Olympus DM-4 User Manual [en, es, fr]

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Thank you for purchasing an Olympus Digital Voice Recorder. Please read these instructions for information about using the product correctly and safely. Keep the instructions handy for future reference. To ensure successful recordings, we recommend that you test the record function and volume before use.
Merci d'avoir porté votre choix sur cet enregistreur vocal numérique. Lisez ce mode d'emploi pour les informations concernant l'emploi correct et sûr de l'appareil. Conservez-le à portée de la main pour toute référence ultérieure. Nous vous recommandons de tester la fonction d'enregistrement et le volume avant l'utilisation pour obtenir de bons enregistrements.
Gracias por haber comprado esta grabadora de voz digital Olympus. Lea estas instrucciones para información sobre el uso correcto de este producto y para su seguridad. Guarde estas instrucciones en un lugar a mano para su referencia en el futuro. Para tener éxito en las grabaciones se recomienda hacer un ensayo previo de la función de grabación y su volumen.
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• This manu al is a basic versio n. Please re fer to the complet e advance d manual either f rom the stored d ata in the [OL_ MANUAL] folder o f the recorder or d ownload the data f rom the OLYMPUS website.
• The conte nts of this docume nt may be chan ged in the future withou t advanced notic e. Contact our Custo mer Support Ce nter for the lates t information re lating to produ ct names and mod el number s.
• The scre en and recorder illustr ations shown in th is manual were pro duced during the develop ment stages an d may diffe r from the actua l product. The utmo st care has been t aken to ensure th e integrity of t he contents o f this document . In the unlikel y event that a questi onable item, er ror, or omission is fo und, please co ntact our Custo mer Suppor t Center.
• Any liabil ity for passiv e damages or damage of a ny kind occurre d due to data los s incurred by a def ect of the prod uct, repair p erformed by the third p arty other th an Olympus or an Oly mpus authorize d service statio n, or any other reaso n is exclude d.
Trademar ks and regis tered trade marks:
• IBM and PC /AT are the tr ademarks or regis tered tradema rks of Internat ional Business M achines Corpor ation.
• Microso ft, Windows a nd Windows Media ar e registered tr ademarks of Microso ft Corporat ion.
• Macintos h and iTunes are the tradem arks of Apple In c.
• microSD an d microSDHC are the tradem arks of SD Card As sociation.
• MPEG Layer-3 a udio coding technol ogy licensed f rom Fraunhof er IIS and Thomso n.
is a trade mark
of DiMAGI C Corporation .
is a trade mark of DiMAGIC
Corpor ation.
• The prod uct was develo ped based on noise -cancelin g technology under li cense from NEC Corpor ation.
Safety precautions
Be fore us ing yo ur new re cord er, read this manual carefu lly to ensure tha t you know h ow to oper ate it sa fe ly a nd c orr ec tl y. Ke ep thi s ma nu al i n a n ea si ly a cce ss ib le locat ion for futur e reference .
Th e wa rn in g s ym bo ls in di ca te importa nt safety related informatio n. To prote ct your self and others from personal injury or damage to property, it is essential that you always read the warnin gs and informati on provided.
Cauti on for usage e nvironme nt
To pr otect the h igh-pr ecisio n tech nology
con tai ned i n t his p rod uct , n eve r l eav e the rec order in t he places l isted be low, no matte r if in use or s torage:
• Pl ac es whe re te mpe ra tu res and/or humidity are high or go through extreme changes. Direct sunlight, beaches , locked cars, or near other heat sources (stove, radiato r, etc. ) or humidifie rs.
• In sandy or du sty environme nts.
Near fl ammable items or e xplosives.
In wet pl aces, such as ba throoms or in the rain. When using products with weatherproof designs, read their man uals as well.
In places pr one to strong vibr ations.
Never dr op the reco rder or su bject it t o
severe s hocks o r vibrati ons.
The recor der may malfu nction if it is us ed in a locati on where it is sub ject to a magn etic/ elec tromagn etic fiel d, radio wav es, or high volta ge, suc h as near a TV set, microw ave, video gam e, lou d sp eakers , lar ge mo nitor unit, TV/radio tower, or transm ission towers. In s uch c ases, turn the re corder off a nd on again b efore fu rther op eration .
