Olympus DM-3, DM-5 User Manual

DM-5 DM-3
Thank you for purchasing an Olympus
Please read these instructions for information
about using the product correctly and safely.
To ensure successful recordings, we recommend that
you test the record function and volume before use.
Digital Voice Recorder.
Register your product on w ww.olympus- consumer.com/r egister
and get additional benefits from Olympus!
• The contents of this document may be changed in the future without advanced notice. Contact our Customer Suppor t Center for the latest information relating to product names and model numbers.
he screen and recorder illustrations shown in this manual were produced during the
development stages and may dif fer from the actual product. The utmost care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the contents of this document. In the unlikely event that a questionable item, error, or omission is found, please contact our Customer Support Center.
ny liabilit y for passive damages or damage of any kind occurred due to data loss incurred by a defect of the product, repair per formed by the third party other than Olympus or an Olympus authorized service station, or any other reason is excluded.
Tradema rks and reg istered tr ademark s
• I
BM and PC/AT are the trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business
achines Corporation.
• M
icrosof t, Windows and Windows Media are registered trademarks of Microsoft
• M
acintosh and iTunes are the trademark s of Apple Inc.
• microSD and microSDHC are the trademarks of SD Card Association.
• MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
is a trademark of DiMAGIC Corporation.
• The product was developed based on noise- canceling technology under license from NEC Corporation.
• N
uance, the Nuance logo, RealSpeak and VoCon are trademark s or registered trademark s of
Nuance Communications, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
• T
he Daisy OK mark is a trademark of the Daisy Consortium. Other product and brand names mentioned herein may be the trademark s or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
is a trademark of DiMAGIC Corporation.
Table of con tents P.4
Safet y precautio ns P.7
Getti ng started P.12
Basic op erations P. 39
Menu set ting P.65
Using th e Olympus So nority P.109
About Wi ndows Media Pla yer P.138
bout iTune s P.150
Other f eatures P.154
Other i nformatio n P.167
INDEX ....................................................... 3
Safet y precautio ns ................................... 7
Caution f or usage environ ment ..................... 7
Handling t he recorder .................................... 8
Batter y handling prec autions ........................ 9
AC adapter .....................................................10
LCD monitor ...................................................11
1 Getting started
Main fea tures ......................................... 12
Identi fication of p arts ............................ 15
[Home] menu disp lay ....................................16
[Recorde r] mode display ...............................17
[Music] [Podcas t] mode display ....................18
[Audiobook s] mode display...........................19
[Audio Diar y] mo de display .......................... 20
Power supp ly ......................................... 21
Insert ing the batter y .....................................21
Charge the b attery ....................................... 22
Charging b y connecting to a
computer v ia USB .................................... 23
Connec t to the USB connecti ng AC adapter
(optional) to c harge .................................24
Turning on/of f the power ............................. 26
HOLD ...................................................... 27
Setti ng time and date [ Time & Date] ....... 28
Changing t he time and date......................... 29
Inser ting and ejec ting a microSD c ard ..... 30
Insert ing a microSD card .............................. 30
Eject ing a microSD card .................................31
Notes on th e folders ............................... 32
About the f olders for voice r ecordings ......... 32
About the f older for music play back ............ 33
About the f older for Podcas t contents ......... 34
About the f older for elec tronic book
content s and text file s ............................ 35
About the f older for Audibl e contents ..........37
About the f older for pict ure ......................... 38
2 Basic operations
Record ing .............................................. 39
Recordi ng to a recording fol der ................... 39
Specif ying a keyword b efore recordin g ....... 40
Recommen ded settings b y recording
conditi on ................................................. 43
Recordi ng from exter nal microphone
or other dev ices ...................................... 44
Playbac k ................................................ 46
Bookma rk mode ........................................... 49
Setti ng an index mark .................................. 51
Clearing a n index mark ................................ 51
How to begin s egment repeat play back ...... 52
File sear ch .............................................. 53
Opening t he file search di splay from the
[Recorde r] folder ..................................... 53
File searc h display operatio ns of the
[Recorde r] folder ..................................... 54
Opening t he file search di splay from the
[Music] folde r .......................................... 56
File searc h display operatio ns of the
[Music] folde r .......................................... 57
Erasin g ................................................... 60
Erasing f rom the file disp lay ........................ 60
Erasing f rom the file lis t display ....................61
Erasing al l files in a folder ............................ 62
Erasing a f older............................................. 63
Partia lly erase a file ......................................6 4
3 Menu setting
Menu set ting method ............................. 65
