Omega Products OMB-NETSCAN-1500 Installation Manual

Data Logging & Control Instrument
User’s Guide
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How To Use This Manual

Chapter 1: Configuring and Starting NetScan provides information to get your NetScan system up and running on
the ethernet. Includes software installation instructions.
Chapter 2: ChartViewNET Quick Start and Tutorial includes basic concepts regarding the ChartViewNET
software program, and a ChartView tutorial to quickly familiarize you with the application.
Chapter 3: General Information and Specifications gives a general description of NetScan and related hardware
including NetScan’s expansion chassis and available signal conditioning cards.
Chapter 4: ChartView Software Reference includes information regarding Ch artView, ChartView Plus,
ChartViewNET, and ChartViewNET Plus. Topics include detailed explanations of the program’s pull-down
menus, toolbar icons, and keypad control options.
Chapter 5: PostView explains how to use this independent program to view charts recorded by the ChartView
Chapter 6: Calibration explains how to use ScanCal, a software-automated method of calibration, as well as how to
manually calibrate the master chassis and option cards.
Chapter 7: Hardware provides detailed information regarding NetScan hardware. The chapter includes information
regarding the front and rear panels, two-position voltage selector switch, memory addition, RS-232/422 serial communication interfaces, digital I/O lines, external TTL connectors, signal conditioning modules, CSN/Exp expansion chassis (option), and high current CSN/relay card (option).
The Appendices provide programming-related information that is not necessary for users of ChartViewNET and ChartViewNET Plus, but is useful to those wishing to write their own programs. The appendices are arranged as
follows: Appendix A: API Commands describes the entire command set for NetScan. Syntax, parameters, interpretation, and
error codes are explained. Sections on the individual commands include their parameters, types, typical use, related information, and a sample program excerpt.
Appendix B: Ethernet API provides information regarding ethernet-related commands. Appendix C: Configuration Aspects for Programmers provides information on memory allocation, channel and
scan configuration, triggers, alarms, and digital I/O operation.
Appendix D: Registers, Data Formats, & Queries provides information regarding registers, d ata formats, status and
event reporting, and other operation-related factors.
Appendix E: NetScan Program Examples explains the program examples which are supplied on the release disk.
Typical tasks are covered including various kinds of data acquisition and alarm control.
Appendix F: ASCII Code Summary summarizes ASCCII control codes and character codes. Appendix G: NetScan Error Messages lists and describes error codes pertaining to NetScan. Appendix H: Abbreviations
If equipment is used in any manner not specified in this manual, or if specification limits are exceeded, the function of the equipment, as well as the protection provided by it, may be impaired.
© 1998 by IOtech, Inc. November 1998 Printed in the United St at es of America

Table of Contents

1 Configuring and Starting NetScan
Inspect Your System ……1-1 Install Software ……1-2 Check and Install Hardware …… 1-2
Verify Voltage Setting ……1-2 Verify DIP Switch Setting ……1-2 Install Signal Conditioning Card(s) …..1-2 Connect Expansion Chassis (option)…..1-3 Setup for Ethernet Operation…… 1-4
Complete Hardware Setup for Ethernet Operation…… 1-4
NetScan and TCP/IP Addressing …… 1-8
Protocol …… 1-8 IP Address …… 1-8 Sub-net Mask …… 1-8 Gateway Address …… 1-8 Configuration …… 1-9
Point-to Point Setup…… 1-9 Private LAN Setup …… 1-9 Private LAN Setup wi t h Multiple Networks……
LAN Setup with Internet Access ……1-10
Connect Channel Signal Inputs……1-10
2 ChartViewNET QuickStart and Tutorial
Overview ……2-1 ChartViewNET, Basic Concepts ……2-1
Configuration Files ……2-1 Groups, Charts, & Channels ……2-2 Three Ways of Using
ChartViewNET Tutorial ……2-6
3 - General Information and Specifications
General Description…… 3-1 Operational Aspects…… 3-2
Data Handling and Triggering…… 3-2 Software and Hardware…… 3-3 NetScan Specifications…… 3-3
4 ChartView Software Reference
Overview ……4-1
Groups, Charts, & Channels ……4-2 Three Ways of Using What ChartView and ChartView Plus Provide ……4-3
Main Window ……4-4
Channel Information Region ……4-6 Status Indicator Region ……4-7
Main Window Toolbar ……4-8
Group Select ……4-8 Start, Pause, and Stop Charts ……4-8 Scroll Faster & Scroll Slower ……4-8 Display Configuration ……4-9 Channel Configuration ……4-15 PostView post-acq data viewer ……4-15 Arm Acquisition ……4-15 Disarm ……4-15 Print Charts ……4-16
Main Window Pull-Down Menus ……4-16 Bar Graph, Analog, & Digital Meters …4-27
Overview ……4-27 Bar Graph Meters ……4-28 Analog Meters ……4-29 Digital Meters ……4-30 Meter Toolbars ……4-31 Meter Pull-Down Menus ……4-31 Meters Configuration Menu ……4-32
Setup Window ……4-33
Channel & Alarm Setup Dialog Box ……4-33 Acquisition Setup Dialog Box ……4-36
Channel Configuration Columns ……4-35 Alarm Configuration Columns ……4-36
Data Destination Dialog Box ……4-39
Data Destination ……4-39 Auto Re-arm (ChartView Plus only ) ……4-39 Why use Auto Re-arm? ……4-40 Disabling Auto Re-arm ……4-40
Chart Setup Wizard ……4-41
Introduction ……4-41 Automatic Chart Setup with Wizard ……4-41 Bypassing Automatic Chart Setup ……4-41
5 PostView
Introduction ……5-2 Starting PostView ……5-3 Toolbar ……5-4 Channel Information Region ……5-5 Menu Items ……5-6 Understanding Groups, Charts, and
Channels ……5-7
Chart Setup Wizard ……5-7
Introduction ……5-7 Automatic Display Creation ……5-8
Display Configuration ……5-9
Editing a Display ……5-10 Manually Creating a Display ……5-12
PostView Timebase ……5-15
ii NetScan User’s Manual
6 Calibration
Introduction ……6-1 Calibration Setup ……6-1
Non-Volatile Storage of Calibration Constants ……6-2 Hardware Protected RAM ……6-2
ScanCal Software Application ……6-3
ScanCal’s Main Window ……6-3 Using ScanCal ……6-4
Interface Parameters System Inventory Calibration
Calibration Without ScanCal ……6-5
Password ……6-5 Calibration Mode Indicator ……6-5
Command Active Indicators ……6-5
Manual Calibration of Main Unit ……6-6
Offset Calibration of Main Unit ……6-6 Gain Calibration of Main Unit ……6-8
Manual Calibration of
Signal Conditioning Cards ……6-10
Offset Calibration of Cards ……6-10 Gain Calibration of Low Volts Cards ……6-12 Gain Calibration of High Volts Card ……6-15 Cold Junction Calibration ……6-17
Expansion Chassis, CSN/Exp (Option)
Connecting the Expansion Chassis ……7-17 Automatic Channel Assignment ……7-19
Appendix A  API Commands
Appendix B
Appendix C 
Appendix D
Appendix E  Appendix F Appendix G  Appendix H 
Ethernet API
Configuration Aspects for
Registers, Data Formats, &
NetScan Program Examples
ASCII Code Summary
NetScan Error Messages Abbreviations
7 Hardware Setup
Overview ……7-1 Front Panel ……7-1 Rear Panel ……7-2 Power Aspects ……7-3
Changing the Voltage Setting ……7-3 Replacing the AC Power Supply Fuse ……7-4
Memory Configuration ……7-4
Expanded Memory Options ……7-4 Calibration Memory Write Enable/Disable ……7-6
Ethernet Interface Configuration ……7-6 RS-232/422 Interface Configuration ……7-6
Configuring RS-322/422 Parameters …… 7-7 Serial Port Pin Connectors ……7-8
Digital I/O Lines ……7-10
Logic Levels ……7-10
Digital I/O Port Pinout ……7-10
External TTL BNC Connectors ……7-11 Signal Conditioning Cards ……7-11
CSN14/TC/P Thermocouple and Low Volts Card with Subminiature Plugs ……7-12 CSN14/LV/ (T, B, & S) Low Voltage Cards ……7-14 CSN14/HV/S High Voltage Card with Safety Jack Connectors ……7-15
CSN/Relay Card (for High-Current Digital-
Output) ……7-16
CSN/Relay Card Specifications ……7-17
NetScan User’s Manual iii
iv NetScan User’s Manual
Configuring and Starting NetScan 1
Overview…… 1-1 Inspect Your System…… 1-1 Check and Install Hardware…… 1-2
Setup for Ethernet Operation…… 1-4


