⁄8 DIN 6-DIgIt Rate MeteR/totalIzeRs
DPF701 Series
U Measures Rate from
0.5 Hz to 30 kHz
U Totalizes Up or Down from
-99,999 to 999,999 or Acts as
Accumulating Stopwatch
U 6-Digit, 7-Segment LED,
14.2 mm H (0.56")
Signal Input Choices
(Selectable by DIP Switch)
U TTL Compatible with Protection to 25V
U Low Level (25 mV rms)
U High Level Signals Protected to 115V
U Open Collector PNP or NPN
Communications and Control
U RS232 Output Optional
U Optional Dual 5A Form C Relays
U Analog Output, Scalable, 4 to 20 mA,
0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10V (Optional)
FP7010-GI fitting, shown smaller than
actual size, please visit omega.com for details.
guard, sold separately. A gray BUMPER BAND
guard is supplied with every unit.
The DPF701 ratemeter/totalizer offers user
programming via the 5 front-panel keys. Scale factor
can be programmed from -99,999 to 999,999
(any decimal point, multiply or divide), while offset
can be programmed from -99,999 to 999,999 (any
decimal point).
Programs are stored in non-volatile memory, with
three levels of program lockout for security. Optional
features include Hi or Lo setpoints for control or alarm,
plus RS232 communication. Fixed decimal point or
autoranging is standard.
DIN, FP7001A flow sensor, and
Bezel DesIgN Is a
RegIsteReD tRaDeMaRK
Functions: Rate and totalize selected by menu
Display: 6-digit, 7-segment red LED display
Type: Single input. TTL, CMOS, NPN open collector, contact
closure and magnetic pickup compatible; selected by DIP
switch. Non-isolated.
Level: Max 60V; min 25 mV rms
Frequency: 30 kHz max
DIP switch, 100 mA max
Setpoints: Two, optional
Alarm Outputs: Optional
Communication: RS232, analog output, optional
Rate Measurement Technique: 1/x
Gate Time: 0.30 sec
Decimal Point: Programmable or autoranging
Trigger Slope:
Leading Zeros: Blank
Power: 115 or 230 ±15% Vac
Dimensions: 48 H x 96 W x 152 mm D (1.9 x 3.8 x 6")
Panel Cutout: 45 H x 92 mm D (1.8 x 3.6")
Weight: 454 g (1 lb)
Regulated, 5.0, 8.2, or 12.4V
±0.5 LSD of total; 0.01% of the
Selectable by DIP switch
selected by
rate ±1.5 LSD
To Order Visit omega.com/dpf700 for Pricing and Details
Model No. Description
DPF701 115 Vac/7.5 to 13 Vdc powered
DPF702 230 Vac/7.5 to 13 Vdc powered
Option Boards (Field Installable)
DPF700-A3 Analog output board
DPF700-R Dual 5A relay board
DPF700-232 RS232 output board
Model No. Description
DP40-BB-(*) ¹⁄₈ DIN bumper band
DPP-51⁄8 DIN panel punch
Specify color code: GY (gray), YL (yellow), BK (black), BL (blue),
GR (green), RD (red), OR (orange), VL (purple) or WH (white).
Comes complete with gray BUMPER BAND
and operator’s manual.
Ordering Examples: DPF701, plus DPF700-A3, analog output board.
DPF702, plus DP40-BB-YL,
DP40-BB-YL is a yellow protective guard for
protective rubber guard
DIN meters.