Omega Products OMB-PER-488-W95 Installation Manual

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Introduction to this Manual
This manual is the Personal488 User’s Manual for Windows 95 and Windows NT. The material in this manual discusses PC/IEEE 488 controller interface hardware and their
accompanying 32-bit driver software. This material is divided into the following sections:
Chapter 1: Personal488 Overview gives a general description of both the interface hardware and
the driver software associated with each of the Personal488 PC/IEEE 488 controller interface packages discussed in this manual.
Chapter 2: Personal488/PCI (with PCI488) provides a discussion of the hardware specifications,
and the instructions for the installation of the "plug-&-play" PCI488 interface and its drivers.
Chapter 3: Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp) provides a discussion of the hardware
specifications, and the instructions for the installation of the "plug-&-play" AT488pnp interface and its drivers.
Chapter 4: Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) provides a discussion of the hardware
specifications, and the instructions for the installation of the "plug-&-play" CARD488 interface and its drivers.
Chapter 5: Personal488/AT (with AT488) provides a discussion of the hardware specifications,
and the instructions for the installation and configuration of the AT488 interface and its drivers.
Chapter 6: Personal488 (with GP488B) provides a discussion of the hardware specifications, and
the instructions for the installation and configuration of the GP488B interface and its drivers.
Chapter 7: Personal488/MM (with GP488B/MM) provides a discussion of the hardware
specifications, and the instructions for the installation and configuration of the GP488B/MM interface and its drivers.
Chapter 8: Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT gives a more-detailed description of the 32-bit
Windows-based driver software implemented with each of the Personal488 products in this manual, and includes instructions for the configuration of this software.
Chapter 9: API Command Reference provides descriptions for the entire API command set
combining both 32-bit versions of Driver488 – Driver488/W95 and Driver488/WNT – and covering each of the Personal488 products in this manual. The description format of the individual API commands includes the command syntax, returned response, operating mode, bus states, and an example program excerpt.
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting provides a reference for possible solutions to technical problems.
Before calling for technical assistance, refer to this chapter.
The Appendix provides background information concerning the IEEE 488 bus, the serial bus, and
ASCII controls.
The Index provides a comprehensive alphabetical listing of the main terms and topics in this
manual. Also, the Abbreviations on the last pages of this manual, provides an overall list of abbreviations, including acronyms and ASCII control codes, as an additional reference for this manual and for other related literature.
Since many of the hardware names and boards discussed in this manual appear very similar to each other, make sure you view the material which corresponds to your specific hardware board. For example, although the GP488B and GP488B/MM names are very similar, the interface boards are not identical; some material will apply to only one of these boards.
Information which may have changed since the time of printing will be found in a README.TXT file on disk, or in an addendum to the manual.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT i
- Notes
ii Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT
Table of Contents
1 – Personal488 Overview
Hardware Products……1
Personal488/PCI (with PCI488)……1 Personal488/ATpnp (with At488pnp)……1 Personal488/CARD (with CARD488)……1 Personal488/AT (with AT488)……1 Personal488 (with GP488B)……1 Personal488/MM (with GP488B/MM)……1 Hardware Accessories……2
Hardware Connection……2 Software Products……2
Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT……2
2 – Personal488/PCI (with PCI488)
The Package……3 PCI488 Specifications……3 Controller Interface……3
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware
Updating the Existing Hardware
3 – Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp)
The Package……7 AT488pnp Specifications……7 Controller Interface……7
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware
Updating the Existing Hardware
4 – Personal488/CARD (with CARD488)
The Package……11 CARD488 Specifications……11 Controller Interface……11
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware
Updating the Existing Hardware
5 – Personal488/AT (with AT488)
The Package……15 AT488 Specifications……15
Configuring the New Hardware……16 Installing the New Hardware & Hardware
Updating the Existing Hardware
6 – Personal488 (with GP488B)
The Package……23 GP488B Specifications……23
Configuring the New Hardware……24 Installing the New Hardware & Hardware
Updating the Existing Hardware
Configuring Other Hardware
7 – Personal488/MM (with GP488B/MM)
The Package……33 GP488B/MM Specifications……33
Configuring the New Hardware……34 Installing the New Hardware & Hardware
Updating the Existing Hardware
Configuring Other Hardware
8 – Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT
Differences from 16-Bit Driver488
Software……41 Programming Support……42 16-Bit Driver488/W95 Compatibility
Layer……42 Configuration Utility……42
Configuring the Driver488 Software
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT iii
9 – API Command Reference
Abort……48 Arm……49 AutoRemote……50 Buffered……51 BusAddress……52 CheckListener……53 Clear……54 ClearList……55 Close……56 ControlLine……57 DigArm……58 DigArmSetup……59 DigRead……60 DigSetup……61 DigWrite……62 Disarm……63 EnterX……64 Error……66 FindListener……67 Finish……68 GetError……69 GetErrorList……70 Hello……71 KeepDevice……72 Listen……73 Local……74 LocalList……75 Lol……76 MakeDevice……77 MakeNewDevice……78 MyListenAddr……79 MyTalkAddr……80 OnDigEvent……81 OnDigEventVDM……82 OnEvent……83 OnEventVDM……84 OpenName……86 OutputX……87 PassControl……89 PPoll……90 PPollConfig……91 PPollDisable……92 PPollDisableList……93 PPollUnconfig……94
Remote……95 RemoteList……96 RemoveDevice……97 Request……98 Reset……99 Resume……100 SendCmd……101 SendData……102 SendEoi……103 SPoll……104 SPollList……105 Status……106 Stop……108 Talk……109 Term……110 TermQuery……111 TimeOut……112 TimeOutQuery……113 Trigger……114 TriggerList……115 UnListen……116 UnTalk……117 Wait……118
10 – Troubleshooting
Radio Interference Problems……119 IEEE 488 Bus Errors……119 Hardware-Software Conflicts……120 Checking Hardware & Software
A – Appendix
IEEE 488 Bus & Serial Bus……121 IEEE 488 Bus Commands……122 ASCII Codes……123
ASCII Code Summary……123 ASCII Code Details……125
Index……131 Abbreviations……134
iv Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT
Personal488 Overview 1
Hardware Products……1
Personal488/PCI (with PCI488)……1 Personal488/ATpnp (with At488pnp)……1 Personal488/CARD (with CARD488)……1 Personal488/AT (with AT488)……1 Personal488 (with GP488B)……1 Personal488/MM (with GP488B/MM)……1 Hardware Accessories……2
Hardware Connection……2 Software Products……2
Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT……2
Hardware Products
The family of Personal488 PC/IEEE 488 controller interfaces includes the six (6) interfaces which are discussed in this manual. All of them are IEEE 488.2 compatible and are supported by 32-bit Driver488 software for Windows 95 and for Windows NT, named Driver488/W95 and Driver488/WNT respectively. These interfaces are discussed in the following Personal488 packages:
Personal488/PCI (with PCI488)
The PCI488 interface board features plug-and-play and 32-bit PCI local bus compatibility. Provides 1 Mbyte/s data transfer rate. Offers full IEEE 488.2 support. Supported by Windows 95 and Windows NT drivers. Provides eight (8) channels of general-purpose digital I/O.
Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp)
The AT488pnp interface board features plug-and-play and 16-bit ISA-bus compatibility. Provides 1 Mbyte/s data transfer rate. Offers full IEEE 488.2 support. Supported by Windows 95 and Windows NT drivers. Provides eight (8) channels of general-purpose digital I/O. CE compliant.
Personal488/CARD (with CARD488)
The CARD488 interface features "hot swapping" PC Card (PCMCIA) compatibility. Provides 1 Mbyte/s data transfer rate. Offers full IEEE 488.2 support. Supported by Windows 95 and Windows NT drivers.
Personal488/AT (with AT488)
The AT488 interface board features 16-bit ISA-bus compatibility. Provides 1 Mbyte/s data transfer rate. Offers full IEEE 488.2 support. Supported by Windows 95 and Windows NT drivers. Provides eleven (11) interrupt lines and seven (7) DMA channels. CE compliant.
Personal488 (with GP488B)
The GP488B interface board features 8-bit ISA-bus compatibility. Provides 330 Kbyte/s data transfer rate. Offers full IEEE 488.2 support. Supported by Windows 95 and Windows NT drivers. Provides six (6) interrupt lines and three (3) DMA channels. CE compliant.
Personal488/MM (with GP488B/MM)
The GP488B/MM interface board features a compact PC/104 form-factor. Features 8-bit PC/104 bus compliance. Provides 330 Kbyte/s data transfer rate. Offers full IEEE 488.2 support. Supported by Windows 95 & Windows NT drivers. CE compliant.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488 Overview 1
Hardware Accessories
The available hardware accessories are listed below by part number. Refer to your product catalog for details.
Connector Cable
CA-7-3: Shielded IEEE 488 cable, 6 ft.
Controller Device
IOT7210(P/T): IEEE 488 Controller Chip.
Name: IOT7210 IEEE 488 Controller Chip Compatibility: 100% compatible with the NEC µPD7210 chip; TTL-compatible and CMOS;
Power Consumption: 98% less consumption than the NEC µPD7210 chip Power Supply: 5 V single power supply Capabilities: Programmable data transfer rate; End-Of-String (EOS) message automatic detection;
Configurations: 40-pin plastic DIP or 44-pin plastic TQFP
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
automatic command processing and undefined command read capability; DMA-capable; 1-MHz to 8-MHz clock range
Hardware Connection
For successful data acquisition, the Personal488 controller interface must be properly connected to a data acquisition device. The following diagram depicts an IEEE 488 connection from a Personal488 PC/IEEE 488 controller interface board to a data acquisition master unit.
Software Products
Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT
This driver software integrates IEEE 488.2 control into Windows 95 & Windows NT applications. Supports the PCI488, AT488pnp, CARD488, AT488, GP488B, and GP488B/MM controller interfaces (discussed above). Provides true multi-tasking device locking. Specifically designed for the 32-bit Windows environment. Includes interactive control application for exercising instruments.
2 Personal488 Overview Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Personal488/PCI (with PCI488) 2
The Package……3 PCI488 Specifications……3 Controller Interface……3
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers……4 Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers……6
The Package
The Personal488/PCI, including the IEEE 488 interface board and the Driver488 software, is carefully inspected, both mechanically and electrically, before shipment. When you receive the product, unpack all items carefully from the shipping carton and check for any obvious signs of physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. Report any such damage to the shipping agent immediately. Remember to retain all shipping materials in the event shipment back to the factory becomes necessary.
The Personal488/PCI (with PCI488) package includes:
PCI488 "Plug-&-Play" IEEE 488 Bus Interface PCI Board
Driver488 Software Disks for Windows 95 or Windows NT (Driver488/W95 or Driver488/WNT)
Personal488 User’s Manual for Windows 95 and Windows NT
PCI488 Specifications
IEEE 488 Controller Device: IOT7210 Maximum Transfer Rate: 32-bit: 1 Mbyte/s (reads and writes) Dimensions: Half-size board; occupies one PCI slot IEEE 488 Connector: Accepts standard IEEE 488 connector with metric studs Digital I/O Connector: Standard 9-pin female DSUB connector Power: 500 mA max @ 5 V from PC Environment: 0 to 70°C, 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing Digital I/O: Each signal can source 2 mA @ 3.7 V (6 mA @ 3.2 V) and sink 2 mA @ 0.4 V (6 mA @
Multiple Boards: Up to four PCI488 boards can be installed into one PC
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
0.9 V)
Controller Interface
The PCI488 interface board provides the convenience of plug-and-play installation. The physical configuration of hardware is not necessary. Instead, after installing your board as described in the following text, the board is configured automatically.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/PCI (with PCI488) 3
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers
Typical IEEE 488 interface boards are installed into expansion slots inside the PC's system unit. Typical PCs have the following types of expansion slots
ISA expansion slots. ISA slots can either be an 8-bit slot with one card-edge receptacle (PC-bus
compatible), or a 16-bit slot with two card-edge receptacles (AT-bus compatible). Eight-bit ISA boards may be used in either the 8-bit or 16-bit ISA slot, while 16-bit ISA boards may only be used in the 16-bit ISA slot.
