ă• When the input error output is set to ON", alarm output 1 turns ON
when an input error occurs.
F Control
F Event input
F Communications
Ă• Optimum PID constants can be set easily by AT (autoĆtuning) and ST
Ă• When equipped with the option event input unit E53ĆAKB, the following
functions can be achieved by event input:
Set point selection (multiĆSP max. 4 points) and run/stop
Ă• The heater burnout alarm (HBA) function is supported.
Ă• Communications according to CompoWay/F*
ported when the option communications unit E53ĆAK01, or E53ĆAK03
is mounted in the E5AN.
Communications are carried out over the RSĆ485 interface.
*1ăCompoWay/F is a generalĆpurpose serial communicationsĆbased uniĆ
fied communications procedure developed by OMRON. CompoWay/F uses
commands compliant with the wellĆestablished FINS, together with a uniĆ
fied frame format on OMRON programmable controllers to facilitate
communications between personal computers and components.
*2ăSysway communication does not support alarm 3 output.
and Sysway*2 are supĆ
1.3How Setup Levels Are Configured and Operating
the Keys on the Front Panel
Parameters are divided into groups, each called a level". Each of the set
values (setup items) in these levels are called a parameter." The parameĆ
ters on the E5AN are divided into the following seven levels:
Power ON
Operation levelAdjustment level
Less than
1 second
The PV display
1 second min.
Initialsetting level
1 second min.
Advanced function setting level
3 seconds
Password input
set value “–169”
Password input
set value “1201”
Calibration level
Less than
1 second
The PV display flashes after
one second.
Control stops.
Communica-tions settinglevel
* The key pressing time can
be changed in ”protect level
move time” (advanced
function level).
* : To activate the advanced function setting level, set the Protect level"
of the Initial/Communications protect" to 0".
f : Indicates items that can be set.
Of these levels, the initial setting level, communications setting level,
advanced function setting level and calibration level can be used only
when control has stopped. Note that controller outputs are stopped when
any of these four levels are selected.
F Protect level
Ă• To move the mode at this level, simultaneously press the and
keys for at least three seconds. This level is for preventing unwanted or
accidental modification of parameters. Protected levels will not be disĆ
played, and so the parameters in that level cannot be modified.
Ă* The key pressing time can be changed in "protect level move time"
(advanced function level).
F Operation level
F Adjustment level
F Initial setting
Ă• This level is displayed when turning the power ON. It can be moved to
the protect level, initial setting level and adjustment level from this
Ă• Normally, select this level during operation. During operation, the proĆ
cess value and manipulated variable can be monitored, and the set point,
alarm value and upperĆ and lowerĆlimit alarms can be monitored and
Ă• To move the mode at this level, press the key for less than one
Ă• This level is for entering set values and offset values for control. This
level contains parameters for setting the AT (autoĆtuning), communicaĆ
tions writing enable/disable, hysteresis, multiĆSP, input shift values,
heater burnout alarm (HBA) and PID constants. It can be moved to the
top parameter of the initial setting level, protect level and operation
level from here.
Ă• To move the mode at this level, press the
seconds in the operation level or adjustment level. The PV display
flashes after one second. This level is for specifying the input type, selectĆ
ing the control method, control period, setting direct/reverse action and
alarm type. It can be moved to the advanced function setting level or
communications setting level from this level. To return to the operation
level, press the key for at least one second. To move to the commuĆ
nications setup level, press the key for less than one second.
key for at least three
F Advanced
function setting
F Communications
setting level
Ă• To activate the advanced function setting level, after setting the ProĆ
tect level" of the Initial/Communications protect" to 0", input the
password (-169") in the initial setting level.
Ă• It can be moved to the calibration level or initial level from this level.
Ă• This level is for setting the automatic return of display mode, MV limitĆ
ter, event input assignment, standby sequence, alarm hysteresis, ST
(selfĆtuning) and for moving to the user calibration level.