Making se ttings from [Pr eferences]
on the [Home] sc reen ............................. 65
Perfor ming menu sett ings during
recordi ng, playback, and s top modes ..... 66
G Rec Menu ................................................ 67
G Play Menu ............................................... 71
G LCD/Sound Men u .....................................74
G File Menu .................................................75
Setti ng the recording s cene [Rec Scene] ...... 80
Timer rec ording [Timer Re c] ........................ 81
Setti ng the playback sce ne [Play Scene] ...... 84
Guidance [ Voice Guide] ................................ 85
Alarm playb ack functio n [Ala rm] ................. 87
Moving/Co pying files [Fil e Move/Copy] ....... 91
Dividin g files [File Div ide] ............................ 93
Format ting the recorde r [Format] ............... 94
Sched ule setting s [Au dio Diary] .............. 96
Displayin g the calendar................................ 96
Switching t he calendar displa y .................... 96
Operati ons at the calendar d isplay .............. 97
Add a sched ule ............................................. 97
Editing t he schedule................................... 100
Deletin g a schedule .....................................101
Format ting the schedul e .............................102
Viewin g images (For DM-5) ....................103
Impor ting images .......................................103
Viewing i mages .......................................... 104
Erasing a im ages .........................................105
Using voi ce recogniti on (For DM-5) .........107
Using voice co ntrol ......................................107
Using voice co mmands ............................... 108
4 Using the Olympus Sonority
Saving f iles in your PC ............................109
Operat ing environm ent .........................110
Connec ting to your PC ............................ 111
Connec ting to your PC .................................111
Disconne cting from yo ur PC ........................112
Functi ons available i n
the Oly mpus Sonorit y .......................113
Instal ling soft ware ...............................115
Uninst alling sof tware ...........................117
Using on line help .................................. 118
Runnin g Olympus Son ority ....................119
Window na mes (Olympus So nority) ........120
Downlo ad voice files f rom the recor der
Play a voice f ile .....................................124
Using th e one-touch ef fect func tion ......125
Upload vo ice files to th e recorder ...........126
About Pod cast .......................................127
Registe r a podcast progr am ........................127
Update a pro gram .......................................128
Downloa d the content ................................129
Transfer con tent to the recorder .................130
Program g uide functio ns ............................131
About DAIS Y (For DM-5) ..........................132
Impor ting contents .....................................133
Playing con tents ..........................................134
Transfer con tent to the recorder ................. 135
Upgrad e function ..................................136
Functi ons available i n
the Oly mpus Sonorit y Plus ................137
Functi ons available w ith the
music ed iting plug- in ........................137
5 About Windows Media Player
Using Wi ndows Media Playe r ................. 138
Window nam es ...........................................138
Copying mu sic from CD ...............................139
Transferr ing music file to t he recorder ........141
Copying voi ce file to the CD ........................ 14 4
Creating a p laylist (For DM-5) .................... 146
6 About iTunes
Using iTune s ..........................................150
Window nam es ...........................................150
Copying mu sic from CD ...............................151
Transferr ing music file to t he recorder ........152
Copying voi ce file to the CD .........................153
7 Other features
Playing s ongs in a part icular order .........154
Creating a p laylist .......................................154
About Au dio Books ................................157
Transfer con tent to the recorder .................157
About Text S peech (For DM-5) .................158
Transfer tex t file to the rec order .................158
Install ing AudibleManage r .........................159
Adding dev ice to AudibleManage r ............. 160
Purchasi ng Audible content ....................... 160
Transfer ring Audibl e content .................161
Enjoy Aud ible content wi th
the reco rder .....................................162
Audible mo de ..............................................162
Playback p osition and sec tion .....................163
Operati ng recorder in Audi ble mode ......... 164
Using as e xternal memo ry of the PC .......166
8 Other information
Alarm me ssage list ................................167
Troubles hooting....................................168
Accesso ries (optional) ............................170
Speci fications .......................................171
Technica l assistanc e and support ...........174
Before using you r new recorder, rea d this manual c arefully to ens ure that you know how to operate it safely and c orrectly. Keep thi s manual in an easily accessible location for future reference.
• The warning symbols indicate impor tant safety related information. To protect yourself and others from personal injury or damage to property, it is essential that you always read the warnings and information provided.
f Danger
If the product is used without observing the information given under this symbol, serious injury or death may result.
f Warning
the product is used without
If observing the information given under this symbol, injury or death may result.
f Caution
the product is used without
If observing the information given under this symbol, minor personal injury, damage to the equipment, or loss of valuable data may result.
