OMRON products are manufactured for use by a trained operator and only for the purposes described
in this manual.
The following conventions are used to classify and explain the precautions in this manual. Always
heed the information provided with them.
!DANGERIndicates information that, if not heeded, is likely to result in serious injury or loss of life.
!WARNINGIndicates information that, if not heeded, c ould possibly result in serious injur y or loss of
!CautionIndicates information that, if not heeded, could possibly result in minor or relatively serious
injury, damage to the product or faulty operation.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The first letter of the word
when it refers to an OMRON product, regardless of whether it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation
and is abbreviated as Wd in the documentation.
The abbreviation
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of
is also cap italiz ed
appears in som e displays and on some OM RON products. It often means
means Programmable Logic Controller.
Note Indicates information of par ticular interest for efficient and convenient opera-
tion of the product.
1, 2, 3...Indicates various lists such as procedures, checklists etc.
Trademarks and Copyrights
Profibus is a registered trademark of the Profibus International Organization.
Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are
registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
AnyBus is a registered trademark of the Hjassber MicroSystems Sweden
Sycon and CIF are registered trademarks of Hilscher GmbH
Other product names and company names in this manual are trademarks or registered trademark s of
their respective companies.
The copyright of the Profibus Master Unit belongs to OMRON Corporation.
OMRON, 2003
All rights reserv ed. No part of this publica tion may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or
by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission o
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility
for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in
this publication.
This manual describes the CS1W-PRM21 and CJ1W-PRM21 PROFIBUS-DP Master Units. It also
describes how to install and operate them. Both Units ser ve the sam e purpose: enable devices of various manufacturers to intercommunicate without making any special interface adaptations. They are
technically the same; they differ only in their physical dimensions and weight and the way they are connected to the backplane.
Please read this manual carefully so that you understand the i nformation provided before installing or
using the PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit. Start with the precautions in the following section. They
describe the operating environment and application safety measures which must be observed prior to
and when using the PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit.
introduces the PROFIBUS-DP Master Units and CX-Profibus.
describes the installation and setup of the PROFIBUS-DP Master Units.
describes the installation of CX-Profibus and provides a overview.
describes how the Units interface to the PLC CPU.
describes the FINS commands suppor t ed by the PROFIBUS Master Units.
describes the operational aspects of the PROFIBUS Master Units.
provides procedures for troubleshooting the PROFIBUS-DP network and the Units.
contain information supplementar y to the information in the main body of the man-
ual. They are referred to in the various sections as required.
ManualProductsContentsCat. No.
Programmab le Controllers
Operation Manual
Programmab le controllers
operation Manual
Programmab le Controllers
Programming Manual
Programmab le Controllers
Instructions Reference Manual
CS/CJ Series Communication
Commands Reference Manual
Operation Manual
Run Time User Manual
SYSMAC CS-series
SYSMAC CJ-series
CPU Units
CX-ServerProvides inf ormation on ho w to use the
Describes the installation and operation of the CS-series PLCs.
Describes the installation and operation of the CJ-series PLCs.
Describes the ladder diagram programming instruc tions supported by
CS/CJ-series PLCs.
Describes the ladder diagram programming instruc tions supported by
CS-series and CJ-series PLCs.
Describes the C-serie s (Host Li nk) and
FINS communications comman ds
used with CS/CJ-series PLCs.
Provides inf ormation on how to use th e
CX-Programmer, programming software which supports CS1/CJ1-series
CX- S e rver c ommun icati on dri ver soft ware which supports CS1/CJ1-series
ManualProductsContentsCat. No.
C200H-series PROFIBUS-DP
Master Units
Operation Manual
Describes the Installation and Operation of the C200HW-PRM 21 PROFIBUS-DP Master Units.
Describes the Installation and Operation of the CJ1W-P RT21 PROFIBUSDP Slave Units.
tion of the PROFIBUS-DP PRT1-CO M
and GT1-series I/O Units.
Describes the Installation and Operation of the C200HW-PRT21 PROFIBUS-DP Slave Units.
Describes the Installation and Operation of the F150 PROFIB US Vision
Describes the installation and operation of the CS1W- ETN01 (10Base-5),
CS1W-ETN11 (10Ba se-T), and CJ1WETN11 Ethernet Units.
Describes the use of Serial Communi cations Units and Boards to perform
serial communicat ions with external
Describes the Installation and Operation of the CS1W-DRM2 1/CJ1WDRM21 Devicenet units.
!WARNING Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in per-
sonal injury or d eath, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section
in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and
related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.
This section provides general precautions for using the PROFIBUS-DP Master Units, Programmable Controllers and
related de vices.
The information contained in this section is important for the safe and reliable operation of the PROFIBUS-DP
Master Units. You must read this section and understand the information contained before attempting to set up or
operate a PROFIB US -DP Mast er Unit and PLC system.
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must a lso have a
knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of installing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
2General Precautions
The user must operate the prod uct according to the performance specifications described in the operation manuals.
Before using the product under conditions which are not described in the
manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems,
aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems, machines, and equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used
improperly, consult your OMRON representative.
Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product are
sufficient for the systems, machines, and equipment, and be sure to provide
the systems, machines, and equipment with double safety mechanisms.
This manual provides information for programming and operating OMRON
PROFIBUS Master Units. Be sure to read this manual before attempting to
use the Unit and keep this manual close at hand for reference during operation.
!WARNING It is extremely important that all PLC Units be used for their specified pur-
poses and under the specified conditions, especially in applications that can
directly or indirectly affect human life. You must consult your OMRON representative before using a PLC System in the above-mentioned applications.
