Omega Products OMB-DBK43A User Manual

Model OMB-DBK43A
Provides Eight Channels
of Strain-Gage Input
Accommodates Most
Bridge-Type Sensors, Including 4-Element Full and 3-Wire Quarter Bridges
Individual Excitation
Regulator Per Channel
User-Selected Low
Pass Filter
The OMB-DBK43A eight-channel strain-gage expansion module for OMEGA’s OMB-LOGBOOK and OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series data acquisition systems accommodates the connection of most strain-gage types, from single-element, 3-wire quarter­bridges to 4-element full bridges. The OMB-DBK43A also includes provisions for bridge completion resistors and provides four externally
accessible adjustments on each of its eight channels, including excitation voltage, input gain, offset nulling, and output scaling. Up to thirty-two OMB-DBK43A modules can be connected to a single OMB-LOGBOOK or OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series, for up to 256 strain-gage channels.
The OMB-DBK43A includes a built-in DC/DC converter, allowing the unit to be operated from an external power source while drawing very little power from the data acquisition system. The external power source can be the included AC adaptor, the OMB-DBK30A rechargeable battery/excitation module, a car battery, or any 9 to 18 Vdc source.
The DC/DC converter also provides excitation voltages for all channels. Each of its eight on-board excitation regulators can be externally adjusted from 1.5 to 10.5 Vdc.
The regulator outputs have remote sensing terminals and feature 50 mA current limiting to prevent damage from short-circuits or overloads. The wide regulator voltage range lets you incorporate virtually any resistive or semi-conductive gage type in your system.
Input Amplifier
The OMB-DBK43A’s input amplifiers provide an input gain range of x100 to 1250.
Offset & Scaling Gain
The OMB-DBK43A’s 0 to 5 Vdc offset adjustment range and output-gain scaling permit nulling of large quiescent loads and expansion of dynamic range for maximum resolution. This is an important feature because strain gages typically exhibit pre-load or quiescent output, leading to a non-zero output prior to the application of the load to be measured.
OMB-DBK43A 8-Channel Strain-Gage Module
for OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series and OMB-LOGBOOK
The OMB-DBK43A, $2599, shown smaller than actual size, provides 8 channels of strain-gage input for the OMB-LOGBOOK and OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series
To Order
(Specify Model Number)
Model Number Price Description
OMB-DBK43A $2799 8-channel strain-gage module
OMB-CA-132 103 Set of 8 MINI-DIN 6 connectors with 1.8 m (6') cable
(connects strain gages to OMB-DBK43A)
Ordering Example: OMB-DBK43A 8-channel strain-gage module and OMB-CA-132, set of eight 1.8 m (6') cables with mating Mini-DIN 6 connectors and OMEGACARE
1-year extended warranty for OMB-DBK43A (adds 1 year to standard 1-year warranty)
$2799 + 103 + 150 = $3052.
The OMB-DBK43A includes a Windows program that enables you to easily configure, calibrate, and set up your strain- gage application.
Shunt-Calibration Feature
The OMB-DBK43A offers locations in each channel amplifier for user­supplied shunt calibration resistors. This feature allows you to simulate, under software control, a pre-set bridge disturbance to aid in calibration and verification of each channel setting.
Coupling & Filtering
Each OMB-DBK43A channel features user-selectable AC or DC coupling between the input amplifier circuits, and a selectable 3-pole, low-pass filter with customizable cut-off frequency.
Bridge-Completion Resistors
Physical locations are provided for up to four bridge-completion resistors per channel, allowing you to accommodate virtually any type of external configuration without having to attach bridge completion resistors to the strain gage.
Connector: DB37 male, mates with
P1 pinout on the OMB-LOGBOOK or OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series; mini-DIN 6 provided separately for each strain-gage & external excitation connection
Number of Channels: 8 Excitation Voltage Adjustment
Range: 1.50 to 10.50 Vdc @ 50 mA Input Gain Range: x100 to 1250;
separate instrumentation amplifier for each channel
Accommodated Bridge Types:
Full bridge, Kelvin excitation
(6-wire) Full bridge (4-wire) Half bridge (3-wire) Quarter bridge (2-wire)
Input Type: Differential Input Impedance: 100 Mparallel
with 100 pF
CMRR: 115 dB (dc to 60 Hz) Input Power Source:User supplied
9 to 18 Vdc @ 600 mA max Excitation Current Output: 50 mA
max (current limited @ 60 mA)
Excitation Sensing: Local or remote Input Offset: 200 µV max Offset Drift: 4 µV/C° Output Offset: 4 mV Offset Drift: 6 µV/C° Offset Adjustment: 0 to 100%
of range, 0 to 5.00 Vdc
Full-Scale Sensitivity Range:
At 5.00 Vdc excitation:
0.8 to 10 mV/V
At 10.00 Vdc excitation:
0.4 to 5 mV/V
Scaling Amplifier Gain Range:
x1 to 10 (15-turn trimpot) Low-Pass Filter: 3-pole, user
selectable; corner frequency (Fc) set by user-supplied component; attenuation -3 dB at Fc; gain x2 (10 Hz installed)
Dimensions: 221 x 285 x 35 mm
(8.5 x 11 x 1.375")
Weight: 1.3 kg (3 lb) Cables:
Use OMB-CA-37-x for OMB-LOGBOOK and OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 Series
The OMB-DBK43A’s software supports three calibration methods: nameplate, two-point and shunt
You can easily configure the OMB-DBK43A using its Windows software.
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