Caution for usage environment
• To protect the high-precision technology contained in this product, never leave the recorder in the places listed below, no matter if in use or storage:
• Places where temp eratures and/o r hu mid it y are hig h or g o thro ugh ex tre me cha nge s. Dire ct sunl ight , bea ches, lo cked car s, or near other heat sources (stove, radiator, etc.) or humidif iers.
n sandy or dusty environments.
• Near flammable items or explosives.
• In we t pla ces , suc h as ba throo ms or in the rain. When usin g products with weatherproof designs, read their manuals as well.
n places prone to strong vibrations.
• Never drop the recorder or subject it to severe shocks or vibrations.
• The recorder may malfunction if it is used in a location where it is subject to a magnetic/ electromagnetic field, radio waves, or high voltage, such as near a TV set, microwave, video game, loud speakers, large monitor unit, TV/radio tower, or transmission towers. In such cases, turn the recorder off and on again before further operation.
void recording or playing back
• A near cellular phones or other wireless equipment, as they may cause interference and noise. If you experience noise, move to another place, or move the recorder further away from such
• Do not use organic solvents such as alcohol and lacquer thinner to clean the unit.
<Warning regardi ng data loss> Record ed content in mem ory may be destroyed or erased by op erating mistakes, unit malfun ction, or duri ng repair work. It is recommend ed to back up and save impor tant content to ot her media such a s a computer hard disk. Any liability fo r passive damage s or damage o f any kind occurre d due to data loss inc urred by a defect of the product , repair p erformed by the third p arty other than Olympus or an Olympus authorize d service stat ion, or any other reasons i s exclud ed from the Olympus’s liabilit y.
Handling the recorder
f Warning:
• Do not use the recorder near flammable or explosive gases.
• Keep young children and infants away from the recorder.
Always use and store the recorder out of
the reach of young children and infants to prevent the following dangerous situations which could cause serious injury:
1 Becom ing entangl ed in the recorder
strap, causing strangulation.
2 Accidentally swallowing the batter y,
cards or other small parts.
3 A cci den tal ly be ing in jur ed by th e
moving parts of the recorder.
• Do not use or store the recorder in dusty or humid places.
• Do not disassemble, repair or modify the unit yourself.
• Use microSD/microSDHC memory cards only. Never use other types of cards.
If you accidently insert another type of card
into the recorder, contac t an authorized distributor or service center. Do not try to remove the card by force.
• Do not operate the unit while operating a vehicle (such as a bicycle, motorcycle, or go-cart).
f Caution:
• S
top using the recorder immediately if you notice any unusual odors, noise, or smoke around it.
Never rem ove the bat ter ies with ba re
hands, which may cause a fire or burn your hands.
• Be careful with the strap.
Be careful with the strap when you carry
the recorder. It could easily catch on stray objects and cause serious damage.
• Do not leave the recorder in places where it may be subject to extremely high temperatures.
Doing so may cause parts to deteri orate
and , i n s ome circ umsta nces, caus e the re cord er to cat ch fir e. Do not use the charger or AC adapter if it is covered (such as a blanket). This could cause overheating, resulting in fire.
• Handle the recorder with care to avoid getting a low-temperature burn.
• When t he recorde r contains metal parts, overheating can result in a low­temperature burn. Pay attention to the following:
he n use d for a lon g per iod , the recorder will get hot. If you hold on to the recor der in this state, a low ­temperature burn may be caused.
• In places subject to extrem ely cold temperatures, the temperature of the rec order ’s bod y m ay be low er than the env ironm enta l te mper ature. If possible, wear gloves when handling the recorder in cold temperatures.
• Do not touch the metallic parts of the recorder for a long period of time at low temperatures.
Th is may dama ge you r s kin . At l ow
temperatures, handle the recorder while wearing gloves.
Battery handling precautions
Follow these imp ortant guide lines to prevent batteries from leaking, overheat ing, burning, exploding, or causin g electrical shock s or burns.
f Danger:
• The recorder uses a lithium ion battery specified by Olympus. Charge the battery with the specified AC adapter or charger. Do not use any other AC adapters or chargers.
• Batteries should never be exposed to flame, heated, short­circuited or disassembled.
• Never heat or incinerate batteries.
• Take precautions when carrying or storing batteries to prevent them from coming into contact with any metal objects such as jewelry, pins, fasteners, etc.
• Never store batteries where they will be exposed to direct sunlight, or subjected to high
• To prevent causing batter y leaks or damaging their terminals, carefully follow all instructions regarding the use of batteries. Never attempt to disassemble a battery or modify it in any way, solder, etc.