3Safety Precautions
!WARNING Do not attempt to take any Unit apart while the power is being supplied. Doing
so may result in electric shock.
!WARNING Never touch any of the terminals while power is being supplied. Doing so may
result in serious electrical shock or electrocution.
!WARNING Do not attempt to disass em ble, repair, or modify any Units. Any attempt to do
so may result in malfunction, fire, or electric shock.
!WARNING Do not touch the Power Supply Unit while power is being supplied or imme di-
ately after power has been turned OFF. Doing so may result in electric shock.
!Caution Tighten the screws on the terminal block of the AC Power Supply Unit to the
torque specified in the operation manual. Loose screws may result in burning
or malfunction.
Operating Environment Precautions
!WARNING Execute online edits only after confirming that no adverse effects will be
caused by extending the cycle time. Otherwise, the input signals may not be
4Operating Environment Precautions
!Caution Do not operate the Unit in the following places:
• Locations subject to direct sunlight.
• Locations subje ct to temperatures or humidities o utside the range specified in the specifications.
• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature.
• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases.
• Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salt.
• Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals.
• Locations subject to shock or vibration.
Provide proper shielding when installing in the following locations:
• Locations subject to static electricity or other sources of noise.
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields.
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radiation.
• Locations near to power supply lines.
!Caution The operating environment of the PLC system can have a large effect on the
longevity and reliability of the system. Unsuitable operating e nvironments c an
lead to malfunction, failure and other unforeseeable problems with the PLC
system. Ensure that the operating environment is within the specified conditions at installation time and remains that way during the life of the system.
Follow all installation instructions and precautions provided in the operation
5Appli c a tion Precautions
Observe the following precautions when using the PROFIBUS-DP Master
!WARNING Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to serious or possibly
fatal injury. Always heed these precautions.
• Always connect to a class-3 ground (100
!Caution Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to faulty operation or
the PLC or the system or could damage the PLC or PLC Units. Always heed
these precautions.
Ω or less) when installing the
Application Precautions
• Install double safety mechanisms to ensure safety against incorrect signals that may be produced by broken signal lines or momentary power
• When addin g a new station to th e network, make sure t hat the baud rate
is the same as other nodes.
• Use specified communications cables.
• Do not extend connection distances beyond the ranges given in the specifications.
• Always turn OFF the power supp ly to the personal c omp uter, Slaves, and
Communications Units before attempting any of the following.
• Mounting or dismounting the PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit, Power Supply Units, I/O Units, CPU Units, or any other Units.
• Assembling a Unit.
• Setting DIP switches or rotary switches.
• Connecting or wiring the cables.
• Connecting or disconnect ing connect ors.
• Be sure that the ter minal blocks, connectors, Memory Un its, expansion
cables, and other items with locking devices are properly locked into
place. Improper locking may result in malfunction.
• Be sure that all the mounting screws, terminal screws, Unit mounting
screws, and cable connector screws are tightened to the torque specified
in the relevant manuals. Incorrect tightening torque may result in malfunction.
• Leave the label attached to the Unit when wiring. Removing the label may
result in malfunction if foreign matter enters the Unit.
• Remove the label after the completion of wiring to ensure proper heat dissipation. Leaving the label attached may result in malfunction.
• Always use the power supply voltage specified in this manual.
• Double-check all the wiring and connection o f terminal blocks and connectors before mounting the Units.
• Use crimp terminals for wiring. Do not connect bare stranded wires
directly to terminals.
• Observe the following precautions when wiring the communications
• Separate the communications cables from the power lines or high-tension lines.
• Do not bend the communications c ables.
• Do not pull on the communications cables.
• Do not place heavy objects on top of the communications cables.
• Be sure to wire communications cable inside ducts.
• Use appropriate communications cables.
• Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the
rated voltage and frequency is supplied in places where the power supply
is unstable. An incorrect power supply may result in malfunction.
• Install external breakers and take other safety measures against short-circuits in external wiring. Ins ufficient safety measures against short-circuits
may result in burning.
• Double-check all the wiring and switch settings before turning ON the
power supply.
Conformance to EC Directives
• Check the user program for proper execution before actually running it on
the Unit. Not checking the program may result in an unexpected operation.
• Confir m that no a dverse effect will occur in the s ystem before attempting
any of the following. Not doing so may result in an unexpected operation.
• Changing the ope rating mode of the PC.
• Force-setting/force-resetting any bit in memory.
• Changing the present value of any word or any set value in memory.
• After replacing Units, resume operation only after transferring to the new
CPU Unit and/or Special I/O Units the contents of the DM Area, HR Area,
and other data required for resuming operation. Not doing so ma y result in
an unexpected operation.
• When transporting or storing the product, cover the PCBs with electrically
conductive materials to prevent LSIs and ICs from being damaged by
static electricity, and also keep the product within the specified storage
temperature range.
• When transporting the Unit, use special packing boxes and protect it from
being exposed to excessive vibration or impacts during transpor tation.
• Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify any Units.
6Conformance to EC Directives
6-1Applicable Directives
•EMC Directives
• Low voltage directive EN 61131-2:1994+A12:2000
EMC Directives
OMRON Units complying with EC Directives also conform to related EMC
standards making them eas ie r t o i ncorporate in other Un its or machines. The
actual products have been checked for conformity to EMC standards. (See
the following note.) Whether the products conform to the standards in the system used by the customer, however, must be checked by the customer.
