Turbine Assembly Kit (PVC)
This Kit includes the replacement Turbine Assembly for your FTB690 Series Meter
! ! ! WARNING ! ! !
During turbine removal, liquid may spill. Follow the
liquid manufacturer’s safety precautions for clean up
of minor spills.
1. Ensure all liquid is drained from the old turbine. Wear protective clothing as necessary. Remove the old turbine. If
the new turbine is not immediately installed, cap the lines
as necessary.
2. Remove the computer display from the old turbine by re-
moving the four screws. Mount the computer on the new
turbine checking that the O-ring is fully seated before tightening the screws.
NOTE: You can rotate the computer electronics 180 degrees
before you install the computer. The meter must be installed
with the arrow pointed in the direction of flow.
3. Verify the display is working by performing a rotor test. Blow
through the meter in the direction of the arrow to test rotor.
DO NOT USE COMPRESSED AIR. The volume amount on
the computer display should change.
Use with Kits:
4. To install the meter, use only primer and solvents approved
for PVC gluing. Install the meter with arrow pointed in the
direction of flow.
5. Check meter accuracy before using. Make sure there is no
air in the system by starting the flow until it runs steadily.
Then stop the flow using a valve or nozzle.
6. Hold down DISPLAY button for three seconds to zero the
meter’s Batch Total. When zeroes appear, release the button.
7. Meter an exact known volume into an accurate container.
For best results, meter with one continuous full stream.
8. Check the readout. If the amount metered is accurate, field
calibration is not necessary. If not, refer to the Calibration
Section in your Owner’s Manual.