• Do not connect the battery directly to a power outlet or a cigarette lighter of an automobile.
f battery fluid gets into your
• I eyes, flush your eyes immediately with clear, cold running water and seek medical attention immediately.
f Warning:
• K
eep batteries dry at all times.
• If rechargeable batteries have not been recharged within the specified time, stop charging them and do not use them.
• Do not use a battery if it is cracked or broken.
• Never subject batteries to strong shocks or continuous vibration.
• If a battery leaks, becomes discolored or deformed, or becomes abnormal in any other way during operation, stop using the recorder.
• If a battery leaks fluid onto your clothing or skin, remove the clothing and flush the affected area with clean, running cold water immediately. If the fluid burns your skin, seek medical attention immediately.
• Keep battery out of the reach of
• If you notice anything unusual when using this product such as abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a burning odor:
1 remove the battery immediately while
be ing carefu l n ot to bur n your self , and;
2 c all yo ur dea ler or loc al O lym pus
representative for service.
f Caution:
• Please recycle batteries to help save our planet’s resources. When you throw away dead batteries, be sure to cover their terminals and always observe local laws and regulations.
• A
lways charge a battery when using it for the first time, or if it has not been used for a long period.
echargeable battery have
• R limited lifetime. When the operating time becomes shorter even if the rechargeable battery is fully charged under the specified condition, replace it with a new one.
• The battery may become hot during prolonged use. To avoid minor burns, do not remove it immediately after using the recorder.
AC adapter
f Danger:
• Be sure to use the AC adapter with the proper voltage (AC 100 ­240 V). Using it with other voltage levels may cause fire, explosion, overheating, electric shock or injury.
• F
or safety, be sure to unplug the AC adapter from the outlet before performing maintenance or cleaning. Also, never plug in or disconnect the power plug with a wet hand. This may cause electric shock or injury.
f Warning:
o not attempt to disassemble,
D repair or modify the AC adapter in any way.
• Keep foreign objects including water, metal, or flammable substances from getting inside the product.
• Do not moisten the AC adapter or touch it with a wet hand.
• Do not use the AC adapter in the vicinity of flammable gas (including gasoline, benzine and lacquer thinner).
In case
• ... the internal parts of the AC adapter are exposed because it has been dropped or otherwise damaged:
• ... the AC adapter is dropped in water, or if water, metal flammable substances or other foreign objects get inside it:
• ... you notice anything unusual when using the AC adapter such as abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a burning odor:
1 do not touch any of the exposed parts; 2 i mmed iate ly disc onne ct the p ower
sup ply plug from th e p ower out let, and;
3 c all yo ur dea ler or loc al O lym pus
representative for servicing. Continued use of th e AC ad apte r un der thes e circumstances could result in el ectric shock, fire or injury.
f Caution:
• Do not use the AC adapter if the power plug is damaged or the plug is not completely connected to the outlet. This may cause fire, overheating, electric shock, short circuit or damage.
• Unplug the AC adapter from AC outlet when not using. If this precaution is not followed, fire, overheating or electric shock may occur.
• M
ake sure to hold the plug when removing the power plug from the outlet. Do not bend the cord excessively or put a heavy object on it. This may cause fire, overheating, electric shock or damage.
• I
f something appears to be wrong with the AC adapter, unplug the AC adapter from the outlet and consult your nearest service center. Using the AC adapter may cause fire, overheating, electric shock or injury.
• Do not use or keep the AC adapter in very hot places, such as in direct sunlight, in a closed car on a sunny day, near a heater, on an electric carpet, etc. Do not use the AC adapter if something is covering it (such as a blanket). This may cause fire, explosion, leakage or overheating.
LCD monitor
• The LCD used for the monitor is made with high-precision technology. However, black spots or bright spots of light may appear constantly on the LCD Monitor. Due to its characteristics or the angle at which you are viewing the monitor, the spot may not be uniform in color and brightness. This is not a malfunction.
Main features
s This recorder can tag recorded files
or files transferred from a personal co mp ut er w it h k ey wo rd s t o manage a file database (
It is possible to search for files by file date
or keyword ( P.53).
s It features a scheduling function
s The s
ettings and functions of this recorder can be controlled using speech recognition (
P.107) (For
onnec ting a digital camera ,
By c you can import and view images ( P.103) (For DM-5).
s This recorder can import text
ata and read it aloud (☞ P
(For DM-5).
s Supports the linear PCM format,
hich is capable of recording
w sound quality equivalent to or surpassing CD-level.