EMC-related performance of OMRON Units complying with EC Directives will
vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the equipment or control panel in which OMRON devices are installed. The customer
must, therefore, perform final checks to confir m th at units a nd th e overall system conforms to EMC standards.
Note Applicable EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility) and EMI (Electromagnetic
Interference standards in the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards
are as follows:
PROFIBUS-DP Units that meet EC directives must be installed as follows:
Conformance to EC Directives
Units that meet EC directives also meet the common emission standard
(EN50081-2). The measures necessary to ensure that the standard is met will
vary with the overall configuration. You must therefore confirm that EC directives are met for the overall configuration, par ticularly any radiated emission
requirement (10 m).
Features and Specifications
This section provides an introductory overview of PROFIBUS, its functions and how to setup and configure a network. It
also addresses the PROFIBUS-DP Master Units and the Configurator, their features and specifications.
Standard EN50170rPROFIBUS (PROcess FIeldBUS) is an open fieldbus standard for a wide
range of applications in manufacturing, processing and building automation.
The Standard, EN 50170 (the Euronorm for field communications), to wh ich
PROFIBUS adheres, guarantees vendor independence and transparen cy of
operation. It enables devices of various manufacturers to intercommunicate
without having to make any special interface adaptations.
The PROFIBUS family comprises three mutually compatible versions:
PROFIBUS-FMSFMS means Fieldbus Message Specification. This version is the general-pur-
pose solution for high-level extensive and complex communication tasks.
Powerful services open up a wide range of applications and provide great
PROFIBUS-DPDP means Decentralized Periphery. PROFIBUS-DP is optimized for high
speed and low-cost interfacing. It is specially designed for communication
between automation control systems and distributed I/O at the device level.
PROFIBUS-PAPA means Process Automation. It permits sensors and actuators to be con-
nected to one common bus even in areas where intrinsically safe products are
required. It also permits data and power to be supplied over the bus using
2-wire technology according the international standard IEC 1158-2.
Uniform Bus Access
!Caution It is not possible to exchange one of these family members by another family
PROFIBUS-DP and PROFIBUS-FMS use the same transmission technology
and uniform bus access protocol. Consequently, both versions can be operated simultaneously on the s am e bus. FMS field devices, however, cannot be
controlled by DP masters and vice versa.
member. This will cause faulty operation.
The rest of this section describes the PROFIBUS-DP Protocol architecture.
1-1-2PROFIBUS Communication Protocol
OSI reference model
In general, the PROFIBUS communication protocol is based on the Open
System Interconnection (O SI) reference model in accordance with the international standard ISO-7498 (see the following illustration). It defines c ommunication layers 1, 2, and 7.
• Layer 1, the Physical Layer o f this model, defines the physical transmission characteristics.
• Layer 2, the Data Link Layer of this model, defines the bus access protocol. This protocol also includ es data security and the handling of transmission protocols and telegrams.
Overview of PROFIBUS
Section 1-1
• Layer 7, the Application Layer of this model, defines the application functions. This Layer is only applic able to PROFIBUS-FMS.
User Interface LayerDP Basic Functions
(7) Applicati on Layer
(6) Presentation Layer
(5) Session LayerNOT DEFINED
(4) Transport Layer
(3) Network La yer
(2) Data Link LayerFiel dbus Data Link (FDL)
(1) Physi cal LayerRS485 / Fibre Optics
OSI Layer 1, 2 and user
PROFIBUS-DP uses layers 1 and 2, and the user interface. Layers 3 to 7 are
not defined for PROFIBUS-DP. The User interface Layer defines the interface
functions for specific application areas, i.e. the PROFIBUS-DP basic functions
and communication profiles.This streamlined architecture ensures fast and
efficient data transmission. The appl ication functions whi ch are available to
the user, as well as the system and device behaviour of the various PROFIBUS-DP device types, are specified in the user interface.
OSI Layer 1: T ransmission
RS-485 transmission technology or fibre optics are available for transmission.
RS-485 transmission is the most frequently used transmission technology. Its
application area includes all areas in which h igh transmiss ion spee d and s imple inexpensive installation are required. PROFIBUS modules are interconnected by single twisted-pair shielded copper wires.
RS-485 tech n olo g yThe RS-485 transmission technology is very easy to handle. Installation of the
twisted pair cable does not require expert knowledge. The bus structure permits addition and removal of stations or step-by-step commissioning of the
system without influencing the other stations. Later expansions have no effect
on stations which are already in operation.
RS-485 Transmission
Transmission speeds between 9.6 kbit/s and 12 Mbit/s can be selected as
shown in the table below. One unique transmission speed must sel ected for
all devices on the bus (master and slave devices) when the system is commissioned
Baud rate (kbit/s)Distance / segment (m)
Cable lengthThe maximum cable length values depend on the transmission speed and are
based on type-A cable (see
Cable Type
). The length can be increased by the
use of repeaters.However, it is not recommended to use more than three
repeaters in series in a PROFIBUS network.
Overview of PROFIBUS
Section 1-1
1-1-3Device Types
PROFIBUS distinguishes between master devices and slave devices.
Master devicesMaster devices determine the data communication on the bus. A Master can
send messages without an external request, as long as it holds the bus
access right (the token). Masters are also referred to as active stations in the
PROFIBUS standard.
There are two types of master devices:
Class 1 Master (DPM1)A PROFIBUS-DP Class 1 Master (DPM1) device is a central controller, which
exchanges information with the decentralized stations (i.e. DP slaves) within a
specified message cycle.