NetScan and TCP/IP Addressing …… 1-8
Protocol …… 1-8 IP Address …… 1-8
Verify Voltage Setting…… 1-2 Verify DIP Switch Settings…… 1-2 Install Signal Conditioning Card(s)…… 1-2 Connect Expansion Chassis (option)…… 1-3
Complete Hardware Setup for Ethernet
Operation…… 1-4
Install Software/Configure Address Settings
for Ethernet Operation…… 1-5
Sub-net Mask …… 1-8 Gateway Address …… 1-8 Configuration …… 1-9
Point-to Point Setup…… 1-9 Private LAN Setup …… 1-9 Private LAN Setup wit h M ul tiple Networks…… 1-10 LAN Setup with Internet Access ……1-10
Connect Channel Signal Inputs……1-10
For successful operation your computer needs to have the following:
10-Base-T Type Ethernet card and cables
Available COMM Port
PC system with Pentium processor
Windows 3.1+, Windows 95, or Windows 98
At least 8 Mbytes of RAM for Windows 3.1+ (16 Mbytes recommended)
At leasr 16 Mbytes of Ram for Windows95/98 (32 Mbytes recommended)
This chapter explains how to configure NetScan for ethernet use. The chapter provides steps for making proper connection to the ethernet and includes power up instructions. Note that Chapter 7, Hardware Reference, contains detailed information pertaining to hardware issues, including setup for RS-232 and RS-422 operation.

Inspect Your System

If you have not already done so, carefully unpack your shipping carton and check all contents for damage which may have occurred during shipment. Immediately report all damage to the shipping agent and your sales representative. Retain all shipping materials in case the unit must be returned to the factory. Each NetScan is shipped with the following:
NetScan Ethernet/Internet-Based Data Logging and Control Instrument
------------------ Signal Conditioning Card(s) pre-installed per customer orde r 1035-0901 NetScan User’s Manual 1035-0601 CN-18-50 DB50 Digital I/O Mating Connector CA-1 Power Cable CA-192-5 10-Base-T “straight through” ethernet cabl e, 5 ft. CA-192-Adapter 10-Base-T “cross-over” adapter FU-1-.5 1/2A, 250V, Slo Blo, 3AG for 105 - 125V power line or FU-1-.25 1/4A, 250V, Slo Blo, 3AG for 210 - 250V power line
Programmed Disk Set, includes ChartViewNET Software
NetScan User’s Manual,
Configuring and Starting NetSc an 1-1

Check and Install Hardware

Depending on your order, your NetScan unit may not require all the steps under this heading. If a step does not apply to your unit, simply go on to the next one.
NetScan Rear Panel

Verify Voltage Setting

Based on your order, your NetScan system was set at the voltage indicated on the sticker (located on the rear of the unit, near the power switch). Verify that the voltage value indicated on the sticker matches the voltage of your int ended AC power supply. If you need to c hange the voltage selection for a ny reason, refer to Chapter 7’s section entitled, Power Aspects, Changing the Voltage Setting.