Avoi d r ecor din g o r p layi ng back ne ar cell ular phones or othe r wireless equi pment, as they may cause inter ferenc e and n oise. I f you e xperie nce no ise , mo ve to a no the r pl ac e, or m ov e the recor der fur ther away fr om such eq uipmen t.
Do not us e organic s olvents s uch as
alcoh ol and lacq uer thin ner to clea n the unit.
<Warnin g regarding d ata loss>
Re co r de d co nt en t in me mo r y m ay b e destr oyed o r eras ed by opera ting mistake s, uni t mal fun cti on, or d uri ng rep air w ork . It i s re co mme nd ed t o ba ck u p and sav e impor tant content to ot her me dia su ch as a compu ter hard di sk. Any lia bility for pass ive dama ges or da mage of any kind occu rred due to data loss inc urred by a defe ct of the p roduc t, repai r perfor med by the th ird pa rty ot her th an Oly mpu s o r an O ly mpu s au th ori ze d se rv ice s ta ti on, or any oth er reas ons is excl uded fr om the Olymp us’s liab ility.
Handl ing the reco rder
f Warnin g:
Do not us e the recor der near fl ammable or expl osive gas es.
Keep you ng child ren and inf ants away from th e record er.
Always use and store the recor der out of the reach of youn g children and infant s to prevent the following dangerous situations which cou ld cause seriou s injury: 1
Becoming entangled in the recorder strap, c ausing strangu lation.
2 A cci den tal ly sw all owi ng t he
ba tte ry, ca rds o r o the r sma ll part s.
3 Accident ally being injured by the
moving p arts of the reco rder.
Do not us e or store th e record er in dust y or humi d places.
• Nuance, the Nuance logo, RealSpeak an d V oC on a re tr ad em ar ks or reg ister ed trade marks of Nua nce C om mu n ic at io n s, I n c. o r i t s sub sidi arie s i n t he Unit ed State s and/or oth er countries.
• The Dais y OK mark is a tradem ark of the Dais y Consortium .
Other pr oduct and bra nd names mention ed herein may be th e tradem arks or regist ered trademar ks of their re spective own ers.
Do not di sassem ble, repa ir or modif y the
unit yo urself.
Use mic roSD/micr oSDHC memo ry card s
only. Neve r use othe r types of c ards.
If you accidently insert another type of card into the recorder, contact an authoriz ed distri butor or serv ice center. Do not tr y to remove th e card by force.
Do not op erate the u nit while o peratin g a
vehic le (such as a b icycle, m otorcy cle, or go-c art).
f Cauti on:
Stop usi ng the rec order imm ediatel y if
you noti ce any unus ual odor s, noise, o r smoke a round it.
Never remove the batteries with bare hands, which may c ause a re or burn you r hands.
Be care ful with t he strap. Be caref ul with the strap w hen you carry the recor der. It could easily c atch on stray objec ts and cause ser ious damage.
Do not le ave the reco rder in pl aces wher e
it may be su bject to e xtreme ly high tempe ratures .
Doing so may cause par ts to deteriorate and, in some circumsta nces, cause the re corder to catch re. Do not use the ch arger or AC adapter if it is covered (such as a blanket). This could cau se overheating , resulting in re.
Han dle th e r ecor der wi th car e t o a void
getti ng a low-tem peratu re burn.
• Wh en t he re co rde r con tai ns
me tal pa rts , o verh eat ing ca n result in a low-tempera ture burn. Pay attent ion to the followi ng:
When used f or a l ong per iod, the recorde r will get hot. If you hold on to the reco rder in this sta te, a low­temper ature burn may be ca used.
In places subjec t to extrem ely cold tem per atur es, the te mpe ratu re of th e rec ord er’s b ody m ay be lo wer t han t he en vir onm ent al te mpe rat ure . If po ssi ble , wea r gloves when handling the recorder in cold tem peratures.
Do not tou ch the metal lic parts
of the re corder for a lo ng period of time a t low temperat ures.
This may damag e your s kin. At l ow
temper atures, handle t he recor der while wea ring gloves.
Batte ry handli ng precau tions
Follow these impo rtant guideli nes to prevent batterie s from leakin g, overheating, burning, ex pl odi ng , or c au si ng e le ct ric al s ho ck s or burn s.
f Dange r:
The re cor der use s a li thi um ion ba tter y speci fied by Oly mpus. Charge the batter y with the specifi ed AC adapt er or charger. Do not use a ny other AC ad apters or c harger s.
