The ML60851C is a general purpose Universal Serial Bus (USB) device controller. The ML60851C provides a
USB interface, control/status block, application interface, and FIFOs. The FIFO interface and two types of
transfer have been optimized for BulkOut devices such as printers and BulkIn devices such as digital still cameras
and image scanners. In addition, Mass Storage devices are also applicable to this device.
USB 1.0 compliant
Built-in USB transceiver circuit
Full-speed (12 Mb/sec) support
Supports printer device class, image device class, and Mass Storage device class
Supports three types of transfer; control transfer, bulk transfer, and interrupt transfer
Built-in FIFOs for control transfer
Two 8-byte FIFOs (one for receive FIFO and the other for transmit FIFO)
Built-in FIFOs for bulk transfer (available for either receive FIFO or transmit FIFO)
One 64-byte FIFO
Two 64-byte FIFOs
Built-in FIFO for interrupt transfer
One 8-byte FIFO
Supports one control endpoint, two bulk endpoint addresses, and one interrupt endpoint address
Two 64-byte FIFOs enable fast BulkOut transfer and BulkIn transfer
Supports 8 bit/16 bit DMA transfer
is 3.0 V to 3.6 V
Supporting dual power supply enables 5 V application interface
Chip select signal input pin. LOW active
Read signal input pin. LOW active
Write signal input pin. LOW active
Interrupt request signal output pin
DMA request output pin
EP0RXFIFOEndpoint 0 Receive FIFO Data
EP1RXFIFOEndpoint 1 Receive FIFO Data
EP0TXFIFOEndpoint 0 Transmit FIFO Data
EP1TXFIFOEndpoint 1 Transmit FIFO Data
EP2TXFIFOEndpoint 2 Transmit FIFO Data
EP3TXFIFOEndpoint 3 Transmit FIFO Data
After a hardware resetxxxxxxxx
After a bus resetxxxxxxxx
DefinitionEP0 Receive data (R)
The receive data from the host computer in the data state during a control Write transfer is stored in EP0RXFIFO.
The EP0 receive data can be read out by the local MPU through reading the address 40h when the ML60851C
issues an EP0 receive packet ready interrupt request. It is possible to read successively the data in the packet by
reading cont inuousl y.
The EP2RXFIFO is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When the local MPU resets the EP0 receive packet ready bit (A “1” is written in PKTRDY(0)).
2. When a setup packet is received.
3. When the local MCU writes a “0” in the stall bit (EP0STAT(2)).
End Point 1 Receive FIFO (EP1RXFIFO)
Read address41h
Write address—
After a hardware resetxxxxxxxx
After a bus resetxxxxxxxx
DefinitionEP1 Receive data (R)
It is possible to read out the EP1 receive data by reading the address 41h. When EP1 is set for bulk reception
(BULK OUT), The local MCU should read EP1RXFIFO when the ML60851C issues an EP2 packet ready
interrupt request. It is possible to read successively th e data in the packet by readin g continuously. When the data
transfer direction of EP1 is set as “Transmit”, all accesses to this address will be invalid.
The EP1RXFIFO is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an OUT token is received for EP1.
2. When the EP1 receive packet ready bit is reset. (A “1” is written in PKTRDY(1).)
3. When the local MCU writes a “0” in the stall bit (EP1CON(1)).
Even when a DMA read with a 16-bit width is made from EP1RXFIFO, the address is A7:A0 = 41h.
End Point 2 Receive FIFO (EP2RXFIFO)
Read address42h
Write address
After a hardware resetxxxxxxxx
After a bus resetxxxxxxxx
DefinitionEP2 Receive data (R)
It is possible to read out the EP2 receive data by reading the address 42h. When EP2 is set for bulk reception (Bulk
OUT), the local MCU should read EP2R XFIFO when the ML 60851C issues an EP2 packet ready int errupt request.
It is possible to read successively the data in the packet by reading con t inuously. When th e data transfer direction
of EP2 is set as ‘Transmit’, all accesses to this address will be invalid.
The EP2RXFIFO is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an OUT token is received for EP2.