Verify DIP Switch Settings

The DIP switch is located on the lower right corner of NetScan’s rear panel. Default settings are as follows. Note that micro-switch #1 must be set to the “0” position. The IEEE position does not apply to NetScan.
The IEEE position does not apply to NetScan.
NetScan, Default DIP Switch Settings
Micro­Switch #
1 2,3 4,5 6,7,8 9
0 – Required for NetScan 1,0 – Hardware Handshake 0,0 – No Parity 1,1,0 – 19200 Baud 0 – RS-232 position
1-2 Configuring and Starting NetSc an NetScan User’s Manual

Install Signal Conditioning Card(s)

Signal conditioning cards are pre-installed per customer order. However, if you need to install a signal conditioning card, or CSN/Relay card, perform the following steps. Repeat the steps for additional cards, and for placing cards into the optional CSN/Exp expansion chassis, if applicable.
Ensure NetScan is powered down and not connected to any power source prior to installing or removing a card. Failure to do so could cause equipment damage.
Use approved ESD precautions, including static-free work area and grounded wrist strap, when handling circuit boards and electronic components. Failure to do so could cause equipment damage due to electrosta t ic discharge.
Only one CSN/Relay card can be used in a NetScan system. Attempts to install the CSN/Relay card in a slot other than slot #1 of NetScan’s main unit can cause equipment damage.
The CSN/Relay card, if used, must be installed in the bottom slot of the main unit.
Aside from this requirement, cards may be installed in any slot.
1. Ensure NetScan is powered down and not connected to any power source.
2. With channel labels oriented upright, carefully slide the card into the unit, and along the card support grooves. Gently force the card to engage its edge connector with NetScan’s internal mating connector.
3. Tighten the external screws snug, at each end of the card.
NetScan Front Panel, One of Many Possible Set-ups

Connect Expansion Chassis (option)

If you ordered a expansion chassis (CSN/Exp), please refer to Chapter 7 for installation instructions.
NetScan User’s Manual Configuring and Starting NetSc an 1-3

Setup for Ethernet Operation

Complete Hardware Setup for Ethernet Operation

If you want to operate your NetScan unit independent of (not-connected to) the ethernet, refer to Chapter 7 for serial operation.
If you ordered a expansion chassis (CSN/Exp), please refer to Chapter 7 for installation instructions.
Note 1:
NetScan’s CONFIG Port is required only during initial configuration.
Note 2:
directly to your PC’s ethernet connection, a 10-Base-T cross-over adapter (or a cross-over cable) must be use d.
Initial Connections for Ethernet Setup
Perform the following hardware-related steps to setup NetScan for ethernet operation.
1. If connecting NetScan directly to your PC: (a) connect the cross-over adapter (CA-192-Adapter) to your PC’s ethernet connector (b) connect the “straight-through” 10-Base-T type cable (CA-192-5) to NetScan’s ETHERNET Port (c) connect t he other end of t he straight-through c able to the the cross-over adapter. Option: A 10-Base-T cross-over cable may be used in place of an adap ter with straight-through cable
2. If connecting NetScan to a hub: connect a “straight-through” type 10-Base-T type ethernet cable (CA-192-5) to NetScan’s ETHERNET Port; then connect the other end of the cable to the PC’s ethernet hub.
3. Connect a CA-47 cable (or equivalent DB9 cable) to NetScan’s 9-pin sub D CONFIG Port.
4. Connect the other end (DB25 or DB9 connector end) of the CA-47 (or equivalent cable) to an available COMM Port on your PC. Note that the PC COMM ports can be 25 pin, or 9 pin.
Ensure NetScan’s Interface Selector Switch is set to the ETHERNET (up) position.
6. Make sure NetScan’s power switch is in the “0” (OFF) position.
7. Plug power cord CA-1 into NetScan’s power connector (located on the rear panel). Plug the other end of the cord into an appropriate power receptacle.
8. Turn NetScan’s power switch to the “1” (ON) position. The Power LED should light up.
The DB9 connection to
If conneting NetScan
At initial power-up NetScan performs automatic self-tests to ensure that it is fully functional. The rear panel LEDs indicate errors, if they occur. Possible error conditions and their corresponding indicator light patterns are shown in the following table. Any pattern not shown is an internal error that is not field­serviceable; in this case, contact the factory. When only the POWER and ERROR LEDs are on, a configuration error exists as a result of the setup information in NV-RAM.
1-4 Configuring and Starting NetSc an NetScan User’s Manual
If you observe a configuration error, perform an error status query (see E? in Appendix A). If you observe any other type of error condition, make note of the error and contact your service representative.
Error Condition LED Indicators
General Hardware Failure ON ON -Flash- ON ROM Invalid for U22, COMM2 -Flash- ON ROM Checksum Error for
U21 Comm1
ROM Checksum Error for
U22 COMM2 Non-Volatile RAM Error ON -Flash- ON Dynamic RAM Error ON ON -Flash- ON Interprocessor COM Error ON ON ON -Flash- ON Configuration Error ON ON
ON -Flash- ON
ON -Flash- ON
If no problems are found NetScan will begin its power-up initialization. This self-test is performed each time the unit is powered up regardless of whether power-on was caused by the power switch or the Power­On Reset (
) co mmand.
During initialization, NetScan self test performs the following steps:
Checks for errors at power-up.
Checks the flag in the NV-RAM to determine if it should power-up with factory default settings or a user -defined configur ation.
Loads appropriate registers with corresponding values in NV-RAM.
Checks a flag to see if alarms should be enabled at power-up, and if so, enables them.
Loads channel configuration regi sters.
Loads program sequencer with appropriate channel configurations.
Resets computations processor to begin acquiring scans.
The self-test takes approximately 5 seconds to complete; after which, NetScan is ready for normal operation.