Class 2 Master (DPM2)PROFIBUS-DP class 2 Master (DPM2) devices are programmers, configura-
tion devices or operator panels. They are used during commissioning, for configuration of the DP system, or for operation and monitoring pur poses.
The CS1W-PRM21 and the CJ1W-PRM21 are bot h PROFIBUS-DP Class 1
Master devices.
Slave devicesSlave devices are peripheral devices. Typical slave devices include input/out-
put devices, valves, drives, and measuring transmitters. They do not have bus
access rights and they can only acknowledge received messages or send
messages to the master when requested to do so. Slaves are also called passive stations
Device profileTo enable the exchange of devices from different vendors, the user data has
to have the same format. The PROFIBUS-DP protocol does not define the
format of user data, it is only responsible for the transmission of this data. The
format of user data may be def ined in so called pro files. Profiles can reduce
engineering costs since the meaning of application-related parameters is
specified precisely. Profiles have been defined for specific areas like drive
technology, encoders, and for sensors / actuators.
1-1-4Bus Access Protocol
OSI Layer 2: Bus access
Medium Access ControlThe Medium Access Control (MAC) specifies the procedures which determine
Token passingThe token passing procedure guarantees that the bus access right (the token)
The PROFIBUS bus access protocol is implemented by OSI layer 2. This protocol also includes data security and the ha ndling of the transmission protocols and messages.
when a station is permitted to transmit data. A token passing procedure is
used to handle the bus access between master devices, and a polling procedure is used to h andle the communication b etween a master device and its
assigned slave device(s).
is assigned to each master within a precisely defined time frame. The token
message, a special message for passing access rights from one master to the
next master, must be passed around the logical token ring - once to each
master - within a specified target rotation time. Each master executes this procedure automatically. A user can only change the target rotation time, but is
not recommended.
Polling procedure The po lling or m aster-slave proce dure perm its the m aster, currently in pos-
session of the token, to access its assigned slaves. The figure below shows a
possible configuration The configuration shows three active stations (masters) and six passive stations (slaves).
Overview of PROFIBUS
Section 1-1
To ke n P a ssin g
Active statio n s
Master devices
Passive stations
Slave devices
The three masters form a logical token ring. When an active station receives
the token message, it can perform its master role for a certain period of time.
During this time it can communicate with all assigned slave stations in a master-slave communication relationship, and a DPM 2 master can take th e i nitiative to communicate with DPM1 master stations in a master-master
communication relationship.
Multi-peer communicationIn addition to logical peer-to-peer data transmission, PROFIBUS-DP provides
multi-peer communication (broadcast and multicast).
Broadcast communicationIn the case of broadcast communication a master station sends an unac-
knowledged message to all other stations (masters and slaves).
Multicast communicationIn the case of multicast comm unication a master station s ends an unacknow-
ledged message to a predetermined group of stations (masters and slaves).
1-1-5Diagnostic functions
Extensive DiagnosticsExtensive diagnostic functions defined in PROFIBUS-DP enable the fast loca-
tion of error at slave devices. Diagnostic messages are transmitted over the
bus and collected at the master. Three levels of diagnostic messages are
Device Related
Module Related
Channel Related
• Messag es conc erning the general operat ional s tatus of the whole device,
e.g. over temperature, low voltage.
• Messages indicating that an error is present in a specific I/O range of a
station, e.g. an 8-bit output module.
• Messages indicating an error at a given input or output, e.g. short circuit
on Output 5.
Overview of PROFIBUS
Section 1-1
1-1-6Protection Mechanisms
Monitoring TimePROFIBUS-DP provides effective protection functions against parameteriza-
tion errors or failure of the transmission equipment. Time monitoring is provided both at the master and the slave devices. The monitoring interval is
specified when the system is configured.
Monitoring at the MasterThe PROFIBUS-DP Master monitors data transmission of the slaves with the
Data-Control-Timer. A separate control timer is used for each slave. This
timer expires if response data is not correctly transmitted by the slave within
the monitoring inter val. The user is informed when this happens. If the automatic error reaction (Auto-CLEAR) has been enabled, the PROFIBUS-DP
master exits its OPERATE state, switches the outputs of all assigned slaves
to the fail-safe status and changes to the CLEAR state.
Monitoring at the SlaveSlave devices use a watchdog to detect failures of the master or the bus. If
data communication with the master does not occur wi thin the set watchdog
time interval, a slave automatically switches its outputs to the fail-safe mode.
Also, access protection is provided for the inputs and outputs of the slaves
operating in multi-master systems. Only authorized masters can access their
1-1-7Network States
PROFIBUS-DP distinguishes four different network states:
OFF-LINE• Communi cation with al l PROFIBUS-DP participants (masters and slaves)
is stopped. The Master ceases to access the PROFIBUS network.
STOP• Communica tion bet ween the master and its slaves is stopped. O nly com -
munication between the master and other masters is still possible.
CLEAR• The ma ster tries to s et parameters, check the configuration, and perform
data exchange with its associated slaves. Data exchange involves reading the inputs of the PROFIBUS-DP slaves and writing zeros to the outputs of the slaves.
OPERATE• The master exchanges data with its as signe d s laves, inputs are read a nd
outputs are written. Also, the master cyclically sends its local status to all
its assigned PROFIBUS-DP slaves (using a broadcast message).