Capable of realistically recording various
different sound sources.High resolution recording at a high sampling frequency equivalent or superior to that of a music CD (Sampling frequency 44.1 kHz, Bit count 16bit) is possible ( P.67).
s Supports a wide range of
recording formats. Can handle the MP3 format (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3), and the Windows Media Audio (WMA) format (
This device can save files in a highly
compressed manner, thereby allowing for extended recording times. In addition, when connected to an external device, the recorder can encode incoming analog audio signals without a
s Supports high capacity recording
media. B
sides the 8GB (DM-5) or 4GB
e (DM-3) built-in memory, you can also record onto a commercially­available microSD card (
s You can playback WAV, WMA, and
3 format files transferred from a computer in addition to files recorded by the device itself.
You can enjoy music at any time.
s It has a built-in Variable Control
Voice Actuator (VCVA) function ( P.69).
s The Low Cut Filter minimizes
ir conditioner noise and other similar noises while recording (
s The recording level can be
djusted automatically or manually (
s A Noise Cancel function (☞
P.71) and a Voice Filter function ( P.71) cut noise and enable clear audio playback.
s For WMA-format recording, you
an select one of 6 recording
c modes such as stereo or monaural (
s Has built in recording scene
etting (☞ P
scene setting (☞ P
.81) and playback
.85) functions to register the recording or playback sound quality or mode according to different usages.
s You can move or copy files
between the built-in memory and microSD card, and within the folders in the memory (
s You can divide files (
or delete part of a file (☞ P
recorded in PCM format in this recorder.
s It h
as a 2.2 inch TFT color LCD panel
s It features various repeat
unctions (☞ P
.72, P.73).
s Index mark features allow you
o quickly find desired locations
( P.51).
s The playback speed can be
ontrolled as preferred (☞ P
s The guidance feature (in English
nd other languages) gives audio notification of operating conditions. Various functions can be operated easily. There is also a function to read file information aloud (
P.85) (For DM-5).
s You may assign your own names
o folders (☞ P
s Timer recording (
Alarm playback features (☞ P
P.81) and
.87) enable automatic recording and playing at a set time.
s A directional microphone feature
as been included that allows switching between broad stereo recording and recording with a highly directional quality (
ncluded to produce a natural, realistic experience without degrading sound quality (
s Fast forward and rewind are
ossible at set intervals (☞ P
s Comes with “Olympus Sonority”
oftware for Windows and
Macintosh (
If you transfer voice f iles recorded with
the recorder to a PC, you can easily playback , organize, and edit the files.
u can perform waveform editing, file
joining, and file splitting.
s The “Olympus Sonority” can
be upgraded to a “Olympus Sonority”, which is equipped with enhanced functionality (Option) ( P.136).
In addition to the “Olympus Sonority ”
functions, editing of MP3 files and creation of music CDs can be performed.
s This recorder is compatible
with USB 2.0, enabling fast data transfer to a computer.
s It has a USB charging function
s It is compatible with DAISY
.132) (For DM-5).
DAISY files can be transferred from the
“Olympus Sonority” software and played from this recorder.
s It is compatible with Audio Book
s It is compatible with Podcasting
If favorite Podcast URLs are registered
in the “Olympus Sonority ”, the latest broadcasting content will be received automatically. Open the [Podcast] folder on the recorder to quickly listen to the program (file) trans ferred from the “Olympus Sonority”.
s Compatible with Audible
broadcasting (☞ P
(Microphone) jack
2 Built-in stereo microphone 3
LED indicator light
button (For DM-5) button (For DM-3)
6 Strap hole 7
Display(LCD Panel)
(Record) button
9 9 b 0 `
button (Play/Set)
button (F1/F2/F3)
$ 0 b % ^ Built-in speaker &
(Earphone) jack
* Card cover (
Battery cover
USB connector
Power jack
[Home] menu display
When the power is turned on, the [Home] menu is displayed. The [Hom e] me nu provides link s to vari ous func tions. For mor e deta ils about these fun ctions, refer to their respec tive page numbers below.
Menu Function
Record er
Records files to on e of five voice recording folders (Fo A through Folder E)
with key words so that the files can be manage d in a database
( P
Manages music files imported from music software such as Windows Media Player and iTunes. This recorder can be used as a music player (
Manages podcasts transferred to this recorder using the supplied “Olympus Sonority” software ( P
Manages DAISY books ( P.132) (For DM-5) and Audio Books
.157) transferred to this recorder using th e s uppl ied
( P “Olympus Sonority ” software. Also manages text files ( P (For DM-5) directly transferred to this recorder.
You can import images by connecting a digital camera to this recorder ( P
( P.39). Recorded files can be tagged
.138, P.150).
.103) (For DM-5).
Audio Di ary
Prefer ences
Registers and manages schedules ( P
Sets various func tions of the recorder.