Install Software/Configure Address Settings for Ethernet Operation

Be sure you have completed the hardware-related steps on page 1-4 prior to performing the steps below. Failure to complete the hardware-relat ed steps will result in a communications error.
Use Microsoft Windows Run dialog box to configure NetScan’s address and install the ChartView program group. Direct Windows to run the
dialog boxes to complete a successful installation.
Early in the setup you will be prompted to enter your Network Interface ID Number. This number appears on your Network Registration Sheet and must be entered to enable ChartViewNET.
file found on Installation Diskette 1. Follow the on-screen
Screen Prompt for Entering the Network Interface Registration ID
NetScan User’s Manual Configuring and Starting NetSc an 1-5
If you ordered ChartView Plus, you must enter the registration ID number as it appears on your ChartView Plus Registration Sheet. Otherwise, press Next and continue to follow the screen prompts.
Screen Prompt for Entering the ChartView Plus ID
Using the NetScan Configuration Utility
NetScan must be configured before you can use it in the ethernet mode. Configuration is accomplished through the NetScan Configuration Utility that activates after you select “NetScan” as your device type. The utility’s window displays a “welcome” prior to prompting you through the required configur ation steps. The following steps appear in the utility’s screen prompts. Note that each “step” has a corresponding tab (see follo wing figure).
The network interface must be properly configured before NetScan can communicate with a
computer via the ethernet. The NetScan Configuration Utility application completes this task by sending configuration settings from your computer’s serial port to the configuration port (CONFIG) on NetScan’s Ethernet Interface.
Step 1
Select an available serial communication port (COMM Port) from your computer.
Step 2
a) Disconnect the network cable (10Base-T type) from NetScan’s ETHERNET connector on the Ethernet
Interface portion of NetScan. b) Cycle NetScan’s power switch “Off,” then “On.” c) Check (3) the on-screen box that states, “I have performed the actions desribed above.”
Step 3
Basic information regarding TCP/IP Addressing begins on page 1-8. The section includes definitions and describes four different operating scenarios.
If you have any difficulty regarding address settings, please contact your network administrator.
a) If necessary, make changes to the address settings, then press the Apply Changes button. You may
need to refer to the TCP/IP informat i on beginning on pa ge 1-8, or contact your network administrator.
b) Press the Next button (see following figure).
1-6 Configuring and Starting NetSc an NetScan User’s Manual
NetScan Configuration Utility, Step 3
You will receive a “>>Communications Error<<” if the NetScan Configuration Utility fails to communicate with NetScan. Likely causes are:
1) Wrong COMM Port selected in the utility (step1).
2) Serial cable connected to wrong connector on NetScan, PC, or both. If you received the error message, check system cable connections, correct the problem, then return to Step 2 and perform the requested actions.
a) Exit the NetScan Configuration Utility. b) Cycle NetScan’s power switch “Off” and “On.”
The ethernet interface can now be used. Follow additional software installation prompts as applicable to your application.
After you have finished using the NetScan Configuration Utility to complete your unit’s address settings you can remove the DB9 cable (the cable conecting the computer COMM Port to NetScan’s Ethernet Interface CONFIG connector).
NetScan’s Ethernet Interface panel contains 3 indicator LEDs. These indicators have the following meanings when lit:
– Data is being transmitted over the ethernet.
– There is a good connection to the ethernet.
– NetScan’s ethernet interface mode is enabled and functional.
A flashing ETHERNET LED indicator (located on NetScan’s Ethernet Interface panel) implies that the NetScan unit could have an interna l malfunction. If the ETHERNET LED flashes, please turn the unit “Off” and contact your service representative.
NetScan User’s Manual Configuring and Starting NetSc an 1-7

NetScan and TCP/IP Addressing


The NetScan uses TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) for communications over the ethernet. You can access NetScan devices from virtually anywhere in the world since the World Wide Web uses this same protocol.
TCP/IP addressing consists of three parameters: the IP address, the Sub-net Mask, and the Gateway Address. Each of these parameters consists of four different numbers which range from 0 to 255. The numbers are typically represented in a dotted decimal format, for example:

IP Address

The IP (Internet Protocol) is a device address that is unique to one specific device located on the network. A device’s IP address can not be shared by any other device on the network. The only restrictions on the IP address are:
1) the first number must be between 127 and 255
2) the last number must be between 1 and 254.

Sub-net Mask

The Sub-net Mask determines how many addresses are on the network. Note that Class C networks consist of up to 256 addresses; and are quite common. For a Class C Network the Sub-net Mask would be All computers on the network must have the same subnet mask.

Gateway Address

A gateway address is needed to a access a device (gateway, or router) that can route traffic from one network to anothe r. The gateway address is the actual address of the gateway (router) device.
1-8 Configuring and Starting NetSc an NetScan User’s Manual


1) Point-to-Point Setup
2) Private Local Area Network (LAN) Setup
There are four basic network scenarios that pertain to NetScan ethernet operation. Note that proper TCP/IP configuration i s extremely important, a nd you must obtain TCP/IP addressing parameters before configuring the protocol. The rules for configuration differ for each scenario as follows:
Point-to-Point Setup
In the Point-to-Point scenario, NetScan is connected directly to a PC using a crossover cable. Since there is no actual network the only requirements are:
1) The first three numbers of NetScan’s IP address must match the first three numbers of the computer’s IP address.
2) The sub-net mask should be set to
3) The gateway address can be omitted.
TPC/IP address set to
Sub-net mask set to
Private LAN Setup
In this simple LAN scenario, NetScan is connected to a network with several PC’s using the TCP/IP protocol. These networks typically use a system administrator or network analyst to address TCP/IP issues.
For private LAN setups, requirements are:
1) A unique IP address must be assigned to the NetScan device
2) The first three numbers of the IP address must be the same for all devices on the network
3) The sub-net mask should be set to
4) The gateway address can be omitted
TPC/IP address set to for NetScan device First three numbers of all network devices are 192.88.247 Sub-net mask is set to
NetScan User’s Manual Configuring and Starting NetSc an 1-9
3) Private LAN Setup with Multiple Networks
Private LAN with Multiple Networks
In multiple-network scenarios, two or more networks connect to a common gateway via ethernet hubs. In regard to multiple networks, a qualified network administrator should assign all TCP/IP parameters.
4) LAN Setup with Intern et Access
LAN Setup with Gateway Access to Internet
In internet access scenarios, a network adminstrator usually assigns T C P/IP parameters. Configuring for this scenario is identical to that of scenario 2 (Private LAN Setup), with the following exception: The internet access scenario requires the gateway address to be set to the address of the gateway (router) device that handles routing to the internet.