Fail-safe State
If an error occurs during the data exchange phase of the master, the ‘AutoCLEAR’ function determines the subsequent actions. If this function has been
disabled, the master remains in the OPERATE state. If the function has been
enabled, the master automat ically changes the network to the CLEAR state,
in which the outputs of the assigned P ROFIBUS-DP slaves are switched to
zero, i.e. the ‘fail-safe’ state. The master continues to read the inputs of the
Setting up a PROFIBUS-DP Network
Section 1-2
1-2Setting up a PROFIBUS-DP Network
1-2- 1Configuring the PROFIBUS-DP Master
In order to operate a PROFIBUS network, each m aster in the ne twork needs
to be configured. This process of PROFIBUS master configuration involves
• setting up the network topology, i.e. assigning the slave stations with
which the master will be exchanging data,
• def ining the para meter iz atio n dat a, w hich t he m ast er w ill se nd to each of
the slave devices, before process data exchange can commence
• defining the c onfiguration data, i.e. defining the process data, which will
be exchanged,
• setting up the bus parameters, which define the baud rate and the bus
timing parameters.
• downloading the configuration setup to the master device.
Configuration technologyThe configuration process is usually facilitated by a special Com puter based
program, often referred to as a Configurator. The Configurator requires special configuration files, defining the configuration options for each device,
which is to participate in data exchange. The files must be provided by the
manufacturer of the device.
Two types of configuration technology exist:
• Configuration technology based on FDT/DTM technology
• Configuration technology based on GSD-files
1-2-2FDT/DTM Technology
FDT/DTM technologyThe newer configuration tools are based on FDT/DTM technology.
FDT/DTM ConceptThe FDT/DTM concept specifies the interfaces between the enginee ring sys-
tems called Field Device Tools (FDT), and the device-specific software components called Device Type Managers (DTM).
The FDT/DTM concept separates the device dependent functionality (which is
in the DTM) from the application. It opens up interfaces for device configuration, monitoring and maintenanc e solutions, which before were largely manufacturer-specific interfaces. Because of this concept, FDT/DTM technology is
not limited to PROFIBUS applications. In concept, any type of network can be
configured and accessed, provided the appropriate DTMs are available.
FDT Container applicationA FDT container application facilitates configuration of network devices and
parameterizing and/or manipulating their operational modes. All device
dependent functionality is concentrated in the DTM.
FDT container applications can be stand-alone tools, or can be part of other
engineering tools such web browsers providing FDT interfaces.Since FDT
standardizes the interfaces, it allows devices from different manufacturers to
be integrated in any automation system, regardless of the fieldbus system.
CX-Profibus is an example of a FDT container appl ication. It is described in
detail in the following sections.
Device DTMDTMs are provided by the manufac turer of the device. A DTM is comparable
to a printer driver, which allows interactive configuration and diagnostics.
The DTM provides not only the configuration, manipulation and monitoring
functions for a device including the User interface functions, it also provides
the connection technology to the device.
Setting up a PROFIBUS-DP Network
DTM propertiesIn general, a DTM is a Microsoft COM-component, which can be executed
from within a FDT container application. A DTM is not a stand-alone tool, it
requires a FDT container application to be executed. The DTM provides a
number of interface functions, through which it can be controlled and
accessed in order to tr ansfer data to or from the DTM.
A DTM provides all the options for configuration and monitoring of a device,
which it can present to the user through its own user interface.
ActiveX User interfaceThe User Interface for a DTM is provided using ActiveX windows. Control of
these windows is done by the DTM, but the FDT containe r application can
request specific user input f rom the DT M, based on which the DTM will provide the necessary ActiveX windows. In general multi-language user interface
windows, including DTM specific Help files are supported by the DTM.
XML based data transferData transfer to and from a DTM is provided using XML-documents. The
XML-documents are standardized for the communication between the FDT
container application and for communication between DTMs.
An additional specification covers the definition of X ML-data formats for the
transfer of application specific data, such as PROFIBUS data.
Communication DTMIn general, a device configuration DTM is accompanied by a communication
DTM. This specific DTM facilitates device specific communication, e.g. for
downloading a configuration to a PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit and/or for
retrieving monitoring information from PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit. It may
incorporate the specific communication protocol, or rely on other available
Section 1-2
CX-Profibus CX-Profibus is a FDT container application. Together with this container appli-
cation, OMRON provides two DTMs:
• A DTM to facilitate configuration of the CS1W-PRM21/CJ1W-PRM21
PROFIBUS Master Units
• A DTM to facilitate integration of GSD file based devices in to CX-Profibus
(see section
1-2-3 GSD file Technology
for more information)
1-2-3GSD file Technology
GSD file technol ogyThe older and most com mon ly us ed co nfiguration tech nology is the bas ed on
GSD files (Gerätestammdaten file). A GSD file is a text file, containing the
characteristic features and configuration options of a device. The device data
base file of each device is loaded in the configurato r and downloaded to the
master device.
GSD files are usually sup plied with e ach unit. Alter natively, GSD files can be
downloaded from the Inter net , either f rom the manufacturer's site, or from the
GSD library of the PROFIBUS Nutzer Organisation at
GSD file languageThe language used in the GS D file is indicated by the last letter of the file
The GSD files are prepared individually by the vendor for each type of device,
according to a fixed format. Some parameters are mandatory, some have a
default value and some are optional. The device data base file is divide d into
three parts:
General section• General specifications
This section contains the vendor name, the device name, hardware- and software release versions, station type and identification number, protocol specification and supported baud rates.
This section contains all parameters which onl y apply to DP master devices
(e.g. maximum memory size for the master parameter set, maximum number
of entries in the li st of active stations, or the maximum number of slaves the
master can handle).