[Recorder] mode display
2 3
9 0 !
2 3
Playba ck displayRecord ing displ ay
1 File name 2 Folder name 3
Current file number/
tal number of recorded files in
the list
4 Recorder status indicator 5
Level meter
Index indicator
Function guide indicator
Current time
Recording mode indicator
Elapsed recording time
Remaining recording time
[g] Memory indicator
Timer indicator
larm indicator
[i] A [k] B
Microphone Sensitivity indicator
[A] [Z] V
Icon display (For all modes)
attery indicator
CVA indicator
1 File name 2 Folder name/Keyword/Date 3
Current f
ile number/Total number
of recorded files in the list
4 Playback position bar indicator
Recorder status indicator
5 6
Index indicator/File information
Function guide indicator
Current time
8 9
File format
File length
Elapsed playback time
[Q] Z
oom Mic indicator
oise Cancel indicator
[a] N
oice Filter indicator
[b] V
UPHONY indicator
[W] E [d][e] R [f] R
epeat indicator
andom indicator
[Music] [Podcast] mode display
1 File name 2 Search category 3
Current file number/
tal number of recorded files in
the list
4 Playback position bar indicator 5
Recorder status indicator
Information display area
Function guide indicator
Current time
File format
File length
Elapsed playback time
Podcas t playbac k displayMusic p layback di splay
File name
Program name
Current file number/
tal number of recorded files in
the folder
4 Playback position bar indicator 5
Recorder status indicator
Information display area
Function guide indicator
Current time
File format
File length
Elapsed playback time
[Audiobooks] mode display
1 2
1 Table of contents indicator 2 Contents name 3
Playback position bar indicator
Recorder status indicator
Text display area
Function guide indicator
Current time
File format
File length
Elapsed playback time
Audio bo ok playbac k displayDAISY play back disp lay (For DM-5)
File name
Contents name
Current f
ile number/Total number
of recorded files in the folder
4 Playback position bar indicator
Recorder status indicator
5 6
Information display area
Function guide indicator
Current time
File format
File length
Elapsed playback time
[Audiobooks] mode display
[Audio Diary] mode display
Calen dar displa yText play back disp lay (For DM-5)
1 File name 2 Folder name 3
Current f
ile number/Total number
of recorded files in the folder
4 Playback position bar indicator
Recorder status indicator
5 6
Text display area
Function guide indicator
Current time
File format
File length
Elapsed playback time
Title indicator Year and month
2 3
Calendar display area
Schedule display area for
elected day
5 Function guide indicator
Current time
6 7
Current day
Day registered in schedule
Inserting the battery
This recorder uses a lithium ion battery specif ied by Olympus (LI-50B). Do not use any other type of bat tery.
1 Whi le p us hi ng down o n t he
grooves using both thumbs, slide the battery cover in the direction indicated by the arrow.
With the back label of the batter y facing up, line up the terminals of the recorder and battery. Insert the bat tery by sliding in direction
ile pushing down in direction
• Be careful of the direction of the batter y when inserting it.
• T
he supplied rech argeable ba tter y is not fully charged. Before using the unit the first time or after long periods of disuse, it is recommended that you charge it until full ( P.22).
3 Close the battery cover by sliding
all the way in direction p
ushing down in direction
Note s
• Be sure to stop the recorder before replacing t
he battery. Unloading the battery while the recorder is in use may corrupt the le. If you are recording into a le and the battery runs out, you will lose your currently recorded le because the le header will not be able to close. It is crucial to change the battery once you see only one Hash mark in the batter y indicator.
he battery cover is not attached at the
time of purchase.
• D
o not use too much force when inserting the batte ry. Use only the meth od lis ted above to i nstall and remove the batter y. Otherwise, damage may occur.
B w
• If it takes longer than 15 minute to replace the dead battery or if you take the batter y in and out repeatedly at short intervals, you may have to reset the time when you have loaded fresh batteries (
• Remove the battery if you are not going to use the recorder for an extended period of time.
hen playing a voice/music le, the
recorder may be reset due to the reduction of the voltage output of the batter y depending on the volume level even if [k] is displayed in the batter y indicator. In this case, lower the volume of the recorder.
hen replacing rechargeable batter y, be sure to use lithium ion battery (LI-50B) specied by Olympus. The use of other manufac turers' products can damage the recorder and should be avoided.
Charge the battery
Lithiu m ion battery is self discharging. After unpacking this product , charge the sup plied lithium ion bat tery before using the recorder fo r the first time.