Connect Channel Signal Inputs

Connect channel inputs to your signal conditioning cards. Each signal conditioning card can support up to 16 Channels. With use of the expansion chassis, you can have up to 8 signal conditioning cards. Depending on the type(s) of cards used, your connections will be made via one or more of the following: screw terminal, mini-plug, BNC, or safety jack type input connector.
Reference Note:
card that can be used with NetScan.
NetScan has eight digital input lines and thirty-two digital output lines available on the rear panel DB-50 connector (see pin-out, below). Each digital output line will drive five (5) standard TTL loads. All digital input lines are one-eighth (0.125) TTL loads. All inputs are protected against damage from high static voltage. Normal precautions should be taken to limit the input voltages to the range of 0.0 to 5.3 volts. All digital I/O lines are referenced to the connector’s ground pins.
Do not exceed the 0.0 to 5.3 volts levels described above. Exceeding these levels may damage the NetScan unit in a way not covered by the warranty.
A CSN/Relay is available for high current alarm output applications. If used, this card must be installed in the bottom slot of the NetScan’s main chassis. Installation instructions for CSN/Relay are on page 1-3 of this manual. Refer to chapter 7 for detailed information regarding the CSN/Relay card.
Chapter 7 contains information regarding each type of signal conditioning
1-10 Configuring and Starting NetSc an NetScan User’s Manual
The following figure and table identify pin locations for outputs, inputs, and grounds associated with the DB50 conne ctor. Outputs 1 through 32 ar e typically used for a larms 1 through 32, respectively. O ut puts 1 through 16 can be used with the relay card option. Chapter 7 contains add itional information.
DB50 Pin Descriptions
11 17 39 234 18 23 318 19 7 42 20 40 535 21 24 619 22 8 73 23 41 836
920 10 4 11 37 12 21 13 5 14 38 15 22 16 6
Pin No.
Pin No.
Pin No.
115 248 332 416 549 633
717 24 25 850 25 9 26 42 27 26
Ground Pins
28 10 12, 13, 14, 29 43 28, 29, 30, 31, 30 27 45, 46, 47 31 11 32 44
NetScan User’s Manual Configuring and Starting NetSc an 1-11
1-12 Configuring and Starting NetSc an NetScan User’s Manual
ChartViewNET Quick Start and Tutorial 2
Overview ……2-1 ChartViewNET, Basic Concepts ……2-1
Configuration Files ……2-1 Understanding Groups, Charts, & Channels ……2-2 Three Ways of Using ChartViewNET ……2-3
ChartViewNET Quick Start ……2-3 ChartViewNET Tutorial ……2-6


This chapter provides the steps to connect, power up, and run NetScan using the TCP/IP protocol. Although there are many ways to configure NetScan, this Startup is intended for a simple setup. In addition to the following steps, this chapter includes a section on basic concepts and a ChartViewNET tutorial. These are provided to help you gain a better understanding of the ChartView program. Note that Chapter 7, Hardware Setup, contains detailed information pertaining to hardware issues and includes RS-232 and RS-422 information.

ChartViewNET, Basic Concepts

An understanding of several basic concepts will help you master ChartViewNET more quickly, and should be understood before proceeding with the tutorial.
ChartViewNET refers to a ChartView program that has the network feature of the program activated, much like ChartView Plus refers to a ChartView program that has the enhanced

Configuration Files

ChartView makes use of one or more “user transparent” configuration files. Configuration files maintain information regarding various aspects of your setup, serving as an initialization file for subsequent ChartView startups. These files can be recognized by their
When you run ChartView for the very first time there will be no configuration file; however, one
chart feature of the program activated. The NET and Plus features are each activated by separate registration ID codes; thus it is possible to have ChartViewNET Plus (when both codes are used). For ease of discussion, this chapter’s use of the term ChartView also refers to ChartViewNET; and ChartView Plus refers to ChartViewNET Plus.
will automatically generate and be saved after each use of the program.
NetScan User’s Manual,
ChartView uses
as a default configuration file. This file maintains a location for ChartView
configuratio n information including:
Device Interface Mode
Hardware Configuration
Channel Settings:
Acquisition Configuration
Data Storage Settings
The configuration file ensures that when you restart ChartView, it will be in the same state upon your last exit. This means that the
Channel Enable/Disable (On/Off)
Alarm Settings (Limits)
Hysteresis Setting
file will be an updated copy of the configuration file you are using at the time you exit ChartView. It is not catastrophic if a configuration file is deleted, since it is a simple task to start ChartView when no configuration file exists. This is described in the tutorial.

Understanding Groups, Charts, & Channels

When starting the program with no configuration file present, a feature called Chart Setup Wizard is automatically activated to assist you with your setup. To make the best use of Chart Setup Wizard you need to understand the relationship of Groups, Charts, and Channels.
ChartView and Chart Setup Wizard are detailed in Chapter 4 of this manual.
. “Group” refers to a group of charts. ChartView makes use of one chart group. ChartView Plus
allows up to 64 groups, depending on the capabilities of your PC, but only displays data from one chart group at a time.
. “Chart” refers to display area which reflects real-time channel data values and can be scrolled at
various rates. One chart can display data from up to four channels. In addition, each chart will display real­time information for a selected channel. You can assign up to 16 charts per group.
. “Channel” refers to a signal channel. You can have up to 4 channels assigned to one chart. Channels will be displayed in units of °C, °F, °K, °R, mV, V, or in user-defined units, depending on the configuration and type of signal conditioning card used. NetScan’s signal conditioning card options are detailed in Chapter 7.
2-2 ChartView Quick Start and Tutorial NetScan User’s Manual