2. When the EP2 receive packet ready bit is reset. (A “1” is written in PKTRDY(2).)
3. When the local MCU writes a “0” in the stall bit (EP2CON(1)).
End Point 0 Transmit FIFO (EP0TXFIFO)
Read address—
Write addressC0h
After a hardware resetxxxxxxxx
After a bus resetxxxxxxxx
DefinitionEP0 Transmit data (W)
The EP0 transmit data can be written in by writing to the address C0h. The receive data from the host in the data
stage during a control read transfer is stored in EP0TXFIFO . When the ML60851C issues an EP0 transm it pack et
ready interrupt request, the local MC U writes the transmit data to the addres s C0h. It is possible to write the packet
data successively by writing continuously.
The EP0 TXFIFO is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an ACK is received from the host for the data transmission from EP0.
2. When a setup packet is received.
End Point 1 Transmit FIFO (EP1TXFIFO)
Read address
Write addressC1h
After a hardware resetxxxxxxxx
After a bus resetxxxxxxxx
DefinitionEP1 Transmit data (W)
The EP1 transmit data can be written in by writing to the address C1h. When EP1 has been set for bulk
transmission (BULK IN), The local MCU should write the transmit data in EP1TXFIFO when the ML60851C
issues an EP1 packet ready interrupt request. It is possible to write the packet data successively by writing
continuously. When the data transfer direction of EP 1 is set as ‘Receive’, all accesses to this add ress will be
The EP1 transmit FIFO is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an ACK is received from the host for the data transmission from EP1.
2. When the local MCU writes a “1” in the EP1FIFO clear bit (CLRFIFO(1)).
Even when a DMA write with a 16-bit width is made in EP1TXFIFO, the address is A7:A0 = 41h.
End Point 2 Transmit FIFO (EP2TXFIFO)
Read address—
Write addressC2h
After a hardware resetxxxxxxxx
After a bus resetxxxxxxxx
DefinitionEP2 Transmit data (W)
The EP2 transmit data can be written in by writing to the address C2h. When EP2 has been set for bulk
transmission (BULK IN), The local MCU should write the transmit data in EP1TXFIFO when the ML60851C
issues an EP2 packet ready interrupt request. It is possible to write the packet data successively by writing
continuously. When the data transfer direction of EP2 is set as “Receive”, all accesses to this address will be
The EP2 TXFIFO is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an ACK is received from the host for the data transmission from EP2.
2. When the local MCU writes a “1” in the EP2FIFO clear bit (CLRFIFO(2)).
End Point 3 Transmit FIFO (EP3TXFIFO)
Read address—
Write addressC3h
After a hardware resetxxxxxxxx
After a bus resetxxxxxxxx
DefinitionEP3 Transmit data (W)
The EP3 transmit data can be written in by writing to the address C3h. Make the local MCU write the transmit data
in EP3TXFIFO when the ML60851C issues an EP3 packet ready interrupt request. It is possible to write the
packet data successivel y by writing continuously.
The EP3 TXFIFO is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an ACK is received from the host for the data transmission from EP3.
2. When the local MCU writes a “1” in the EP3FIFO clear bit (CLRFIFO(3)).
Device Address Register (DVCADR)
Read addressC0h
Write address40h
After a hardware reset00000000
After a bus reset00000000
DefinitionDevice address (R/W)
The local MCU writes in this register the device address given by the SET_ADDRESS command from the host.
Thereafter, the ML60851C responds only to the token specifying this address among all the tokens from the host
computer. The default value is the address D6:D0 = 00h.
Note 1:It is possible to carry out addr es s ing usin g a 7- bit ad dr ess because up to 127 devices can be
connected according to the USB standard.
Note 2:The bit D7 is fixed at “0”, and even if a “1” is written in the bit D7, it will be invalid.
Device State Register (DVCSTAT)
Read addressC1h
Write address41h
After a hardware reset00000001
After a bus reset00000001
Default state (R/W)
Address state (R/W)
Configuration state (R/W)
Suspend state (R)
Remote wake-up (R/W)
USB bus reset status clear (W)
This is a register for displaying the status of the device. The functions of the different bits are described below:
The bits D7 and D6 are fixed at “0” and even if a “1” is written in these bits, the write operation will be invalid.
