• Do not di sassem ble, repa ir or modif y the
unit yo urself.
• Use mic roSD/micr oSDHC memo ry card s
only. Neve r use othe r types of c ards.
If you accidently insert another type of card
into the recorder, contact an authoriz ed
distri butor or serv ice center. Do not tr y to
remove th e card by force.
• Do not op erate the u nit while o peratin g a
vehic le (such as a b icycle, m otorcy cle, or
go-c art).
f Cauti on:
• Stop usi ng the rec order imm ediatel y if
you noti ce any unus ual odor s, noise, o r
smoke a round it.
Never remove the batteries with bare hands,
which may c ause a re or burn you r hands.
• Be care ful with t he strap.
Be caref ul with the strap w hen you carry
the recor der. It could easily c atch on stray
objec ts and cause ser ious damage.
• Do not le ave the reco rder in pl aces wher e
it may be su bject to e xtreme ly high
tempe ratures .
Doing so may cause par ts to deteriorate and,
in some circumsta nces, cause the re corder
to catch re. Do not use the ch arger or AC
adapter if it is covered (such as a blanket). This
could cau se overheating , resulting in re.
• Han dle th e r ecor der wi th car e t o a void
getti ng a low-tem peratu re burn.
• Wh en t he re co rde r con tai ns
me tal pa rts , o verh eat ing ca n
result in a low-tempera ture burn.
Pay attent ion to the followi ng:
When used f or a l ong per iod, the
recorde r will get hot. If you hold on
to the reco rder in this sta te, a lowtemper ature burn may be ca used.
In places subjec t to extrem ely cold
tem per atur es, the te mpe ratu re
of th e rec ord er’s b ody m ay be
lo wer t han t he en vir onm ent al
te mpe rat ure . If po ssi ble , wea r
gloves when handling the recorder
in cold tem peratures.
• Do not tou ch the metal lic parts
of the re corder for a lo ng period
of time a t low temperat ures.
This may damag e your s kin. At l ow
temper atures, handle t he recor der
while wea ring gloves.
Batte ry handli ng precau tions
Follow these impo rtant guideli nes to prevent
batterie s from leakin g, overheating, burning,
ex pl odi ng , or c au si ng e le ct ric al s ho ck s
or burn s.
f Dange r:
The re cor der use s a li thi um ion ba tter y
speci fied by Oly mpus. Charge the batter y
with the specifi ed AC adapt er or charger. Do
not use a ny other AC ad apters or c harger s.
• Batteries should never be exposed to flame,
heated , short-c ircui ted or disa ssembl ed.
• Never he at or incin erate bat teries .
• Take preca utions whe n carryi ng or storing
bat teri es t o p reven t t hem fro m c omin g
into conta ct wi th an y met al ob jects such
as jewel ry, pins, f astener s, etc.
• Never stor e bat teries whe re th ey wi ll b e
expos ed to direct sun light, or sub jected to
high te mperatu res in a hot ve hicle, ne ar a
heat so urce, etc .
To pr ev en t ca us in g ba tt er y le ak s or
da ma g in g t he ir t er mi na ls , ca re fu ll y
follo w all inst ructi ons rega rding th e use of
batte ries. Never a ttempt to di sassem ble a
batte ry or modi fy it in any w ay, solder, et c.
• Do not co nnect th e batter y direc tly to a
power ou tlet or a ci garett e lighter o f an
automo bile.
• If b atter y flui d get s in to you r eye s, flu sh
you r e yes im medi ate ly with c lear , c old
runni ng water and seek medi cal attent ion
immed iately.
f Warnin g:
Keep bat teries d ry at all ti mes.
• If rech argeab le batter ies have not b een
recha rged wit hin the spe cified ti me, stop
charg ing them a nd do not use t hem.
• Do not us e a batter y if it is cra cked or
broke n.
• Never su bject ba tterie s to strong s hocks
or cont inuous vi bratio n.
• If a bat tery leaks, beco mes d iscolo red o r
def orme d, or b eco mes abno rma l i n an y
oth er w ay duri ng o pera tion , s top usin g
the rec order.
If a batter y lea ks flu id ont o your cloth ing
or sk in, remo ve the c lothing and flus h the
affected area with clean, running cold water
immed iately. If t he flui d bur ns yo ur sk in,
seek me dical at tention i mmediat ely.
Keep bat tery ou t of the reac h of child ren.
• If you not ice anyt hing unus ual when
using t his prod uct such a s abnorm al
noise, h eat, smo ke, or a burni ng odor:
remov e the batte ry im mediatel y
whi le b eing care ful not to burn
yourse lf, and;
call your dea ler or local Olympus
repres entative for ser vice.
f Cauti on:
• Pleas e re cycle batt eries to help save our
plane t’s reso urces. When you throw aw ay
de ad ba tte rie s, b e s ur e to co ver t hei r
term inals and alwa ys ob serve loc al l aws
and reg ulation s.
• Always charge a batter y when u sing it f or
the firs t time, or if it ha s not been use d for
a long pe riod.
Rechargeab le batte ry have limited lifetime.
When the o peratin g time becom es short er
even if the rec harg eable bat ter y is fu lly
cha rge d u nde r t he spe cif ied c ondi tio n,
repla ce it with a ne w one.
Th e b at te ry ma y b ec om e ho t d ur in g
prol onged us e. To avoi d mi nor burns , do
not rem ove it imme diately a fter usi ng the
recor der.
AC adapt er
f Dange r:
Be sure to use the AC adapte r with the proper
volta ge (AC 100 - 240 V). Usi ng it with oth er
volt age leve ls m ay c ause fir e, e xplos ion,
overhe ating, el ectric s hock or in jury.
Fo r sa fe t y, be s ur e t o un pl u g t h e A C
adapt er fr om th e out let b efore perf orming
mainte nance or c leaning . Also, neve r plug in
or disconnec t the power plug with a wet hand.
This may c ause ele ctric s hock or inj ury.
f Warnin g:
Do not attem pt to dis assem ble, repa ir o r
modif y the AC ada pter in any wa y.
Ke ep fo re ign obj ec ts i ncl ud in g wat er,
me ta l, or f la mm ab le s ubs ta nc es fr om
getti ng insid e the prod uct.
Do n ot moi sten the AC adapt er or touch it
with a wet h and.
Do not u se the AC a dapter in the vici nity of
flammabl e gas (including gasolin e, benzine
and lac quer thin ner).
In case
•... the i nternal par ts o f the AC a dapter are
expo sed becau se i t has bee n dr opped or
other wise dam aged:
•... t he AC adapter is d ropped in w ater, or if
wat er, met al fl amma ble s ubst anc es or
other f oreign ob jects g et inside i t: