1. Related Manuals
1. Related Manuals
The table below lists the manuals related to this document.
To ensure system safety, make sure to always read and heed the information provided in all
Safety Precautions, Precautions for Safe Use, and Precaution for Correct Use of manuals for
each device which is used in the system.
Cat. No. Model Manual name
W472 CJ2H-CPU6[]-EIP
CJ-series CJ2 CPU Unit Hardware User's Manual
W473 CJ2H-CPU6[]-EIP
CJ-series CJ2 CPU Unit Software User's Manual
W487 CJ1W-NC[]82 CJ-series Position Control Unit Operation Manual
CX-Programmer Operation Manual
EtherCAT® Digital Sensor Communication Unit
Operation Manual
2. Terms and Definitions
Te rm Explanation and Definition
Position Control Unit The Position Control Unit controls Servo Drives.
This Position Control Unit has two EtherCAT Functions:
Communications for Servo Drive control and Remote I/O master
Communications for
Servo Drive control
This function performs monitoring, setting and control when G5-series
Servo Drives are connected.
Remote I/O master
This function updates the I/O data in the memory area allocated to the
connected slave units and PLC during each I/O refresh of the PLC when
compatible devices other than G5-series Servo Drives are connected.
Slave unit There are various types of slave units such as Servo Drives that handle
process data and I/O terminals that handle the bit signals.
The slave unit receives output data sent from the master, and transmits
input data to the master.
Node address An address to identify the unit connected to EtherCAT.
This Position Control Unit uses the node addresses 1 to 16 for
G5-series Servo Drives and node addresses 17 onwards for other slave
units (e.g., remote I/O).