M u l ti - l o op t e m p e r a t u r e co n t r o ll e r
» P rog ram -l e ss c o mm u n i ca t i o n
Co n t ro l & c o n n e c t i v i t y
Ma xi m um l o o p i nt eg r it y
Outstanding control & simple connectivity
CelciuX° is a new, modular, multi-channel temperature
controller that interfaces to a wide range of industrial
networks. It has easy program-less communication
with Omron and non-Omron PLCs and HMI. And it
incorporates smart and easy-to-use temperature
control technology, while Omron’s unique Gradient
Temperature Control (GTC) algorithm makes it capable
of handling complex temperature profiles.
Starting with one end-unit, up to 16 temperature control units
can be added to create a system. With multiple end-units,
expansion up to 250 loops is possible, even with distributed
placement. A high function unit can be added for Gradient
Temperature Control or for program-less or fieldbus
communications. PC software makes it simple to set
parameters and to copy the same parameters in multiple
units or to duplicate systems.
Proven control technology
The CelciuX° has the flexibility to support many applications.
The 2-PID control methodology (read more about this on the
right-hand side of this folder) has proven itself. Our fast and
reliable autotuning algorithms reduce commissioning time.
CelciuX° also offers special algorithms like GTC (read more
on the right-hand side of this folder), can monitor your heater
status for 1 or 3 phase, or reduce peak currents with output
‘on’ scheduling.
Base unit 4 loops/2 loops
Tool port (QLP)
System alarms
Distributed and
host connection
Power supply
End unitHigh function unit