Charg ing using AC ad apter
The included AC adapter (A515) can be connected to this recorder for charging. We recommend us ing the A C ad apt er whe n re cor din g or operating the recorder for long periods.
1 Connect the AC adapter in to an
AC outlet.
2 Connect the AC adapter to the
• Char gi ng h as starte d w he n L ED indicator light is orange and the battery indicator on the display changes to the charging indicator.
Note s
• Do not put in or take out the battery or AC a
dapter when the recorder power is on or when this recorder is connected to another dev ice. It may cause problems wit h the values and functions set in the recorder.
he charger can be used within the range of
AC 100 V to AC 240 V (50/60 Hz).When using the charger abroad, you may need a plug adapter to convert the plug to the shape of the AC wall outlet. For details, ask at your local electrical shop or travel agent.
o not use travel voltage converters as they
could damage your charger.
Charging by connecting to a computer via USB
You can charge the batter y by connecting to a PC's USB por t. When charging, be sure to correctly place the rechargeable bat tery (supplied) into the recorder (
1 Boot the PC.
2 Connect the USB connection
ble to the USB port of the PC.
3 While the recorder is during stop
de or hold mode, connect
mo the USB cable to the connecting terminal on the bottom of this recorder.
• Char gi ng h as starte d w he n L ED indicator light is orange and the battery indicator on the display changes to the charging indicator.
Connect to the USB connecting AC adapter (optional) to charge
It can be charged by connecting to the USB connecting AC adapter (A514) (optional). Before connecting the AC adapter, switch the USB Connection setting to [AC] (
1 Plug the AC adapter into AC
2 Plug the recorder’s USB
nnecting cable into the AC
Make sure that the recorder is turned off, connect the USB cable to the connecting terminal on the bottom of this recorder.
• Char gi ng h as starte d w he n L ED indicator light is orange and the battery indicator on the display changes to the charging indicator.
• The recorder cannot be charged when the P
C is not turned on. Also, it may not be charged when the PC is not switched on, or when it is in the standby, hibernate or sleep mode.
o not charge the recorder with the USB
hub connec ted.
• C
harging is completed when battery indication becomes [<] (charging time: approximately 3 hours *).
t shows the approximate time when
charging the rechargeable bat tery fully
from no remaining power at the room
temperature. The charging time will be
changed depending on the remaining
amount and the state of battery.
• Y
u cannot charge when [;]*1 or [=]*2
o is displayed. Charge the battery at the temperature from 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F).
hen surrounding temperature is
[;]: W
*2 [=]: W
hen surrounding temperature is
• W
hen using time becomes notably short even after the battery are fully charged, replace them with new ones.
e sure to push the USB connector all the
way in. Otherwise, the recorder may not operate properly.
e sure to use the attached dedicated
cable for the USB connection cable. If any other company’s cable is used, it may cause problems. Also, please do not connect this dedicated cable to any other company’s product.
Batte ry indica tor
The battery indicator on the display changes as the battery loses power.
l {
• When [m] appears on the display,
replace the batter y as soon as possible. When the battery is too weak, [n] and [B
atter y Low] a
recorder shuts down.
• W
hi le ch arg ing , the bat ter y in dic ato r constantly changes and does not show the actual amount of power remaining.
Cauti ons concer ning the rec hargeabl e batterie s
Read the following descriptions carefully when you use the lithium ion battery (LI­50B).
The rechargeable batteries self-discharge while this is not in use. Be sure to charge them regularly before use.
eratin g temperature :
The rechargeable batteries are chemical products. The rechargeable batteries efficiency may fluc tuate even when operating within the recommended temperature range. This is an inherent nature of such produc ts.
commen ded temperature range :
When operating appliance:
0°C - 42°C/ 32°F - 107.6°F
C - 35°C/ 41°F - 95°F
Storage f or a long period:
–20°C - 30°C/ –4° F - 86°F
ppears on the display, the
Using the rechargeable battery outside the above temperature range may result in declining efficienc y and shorter battery life. In order to prevent battery leakage or rust, remove the rechargeable battery from the products when you will not be using them for a long time, and store them separately.
• This recorder is designed to fully charge b
atteries regardless of their energy level. However, for best results when charging newly purchased rechargeable batteries or batteries that have not been used for a long time (more than one month), it is recommended to fully charge the batteries then discharge repeatedly for 2 to 3 times.
hen disposing rechargeable batteries, always observe the local laws and regulations. Contact your local rec ycling center for proper disposal methods.
f lithium ion batteries are not fully
discharged, protect against short­circuiting (e.g. by taping the contacts) before disposing.
r custom ers in Germany:
Olympus has a contrac t with the GRS (Joint Batter y Disposal Association) in Germany to ensure environmentally friendly disposal.