Ă• To move the mode at this level, press the key for less than one second
in the initial setting level. When the communications function is used,
set the communications conditions in this level. Communicating with a
personal computer (host computer) allows set points to be read and writĆ
ten, and manipulated variables to be monitored.
F Calibration level
Ă• To move the mode at this level, enter the password 1201" in the
advanced function setting level. This level is for offsetting deviation in
the input circuit.
Ă• It can not be moved to other levels by operating the keys on the front
panel from the calibration level. To cancel this level, turn the power OFF
then back ON again.
JFixing settings
Ă• To select parameters in each level, press the key. Each press of the
key advances to the next parameter. For details on each parameter,
see Chapter 5.
Ă• If the key is pressed at the final parameter, the display returns to the
top parameter for the current level.
Ă• To change parameter settings or setup, specify the setting using the
or keys, and either leave the setting for at least two seconds or press
the key. This fixes the setting.
Ă• When another level is selected, the parameter and setting on the display
are fixed.
Ă• When the power is turned OFF, fix first the settings or parameter setup
(by pressing the
times not changed by merely pressing the
key). The settings and parameter setup are someĆ
or keys.
1.4Communications Function
The E5AN can be provided with a communications function that allows you
to check and set controller parameters on a host computer. If the communicaĆ
tions function is required, mount the option unit E53ĆAK01 or E53ĆAK03 in
the E5AN. For details on the communications function, see the separate
Communications Functions User's Manual."
Follow the procedure below to move to the communications setting level.
(1) Press the
key for at least three seconds in the operation level".
The level moves to the initial setting level".
(2) Press the
key for less than one second. The initial setting level"
moves to the communications setting level".
(3) Pressing the
key advances the parameters as shown in the followĆ
ing figure.
(4) Press the
or keys to change the parameter setups.
unit No.
Baud rate
Data bit
Stop bit
F Setting up
Set the E5AN communications specifications so that they match the comĆ
munications setup of the host computer. In a multidrop 1:N configuration,
match the setting data except the communications unit No. on all units.
Unique communications unit Nos. must be set to each unit.
Communications unit No.0 to 991None
Baud rate1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2
Data bit7, 87bit
Stop bit1, 22bit
ParityNone, even, odd
Ă• Several units cannot be group mounted close together vertically.
(Observe the recommended mounting space limits.)
Ă• When group mounting several controllers, ensure that the surrounding
temperature does not exceed the allowable operating temperature listed
in the specifications.
Ă• The recommended panel thickness is 1 to 8 mm.
Ă• To ensure waterproofing, enclose the unit in the waterproof packing
prior to mounting. Waterproofing is not possible when group mounting
several units.
JSetting up the option units
If communications, event input and heater burnout functions are
required, mount the communications unit (E53ĆAK01 or AK03) or the
event input unit (E53ĆAKB).
The heater burnout function is supported on either of these two option
(1) Insert the tools (see drawing above) into the slots (one on the top and
one on the bottom) and release the hooks.
(2) Insert the tool into the gap between the front and rear, and slightly
draw out the front panel. Then, draw out the front panel towards you
holding it by its top and bottom sides.
(3) Match the upper and lower claws with the connection points and
insert the option unit. Mount the option unit in the center.
(4) Before you push the unit back into the case, make sure that the waterĆ
tight packing is in place. Push the unit back into the rear case until
you hear a click. When you do this, hold down the hooks on the top and
bottom of the rear case so that they are firmly hooked in place.
Terminal cover
F How to attach the
E5AN on the
F How to attach the
terminal cover
(1) Insert the main unit through the mounting hole in the panel (1Ć8 mm
thickness). Pull the adapter along the body of the main unit from rear
case up to the panel and fasten temporarily.
(2) Tighten the upper and lower screws alternately with only one turn of
the screwdriver at a time to maintain an even torque balance.
Fit terminal cover E53-COV11 onto the upper and lower hooks.
Attach the terminal cover so that the OMRON mark of terminal Nos.1 to
10 faces down and the OMRON mark of terminal Nos.11 to 18 faces up. If
the cover is attached the other way round, the fixture can no longer be atĆ
JDraw out
The main unit can be drawn out to perform maintenance without removĆ
ing the terminal compartment.
Prepare a screwdriver that can be used on the lower front screw of the unit.
(1) Loosen the lower front screw with a screwdriver (turning left) while
pushing the hook on the upper surface of the front panel.
(2) Grasp both sides of the front panel and draw (pull) it out.
(3) Ensure that the waterproof packing is in place before drawing in the
unit. ReĆtighten the lower front screw with a screwdriver (turning
right) to a torque of 0.3 to 0.5 Nm while pushing the hook on the
upper surface of the front panel.
2.2Wiring Terminals
AC100V to 240V AC/DC 24V
(No polarity)
Relay output AC250V 5A
(Resistive load)
Voltage output/
DC12V 40mA
Current output
Alarm output
AC250V 3A
(Resistive load)
ALM1/Heater burnout/Input error
Input power
when wiring
Event input
Analog input
Ă• Separate input leads and power lines in order to protect the E5AN and
its lines from external noise.
Ă• Use AWG28 or larger twisted pair cable.
AWG28 or larger
Conductor cross-section
or larger
B (+)
A (–)
Do not
F Power supply
Ă• It's recommended to use solderless terminals when wiring the E5AN.
Ă• Tighten the terminal screws using a torque no greater than 0.74 to 0.90
Ă• Use the following type of solderless terminals for M3.5 screws.
7.2 mm max.
7.2 mm max.
Ă• Connect to terminal Nos. 1 to 2. The following table shows the specificaĆ
Input power supplyE5AN
100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz9VA
24 VAC, 50/60 Hz5VA
24 VDC (no polarity)4W
Ă• Standard insulation is applied to the power supply I/O sections. If reinĆ
forced insulation is required, connect the input and output terminals to
a device without any exposed currentĆcarrying parts or to a device with
standard insulation suitable for the maximum operating voltage of the
power supply I/O section.
2.2Wiring Terminals
(with short-ci
F Input
F Control output 1
Ă• Connect to terminal Nos.16 to 18 as follows according to the input type.
Thermocouple Platinum resistance
Ă• Terminal Nos. 3 to 4 are for control output. The following diagrams
show the available outputs and their internal equalizing circuits.
Ă• The following table shows the specifications for each output type.
Output typeSpecifications
Relay250 VAC, 5A (resistive load) electrical life : 100,000 operations
Ă• The voltage output (control output) is not electrically insulated from the
internal circuits. When using a grounding thermocouple, do not connect
the control output terminals to the ground. If the control output termiĆ
nals are connected to the ground, errors will occur in the measured temĆ
perature values as a result of leakage current.
Ă• On the E5ANĆV3VVVĂ,Ăalarm output 1 (ALM1) is between terminal
Nos. 9 and 10, alarm output 2 (ALM2) is between terminal Nos. 7 and
8 and alarm output 3 (ALM3) is between terminal Nos. 5 and 6. When
utilizing heating and cooling control, alarm output 2 becomes alarm
output 3 and alarm output 3 is not available.
When the input error output is set to ON", alarm output 1 turns ON
when an input error occurs.
Ă• When the option unit E53AKĆ01 or E53-AK03 is mounted on the E5AN,
an OR of alarm output 1 and the heater burnout alarm will be output.
To disable alarm output 1 and output only the heater burnout alarm on
terminals 7 and 8, set the mode of the alarm output 1 to 0.
Ă• The interior equivalent circuits of alarm output 1, 2 and 3 are shown in
the following diagram.
ALM1/Heater burnout alarm/Input error
Ă• Relay specifications are as follows:
F CT input
F Event input
Ă• When the option unit E53ĆAKB, E53ĆAK01, or E53ĆAK03 is mounted on
the E5AN and the heater burnout function is used, connect a current
transformer (CT) across terminal Nos. 14 and 15.