DP-slave section• DP slave-related specifications
This section contains all specification related to slaves (e.g. minimum time
between two slave poll cycles, specification of the inputs and outputs, and
consistency of the I/O data).
DTM versus GSD fileWhen comparing the two configuration technologies, a GSD file only provides
information on the device characteristics and conf iguration options. It has no
GUI of its own, nor can it connect to the device itself. A GSD file always
requires a separate configu rator program to interpret t he data. In the FDT/
DTM concept all these device related functions are included in the DTM. The
DTM can be executed from any program, which provides FDT interfaces.
Section 1-3
1-3PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit
1-3-1PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit Features
PROFIBUS-DP Master UnitThe PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit is a CPU Bus Unit, which can be installed on
a CS1/CJ1 PLC System. Th ere are two available models of the PROFIBUSDP Master unit: the CS1W-PRM21 for connection to a CS1 PLC System and
the CJ1W-PRM21 for connection to a CJ1 PLC System . Both mode ls provide
identical functionality.
CPU Bus UnitA total of up to 16 CPU Bus Units can be mounted on t he CPU Rack or an
Expansion Rack. The total of 16 must include all PROFIBUS-DP Master units
and all other CPU Bus Units
Unit Control and statusUp to 25 words of control and status words are exchanged between the
PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit and a dedicated CI O memor y area, of whi ch the
location is related to the Unit Number. Control bits, allow the PLC program to
switch the Unit between OFF-LINE, STOP, CLEAR and OPERATE mode,
which represent the main PROFIBUS-DP modes of operation. The control
words also allow for user initiated transmission of a Global_Con trol messa ge
over the PROFIBUS network to any group of Slave stations.
The remaining CIO words provide status and di agnostics information on the
Unit itself, the PROFIBUS network and the Slave stations allocated to the
PROFIBUS-DP Master unit.
I/O dat aThe total size of I/O data however, must not exceed the maximum I/O size of
up to 7168 words, whic h i t ca n exchange wi th th e PLC memor y. The I/O data
can be distributed over up to two input areas and 2 output areas. Each of the
input and output areas can be mapped to any location in the DM Area, CIO
Area, WR Area, HR Area, or the EM banks.
FINS messagesThe PROFIBUS-DP Master Uni t suppor ts FINS message exchange with the
PLC CPU to allow the transfer of Slave diagnostics data, or the Error log.
Also, the user can enable or disable communication with specific allocated
slave stations, so that they can temporarily be taken out of the network for
maintenance, without the PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit reporting an error.
PROFIBUS-DP functionsThe PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit suppor ts all mandatory ser vices defined in
the PROFIBUS-DP standard EN50170, Volume 2 for Master - Slave Communication. These functions includes the following services:
• Set_Prm
• Chk_Cfg
• Slave_Diag
• Data_Exchange
The PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit suppor ts cyclic Master - Slave communications for networks with up to 125 Slave stations. With each Slave station it can
exchange up to 244 bytes of input data and up to 244 bytes of output data.
For diagnostics purposes t he PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit collects all Slave
Diagnostics messages, which i t ca n be transferred to the P LC memory, using
FINS commands. From every allocated Slave station it can receive up to 244
bytes of diagnostics data.
Section 1-3
ConfigurationBefore t he P ROFIBUS-DP Ma ster Unit can control the PROFIBUS networ k, it
must be configured, using the dedicated configuration program CX-Profibus.
Without this configuration, the Unit will not be able to achieve data exc hange.
The Configurator is explained in section
The PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit is provided with a variety of troubleshooting
functions for prompt recovery in case of errors:
• Extensive self-diagnostic function at start up
• Data exchange flags, indicating if I/O data is being exchanged with the
slave stations
• Diagnos tics flags, indicating if new Slave diagnostics data is available
• Extensive status and error flags, indicating the status of the Unit and the
PROFIBUS network
• Error log for recording error history data
1-4 CX-Profibus Configurator
PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit Model
Applicable PLCUnit classi ficationTy pes of communicationsModel number
CS SeriesCPU Bus Unit• Remote I/O communications mast erCS1W-P RM21
CJ SeriesCJ1W-PRM21
General SpecificationsGeneral specifications of the CS/CJ-series P ROFIBUS-DP Master Units con-
form to the general specificati o n s for the SYSMAC CS/CJ-series CPU Units.
Functional Specifications
PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit typesCS1W-PRM21CJ1W-PRM21
Applicable PLC seri esCS-seriesCJ-series
Mounting position• CPU Rack,
Unit classificationCPU Bus Unit
Applicabl e unit numbers0 to F (Hex )
Maximum number of Units that can be
mounted per PLC
Current consumpt ion400 mA max at 5 Vdc
PLC types
Ambient temperat ureOperating: 0 to 55°C
Humidity10% to 90% (with no condensati on)
Dimensions (W x H x D)35 x 130 x 101 mm 31 x 90 x 65 mm
Weight187g (typical)100g (typical)
Conformance to EMC and environmental
SettingsUnit Number rotary swit ch, range: 0 ~ F (Hex)
Indicators7 LEDs, indicating Unit status and PROFIBUS status:
Fixed all ocation of 25 words per Unit.
CIO 1500 + (25 x Unit number)
CIO words provide:
• 2 words f or software switches
• 1 word for the Global_Control
• 21 words f or the Unit and Slave stat uses
Fixed all ocation of 100 words per Unit.
DM 30000 + (100 x Unit number)
DM Area allocated to the Unit is reserv ed for future use.