Default state:
This bit is asserted in the initial state. The default state is valid from the time the power is switched ON and
the hardware resetting is complete. There is no need to write a “0” in this bit.
Address state:
When a SET_ADDRESS request arrives, the local MCU writes the device address in the device address
register. If necessary, by writing a “1” in this bit also at that time, it is possible to give an indication that the
ML60851C has entered the address state. Since the content of this bit does not affect the operation of the
ML60851C, there is no need to write in this bit if it will not be read out.
Configuration state:
When the local MPU asserts the configuration bits EP1CON, EP2CON, or EP3CON in response to a
SET_CONFIGURATION request from the host computer when this IC is in the address state, by writing a
“1” in this bit also, if necessary, at that time, it is possible to give an indication that the ML60851C has
entered the configuration st ate. Since the con tent of this bit does n ot affect th e operation of the ML60851C,
there is no need to write in this bit if it will not be read out.
When all these three states are “1”, it m eans that this IC is normally operating. How ever, since these bits do
not affect the operation of the ML60851C, there is no n eed to write in these bits if they will not be read out.
Suspend state:
When the idle condition continues for more than 3ms in the USB bus, the ML60851C au tomatically asserts
this bit thereby indicating that it is going into the suspend state. At the same time, bit D6 of the interrupt
status register INTSTAT is asserted and the
pin is asserted. With this, the local MCU can suppress
the current consumption.
This bit is deasserted when the EOP of any type of packet is received.
Remote wake-up:
The ML60851C is in the suspend state, the remote wake-up function is activated when the local MCU
asserts this bit. When this bit is written while 5ms have not yet elapsed in the idle condit ion, the remote
wake-up signal is output after waiting for the idle condition to continue for the full 5ms period. Further,
when this bit is written after the idle condition has persisted for 5ms or more, the remote wake-up signal is
output immediately after this bit is written. This bit is deasserted auto matically when the suspe nd state is
released by receiving the resume instruction over the USB bus.
USB bus reset status clear:
When the ML60851C is in the USB bu s reset interru pt state (bit D5 of the interrupt statu s register, that is the
USB bus reset interrupt status bit is “1” and the
pin is asserted), it is possible to clear the interrupt
status by writing a “1” in this bit. (This makes the USB bus reset interrupt status bit “0” and deassertes
.) Although this bit can be read out, the read out value will always be “0”.
Packet Error Register (PKTERR)
Read addressC2h
Write address—
After a hardware reset00000000
After a bus reset00000000
Bit stuff error (R)
Data CRC error (R)
Address CRC error (R)
PID Error (R)
Each bit is asserted when the corresponding error occurs and is deasserted when SOP is received.
This register is used to report the error information. This register is useful for the tests during development, or for
preparing the error frequency measurement report. This register is n ot particularly required f or the specification of
commercial a product.
FIFO Status Register 1 (FIFOSTAT1)
Read addressC3h
Write address—
After a hardware reset00001010
After a bus reset00001010
Receive FIFO0 Full (R)
Receive FIFO0 Empty (R)
FIFO1 Full (R)
FIFO1 Empty (R)
This register reports the statuses of the EP0RXFIFO and the FIFO for EP1. N orm ally, there is n o need to read this
register because it is sufficient to read the packet ready status before reading out or writing in a FIFO.
Receive FIFO0 Full:This bit becomes “1” when 8-bytes of data are stored in the EP0RXFIFO. This bit is
not set to “1” when a packet less than 8 bytes long (a short packet) is stored in.
Receive FIFO0 Empty: This bit will be “1” when the EP0RXFIFO0 is empty.
FIFO1 Full: This bit becomes “1” when 64 bytes of data is stored in the FIFO for EP1. This is true
during both transmission and reception. This bit does not become “1” in the case of a
short packet. The FIFO for EP1 has a two-layer structure and can store up to 128
bytes of data. This bit indicates the status of the FIFO in which data being written at
that time. In other words, this bit indicates the status of the FIFO into which the host
computer is writing data when EP1 is receiving data, and of the FIFO into which the
local MCU is writing data when EP1 is transmitting data.
