Turbine FlowmeTers wiTh
local DigiTal Display
FTB790 Series
U Indicates Both
Rate and Total
U Up to 1% Reading
U 6-Digit Display
U Signal Output
U (Field Selectable)
U Battery Operated
U PVDF (FTB890) or
PVC (FTB690) Models
Also Available
FTB790 Series turbine meters
with microprocessor-based
electronics offers a durable,
compact, high-precision fluid
measurement device, with total and
rate indication. Information is clearly
displayed on a large 6-digit liquid
crystal display with only 2-point
floating decimal for totals from
0.01 to 999,999. All operations are
easily performed with only 2 buttons.
The basic unit and display are
powered by 2 lithium batteries,
providing up to 5 years of use.
Cumulative total, batch total, and
rate of flow are standard. A singlepoint field calibration curve can be
stored in memory.
The turbine meter can also be
ordered without display
electronics. A special pulse
output model (FLSC790-P-ND)
must be ordered to obtain an open
collector current sinking output
operated on 9 to 35 Vdc. The
output is a square wave pulse
with a 3-wire connection.
Accessories for Turbine
Meters With the Display:
The FLSC790-MA provides a
4 to 20 mA or 0 to 5 Vdc output for
rate indication. The output module
requires field calibration. The
4 to 20 mA dc is a 2-wire
system requiring 8 to 30 Vdc
power (24 Vdc recommended).
All models
shown smaller
than actual size.
The FLSC790-P pulse output
module provides an unscaled open
collector sinking output operating
on an applied voltage of 0 to 60 Vdc.
The output is a square wave pulse
with an amplitude the same as the
supplied voltage.
The FLSC790-P-DC external power
module for the FLSC790-P, allows
for 9 to 30 Vdc external power for
the pulse output. Internal batteries
in the display can be used as an
auxiliary power source.
The FTB790-RK remote kit allows
remote mounting of display
electronics. This option expands
the applications into wider fluid
temperature ranges to -40 to 121°C
(-40 to 250°F). The LCD display can
be mounted up to 90 m (300') from
the turbine meter.
The FTB790-RK-FM is an FM
approved remote kit. It allows the
display electronics to be mounted in
a hazardous area up to 30 m (100')
from the turbine meter and for fluid
temperatures of -40 to 121°C
(-40 to 250°F).
The FLSC790-BATT is the
replacement battery for the display
electronics. Batteries provide
5 years of use.
The FLSC790-90D is a 90°
mounting adaptor designed to allow
displays to be mounted 90° from the
standard position.

FTB-791: ±2% rdg
FTB-792, FTB-793: ±1.5% rdg
FTB-794, FTB-795: ±1.0% rdg
Extended Low Flow Range Accuracy:
±5.0% of reading (display models only)
Repeatability: ±0.1%
Pressure Rating: 1500 psig (103 bar)
With “-HP” Option:
3000 psig (207 bar)
Temperature Range:
With Remote Electronics Kit:
-40 to 121°C (-40 to 250°F)
Without Remote Electronics:
-10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
Viscosity: Rated accuracy for fluids with
viscosity of water (1 cSt); meters with
display can be used for fluids up to
100 cSt with field calibration
Wetted Components:
Housing: 316 SS
Journal Bearings: Ceramic
(96% alumina)
Shaft: Tungsten carbide
Rotor and Supports: PVDF
Retaining Rings: 316 SS
Display: 6-Digit LCD indicates flow rate,
batch and cumulative total
Battery Life: 5 years
FM Approvals: Turbine meters with
display and no accessories are FM
approved for Class 1, Div. 1 hazardous
Note: Outputs and accessories are not
designed for hazardous environments.
FTB790 shown larger than actual size.
To Order Visit omega.com/ftb790 for Pricing and Details
Opt pulse
Extended Weight kg (lb) K-factor
Model No. Model No. Range Range FNPT Pressure Length includes pulse/gal
w/Display w/o Display* GPM (LPM) Low Flow** Size Drop (psi) mm (in) display (nom)
FTB791 FTB791-ND 1 to 10 0.5 ¹⁄₂ 8.0 107 1.0 2500
(3.8 to 37.9) (1.9) (4.2) (2.3)
FTB792 FTB792-ND 2 to 20 1.0 ³⁄₄ 7.5 109 1.1 1100
(7.6 to 75.7) (3.8) (4.3) (2.5)
FTB793 FTB793-ND 5 to 50 2.5 1 5.0 114 1.3 565
(18.9 to 190) (9.5) (4.5) (3.0)
FTB794 FTB794-ND 10 to 100 5.0 1¹⁄₂ 4.0 135 2.1 215
(38 to 380) (9.0) (5.3) (4.6)
FTB795 FTB795-ND 20 to 200 10.0 2 4.0 160 3.1 100
(76 to 760) (38) (6.3) (6.8)
Requires signal output module model FLSC790-P-ND, ordered separately.
Extended low flow range and field calibration for viscosity not available on “-ND” (no display) units.
For units with ISO threads add “-ISO” to the model number, for additional cost.
For units with Tri-Grip mounting add “-TRI” to model number, for additional cost.
For high pressure units [207 bar (3000 psig)], add suffix “-HP” to model number, for additional cost.
Field Installable Options and Accessories
Model Number Description
FLSC790-MA 4 to 20 mA/0 to 5 Vdc output module
FLSC790-P Pulse output module; open collector output
FLSC790-P-DC External power module for FLSC790-P (9 to 30 Vdc)
FTB790-RK Remote display kit module
FTB790-RK-FM FM approved remote display kit module
FLSC790-BATT Two 3V replacement batteries
FLSC790-P-ND Pulse output for models without displays (“-ND” suffix); open collector output
FLSC790-90D 90° display mounting adaptor
Except as noted, options and accessories are for display models only. Only one module can be installed per unit.
Comes complete with two 3V lithium batteries and operator’s manual.
Comes complete with 3 m (10') cable, and operator’s manual.
Ordering Examples: FTB793, 1" turbine meter, with FLSC790-MA, field installable 4 to 20 mA dc output.
FTB795, 2" turbine meter with FLSC790-P pulse output module and FLSC790-P-DC power module.