I/O Data words can be allocated to up to 2 input areas and 2 output
Input areas and output areas can be mapped to
•CIO Areas
• DM Areas
• WR Areas
• HR Areas
• EM banks
Mapping must be defined through Configurator
• CJ1 Expansion Rack
Reading Slav e station diagnosticsThe MEMOR Y AREA READ (0101) FINS command can be used to
Reading and controlling the error logThe internal error log records the history of error events. The Unit
Station state changesAllocated Slave stations can be disabled and enabled in order to
FINS messaging
Error history siz e and stor ageThe PROFIBUS Master unit supports st orage of up to 80 error
Error lo g
Protocol Specification
Applicabl e standardsEN50170, Vol um e 2
Protocol type suppor tedPROFIBUS-DP
PROFIBUS Unit typesPROFIBUS-DP Class 1 Master
PROFIBUS Media type RS-485, galvanically i solated from the PLC
PROFIBUS Connector9-pin sub-D female connector (#4/40 UNC thread)
Unit station address range
Number of slave stations supported
baud rates supportedSelectable through Configurator:
Bus timing definitionsCalculated by Configurator
PROFIBUS interface
Master Class 1 - Slave cyclic services• Set_Prm
Master Class 1 - Slave acyclic servicesNot supported
Master Class 1 - Slave services
availabl e t o the PLC
Master - Master servicesNot supported
Section 1-3
obtain the last received Slave Diagnostics message.
supports the follo w ing Error Log related FINS commands:
temporarily rem ov e t hem from dat a e xchan ge servi ces. The int ernal
error log records the history of error ev ents. The Unit supports the
following FINS commands to implement this:
events, including time stamps in vol atile memory.
16 error events can be logged in non-volatile memory
Termination to be provided by the cable connector according to
0 ~ 125, set through Configurator
125 max, address range
• 9.6 kbi t/s
• 19.2 kbit/s
• 45.45 kbit/s
• 93.75 kbit/s
• 187 kbit/s
• 500 kbit/s
• 1.5 Mbit/s
•3 Mbit/s
•6 Mbit/s
• 12 Mbit/s
• Chk_Cfg
• Data_Exchange
• Slave_Diag
• Global_Control - CLEAR
Global_Control, initiated from CIO Word:
Can be addressed to all slave stations or a specified group of
slaves stations
Supported commands:
0 ~ 125
Number of I/O module definitions4000 max. ove r al l configured Slave stations
Number of I/O data supported by MasterUp to 244 bytes input and 244 bytes output max. per Slave station
Number of diagnostics data supported by
I/O Data
External Dimensions
(defined by Slave station)
Total sum of all I/O Data must not exceed 7168 words
Up to 244 bytes of diagnostics max. per Slave station
Diagnostic data is collected at the Unit, and can be obtained from
the Unit using FINS messaging
Section 1-3
(UNIT: mm)
(UNIT: mm)
1-3-3Comparison with Previous Model
The following table provides a comparison between the CS1W-PRM21/
CJ1W-PRM21 PROFIBUS-DP Master Units and their predecessor, the
C200HW-PRM21 PROFIBUS-DP Master used in a CS-series PLC
Unit classificati onC200H Special I/O UnitCPU Bus Unit
Mounting position• CPU Rack,
• C200H I/O Expansion Rack,
• CS-series Expan sion Rack
• Can not be mounted on a CS1D PLC
Applicable Unit numbers0 to F (Hex)0 to F (Hex)
Maximum number of Units
per PLC
Allocated CIO Area words2,000 to 2,004 + (10 x unit number)
Allocated DM Area wordsD20000 to D20017 + (100 x unit number)
I/O Data allocatio nsMaximum total si ze: 300 words per Unit
Up to 4 CIO words contain:
• Command settings
• Unit Status and err or flags
• Error reporting f rom the PROFIBUS inter-
The area contains user defined memory
mapping of I/O data
At start up this area is transferred to the Unit
I/O Da ta words can be allo cate d to up to 2
input areas and 2 output areas
I/O size per are a: up to 200 words
Mapping / area siz e set i n DM words:
• CIO: CIO 0000 to CIO 0235
• CIO: CIO 0300 to CIO 0511
• CIO: CIO 1000 to CIO 1063
• HR: HR000 to HR099
• DM: D00000 to D05999
• CPU Rack,
• CS/CJ-series Expansion Rack
• CS1W -PRM21 can be mounted on CS1D
1,500 to 1,524 + (25 x unit number)
Up to 25 CIO words contain:
• Command settings
• Unit Status and error flags
• PROFIBUS st atus and error flags
• Slave status flags
D30000 to D30099 + (100 x unit n umber)
Not used on the Unit. Reserve d for future
Maximum tota l si ze: 7168 words per Unit
I/O Data words can be al located to up to 2
input areas and 2 out put areas
I/O size per area: up to 7168 words
Mapping and area size set by Configurator:
• CIO: CIO 0000 to CIO 6143
• WR: W000 to W511
• HR: HR000 to HR511
• DM: D00000 to D32767
• EM: E00000 to E32767 (Banks 0 to C)
Section 1-3
Default mapping (DM words contain 0000 ):
• Output area: CIO 0050 to CIO 0099
• Input area: CIO 0350 to CIO 0399
• Diagnostic fl ags: CIO 0200 to CIO 0215
Message communicationsMessage communicati on using IOWR and
IORD PLC instructions:
• IOWR to send Global-Control command
• IORD to read slave diagnostics
FINS message communication not supported
Configuration connection
PROFIBUS Media typeRS-485, galvanically isolated from the PLCRS-485, galvanically isolated from the PLC
Serial connection (RS232) directly to connector on the front of the Unit
Default mapping: Not supported
Note Diagnostics flags: available in allo-
cated CIO Area words
FINS message communi cation. Commands
• MEMORY AREA READ to read Slave station diagnost ics message
• ERROR LOG READ, to read the Unit’ s
error log
• ERROR LOG CLEAR to clear the Unit’s
error log
• RUN to enable communicati on wit h a
slave station
• STO P to di sable communication with a
slave station
Serial connection directly via PLC CPU, or
via other I/O Units .