Batteries should never be exposed to flame,
heated , short-c ircui ted or disa ssembl ed.
Never he at or incin erate bat teries .
Take preca utions whe n carryi ng or storing
bat teri es t o p reven t t hem fro m c omin g into conta ct wi th an y met al ob jects such as jewel ry, pins, f astener s, etc.
Never stor e bat teries whe re th ey wi ll b e
expos ed to direct sun light, or sub jected to high te mperatu res in a hot ve hicle, ne ar a heat so urce, etc .
To pr ev en t ca us in g ba tt er y le ak s or da ma g in g t he ir t er mi na ls , ca re fu ll y follo w all inst ructi ons rega rding th e use of batte ries. Never a ttempt to di sassem ble a batte ry or modi fy it in any w ay, solder, et c.
Do not co nnect th e batter y direc tly to a
power ou tlet or a ci garett e lighter o f an automo bile.
If b atter y flui d get s in to you r eye s, flu sh
you r e yes im medi ate ly with c lear , c old runni ng water and seek medi cal attent ion immed iately.
f Warnin g:
Keep bat teries d ry at all ti mes.
If rech argeab le batter ies have not b een
recha rged wit hin the spe cified ti me, stop charg ing them a nd do not use t hem.
Do not us e a batter y if it is cra cked or
broke n.
Never su bject ba tterie s to strong s hocks
or cont inuous vi bratio n.
If a bat tery leaks, beco mes d iscolo red o r
def orme d, or b eco mes abno rma l i n an y oth er w ay duri ng o pera tion , s top usin g the rec order.
If a batter y lea ks flu id ont o your cloth ing or sk in, remo ve the c lothing and flus h the affected area with clean, running cold water immed iately. If t he flui d bur ns yo ur sk in, seek me dical at tention i mmediat ely.
Keep bat tery ou t of the reac h of child ren.
If you not ice anyt hing unus ual when
using t his prod uct such a s abnorm al noise, h eat, smo ke, or a burni ng odor:
remov e the batte ry im mediatel y whi le b eing care ful not to burn yourse lf, and;
call your dea ler or local Olympus repres entative for ser vice.
f Cauti on:
Pleas e re cycle batt eries to help save our
plane t’s reso urces. When you throw aw ay de ad ba tte rie s, b e s ur e to co ver t hei r term inals and alwa ys ob serve loc al l aws and reg ulation s.
Always charge a batter y when u sing it f or
the firs t time, or if it ha s not been use d for a long pe riod.
Rechargeab le batte ry have limited lifetime. When the o peratin g time becom es short er even if the rec harg eable bat ter y is fu lly cha rge d u nde r t he spe cif ied c ondi tio n, repla ce it with a ne w one.
Th e b at te ry ma y b ec om e ho t d ur in g prol onged us e. To avoi d mi nor burns , do not rem ove it imme diately a fter usi ng the recor der.
AC adapt er
f Dange r:
Be sure to use the AC adapte r with the proper volta ge (AC 100 - 240 V). Usi ng it with oth er volt age leve ls m ay c ause fir e, e xplos ion, overhe ating, el ectric s hock or in jury.
Fo r sa fe t y, be s ur e t o un pl u g t h e A C adapt er fr om th e out let b efore perf orming mainte nance or c leaning . Also, neve r plug in or disconnec t the power plug with a wet hand. This may c ause ele ctric s hock or inj ury.
f Warnin g:
Do not attem pt to dis assem ble, repa ir o r modif y the AC ada pter in any wa y.
Ke ep fo re ign obj ec ts i ncl ud in g wat er, me ta l, or f la mm ab le s ubs ta nc es fr om getti ng insid e the prod uct.
Do n ot moi sten the AC adapt er or touch it with a wet h and.
Do not u se the AC a dapter in the vici nity of flammabl e gas (including gasolin e, benzine and lac quer thin ner).
In case
... the i nternal par ts o f the AC a dapter are
expo sed becau se i t has bee n dr opped or other wise dam aged:
... t he AC adapter is d ropped in w ater, or if
wat er, met al fl amma ble s ubst anc es or other f oreign ob jects g et inside i t:
... you notice anythi ng unusu al when using
the AC adap ter suc h a s ab norm al nois e, heat, s moke, or a bur ning odo r:
do not touch any of the exposed part s;
immediately disconnect the power supply plug from the power outlet, and;
3 cal l your dealer or local Oly mpus
re pre sen tat ive f or se rvi cin g. Continue d use of the AC adapter under these circumstances could resu lt in e lectr ic s hock, fi re o r injur y.
f Cauti on:
Do not us e the AC adapt er if the pow er
plug is d amaged or t he plug is n ot compl etely con nected t o the outle t. This may cau se fire, over heating , electr ic shock , short c ircuit o r damage.