Ă• When the option event input unit E53ĆAKB is mounted on the E5AN
and event input is used, connect to terminal Nos. 11 to 13.
Ă• Use event inputs under the following conditions:
Contact inputON: 1 kΩ max., OFF: 100 kΩ min.
No-contact input ON: residual voltage 1.5 V max., OFF: leakage current 0.1 mA max.
F Communications
Polarities during noĆcontact input are as follows:
Ă• When the option communications unit E53ĆAK01 is mounted in the
E5AN for communications, connect the communications cable to termiĆ
nal Nos. 11, 12 and 13.
2.2Wiring Terminals
Communications unit connection diagram
Host computer
RS232C : 25P
Ă• The RSĆ232C connection is 1:1
Ă• The maximum cable length is 15 m. Use the RSĆ232C optical interface
cable (Z3RN) as an extension cable if necessary.
Ă• Use shielded, twisted pair cable (AWG28 min.).
F Communications
Ă• When the E53ĆAK03 is mounted in the E5AN for communications, conĆ
nect the communications cable to terminal Nos. 11 and 12.
Specify both ends of the transmission path including the host computer
as the end node (that is, connect terminators to both ends).
The maximum terminal resistance is 54 Ohms.
Communications unit connection diagram
Host computer
A<B : “1” mark
A>B : “0” space
Shielded cable
E5AN (No.1)
A (–)12
B (+)11
E5AN (No.31)
A (–)12
B (+)11
Terminator (120Ω, 1/2 W)
Ă• The RSĆ485 connection can either be 1:1 or 1:N. Up to 32 units including
the host computer can be connected 1:N. Use shielded, twisted pair cable
(AWG28 min.) and keep the total cable length to within 500m.
Cable reference diagram
AWG28 min.
Conductor area cross-section
2.3Requests at Installation
JTo ensure
prolonged use
Use the temperature in the following operating environment:
Temperature : -10 to +55°C (icing and condensation not allowed)
Humidity : 25 to 85%
When the temperature controller is incorporated in a control panel, make
sure that the controller's ambient temperature and not the panel's ambiĆ
ent temperature does not exceed 55°C.
The life of electronic equipment such as temperature controllers is inĆ
fluenced not only by the life determined by the relay switching count but
also by the life of the electronic components used internally. The service
life of components is dependent on the ambient temperature: the higher
the ambient temperature becomes, the shorter the service life becomes,
and vice versa. For this reason, the service life of the temperature controlĆ
ler can be extended by lowering its internal temperature.
Gang-mounting two or more temperature controllers, or mounting temperĆ
ature controllers above each other may cause heat to build up inside the temĆ
perature controllers, which will shorten their service life. When mounting
temperature controllers like this, forced cooling measures such as a cooling
fan for cooling the temperature controllers must be taken into consideration.
Prevent only the terminal block from being cooled. Otherwise, this may
result in a measurement error.
JTo reduce the
influence o f noise
JTo ensure
To reduce induction noise, the leads on the temperature controller's terĆ
minal block must be wired separately from large-voltage/large-current
power leads. Also, avoid wiring leads in parallel with power leads or in the
same wiring path. Other methods such as separating conduits and wiring
ducts, or using shield wire are also effective.
Attach a surge absorber or noise filter to peripheral equipment that generĆ
ates noise (in particular, motors, transformers, solenoids, or other equipĆ
ment that has a magnetic coil or other inductance component).
When a noise filter is used at the power supply, first check the voltage or
current, and attach the noise filter as close as possible to the temperature
Also, install the temperature controller as far away as possible from equipĆ
ment that generates strong, high frequency (e.g. high-frequency welders,
high-frequency sewing machines) or surges.
When the thermocouple leads are extended, be sure to use a compensating
lead wire matched to the type of thermocouple.
When the platinum resistance detector leads are extended, use the lead
having the smallest resistance to equalize the resistance of the three leads.
Install the temperature controller so that it is horizontal.
If there is a large error in the measurement values, make sure that input
compensation has been set correctly.
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