No separate connector on the front of the
PROFIBUS Connector9-pin sub- D female connector (#4/40 UNC
Termination provided through a switch on
the unit according t o EN50170
Unit station address range
Number of Slave stations
supported on the network
baud rates supportedSelectable through Confi gurator:
Bus timing definit ionsCalculated by ConfiguratorCalculated b y Configurator
Master Class 1 - Sla v e cyc lic
Master Class 1 - Sla ve acyclic services
Master Class 1 - Slave services available to the PLC
Master - Master servicesNot supportedNot supported
Error reporting Error numbers are transferred to CIO word
0 ~ 125, set through Configurator0 ~ 125, set through Configurator
125 max, address range
• 9.6 kbit/s
• 19.2 kbit/s
• 93.75 kbit/s
• 187 kbit/s
• 500 kbit/s
• 1.5 Mbit/s
• 3 Mbit/s
• 6 Mbit/s
• 12 Mbit/s
• Set_Prm
• Data_Exchange
• Slave_Diag
• Global_Control - CLEAR
• Get_Cfg
• Set_Slave_Addr
• Rd_In
Global_Contro l, initiated from CIO Word:
Can be addressed to one or all slave sta-
tions or a specified group of slaves stations
Supported commands:
Internal logging not supported
0 ~ 125125 max, address range 0 ~ 125
9-pin sub-D femal e connector (#4/40 UNC
Termination must be provided by the cable
connector according to EN50170
Selectable through Configurator:
• 9.6 kbit/s
• 19.2 kbit /s
• 45.45 kbit/s
• 93.75 kbit/s
• 187 kbit/s
• 500 kbit/s
• 1.5 Mbit/s
•3 Mbit/s
•6 Mbit/s
•12 Mbit/s
• Chk_Cfg
• Data_Exchange
• Global_Control - CLEAR
Not supported
Global_Contr ol, initiated from CIO Word :
Can be addressed to all slave stations or a
specified group of slaves stations
Supported commands:
80 error events can be logged in volatile
16 error e v ents can be logged i n non-v o lati le
Errors can be retrieved through FINS messages
Section 1-3
CX-Profibus Configurator
Section 1-4
1-4CX-Profibus Configurator
1-4-1CX-Profibus Fe atu r es
CX-ProfibusThe PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit requires a configuration before it can
exchange I/O data with the Slave stations. For this purpose OMRON provides
the CX-Profibus Configuration program, which runs under Microsoft Windows™ NT 4.0, Windows™ 2000 or Windows™ XP
Together with the CX-Profibus Container applicat ion, OMRON provides two
DTM COM Objects:
• A DTM to configure the CS1W-PRM21 / CJ1W-PRM21
• A DTM to allow the handling of classic GSD files in CX-Profibus
The following presents a quick overview of the functions.
CX-Profibus FDT
Container application
CX-Profibus provides an FDT environment in which DTMs can be executed.
The main function of CX-Profibus is to facilitate the DTMs and the data
exchange between them. It provides:
• Network setup functions: A tree view shows the relations between the
DTMs, i.e. the relation between the Master and Slave devices.
• Device Catalogue functions: A Device Catalogue con taining the installed
DTMs is maintained, to which the user can add new DTMs or delete
them. Device DTMs can be added to the network from this Catalogue.
• Project maintenance func tions: CX-Profibus provides the functions to create, save and open project files. It also facilitates user access control,
allowing the limitation of use to authorized personnel only, using password protection.
• Additional func tions: CX-Profibus provides additional functions like printing, error logging, FDT Communication logging and help files.
The CS1W-PRM21/CJ1W-PRM21 DTM consists of three parts:
• The Setting s DTM, which handles the configuration for the PROFIBUSDP Master Unit. This includes the bus parameters settings, the I/O data
mappings and Master specific settings. The Settings DTM provides its
own User Interface.
• The Monitoring DTM, which handles the status monitoring and control
over the PROFIBUS-DP Master unit, when it is on-line and communicating over the PROFIBUS network. It provides its own User interface to
read out Master status flags and Error log, as well as Slave status flags
and the Slave diagnostics messages received by the Unit. It also allows
the user to send Global_Control messages over the network and to
change the PROFIBUS-DP Master Unit’s mode on the PROFIBUS network.
• The com munication DTM, which provides the interface between the t wo
DTMs mentioned above and CX-Server. Cox-Server, which is provided
with the CX-Profibus packages is the driver providing communication
between the PC and the PLC CPU.
Generic Slave DTMThe Generic Slave DTM allows the handling of classic GSD files of up to GSD
revision 3 within CX-Profibus. Upon allocating a Slave station, for which only
a GSD file is available to a Master Unit in the network, this DTM will be
invoked. This DTM also consists of two parts:
• The Settings D TM will provide the user interface to display the device’s
information and the selectable values, as defined in the GSD. After making the neces sary confi guration settin gs, these will be trans ferred to t he
Master DTM automatically.
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