Input Hybrid Recorders
10, 20 or 30
DR231 and DR241 Series
Starts at
⻬ High-Speed Scanning
and Recording on
250 mm (10") Chart
⻬ 10-Color Recording
⻬ Thermocouple,
RTD, Voltage Inputs
⻬ Optional Floppy Drive
for Data Storage
⻬ Easy-to-Carry,
Lightweight Design
⻬ Benchtop in DR231
⻬ Panel Mount in DR241
* See page S-44 to order.
DR231-12-1, $5555.
The OMEGA®DR231 and DR241
portable hybrid recorders offer
high-speed scanning of up to
30 channels in 2 seconds. They
have a wide variety of recording
functions including analog trend in
10 colors on an effective width of
250 mm. Digital measured values,
various messages, zone recording,
and partially compressed and
expanded recording are
documented to support clear
interpretation of data. The DR231
and DR241 Series incorporate a
large 3-line vacuum fluorescent
display which can be used as a
process monitor, enabling you
to readily view data or check
alarm status, even from a remote
location. The units are also
interactively configured using
the easily read display.
Number of Inputs:
Up to 10, 20 or 30 points
A/D Resolution: ±20,000
Reference Junction Compensation
Error: ±1°C/1.8°F (R, S, B, C, W),
±0.5°C/0.9°F (K, J, T, E, N, U, L,
Scan Cycle Time: 2 to 60 sec
selectable (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15,
20, 30, 60 sec)
A/D Integration Time: 20 msec
(50 Hz), 16.7 msec (60 Hz), and
100 msec (10 Hz) (50/60 Hz) selectable
Input Impedance: >10 MΩ on 2V
or lower ranges and T/C; approx
1 mΩ on 6V or higher ranges
Input Bias Current: <10 nA
Thermocouple Burnout Protection:
ON or OFF selectable for each channel
Temperature Coefficient:
Zero Drift: 0.01% of range/°C,
Full Span: 0.01% of range/°C
Max Input Voltage: ±10 Vdc
(50V on 6V or greater ranges)
vs. Au7% Fe)
DR241-12-1, $5575, shown
Extended Warranty
smaller than actual size.
Common Mode Voltage:
250 Vrms AC (50 or 60 Hz)
Common Mode Rejection:
120 dB (50 or 60 Hz ±0.1%)
Normal Mode Rejection:
40 dB (50 or 60 Hz ±0.1%)
Max between Chan: 150 Vrms ac,
(50 or 60 Hz except RTD)
Printing Technique: Raster scan using
a wire-dot printer and 10-color ribbon
Recording Colors
Analog Trend Mode:
Trend Recording: Purple, red, green,
blue, brown, black, navy blue,
yellowish green, red-purple, orange
(can be specified for each channel)
Digital printout: Black
Alarm printout: Red (alarm
release mark is blue)
Logging Mode: Purple
Effective Recording Span:
250 mm (9.9") for trend
Chart: Z-fold chart, 342.5 mm W x
30 m L (13.5 x 98')
Recording Resolution: ±0.1 mm
Recording Accuracy: Measurement
accuracy plus (±0.1% of effective
recording span)
Printout Format: Analog trend/analog
trend plus digital datalogging
Chart Speed: 1 to 1500 mm/hr
Chart Drive: Pulse motor drive
Chart Speed Accuracy: ±0.1%
Recording Modes: Normal, print on
alarm, chart speed/interval changes set
by event/action function
Standard Printing Functions:
engineering units (up to 6
alphanumerics), tag number (up to
7 alphanumerics), alarms (channel
number, alarm types, and the time of
alarm On/Off), scale markings (0/100%,
0/50/100%, or 20% steps), program list,
manual, message (max 16 characters),
and header (60 characters x 5 lines)
Recording Interval for Digital Printout
and Chart Speed:
When the recording interval is
SINGLE: [Chart speed (mm/hour)] x
trend recording interval must not
exceed 3000)
When the recording interval is
MULTIPLE: Set by timerManual
Printout: One scan’s
worth of data can be digitally
printed by a key operation or
event/action function
No. of Digital Print Rows
Chart Speed 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row
10 to 24 mm/h 12 643
25 to 49 mm/h 4221
50 to 99 mm/h 2111
100 to 1500 mm/h 1111
Zone Recording: Recording width and
recording positions (0% and 100%
positions) can be set in mm units for
each channel in case of trend recording
Display and Controls
Display: 5 x 7 dot matrix, 3 row,
vacuum fluorescent; 1st row 22 large,
2 and 3rd, 40 small characters
Data Display: Measured data
(tag number, channel number,
alarm status, measured value,
engineering unit), bar graph, clock,
alarm status, relay status,
programming data, battery status, and
recording format (trend/log)
Scaling Range: -30,000 to 30,000
Calculation: Difference between
any channels or moving average
for every 2 to 64 scans
Internal Memory: 10-yr lithium battery
back up; 512 KB SRAM with floppy
disc drive option
Optional Memory: 3.5" floppy drive;
1.4 MB or 720 K
OMEGACARESMextended warranty program
is available for models shown on this page.
Ask your sales respresentative for full details
when placing an order. OMEGACARE
covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.