Three Ways of Using ChartViewNet

You can use ChartViewNET to:
chart and monitor specific channels with no acquisition of data to disk
acquire data with no charting or meter use
use charting and/or meters while acquiring data to disk
1) Chart channels (and/or monitor with meters) with no ac quisit ion of data to disk
Prior to charting channels on ChartView’s Main Window, you need to configure a display in regard to
groups, charts, and channels . This aspect of configurati on is performed through Chart Setup Wizard
(discussed in the following text), or through a Display Setup dialog box which is accessed through the
Display Configuration Setup button (toolbar, item 7) on ChartView’s Main Window.
In addition to charting channels, you can monitor selected channels via digital, analog, and/or bar graph
meters. Meters are discussed in Chapter 4.
2) Acquire Data with no charting or meter use
Prior to acquiring data (for saving to disk) you need to configure the acquisition using the Acquisition
dialog box (accessed through the
the related icon button). You can enable the desired channels, assign high and low alarm values from the
channel configuration dialog box.
3) Chart channels and/or use meters while acquiring data t o disk
Prior to using ChartView for charting (and/or meter use) while simultaneously acquiring data to disk, you
need to configure a display and/or meter; as well as configure the acquisition. Note that the channels from
the display setup are automatically enabled. You can enable additional channels from the channel
configuration dialog box (for the data acquisition) to acquire more data; however, these additional channels
will not change your display setup, or the channels being monitored. In other words, you can acquire data
from channels which you do not monitor.
For ChartView Plus users, up to four channels will overlap on their assigned Chart, and will be visible when the applicable Group is selected.
pull-down menu of ChartView’s Main Window, or through use of

ChartViewNET Quick Start

Starting ChartView, Configuring the System and Collecting Data

Use the ChartView icon in Windows to start the ChartView program. ChartView will run using the latest configuration file. This is a file which is automatically saved upon exiting the program. The configuration file contains all setup information, including that pertaining to channels, alarms, and acquisition configuration. When ChartView opens using a configuration file, the program’s main window appears on the screen, as indicated in the following figure.
NetScan User’s Manual ChartView Qui ck Start and Tutorial 2-3
The configuration file, discussed in this section, will not be present during your first start of the program.
In the following figure, item 24 (Status LEDs and labels) does not appear when using Windows 3.1.
However, when using Windows 3.1, text will appear in region 24 to inform you of the status. This is in addition to the text in the Status Message Box (Item 22).
ChartView Main Window
ChartView Main Window Control Options
= Mouse, Ú= Arrow Keypads , = PageUp/PageDown Keypads
1 Group Select 2 Start Charts &
3 Pause Charts 4 Stop Charts
5 Scroll Faster
6 Scroll Slower
7 Display Configuration
8 Channel
9 PostView post- acq
data viewer
10 Arm Acquisition
11 Disarm … 12 Print Charts
13 Chart Max. Scale
Value (Grid Limit Line)
Ctrl+G, or
and “right-click” Current group will be selected.
down menu
From Chart Pull-d own menu or Chart Setup Dialog Box
or, Pointer over chart
or, Windows Pull-
14 15
16 17
21 22 23
24 25
Channel Selection Multiply (x2)
Present Value of Selected Channel Center (Value at Chart Mid- Lin e)
Units/Division (Vertical increment per one grid
box) Chart Min. Scale Value (Grid Limit
Divide (÷2)
Time Scroll (hr:min:sec)
Status Message Box
Time/Division (Chart Speed), the Horizontal increment p er gri d
box Status LEDs
Chart Display
Double-click left mouse button in selected chart to zoom in or zoom back out. Right-click to bring up Chart Setup Dialog Box with the current group and target chart selected.
[Tab to and hit
From Chart Pull-d own menu or Chart Setup Dialog Box
Thru Pull-Down Menus only
Ctrl+Z (Faster) Ctrl+X (Slower)
, or type-in
, or type-in
[Tab to and hit
2-4 ChartView Quick Start and Tutorial NetScan User’s Manual
Once ChartView has a configuration file, you can start t he program quickly using the Windows Run dialog
box. Before executing this command [by clicking on the OK box] specify a configuration file as a
command line parameter. In the following example, the user has specified a configuration file which he had
previously saved as
The file name can be manually entered, or can be accessed using the pull-down arrow and scrolling the list of available file names.
After executing the command, ChartView’s Main Window opens. At this point review the following
configurable items prior to Data Acquisition. Make changes, or load a different configuration file if
Device Interface
Check the Interface and Status via the Device pull-down menu.
Channel Configuration
Check channel and alarm configuration settings via the window through the Setup pull-down menu.
Channel Configuration Window
. Access this
Acquisition Parameters
Check the acquisition parameters via the through the Setup pull-down menu.
Acquisition Configuration window
. This window can be accessed
Data File Parameters
Check Data File Parameters. These parameters can be set from the from the Setup pull-down menu), and from the pull-down menu.
Data File Parameters
Data Destination
selection accessible from the D
window (accessible
Using the Run Dialog box to specify a configuration file is very efficient. By using this method and various
configuration files, you should find that managing systems with more than one acquisition device is
relatively simple. With the use of a portable PC, you can quickly interface with a specific acquisition
The pull-down menus and numbered areas represented in the previous figure and table are detailed in the
Chapter 4.
To start the charts scrolling, push the “Start Charts and Indicators” button (toolbar, item 2). More detailed
information pertaining to the charts and the ChartView Main Window appear in Chapter 4. In addition to
viewing the data as charts, you can select the
pull-down menu to select one or all of the
NetScan User’s Manual ChartView Qui ck Start and Tutorial 2-5
ChartView Analog M eters
ChartView Digital Meters
ChartView Bar Graph Meters
The meter-type data displays, along with the charts, can be on your computer screen at the same time. They can be re-sized and repositioned as desired. Analog, Digital, and Bar Graph meters are detailed in Chapter 4.