Unplu g the AC adapt er from AC ou tlet
when no t using. If t his prec aution is n ot follo wed, fire, ove rheatin g or elec tric shock m ay occur.
Make su re to hold th e plug when
remov ing the powe r plug fro m the outle t. Do not ben d the cord e xcessive ly or put a he avy objec t on it. Th is may cause fi re, overhe ating, el ectri c shock or damag e.
If some thing app ears to be w rong wit h
the AC ada pter, unpl ug the AC adap ter from th e outlet a nd consul t your near est serv ice cente r. Using the AC ad apter may cause fi re, overhe ating, el ectri c shock or injur y.
Do not us e or keep the AC a dapter in v ery
hot pla ces, such a s in direc t sunlig ht, in a close d car on a sun ny day, near a he ater, on an ele ctric c arpet, et c. Do not use t he AC adapt er if somet hing is cov ering it (such as a b lanket). T his may cau se fire, explo sion, lea kage or ove rheatin g
LCD moni tor
The LCD use d for the mon itor is mad e with
high- precis ion techn ology. How ever, black s pots or br ight spot s of light m ay appea r consta ntly on the LC D Monitor. Due to it s charac terist ics or the an gle at whic h you are vie wing the mo nitor, the spo t may not be un iform in co lor and brigh tness. Th is is not a mal funct ion.
Identification of parts
(Micro phone) jack
2 Built-in st ereo microp hone 3 LED indicato r light 4
butto n (For DM-4)
butto n (For DM-2)
switc h
6 Strap hole 7 Display(LCD Pa nel) 8
(Recor d) button
9 9 button 0 `OK butto n (Play/Set) ! Fn butto n (F1/F2/F3) @
butto n
# + butto n $ 0 button % – butto n ^ Built-in sp eaker &
(Earph one) jack
* Card cover ( Battery cov er ) USB connect or
- Power jack
[Recor der] mode dis play scree n
File dis play: A
1 File name 2 Folder name/ Keyword/D ate 3 Current file n umber/
Total numb er of recorde d files in the li st
4 Playback pos ition bar ind icator 5 Recorder st atus indica tor
] Play indi cator [ ] Recor d indicator [ ] Pause in dicator [ ] Stop ind icator
6 Index indic ator/
File inf ormation in dicator
7 Function gui de indicato r 8 Current time 9 File format 0 File length/
Elaps ed recordin g time
! Elapsed play back time/
Remai ning record ing time
Icon display (For all modesty)
[h][g] M emory indi cator [j] Timer ind icator [i] Alarm ind icator [k] Batte ry indicat or [A] Microph one Sensit ivity
ind icator
[Z] VCVA ind icator [c] Low Cut Fi lter indic ator
[Q] Zoom Mic i ndicator [a] Noise C ancel indic ator [b] Voice Fil ter indicat or [W] EUPHO NY indicato r [d][e] Re peat indica tor [f] Rando m indicator
File lis t display: B
1 Current time 2 Folder name/ Keyword/D ate 3 File name 4 Function gui de indicato r
Folder l ist display : C
1 Current time 2 Current fold er name 3 Folder name 4 Function gui de indicato r
[Music ] [Podcast] mo de display scree n
File dis play: D
1 File name 2 Search cate gory/Progr am name 3 Current file n umber/
Total numb er of recorde d files in the li st (folder)
4 Playback pos ition bar ind icator 5 Recorder st atus indica tor 6 Informati on display are a 7 Function gui de indicato r 8 Current time 9 File format 0 File length ! Elapsed play back time
Folder l ist display : E
When the re are only file s in the folder
1 Current time 2 Current fold er name 3 Artist list /Program li st 4 Function gui de indicato r
File lis t display: F
1 Current time 2 Current fold er name 3 File name 4 Function gui de indicato r
Inser ting batt eries (Fig. 1)
1 Whi le pushing d own on the
groove s using both t humbs, sli de the bat tery cover i n the direc tion indic ated by the arr ow.
