From CX-Designer Version 2.0 to Version 2.1
Item Previous versions New version
CX-Designer Version 2.0 Version 2.1
NS system software Version 6.6 Version 7.0
Multi-vendor connectivity --- It is now possible to connect NS-series PTs
to the following devices.
• OMRON Trajexia Motion Controllers
• Yaskawa MP-series Machine Controllers
• Yaskawa F7-series Varispeed and VS
Mini V7-series Machine Controllers
• Mitsubishi Q-series PLCs
• Yaskawa Eshed Technology XtraDrive
Motion Controllers
NT compatibility --- System memory can now be allocated to
PLC memory areas in the same way as for
the NT Series, enabling PLC ladder programs to be easily transferred when migrating from the NT Series to the NS Series.
Holding previous system memory values
When an NS-series PT was started, the initial screen set in the System Setup was
always opened.
It is now possible to display at the next startup the screen that was being displayed
when the program was closed.
Multilingual system capability The system supported two languages:
English and Japanese.
In addition to English and Japanese, the
system now also supports German,
French, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese (both
traditional and simplified).
Multifunction Objects Macros were required in order to executed
multiple processes for a single functional
Multifunction Objects have been added to
functional objects.
With Multifunction Object, multiple processes can be registered and can then be
executed with the press of a button.
Processes that previously required the creation of macros can now be executed by
simply setting properties.
Machine Navigator function Multiple objects, such as frames, labels,
and bitmaps, were used to change displays
such as on-screen characters and BMP
files. Contents of displays were set individually, which was time-consuming and made
maintenance troublesome.
A Machine Navigator function and a functional object contents display function have
been added. Machine Navigator provides
unified control of text and image files (i.e.,
“contents”) to be displayed, and the new
display function displays those contents.
Contents requiring association can be
managed in ID units, and the display can
be easily changed by simply changing the
ID specification.
Flicker function The only flicker method for objects was dis-
play color inversion.
The following flicker methods have been
• Display/hide (entire object or label)
• Flicker color specification (fill color, character, and line colors)
Improved alarm/event summary and history display
When the history was displayed using the
Alarm/event Summary & History command,
the same alarm/event was displayed in
multiple places for each date of occurrence.
This made it difficult to check the frequency
of occurrence.
In addition, in some cases there were many
items to be displayed and not all of them
could fit on the screen.
A function has been added to provide a
summary of a particular alarm/event on a
single line, making it possible to quickly
check conditions without unnecessary displays.
A horizontal scrolling function has also
been added to allow all items to be