ChartViewNET Tutorial

This tutorial is intended to help you gain a good understanding of ChartView. The tutorial is based on an initial startup with no configuration file present
ChartView allows you to operate in one of four different Device Interface modes (IEEE 488, RS-232/422, Network (ethernet) or Simulated Instrument) , depending on your system’s scanning device. This tut orial makes use of the Simulated Instrument mode. This mode provides a means of running ChartView and inspecting its features without hardware concern. Note that you can change the interface mode at anytime during a configur ation setup.
The arrow symbol complete. Text without the arrow is for information content, and does not require you to take any action.
1. Select Interface Device
(1) From Windows, start ChartView by double-clicking on the
ChartView icon. The ChartView Startup dialog box
, followed by a number, is used throughout the tutoria l to indicate an action you are to
(2) Choose the
Dialog Box appears, as indicated in the following figure.
configuratio n file.
(3) Select Simulated Instrument. In an actual application you
would select IEEE 488, RS-232/422, or NetWork depending on the type of device.
Note: IEEE 488 device interface does not apply to NetScan units.
Select Device
Load File
button is for loading a previously saved
button. The Select Interface
2-6 ChartView Quick Start and Tutorial NetScan User’s Manual
2. Configure Chart Setup
(4) On the Select Interface box, shown in step 1, click “OK.” A
Chart Setup Wizard
following figure).
Chart Setup Wizard
ChartView Plus
Chart Setup Wizard
options including Chart Creation, as well as the ability to create multiple groups. unlocked by use of an authorized registration ID numbe r as an unlock code. Contact your service representative for more detailed information.
The chart setup determines how your
ChartView Main Window
groups available for viewing, the number of charts shown for each selected group, and the number of overlapping channels in each chart (not to exceed 4). As stated in the previous note, only allows the use of multiple groups and overlapping channels.
You can choose to manually create a configuration, or have one created automatically. In addition, you can use Chart Setup Wizard to make a r ough display configuration, and then manual l y fine tune it. The automatic setup method offers three choices: Simple, M
oderate, and Advanced.
The “Manual Chart Creation” option provides you with the same capabilities as the Advanced Automatic Setup selection, but allows you to vary the number of assigned channels per chart, as well as vary the number of charts per group.
Chart Setup Wizard, Automatic Option s Setup Type Simple Moderate* Advanced*
Moderate and Advanced modes are only available with activat i on of ChartView Plus.
Group Setup
1 group only 1 group only Up to 64 groups
Chart Setup
Up to 16 charts Up to 16 charts Up to 16 charts per group Up to 4 overlapping channels per chart
Channel Setup
1 channel per chart Up to 4 overlapping channels per chart
window appears (see
ChartView Plus
features can be
will appear in regard to the number of
ChartView Plus
NetScan User’s Manual ChartView Qui ck Start and Tutorial 2-7
For the purpose of our tutorial, complete the following steps.
are catered to
presented in brackets [ ].
(5) Verify that the Advanced tab (under Automatic Chart Creation) is selected.
[Simple must be used for standard program].
(6) Choose “2” for the number of groups. [Standard program is limited to 1 group].
(7) Choose “3” for the number of charts.
(8) Choose “4” for the number of channel s .
(9) Click Automatic Chart Creations/Create Charts. At this point your chart
appears on the Main Window.
(10) Click on the Display Configuration button (item 7, see toolbar figure, below).
Though you usually won’t do this at this point, this act permits you to see a representa tion of your configur ation, and permits you to make changes.
You should end up with a configuration display of two groups, each with 3 charts, and each chart with 4 channels [for standard ChartView users the display will be for 1 group only].
Because Automatic Chart Creation was chosen (starting with Channel 1) for ChartView Plus users, the Channel
arrangement was automatically assigned as follows:
Group 1 Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3
Once your chart setup is complete you can always go back and edit the setup.
Note that these steps
ChartView Plus. Comments regarding standa rd ChartView are
CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 CH5, CH6, CH7, CH8 CH9, CH10, CH11, CH12
Group 2 Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3
CH13, CH14, CH15, CH16 CH17, CH18, CH19, CH20 CH21, CH22, CH23, CH24
By using the mouse arrow and clicking on a Group, Chart, or Channel you will alter the appearance of the display, but not alter its actual configuration. For example, in the previous Display tree figure we see channels 1 through 4 assigned to Chart 1 of the fi rst Group.
(11) ChartView Plus users: click on the word/number “Group 2.”
(12) ChartView Plus users: click on the word/number “Chart 3” (of Group 2). You should now see channels
21 through 24 listed at that location.
The channels in the setup you just created will be automatically enabled and will appear in chart form on ChartView’s Main Window. The Channels will overlap on their assigned Chart, and will be visible when the applicable Group is selected. Note that only one group of charts can be viewed at a time, even if you are using ChartView Plus.
You can enable additional channels from the Channel Configuration window. This allows you to acquire more data; however, it will not change your display on ChartView’s Main Window. In other words, you can acq ui re data from cha nnels which you do not monitor.
(13) Click “Okay” to exit the dialog box.
1- Group Select 2- Start Charts & Indicators 3- Pause Charts 4- Stop Charts 5- Scroll Faster
Scroll Slower
7- Display Configuration 8- Channel Configuration 9- PostView 10- Arm Acquisition 11- Disarm
Print Charts
2-8 ChartView Quick Start and Tutorial NetScan User’s Manual
3. Configure Channels & Alarms
Configure channels and alarms as follows.
(14) On ChartView’s Main Window, click on
menu appears, allowing you to make more specific selections.
(15) Click on the
to that shown in the following figure.
Channels & Alarms
ChartView Toolbar Reference
selection. The Channel and Alarm Setup dialog box appears, similar
in the pull-down menu row. The
(16) Enable the desired channels. You can enable channels by double-clicking on the applicable channel’s
“On” column, obtaining “On” indicating enabled or “Off” indicating disabled. You can also use a pull­down list which appears for enable/disable. See Chapter 4 if more detail is needed.
Channels set up for your display will be automatically enabled. You can enable additional channels for data acquisition. These additional channels will not appear on ChartView’s
(17) Click on the “Enable SpreadSheet Reading” button (see previous figure). This activates the display
scanned data in the reading column. Since we are in the Simulated Instrument mode, the Reading column of the Analog Input SpreadSheet will now display simulated data. Selecting the Enable SpreadSheet Reading button again will freeze the Reading column’s display.
Main Window, but data from them will still be acquired.
NetScan User’s Manual ChartView Qui ck Start and Tutorial 2-9
4. Configure Acquisition.
(18) Click on the Acquisition Setup tab (see previous figure). An Acquisition Configuration dialog box appears.
The box can be in either of two modes – (1) can also access the Acquisition Configuration dialog box from the
button (item 8, below).
or (2)
High-speed, single channel
pull-down menu or the
. Note that you
1- Group Select 2- Start Charts & Indicators 3- Pause Charts 4- Stop Charts 5- Scroll Faster
Scroll Slower
ChartView Toolbar Reference
7- Display Configuration 8- Channel Configuration 9- PostView 10- Arm Acquisition 11- Disarm
Print Charts
The information entered in the Acquisition window is used by the Arm Acquisition command to set up the acquisition of data to disk. When the trigger is satisfied, the scans are collected at the selected scan frequency and stored to disk in the designated file.
Acquisition Dialog Box, Normal Mode
(19) Click “Okay” to exit the Acquisition dialog box. Note that we are using the Acquisition default settings, and
the Data Destination default settings in this tutorial (as shown in the above figure).
The following table provides a brief description of various acquisition setup parameters.
2-10 ChartView Quick Start and Tutorial NetScan User’s Manual
Acquisition Setup
Event Configuration
Set a trigger scan in the Acquisition by using one of t he following:
Keyboard -
Externa l TTL ­Channel Value ­Alarm ­Absolute Time -
Use Console Trigger dialog box to st art trigger scan.
Note: If the Keyboard Trigger is selected the use of Pre-t ri gger i s disabled.
Use an external signal to s t art the trigger scan.
Use specified value of a gi ven channel.
Use an Alarm value to start the trigger scan.
Use a time of day to st art the trigger scan.
Note: If Absolute Time is selected, the use of Auto Re-arm is disabled.
Set a stop scan in the Acquisition by using one of the above selections or Count (as specified below). Keyboard i sn’t applicable. If a Mul t i Scan/1200 or NetScan is connected and High-Speed Single-Channel (Burst Mode) is selected, then “Count from trigger” is the only Stop avai l abl e for the event configuration.
Acquisition Paramet ers
Count: Scan Counts:
Average weight:
Scan Intervals:
High Speed Setup:
Specify a number of sc ans to be read before a stop scan is set.
Specify the number of scans in an acquisition Pre-trigger Post Stop
Average weight can be specif i ed onl y when in the Normal Mode. The value for
the average weight determines the num ber of samples to be averaged when in Normal Mode. Values of 1, 2, 4, and 8 are for high-speed multiple channel applications for thermoc oupl es and DC voltages where noise filtering is not an issue. Values of 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 are rec om m ended for AC noise rejection. Time between scans (frequency of scans) Pre-trigger and Post Stop Post-trigger Use one Interval
Allows for channel and scan rate entries for high-speed, si ngl e channel mode.
These parameters cannot be altered whil e an acquisition is in progress .
5. Review Configuration.
Reviewing the configuration prior to data acquisition is optional; however, you should complete a review at this time (in the tutorial) to help with your familiarization of ChartView. In an actual application, a review such as this provides you with a chance to correct configuration errors.
Device Interface
Check the Interface and Status via the
Channel Configuration
Check channel and alarm configuration settings via the the
Acquisition Parameters
Check the acquisition parameters via the
Data File Parameters
Check Data File Parameters. These parameters can be set from the
pull-down menu.
pull-down menu.
pull-down menu), and from the
pull-down menu.
Channel Configuration Dialog Box
Acquisition Configuration Dialog Box
Data Destination Dialog Box
Data File Parameters
selection accessible from the
. Access this box through
. This box can be accessed th rough the
(accessible from the
pull-down menu.
NetScan User’s Manual ChartView Qui ck Start and Tutorial 2-11
6. [Optional]. Save Configuration File.
Although the updated
file will automatically save upon Exit, there may be times when you want to manually initiate a save. This will help you save time if an error occurs that may corrupt your configuration. You may create a new configuration file b y using an existing one and making the necessary changes. In actual applications, use the File pull-down menu to manually save configuration files, if this option is desired.
file contains all setup information. Setup information includes channel information, alarm
configurations, and acquisition configuration information.
7. [Optional]. Check the System Inventory and Device System Time.
Check the System Inventory and Device System Time via the
selection from the
menu. In an actual application, if the System Inventory and Device System Time configurations were acceptable, you would proceed to Arm an Acquisition by clicking the Arm Acquisition button (item 10), or by using the Arm Acquisition selection in the
pull-down menu.
1- Group Select 2- Start Charts & Indicators 3- Pause Charts 4- Stop Charts 5- Scroll Faster
Scroll Slower
ChartView Toolbar Reference
7- Display Configuration 8- Channel Configuration 9- PostView 10- Arm Acquisition 11- Disarm
Print Charts
8. Start Charts.
(24) Push the Start Charts and Indicators button (Toolbar, item 2). Charts will begin scrolling. More detailed
information pertaining to the charts and the ChartView Main Window appear in Chapter 4’s ChartView Main Window section. In addition to viewing the data as charts, you can select the
pull-down menu to select one or all of the following:
(25) Select the
meter’s specific toolbar to activate that meter. Meters and charts can be on your computer screen at the same time. They can be re-sized and repositioned as desired. Analog, Digital, and Bar Graph meters are detailed in Chapter 4. Note that a PostView Post Acquisition viewing program is also selectable from the Windows menu. PostView is discussed in Chapter 5.

A Note In Closing.

This completes the tutorial. You may continue running ChartView in the simulated instrument mode and try various options to get a better feel for the program. Remember, while in the simulated instrument mode there are no NetScan hardware concerns.
ChartView Analog M eters
ChartView Digital Meters
ChartView Bar Graph Meters
pull-down menu and try each meter option. Push the triangular play button of each
2-12 ChartView Quick Start and Tutorial NetScan User’s Manual
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