Turning on/off the power
When the recorder is not being used, turn the power off to reduce batter y consumption to a minimum. Even if th e power is turned off, existing data, mode s ettings, and clock settings will be maintained.
Turning o n the power
While the recorder is turned off, slide the direction indicated by the arrow for 2 seconds or longer.
• The LED light will light up then power will
be turned on and the display will turn on showing the OLYMPUS logo.
switch in the
Turning o ff the power
Slide the
switch in the direction indicated by the arrow for 1 seconds or longer.
• The display shuts of f, and the power will
be turned off.
Auto Power o ff mode
If the recorder is on and stops for 10 minutes or longer (default setting), the recorder enters Auto Power off mode and turns of f the power. You can set the time to enter power save mode from among [5minutes], [10minutes], [30minutes], [1hour], [2hour], [3hour] and [Off ] ( P.77). To exit Auto Power off mode , turn on the power again.
If you bring the POWER/HOLD switch to the HOLD position, the current conditions will be
preser ved, and all buttons and switches will be disabled. This feature is useful when the recorder has to be carried in a bag or pocket. Also, you can stop to prevent accident during recording.
Set the r ecorder to HO LD mode
Slide the
switch to the
HOLD position.
fter [Hold] appears on the display, the
recorder is set to HOLD mode.
Exit HOL D mode
Slide the A
switch to the
• If you press any button in Hold mode, the
ED indicator light ashes blue but no
operation is performed.
f HOLD is applied during playback
(recording), operation is disabled with the playback (recording) state unchanged (When playback has ended and the recording has ended due to the remaining memory being used up, it will stop).
If you set the time an d dat e b eforehand , the information when the file is recorded is automatically stored for each file. Setting the time and date beforehand enables easier file management.
When you use this recorder for the first time after purchasing, or whe n you swi tch it on af ter removing the batteries for more than 15 minutes when exc hanging batteries et c, the [Set Time & Date] will appear. When the “hour” is flash ing, cond uct the setup from Step 1.
The voice control function can be used with this settin g (
.107) (For DM-5).
• Follow the same steps by pressing the
9 or 0 button to select the next item, and press the set.
• Y
ou can select between 12 and 24 hour display by pressing the while set ting the hour and minute.
xample: 10:20 P.M
10:20 PM (Init ial setting)
• You can select the order of the “month”, “day” and “year” by pressing the
(M/D/ Y)
Example: April 15, 2010
button while setting them.
2010Y 4M 15D (Init ial setting)
M 15D 2010Y
or − button to
1 Press the 9 or 0 button to
select the item to set.
• Select the item from the “hour”, “minute”, “year”, “month” and “day” with a flashing point.
2 Press the + or − button to set.
15D 4M 2010Y
3 Press the `OK button to
complete the setting.
• The clock will start from the set date
and time. Press the ` according to the time signal.
Note s
• If you press the `
setup operation, the recorder will save the items that were set to that point.
fter setup, a message will sound saying
that if the guidance is not required, selec t [Off ], and the display goes into [V
button during the
Changing the time and date
If the current time and date is not correct, set it using the procedure below.
The voice control function can be used with this setting (
.107) (For DM-5).
3 Press the + or − button to set.
1 Select [
Time & Date
menu on the [
• For details on how to enter the menu settings, please see “Me
method” (P. 65).
] from the
System Me nu
nu setting
2 Press the 9 or 0 button
to select the item to set.
• Select the item from the “hour”, “minute”, “year”, “month” and “day” with a flashing point.
• Follow the same steps by pressing
the 9 or 0 button to select the next item, and press the button to set.
4 After the date and time have
been set, press the
or −
The “microSD” indicated in the instruction manual refers to both microSD and microSDHC . This recorder can be used with commercially available microSD cards as well as the built-in memory.
Inserting a microSD card
1 While the recorder is during stop
mode, open the card cover.
2 Face the microSD card the correct
way and insert it into the card slot as shown in the diagram.
• Insert the microSD card keeping it straight.
• I
nserting the microSD card the wrong way or at an angle could damage the contact area or cause the microSD card to jam.
f the microSD card is not inserted all
the way, data cannot be writ ten to the
3 Close the card cover securely.
• When you insert the microSD card, the recording media changeover display will appear.
4 When you are recording to a
microSD card, press the button and select [
or −
5 Press the `OK button to complete
the setting.
Note s
• It is possible to switch the recording media o
ver to the built-in memory ( P.77).
• I
n some cases microSD card which have been formatted (initialized) by another device, such as a computer, cannot be
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