PCI expansion slots. PCI slots are 32-bit slots, used only by PCI boards. For technical assistance, see chapter Troubleshooting on page 119 in this manual, or the
troubleshooting section in your PC’s manual. If you are still not sure of the problem, contact the dealer or manufacturer of your interface board or PC.
Step 1: Installing the PCI488 Interface Board into a PCI Slot
General instructions for installing the board are given since the design of computer cases varies. Refer to your PC's reference manual whenever in doubt.
1. Turn OFF the power to your computer and any other connected peripheral devices. Follow the precautions for static electricity discharge.
Touch a large grounded metal surface to discharge any static electricity build up in your body.
Avoid any contact with internal parts. Handle cards only by their edges.
Disconnect the AC power before removing the cover.
2. Unplug all power cords and cables that may interfere from the back of the computer.
3. Remove your computer's cover by removing its mounting screws with a screwdriver. Slide the cover OFF. If necessary, refer to your PC's manual.
4. Your IEEE 488 controller interface must be installed in a 32-bit PCI-bus expansion slot. Select an available PCI expansion slot and remove its slot cover by unscrewing the holding screw and sliding it out. Save this screw for securing the interface after it is installed.
5. To install the IEEE 488 controller interface, carefully align the card edge connector with the PCI slot on the motherboard, fitting the IEEE 488 port through the rear panel opening. Push the board down firmly, but gently, until it is well seated.
4 Personal488/PCI (with PCI488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
6. Replace the cover slot holding screw to secure the board in place.
7. Replace the computer's cover and screws. Then reconnect all power cords and cables to the back of the computer. If available, connect your external data acquisition instrument to the IEEE 488 port connector on the interface.
8. Turn on your PC.
At this point, the hardware installation is complete. Continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Detecting the PCI488 Interface Board in "Add New Hardware"
1. After installing the IEEE 488 controller interface, turn on your computer. Windows will detect the new hardware and prompt for a Manufacturer’s Disk.
2. Insert the disk labeled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive. Click OK.
3. The hardware will now be recognized and configured by Windows; the "Add New Hardware Wizard" will auto-assign an available I/O base address, IRQ (Interrupt), and DMA channel. (Additional PCI488 interfaces may share the same IRQ and DMA values.)
Continue as prompted to load the interface driver, but DO NOT restart Windows. Select No to NOT shut down and go directly to the Device Manager to verify the presence of the new hardware device.
At this point, the hardware detection is complete. Continue to Step 3.
Step 3: Verifying the PCI488 Interface Installation & Driver488 Software Settings
1. To confirm proper installation, open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers" and below it, verify the presence of the new hardware device.
2. During Driver488 installation, a new Control Panel applet titled "IEEE 488" was installed under the Control Panel with default settings selected.
To verify or configure the Driver488 software settings for your IEEE 488 interface(s) and IEEE 488 external device(s), see chapter Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT on page 41.
3. Restart Windows and once again verify the hardware installation and Driver488 configuration in Device Manager.
At this point, the hardware and driver verification is complete. Continue to Step 4.
Step 4: Installing the PCI488 Interface Software Support Files
1. Insert the disk titled "IEEE 488 Software Installation Disk, 1 of 2" into the floppy disk drive.
2. To install, you can do one of the following:
Select Run from the Start Menu, type in A:\SETUP.EXE, then click OK.
Go to My Computer or Windows Explorer, double-click on the Floppy Drive icon, then double-
click on the Setup icon.
Or go to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-click on the Add/Remove
Programs icon, then click the Install button.
3. The Installation program will step you through various options on installing these software support files.
Note: These files are NOT required to get the hardware to work properly, but it is recommended
if any software development is desired or Help files are needed.
4. Any or all of the installed software support files may be removed by going to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-clicking on the Add/Remove Programs icon, then selecting "Personal IEEE 488 v 2.0", and clicking the Add/Remove… button.
At this point, the installation of software support files is complete.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/PCI (with PCI488) 5
Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers
Updating the PCI488 Interface Hardware Drivers
1. Insert the disk titled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive.
2. Open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
3. Highlight the device you want to update under "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
4. Click on the Properties button. Click on the Driver tab.
5. Highlight the driver file named "C:\Windows\System\___488.vxd". (For example, "…\vpci488.vxd".)
6. Click on the Change Driver button.
7. Select the model that you are updating. Click OK. Note: DO NOT select the Have Disk... button.
8. Windows will return you to the Driver tab. Click OK. The hardware drivers will now be updated from the Driver Disk.
9. Windows will prompt you if you wish to restart the system. Select Yes. Otherwise the hardware will continue to use the outdated drivers until the next time the system is restarted.
6 Personal488/PCI (with PCI488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp) 3
The Package……7 AT488pnp Specifications……7 Controller Interface……7
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers……8 Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers……10
The Package
The Personal488/ATpnp, including the IEEE 488 interface board and the Driver488 software, is carefully inspected, both mechanically and electrically, before shipment. When you receive the product, unpack all items carefully from the shipping carton and check for any obvious signs of physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. Report any such damage to the shipping agent immediately. Remember to retain all shipping materials in the event shipment back to the factory becomes necessary.
The Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp) package includes:
AT488pnp "Plug-&-Play" IEEE 488 Bus Interface ISA Board
Driver488 Software Disks for Windows 95 or Windows NT (Driver488/W95 or Driver488/WNT)
Personal488 User’s Manual for Windows 95 and Windows NT
AT488pnp Specifications
IEEE 488 Controller Device: IOT7210 Maximum Transfer Rates: 16-bit DMA: 1 Mbyte/s (reads), 800 Kbyte/s (writes) Dimensions: Full-size board, two card edges; occupies one ISA slot IEEE 488 Connector: Accepts standard IEEE 488 connector with metric studs Digital I/O Connector: Standard 9-pin female DSUB connector Power: 1.0 A max @ 5 V from PC Environment: 0 to 70°C, 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing DMA: 16-bit DMA on channels 5, 6, and 7 Interrupts: IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, or 15 Digital I/O: Each signal can source 2 mA @ 3.7 V (6 mA @ 3.2 V) and sink 2 mA @ 0.4 V (6 mA @
Multiple Boards: Up to three AT488pnp boards can be installed into one PC
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
0.9 V)
Controller Interface
The AT488pnp interface board provides the convenience of plug-and-play installation. The physical configuration of hardware is not necessary. Instead, after installing your board as described in the following text, the board is configured automatically.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp) 7
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers
Typical IEEE 488 interface boards are installed into expansion slots inside the PC's system unit. Typical PCs have the following types of expansion slots
ISA expansion slots. ISA slots can either be an 8-bit slot with one card-edge receptacle (PC-bus
compatible), or a 16-bit slot with two card-edge receptacles (AT-bus compatible). Eight-bit ISA boards may be used in either the 8-bit or 16-bit ISA slot, while 16-bit ISA boards may only be used in the 16-bit ISA slot.
PCI expansion slots. PCI slots are 32-bit slots, used only by PCI boards. For technical assistance, see chapter Troubleshooting on page 119 in this manual, or the
troubleshooting section in your PC’s manual. If you are still not sure of the problem, contact the dealer or manufacturer of your interface board or PC.
Step 1: Installing the AT488pnp Interface Board into an ISA Slot
General instructions for installing the board are given since the design of computer cases varies. Refer to your PC's reference manual whenever in doubt.
1. Turn OFF the power to your computer and any other connected peripheral devices. Follow the precautions for static electricity discharge.
Touch a large grounded metal surface to discharge any static electricity build up in your body.
Avoid any contact with internal parts. Handle cards only by their edges.
Disconnect the AC power before removing the cover.
2. Unplug all power cords and cables that may interfere from the back of the computer.
3. Remove your computer's cover by removing its mounting screws with a screwdriver. Slide the cover OFF. If necessary, refer to your PC's manual.
4. Your IEEE 488 controller interface must be installed in a 16-bit ISA-bus expansion slot. Select an available ISA expansion slot and remove its slot cover by unscrewing the holding screw and sliding it out. Save this screw for securing the interface after it is installed.
5. To install the IEEE 488 controller interface, carefully align the card edge connector with the ISA slot on the motherboard, fitting the IEEE 488 port through the rear panel opening. Push the board down firmly, but gently, until it is well seated.
8 Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
6. Replace the cover slot holding screw to secure the board in place.
7. Replace the computer's cover and screws. Then reconnect all power cords and cables to the back of the computer. If available, connect your external data acquisition instrument to the IEEE 488 port connector on the interface.
8. Turn on your PC.
At this point, the hardware installation is complete. Continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Detecting the AT488pnp Interface Board in "Add New Hardware"
1. After installing the IEEE 488 controller interface, turn on your computer. Windows will detect the new hardware and prompt for a Manufacturer’s Disk.
2. Insert the disk labeled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive. Click OK.
3. The hardware will now be recognized and configured by Windows; the "Add New Hardware Wizard" will auto-assign an available I/O base address, IRQ (Interrupt), and DMA channel. (Additional AT488pnp interfaces may share the same IRQ and DMA values.)
Continue as prompted to load the interface driver, but DO NOT restart Windows. Select No to NOT shut down and go directly to the Device Manager to verify the presence of the new hardware device.
At this point, the hardware detection is complete. Continue to Step 3.
Step 3: Verifying the AT488pnp Interface Installation & Driver488 Software Settings
1. To confirm proper installation, open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers" and below it, verify the presence of the new hardware device.
2. During Driver488 installation, a new Control Panel applet titled "IEEE 488" was installed under the Control Panel with default settings selected.
To verify or configure the Driver488 software settings for your IEEE 488 interface(s) and IEEE 488 external device(s), see chapter Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT on page 41.
3. Restart Windows and once again verify the hardware installation and Driver488 configuration in Device Manager.
At this point, the hardware and driver verification is complete. Continue to Step 4.
Step 4: Installing the AT488pnp Interface Software Support Files
1. Insert the disk titled "IEEE 488 Software Installation Disk, 1 of 2" into the floppy disk drive.
2. To install, you can do one of the following:
Select Run from the Start Menu, type in A:\SETUP.EXE, then click OK.
Go to My Computer or Windows Explorer, double-click on the Floppy Drive icon, then double-
click on the Setup icon.
Or go to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-click on the Add/Remove
Programs icon, then click the Install button.
3. The Installation program will step you through various options on installing these software support files.
Note: These files are NOT required to get the hardware to work properly, but it is recommended
if any software development is desired or Help files are needed.
4. Any or all of the installed software support files may be removed by going to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-clicking on the Add/Remove Programs icon, then selecting "Personal IEEE 488 v 2.0", and clicking the Add/Remove… button.
At this point, the installation of software support files is complete.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp) 9
Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers
Updating the AT488pnp Interface Hardware Drivers
1. Insert the disk titled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive.
2. Open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
3. Highlight the device you want to update under "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
4. Click on the Properties button. Click on the Driver tab.
5. Highlight the driver file named "C:\Windows\System\___488.vxd". (For example, "…\vpci488.vxd".)
6. Click on the Change Driver button.
7. Select the model that you are updating. Click OK. Note: DO NOT select the Have Disk... button.
8. Windows will return you to the Driver tab. Click OK. The hardware drivers will now be updated from the Driver Disk.
9. Windows will prompt you if you wish to restart the system. Select Yes. Otherwise the hardware will continue to use the outdated drivers until the next time the system is restarted.
