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FTB-630 Series
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Turbine Meter

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FTB-630 Series turbine meters are dry-register mechanical
totalizers that offer accurate, economical reading of high ows
with low pressure loss. The horizontal-axis turbine drives a vertical shaft, which is magnetically coupled to the sealed register.
In addition to mechanical totalizing, registers can be equipped
with magnetic pulse reed sensors well suited for remote totalizing, pacing of electronic metering pumps, and water treatment applications.
Security bolt and seal
Bodies are manufactured of tough cast iron and epoxy-coated
for protection. Tungsten steel shafts and jewel bearings further
enhance the durability of these meters. Simple removal of the
top ange brings out all parts for inspection, repair, or replacement. The meter has a tamper-evident seal to call attention to
unauthorized access.
Epoxy-coated cast iron body
150 lb. ANSI drilling ange
Materials Meter Body
Register Plate
Drive Magnet
Turbine Shafts
Maximum Pressure
Maximum Temperature
Accuracy* Above Transition
Below Transition
Reed Switch
*Specications subject to change
Cast iron, epoxy coating
ABS plastic
Tungsten steel
150 lb. ANSI drilling
200 psi (14 bar)
105˚ F (40˚ C)
+/-2% of reading
+/-5% of reading
100 mA @ 24 Vac/dc
2” Meter
2" 3" 4" 6” 8”
2 5.3 8 20 33
Max. Continuous
132 352 528 1320 2200
Max. Intermittent
165 440 660 1650 2750
16 24 40 80 140
*The ow rate at which accuracy changes from +/-2% of reading (above
Transition) to +/-5% of reading (below Transition).
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