With the b ack label o f the batter y facin g up, line up the t erminals o f the rec order and ba ttery. Inse rt the batte ry by slidi ng in direc tion A while p ushing dow n in direct ion B.
3 Clo se the batte ry cover by sl iding
all the w ay in direct ion B while pushi ng down in dir ection A.
Charg ing using AC a dapter
Lithi um ion batter y is self disch arging. Aft er unpacki ng this pr oduct, cha rge the supp lied lithi um ion batter y before us ing the rec order for the f irst time.
1 Con nect the AC ad apter in to an AC
outle t.
2 Con nect the AC ad apter to the
recor der.
Cha rging ha s s tart ed when LED indi cator light is orange and the bat tery ind icato r o n th e d isplay changes to th e charging indic ator.
Turning o n/off the po wer
Turning on t he power (Fig. 1 -4)
W hile the re corder i s turned of f, slide t he
switc h in the dir ection indic ated by the a rrow for 2 se conds or longe r.
Turning of f the power (Fig . 1-4)
S lide the
switc h in the direc tion ind icated by t he arrow f or 1 secon ds or longe r.
Auto Powe r off mode
If the reco rder is on and sto ps for 10 minutes o r longer (defaul t setting), the recor der enters Auto Powe r off mode and t urns off the pow er. You can set th e time to enter power s ave mode fro m among [
5minut es], [10minut es], [30minu tes], [1hour], [2hour] , [3hour] and [Off ]. To exit Auto Power o ff mode , turn o n the power a gain.
Setting time and date [Time & Date] (Fig. 3)
When you us e this recorder f or the firs t time after pur chasing, or when you switc h it on after remo ving the batter ies for more than 15 minu tes when exch anging batte ries etc, the [Set Tim e & Date] will appe ar. When the “hour ” is flashing , conduct the setup fr om Step 2.
1 Sel ect [
Time & Dat e
] from th e
menu on t he [
System Me nu
2 Pre ss the 9 or 0 but ton to
selec t the item to se t.
3 Pre ss the + or − butto n to set. 4 Af ter the date an d time have been
set, pr ess the `OK butto n.
5 Pre ss the F3
butto n to
close t he menu scr een.
Inser ting a mic roSD card (Fig . 2)
This reco rder can be used w ith commerc ially availabl e microSD cards as we ll as the built-in m emory.
1 Whi le the recor der is duri ng stop
mode, op en the card c over.
2 Face th e microSD ca rd the corr ect
way and in sert it int o the card slo t as show n in the diagr am.
• Inser t the microSD card ke eping it strai ght.
• Inser ting the microSD ca rd the wrong way o r at an angle could damage th e contact area or cause the m icroSD card to jam.
• If the micr oSD card is not inser ted all the way, data may not be wri tten to the microS D card.
3 Clo se the card c over secure ly.
• When you i nsert the microS D card, th e recording med ia change over display will ap pear.
4 Whe n you are reco rding to a
micro SD card, pre ss the + or − butto n and selec t [
5 Pre ss the `OK butto n to complet e
the set ting.
Recording (Fig. 4)
Recor ding to a reco rding fol der (Fig. 4- 1)
Before starting recording, select a voice recording folder between [
Folder A] to
[Fo lder E] in the [Rec orde r] f older. Thes e fi ve fo lders can be se lectiv ely us ed to di st in gu is h t he k ind of recordi ng.
1 Sel ect the rec ording fo lder. 2 Pre ss the
butto n to start
recor ding.
• The LED ind icator light glo ws orange a nd [
] will app ear on
the displ ay.
• Turn the micro phone in the direc tion of the source t o be record ed.
a R ecording mode b E lapsed record ing time c R emaining reco rding time d L evel meter (change a ccording
to the reco rding level and recordi ng function s ettings)
3 Pre ss the
butto n to stop
recor ding.
e F ile length
Speci fying a key word befo re recor ding (Fig. 4- 2)
A keywor d that matches the con tents to be recor ded can be spec ified before r ecording star ts. This funct ion is very usef ul for classif ying recordi ngs by keywords .
1 In th e Folder lis t display, pre ss
to show th e Keyword
searc h display.
2 Pre ss the + or − but ton to speci fy
the des ired keywor d, and then press t he `OK or 9 butt on.
3 Pre ss the
butto n to start
recor ding.
4 Pre ss the
butto n to stop
recor ding.