10 Personal488/ATpnp (with AT488pnp) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) 4
The Package……11 CARD488 Specifications……11 Controller Interface……11
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers……12 Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers……14
The Package
The Personal488/CARD, including the IEEE 488 interface PC Card and the Driver488 software, is carefully inspected, both mechanically and electrically, before shipment. When you receive the product, unpack all items carefully from the shipping carton and check for any obvious signs of physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. Report any such damage to the shipping agent immediately. Remember to retain all shipping materials in the event shipment back to the factory becomes necessary.
The Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) package includes:
CARD488 "Plug-&-Play" IEEE 488 Bus Interface PC Card
Driver488 Software Disks for Windows 95 or Windows NT (Driver488/W95 or Driver488/WNT)
Personal488 User’s Manual for Windows 95 and Windows NT
CARD488 Specifications
IEEE 488 Controller Device: IOT7210 Maximum Transfer Rate: 1 Mbyte/s (reads and writes) Dimensions: Type II (5 mm) PCMCIA card Bus Interface: PCMCIA PC Card Standard 2.1 IEEE 488 Connector: Accepts standard IEEE 488 connector with metric studs via custom cable Cable: PCMCIA to IEEE 488, CA-137 (included)
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
Controller Interface
The CARD488 interface PC Card provides the convenience of plug-and-play installation. The physical configuration of hardware is not necessary. Instead, after installing your PC Card as described in the following text, the interface is configured automatically.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) 11
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers
Unlike typical IEEE 488 interface boards which are installed into expansion slots inside the PC’s system unit, the CARD488 PC Card interface is installed into the PC Card slot of the computer. The computer does not need to be turned off.
For technical assistance, see chapter Troubleshooting on page 119 in this manual, or the troubleshooting section in your PC’s manual. If you are still not sure of the problem, contact the dealer or manufacturer of your interface board or PC.
Step 1: Installing the CARD488 Interface into a PC Card Slot
Refer to your PC's reference manual whenever in doubt.
1. Install the IEEE 488 controller interface into the PC Card slot of the computer. The computer does not need to be turned off.
Note: It is assumed the user has a properly installed PC Card adapter in the computer.
At this point, the hardware installation is complete. Continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Detecting the CARD488 Interface in "Add New Hardware"
1. After installing the IEEE 488 controller interface, turn on your computer. Windows will detect the new hardware and prompt for a Manufacturer’s Disk.
2. Insert the disk labeled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive. Click OK.
3. The hardware will now be recognized and configured by Windows; the "Add New Hardware Wizard" will auto-assign an available I/O base address, IRQ (Interrupt), and DMA channel. (Additional CARD488 interfaces may share the same IRQ and DMA values.)
Continue as prompted to load the interface driver, but DO NOT restart Windows. Select No to NOT shut down and go directly to the Device Manager to verify the presence of the new hardware device.
At this point, the hardware detection is complete. Continue to Step 3.
12 Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Step 3: Verifying the CARD488 Interface Installation & Driver488 Software Settings
1. To confirm proper installation, open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers" and below it, verify the presence of the new hardware device.
2. During Driver488 installation, a new Control Panel applet titled "IEEE 488" was installed under the Control Panel with default settings selected.
To verify or configure the Driver488 software settings for your IEEE 488 interface(s) and IEEE 488 external device(s), see chapter Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT on page 41.
3. Restart Windows and once again verify the hardware installation and Driver488 configuration in Device Manager.
At this point, the hardware and driver verification is complete. Continue to Step 4.
Step 4: Installing the CARD488 Interface Software Support Files
1. Insert the disk titled "IEEE 488 Software Installation Disk, 1 of 2" into the floppy disk drive.
2. To install, you can do one of the following:
Select Run from the Start Menu, type in A:\SETUP.EXE, then click OK.
Go to My Computer or Windows Explorer, double-click on the Floppy Drive icon, then double-
click on the Setup icon.
Or go to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-click on the Add/Remove
Programs icon, then click the Install button.
3. The Installation program will step you through various options on installing these software support files.
Note: These files are NOT required to get the hardware to work properly, but it is recommended
if any software development is desired or Help files are needed.
4. Any or all of the installed software support files may be removed by going to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-clicking on the Add/Remove Programs icon, then selecting "Personal IEEE 488 v 2.0", and clicking the Add/Remove… button.
At this point, the installation of software support files is complete.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) 13
Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers
Updating the 32-Bit Personal488/CARD Hardware Drivers
1. Insert the disk titled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive.
2. Open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
3. Highlight the device you want to update under "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
4. Click on the Properties button. Click on the Driver tab.
5. Highlight the driver file named "C:\Windows\System\___488.vxd". (For example, "…\vpci488.vxd".)
6. Click on the Change Driver button.
7. Select the model that you are updating. Click OK. Note: DO NOT select the Have Disk... button.
8. Windows will return you to the Driver tab. Click OK. The hardware drivers will now be updated from the Driver Disk.
9. Windows will prompt you if you wish to restart the system. Select Yes. Otherwise the hardware will continue to use the outdated drivers until the next time the system is restarted.
Updating the 16-Bit Personal488/CARD Installation
1. If an older 16-bit installation for the Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) was done in Windows 95/NT, then the following steps must be taken. This older installation is identified by the device description "IEP-488 Personal488/CARD".
Note: The 32-bit installation, which does not require the following steps, is identified by the
device description “Personal488/CARD”. To update the 32-bit driver, follow the directions under the previous section Updating the 32-Bit Personal488/CARD Hardware
2. To find this device description "IEP-488 Personal488/CARD", open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. (The CARD488 should already have been installed and inserted in the computer).
3. Remove the CARD488 from the computer.
4. Insert the disk labeled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive.
5. To run the file CLEANCRD.BAT found on the "Driver Disk", you can do one of the following:
Go to My Computer or Windows Explorer, double-click on the Floppy Drive icon, then double-
click on the CLEANCRD.BAT icon.
Select the MS-DOS prompt from the Start Menu to open the MS-DOS command window, type
in A:\CLEANCRD.BAT and press the <Enter> key.
6. Once the CLEANCRD.BAT program has finished, re-insert the CARD488 into the computer.
7. Windows will detect the new hardware and prompt for a Manufacturer’s Disk. With the disk labeled “Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1” still in the floppy disk drive, click OK.
8. The hardware will now be recognized and configured by Windows. To confirm proper installation, open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers" with the new hardware device below it.
9. A new Control Panel applet titled "IEEE 488" will exist under the Control Panel with default settings installed. Refer to the Help documents on changing these settings.
14 Personal488/CARD (with CARD488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Personal488/AT (with AT488) 5
The Package……15 AT488 Specifications……15
Configuring the New Hardware……16 Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers……20 Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers……22
The Package
The Personal488/AT, including the IEEE 488 interface board and the Driver488 software, is carefully inspected, both physically and electronically, before shipment. When you receive the product, unpack all items carefully from the shipping carton and check for any obvious signs of physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. Report any such damage to the shipping agent immediately. Remember to retain all shipping materials in the event shipment back to the factory becomes necessary.
The Personal488/AT (with AT488) package includes:
AT488 IEEE 488 Bus Interface ISA Board
Driver488 Software Disks for Windows 95 or Windows NT (Driver488/W95 or Driver488/WNT)
Personal488 User’s Manual for Windows 95 and Windows NT
AT488 Specifications
IEEE 488 Controller Device: IOT7210 Maximum Transfer Rates: 16-bit DMA: 1 Mbyte/s (reads), 800 Kbyte/s (writes); 8-bit DMA: 330
Dimensions: Full-size board, two card edges; occupies one ISA slot IEEE 488 Connector: Accepts standard IEEE 488 connector with metric studs Power: 1.0 A max @ 5 V from PC Environment: 0 to 70°C, 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing DMA: 16-bit DMA on channels 5, 6, and 7; 8-bit DMA on channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 (jumper selectable) Interrupts: IRQ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 (8-bit slot); IRQ 3-7, 9-12, 14, or 15 (16-bit slot) IEEE 488 I/O Base Address: &H02E1, &H22E1, &H42E1, or &H62E1 Multiple Boards: Up to four AT488 boards can be installed, sharing a single DMA channel and
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
Kbyte/s (reads), 220 Kbyte/s (writes)
interrupt line
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/AT (with AT488) 15
Configuring the New Hardware
The following text will guide you through the setup of your IEEE 488 controller interface. It includes instructions on how to verify the resource settings of ports in your system, and how to properly configure the switches/jumpers on your interface board.
To avoid a configuration conflict, you must first verify which I/O addresses, IRQs, and DMAs are being used by existing ports in your system, prior to configuring and installing the IEEE 488 controller interface.
Step 1: Verifying/Recording the Current System Settings
The Windows Control Panel enables you to easily determine and configure the I/O addresses, IRQ setting, and DMA settings in your system for proper operation. Perform the following steps to verify your system settings.
1. Open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Under the line "Ports (COM & LPT)", look for a list of used ports. For each port, highlight the port and click on the Properties button.
2. Properties already being used in the system are displayed under the Resources tab. Values NOT listed are available.
For each listed port, record which Input/Output (I/O) address, if any, is being used.
For each listed port, record which Interrupt Request (IRQ) value, if any, is being used.
For each listed port, record which Direct Memory Access (DMA) value, if any, is being used.
3. Exit Windows and turn the system OFF.
The I/O base address, IRQ, and DMA settings are switch/jumper selectable via the following locations on the AT488 interface board: One 2-microswitch DIP switch labelled S1, one 4-microswitch DIP switch labelled S2, two 14-pin headers labelled DACK and DRQ, and one 22-pin header labelled IRQ. The DIP switch settings, and the arrangement of the jumpers on the headers set the hardware configuration.
For the next steps, make sure that the I/O address, IRQ, and DMA, set on the interface board are different from any existing ports in your system. A conflict results when two I/O addresses, IRQs, or DMAs are the same. (As the exception, additional AT488 interfaces may share the same IRQ and DMA values.) If there is a conflict, perform the following steps to select new switch/jumper settings.
16 Personal488/AT (with AT488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Step 2: Configuring the AT488 Interface I/O Base Address
1. The factory default I/O base address is 02E1. If this creates a conflict, reset switch S1 according to the figure and following table. The register addresses will be automatically relocated at fixed offsets from the base address.
2. If reset, record the new Input/Output (I/O) address being used.
Selected I/O Base Address Register
02E1 22E1 42E1 62E1
Automatic Offset Addresses Read Register Write Register
02E1 22E1 42E1 62E1 Data In Data Out 06E1 26E1 46E1 66E1 Interrupt Status 1 Interrupt Mask 1 0AE1 2AE1 4AE1 6AE1 Interrupt Status 2 Interrupt Mask 2 0EE1 2EE1 4EE1 6EE1 Serial Poll Status Serial Poll Mode 12E1 32E1 52E1 72E1 Address Status Address Mode 16E1 36E1 56E1 76E1 CMD Pass Through Auxiliary Mode 1AE1 3AE1 5AE1 7AE1 Address 0 Address 0/1 1EE1 3EE1 5EE1 7EE1 Address 1 End of String
The I/O base address sets the addresses used by the computer to communicate with the IEEE 488 interface hardware on the board. The address is normally specified in hexadecimal and can be 02E1,
22E1, 42E1, or 62E1. The registers of the IOT7210 IEEE 488 controller chip and other auxiliary
registers are then located at fixed offsets from the base address. Most versions of Driver488 are capable of managing as many as four IEEE 488 interfaces. To do so,
the interface configurations must be arranged to avoid conflict among themselves. No two boards may have the same I/O address; but they may, and usually should, have the same DMA channel and interrupt level.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/AT (with AT488) 17
Step 3: Configuring the AT488 Interface Interrupt (IRQ)
1. The factory default Interrupt (IRQ) is 7. If this creates a conflict, reset switch S2 and jumper IRQ according to the figure. The switch and jumper settings must both indicate the same interrupt level for correct operation with interrupts.
2. If reset, record the new Interrupt (IRQ) being used.
The AT488 interface board may be set to interrupt the PC on the occurrence of certain hardware conditions. The main board interrupt may be set to IRQ level 3 through 7, 9 through 12, 14, or 15. Interrupts 10 through 15 are only available in a 16-bit slot on an AT-class machine. Interrupt 9 becomes synonymous with Interrupt 2 when used in a PC/XT bus.
The selected interrupt may be shared among several AT488s in the same PC/AT chassis. The AT488 adheres to the “AT-style” interrupt sharing conventions. When the AT488 requires service, the IRQ jumper determines which PC interrupt level is triggered. When an interrupt occurs, the interrupting device must be reset by writing to an I/O address which is different for each interrupt level. The switch settings determine the I/O address to which the board’s interrupt rearm circuitry responds.
18 Personal488/AT (with AT488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Step 4: Configuring the AT488 Interface DMA Channel
1. The factory default DMA channel is 5. If this creates a conflict, reset jumpers DACK and DRQ according to the figure. Both the DRQ and DACK jumpers must be set to the desired DMA channel for proper operation.
2. If reset, record the new DMA channel being used.
Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a high-speed method of transferring data from or to a peripheral, such as a digitizing oscilloscope, to or from the PC’s memory. The AT class machine has seven DMA channels. Channels 0 to 3 (8-bit), 5, 6, and 7 (16-bit) are available only in a 16-bit slot on a PC/AT­class machine. Channel 2 is usually used by the floppy disk controller, and is unavailable. Channel 3 is often used by the hard disk controller in PCs, XTs, and the PS/2 with the ISA bus, but is usually not used in ATs. Channels 5 to 7 are 16-bit DMA channels and offer the highest throughput (up to 1 Megabyte per second). Channels 0 to 3 are 8-bit DMA channels and although slower, they offer compatibility with existing GP488B applications that only made use of 8-bit DMA channels. Under some rare conditions, it is possible for high-speed transfers on DMA Channel 1 to demand so much of the available bus bandwidth that simultaneous access of a floppy controller will be starved for data due to the relative priorities of the two channels.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/AT (with AT488) 19
Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers
Typical IEEE 488 interface boards are installed into expansion slots inside the PC's system unit. Typical PCs have the following types of expansion slots
ISA expansion slots. ISA slots can either be an 8-bit slot with one card-edge receptacle (PC-bus
compatible), or a 16-bit slot with two card-edge receptacles (AT-bus compatible). Eight-bit ISA boards may be used in either the 8-bit or 16-bit ISA slot, while 16-bit ISA boards may only be used in the 16-bit ISA slot.
PCI expansion slots. PCI slots are 32-bit slots, used only by PCI boards. For technical assistance, see chapter Troubleshooting on page 119 in this manual, or the
troubleshooting section in your PC’s manual. If you are still not sure of the problem, contact the dealer or manufacturer of your interface board or PC.
Step 1: Installing the AT488 Interface Board into an ISA Slot
General instructions for installing the board are given since the design of computer cases varies. Refer to your PC's reference manual whenever in doubt.
1. Turn OFF the power to your computer and any other connected peripheral devices. Follow the precautions for static electricity discharge.
Touch a large grounded metal surface to discharge any static electricity build up in your body.
Avoid any contact with internal parts. Handle cards only by their edges.
Disconnect the AC power before removing the cover.
2. Unplug all power cords and cables that may interfere from the back of the computer.
3. Remove your computer's cover by removing its mounting screws with a screwdriver. Slide the cover OFF. If necessary, refer to your PC's manual.
4. Your IEEE 488 controller interface must be installed in a 16-bit ISA-bus expansion slot. Select an available ISA expansion slot and remove its slot cover by unscrewing the holding screw and sliding it out. Save this screw for securing the interface after it is installed.
5. To install the IEEE 488 controller interface, carefully align the card edge connector with the ISA slot on the motherboard, fitting the IEEE 488 port through the rear panel opening. Push the board down firmly, but gently, until it is well seated.
6. Replace the cover slot holding screw to secure the board in place.
7. Replace the computer's cover and screws. Then reconnect all power cords and cables to the back of the computer. If available, connect your external data acquisition instrument to the IEEE 488 port connector on the interface.
8. Turn on your PC.
At this point, the hardware installation is complete. Continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Detecting the AT488 Interface Board in "Add New Hardware"
1. After installing the IEEE 488 controller interface, turn on your computer. Windows will detect the new hardware and prompt for a Manufacturer’s Disk.
2. Insert the disk labeled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive. Click OK.
3. The hardware will now be recognized by Windows; the "Add New Hardware Wizard" will assign the available I/O base address, IRQ (Interrupt), and DMA channel, which were configured earlier. (Additional AT488 interfaces may use the same IRQ and DMA values.)
Continue as prompted to load the interface driver, but DO NOT restart Windows. Select No to NOT shut down and go directly to the Device Manager to verify the presence of the new hardware device.
At this point, the hardware detection is complete. Continue to Step 3.
20 Personal488/AT (with AT488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Step 3: Verifying the AT488 Interface Installation & Driver488 Software Settings
1. To confirm proper installation, open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers" and below it, verify the presence of the new hardware device.
2. During Driver488 installation, a new Control Panel applet titled "IEEE 488" was installed under the Control Panel with default settings selected.
To verify or configure the Driver488 software settings for your IEEE 488 interface(s) and IEEE 488 external device(s), see chapter Driver488/W95 & Driver488/WNT on page 41.
When the I/O base address, IRQ (Interrupt), and DMA channel settings match the jumpered
board, select OK and restart Windows below.
If any of these settings do not match, manually reset each value. When all of the settings are
correct, select OK and restart Windows below.
3. Restart Windows and once again verify the hardware installation and Driver488 configuration in Device Manager.
At this point, the hardware and driver verification is complete. Continue to Step 4.
Step 4: Installing the AT488 Interface Software Support Files
1. Insert the disk titled "IEEE 488 Software Installation Disk, 1 of 2" into the floppy disk drive.
2. To install, you can do one of the following:
Select Run from the Start Menu, type in A:\SETUP.EXE, then click OK.
Go to My Computer or Windows Explorer, double-click on the Floppy Drive icon, then double-
click on the Setup icon.
Or go to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-click on the Add/Remove
Programs icon, then click the Install button.
3. The Installation program will step you through various options on installing these software support files.
Note: These files are NOT required to get the hardware to work properly, but it is recommended
if any software development is desired or Help files are needed.
4. Any or all of the installed software support files may be removed by going to the Control Panel from the Start > Settings menu, double-clicking on the Add/Remove Programs icon, then selecting "Personal IEEE 488 v 2.0", and clicking the Add/Remove… button.
At this point, the installation of software support files is complete.
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488/AT (with AT488) 21
Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers
Updating the AT488 Interface Hardware Drivers
1. Insert the disk titled "Driver488 Driver Disk, 1 of 1" into the floppy disk drive.
2. Open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Look for a device type named "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
3. Highlight the device you want to update under "IEEE488.2 Controllers".
4. Click on the Properties button. Click on the Driver tab.
5. Highlight the driver file named "C:\Windows\System\___488.vxd". (For example, "…\vpci488.vxd".)
6. Click on the Change Driver button.
7. Select the model that you are updating. Click OK. Note: DO NOT select the Have Disk... button.
8. Windows will return you to the Driver tab. Click OK. The hardware drivers will now be updated from the Driver Disk.
9. Windows will prompt you if you wish to restart the system. Select Yes. Otherwise the hardware will continue to use the outdated drivers until the next time the system is restarted.
22 Personal488/AT (with AT488) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
Personal488 (with GP488B) 6
The Package……23 GP488B Specifications……23
Configuring the New Hardware……24 Installing the New Hardware & Hardware Drivers……28 Updating the Existing Hardware Drivers……30 Configuring Other Hardware Settings……31
The Package
The Personal488, including the IEEE 488 interface board and the Driver488 software, is carefully inspected, both mechanically and electrically, before shipment. When you receive the product, unpack all items carefully from the shipping carton and check for any obvious signs of physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. Report any such damage to the shipping agent immediately. Remember to retain all shipping materials in the event shipment back to the factory becomes necessary.
The Personal488 (with GP488B) package includes:
GP488B IEEE 488 Bus Interface ISA Board
Driver488 Software Disks for Windows 95 or Windows NT (Driver488/W95 or Driver488/WNT)
Personal488 User’s Manual for Windows 95 and Windows NT
GP488B Specifications
IEEE 488 Controller Device: IOT7210 Maximum Transfer Rate: 8-bit DMA: 330 Kbyte/s (reads and writes) Dimensions: Half-size board, one card edge; occupies one ISA slot IEEE 488 Connector: Accepts standard IEEE 488 connector with metric studs Power: 650 mA max @ 5 V from PC Environment: 0 to 70°C, 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing DMA: 8-bit DMA on channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 (jumper selectable) Interrupts: IRQ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 IEEE 488 I/O Base Address: &H02E1, &H22E1, &H42E1, or &H62E1 Multiple Boards: Up to four GP488B boards can be installed, sharing a single DMA channel and
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
interrupt line
Personal488 User's Manual For Windows 95 and Windows NT Personal488 (with GP488B) 23
Configuring the New Hardware
The following text will guide you through the setup of your IEEE 488 controller interface. It includes instructions on how to verify the resource settings of ports in your system, and how to properly configure the switches/jumpers on your interface board.
To avoid a configuration conflict, you must first verify which I/O addresses, IRQs, and DMAs are being used by existing ports in your system, prior to configuring and installing the IEEE 488 controller interface.
Step 1: Verifying/Recording the Current System Settings
The Windows Control Panel enables you to easily determine and configure the I/O addresses, IRQ setting, and DMA settings in your system for proper operation. Perform the following steps to verify your system settings.
1. Open the Control Panel window from the Start > Settings menu, click on the System icon, and select the Device Manager tab. Under the line "Ports (COM & LPT)", look for a list of used ports. For each port, highlight the port and click on the Properties button.
2. Properties already being used in the system are displayed under the Resources tab. Values NOT listed are available.
For each listed port, record which Input/Output (I/O) address, if any, is being used.
For each listed port, record which Interrupt Request (IRQ) value, if any, is being used.
For each listed port, record which Direct Memory Access (DMA) value, if any, is being used.
3. Exit Windows and turn the system OFF.
The I/O base address, IRQ, and DMA settings are switch/jumper selectable via the following locations on the GP488B interface board: One 8-microswitch DIP switch labelled SW1, two 12-pin headers labelled J3 and J4, and one 3-pin header labelled J5. The DIP switch settings, and the arrangement of the jumpers on the headers set the hardware configuration.
For the next steps, make sure that the I/O address, IRQ, and DMA, set on the interface board are different from any existing ports in your system. A conflict results when two I/O addresses, IRQs, or DMAs are the same. (As the exception, additional GP488B interfaces may share the same IRQ and DMA values.) If there is a conflict, perform the following steps to select new switch/jumper settings.
24 Personal488 (with GP488B) Personal488 User's Manual For Windows95 and Windows NT
+ 114 hidden pages