• Record ed files are auto matically tagged w ith the specif ied keywor d and managed usi ng the keywor d list.
Playback (Fig. 5)
1 Sel ect the fol der which c ontains th e
file s to be played bac k.
2 In th e File list di splay, press t he +
or − butto n to select t he file that you want t o playback .
3 Pre ss the `OK butto n to start
playba ck.
a F ile name b F older indicato r c P layback positi on bar indicator d F ile length e E lapsed playba ck time
4 Pre ss the + or − butto n to adjust to
a comfo rtable li stening vol ume.
• The volu me can be adjuste d within a ra nge from [
00] to [30].
5 Pre ss the
butto n at any point
you want t o stop the play back.
Setti ng an index m ark
This operation can be performed whe n th e [
] and [
Era se
] funct ion has been assigne d to a Fn butto n (F1 or F2).
Sett ing an index mar k (Fig. 6-1)
1 Pre ss the
butto n durin g file reco rding, rec ording pause, p laying, or p layback pa use.
• Even aft er an index mark is
placed , recording or pl ayback will conti nue so you can plac e index ma rks in other loc ations in a similar m anner.
Cleari ng an index mar k (Fig. 6-2)
1 Loc ate the inde x mark you want t o
2 Pre ss the 9 or 0 but ton to
selec t the index m ark to erase.
3 Whi le the index num ber is displaye d
(approx imately 2 second s), press the
butto n.
• Index nu mbers after t he erased
index nu mber will autom atically move up.
Erasing (Fig. 8)
1 Sel ect the fol der or file y ou want to
2 In th e list disp lay, press the + or −
butto n to select t he file you wa nt to erase.
3 Whi le the recor der is stop mo de,
press t he
butto n.
4 Pre ss the + or − butto n to
selec t [
Erase i n Folder
] or
File Era se
], and the n press the
`OK or 9 butt on.
5 Pre ss the + butto n to select
], and the n press the `OK
butto n.
• The display changes to [Erase!] and eras ing will star t. [
Eras e D one] is
displaye d when the file i s erased.
File search (Fig. 7)
Th is r eco rd er m ana ges rec ord ed files and mu sic file s impor ted from a perso nal compute r using a database. File s are aut omatica lly sorted usi ng items such as date and keyword, which makes sea rching for file s easier.
Opening the file search display from the [
Recor der
] folde r (Fig. 7-1)
File sea rch type:
[Browse] Searc h
The folder system (Fold­er A to Folder E) is used to
search fo r files.
[Day] Searc h
Files are s earched for by record ing date.
[Keywor d] Searc h
Files are s earched for by a keywo rd.
1 From t he [
] menu di splay,
selec t [
Recor der
], and the n press the `OK or 9 butt on to open the fol der list dis play.
2 Pre ss the
butto n to
open th e file sear ch display.
• The sear ch display change s
every ti me the
butto n is pressed.
Opening the file search display from the [
] folde r (Fig. 7-2)
File sea rch type:
[Artis t] Searc h
Files are s earched for from a lis t of artists.
[Album] Searc h
Files are searched for from a list of alb um names.
[All Music] Searc h
Files are search ed fo r from a lis t of all songs.
[Browse] Searc h
A list of al l son gs an d album s in the [
Musi c]
folder i s displayed.
[Heard Recen tly] Searc h
Files played on this record­er are disp layed rev erse chrono logical order.
[Play Count] Searc h
Fi les ar e disp lay ed in order of the number of tim es they h ave bee n played on t his recorder.
[Playli sts] Searc h
Display s playlists transf erred to the record er.
1 From t he [
] menu di splay,
selec t [
] folde r, and then press t he `OK or 9 butt on to open th e search dis play.
2 Pre ss the + or − butto n to select
the fil e search t ype, and then p ress the `OK or 9 butt on.
Fn. setting
The Fn buttons (F1 and F2) of this recorder ca n be ass ign ed to s uit yo ur de sir ed method of use. Assigned buttons can be operat ed during record ing and playbac k.
1 Sel ect [
Fn. sett ing
] from th e
menu on t he [
System Me nu
2 Sel ect the [F1] or [F2].
• You can assign s ettings to suit
the way you us e the recorder.
3 Pre ss the + or − butto n to select
the item y ou want to assi gn, and then pr ess the `OK butto n.
Fn butt on list:
Off Repeat Random
Play Spee d
+ 22 hidden pages