FIFO1 Empty:This bit becomes “1” when the FIFO for EP1 is empty. This is true during both
transmission and reception. The FIFO for EP1 has a tw o-layer s tructure and can s tore
up to 128 bytes of data. This bit indicates the status of the FIFO which is being read
out at that time.
FIFO0 Status Register 2 (FIFOSTAT2)
Read addressC4h
Write address—
After a hardware reset00101010
After a bus reset00101010
Transmit FIFO0 Full (R)
Transmit FIFO0 Empty (R)
FIFO2 Full (R)
FIFO2 Empty (R)
FIFO3 Full (R)
FIFO3 Empty (R)
This register reports the statuses of the EP0TXFIFO, the FIFO for EP2, and the FIFO for EP3. Normally, there is
no need to read this register because it is sufficient to read the packet ready status before reading out or writing in
Transmit FIFO0 Full:This bit becomes “1” when 8-bytes o f data is stored in the EP0TXFIFO. T his bit is
not set to “1” when a packet less than 8 bytes (a short packet) is written in.
Transmit FIFO0 Empty: This bit will be “1” when the EP0 transmit FIFO0 is empty.
FIFO2 Full: This bit becomes “1” when 64 bytes of data is either stored or written in the FIFO for
EP2. This bit does not become “1” in the case of a short packet.
FIFO2 Empty: This bit becomes “1” when the FIFO of EP2 is empty.
FIFO3 Full: This bit becomes “1” when 64 bytes are written in the FIFO for EP3. This bit does not
become “1” in the case of a short packet.
FIFO3 Empty: This bit becomes “1” when the FIFO for EP3 is empty.
End Point Packet Ready Register (PKTRDY)
This register indicates whether or not the preparations for reading out or writing in a packet data have been
completed. In addition, this register is also used for controlling the handshake packet (ACK/NAK)
Read addressC8h
Write address48h
After a hardware reset00000000
After a bus reset00000000
This is the register for indicating that the local MCU can request a read/write of the FIFO for each EP. The logical
sums (AND) of each of these bits and the corresponding bits of INTENBL become the bits of INTSTAT.
The ML60851C asserts a receive packet ready bit (set to “0”) and generates an interrupt cause. The local MCU
resets the receive packet ready bit after completion of the interrupt servicing (such as taking out data from the
corresponding receive FIFO, etc.,).
The ML60851C deasserts a transmit packet ready bit and generates an interrupt cause. The local MCU sets the
receive packet ready bit after completion of the interrupt servicing (such as writing data in the corresponding
transmit FIFO, etc.,).
The bit D3 is fixed at “0”, and even if a “1” is written in this bit, that write operation will be invalid.
The operations of the different bits of PKTRDY are described in detail below.
EP0 Receive packet ready bit (D0)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “0” by writing “1” to the D0 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following.
Bit nameAsserting conditionAction when asserted
EP0 Receive packet ready (D0)
1. When data is received in EP0
and storing of one packet of
receive data in EP0RXFIFO is
2. When a setup packet is received
during a control Re ad or a contr ol
Write transfer.
EP0 is locked (that is, an NAK is
returned automatically when a data
packet is received from the host
(In the case of the asserting
condition 1, the local MCU can read
Bit nameDeasserting conditionAction when deasserted
EP0 Receive packet ready (D0)
1. When the local MCU resets
(writes a “1” in) this bit.
2. When the local MCU resets the
setup ready bit during a control
Write transfer.
Reception is possible in EP0.
R/Reset: Reading possible/ Reset when a “1” is written
R/Set: Reading possible/ Set when a “1” is written
EP1 Receive Packet Ready Bit (D1)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “0” by writing “1” to the D1 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following. EP1 has a two-layer FIFO, and even the
packet ready bits are present independently for layer A and layer B. The switching between these two layers is
done automatically by the ML60851C.
Bit nameAsserting conditionAction when asserted
EP1 Receive packet ready (D1)
When an error-free packet is
received in either layer A or layer B.
The local MCU can read the
EP1RXFIFO. EP1 is locked when
both layer A and layer B have
received a packet data.
Bit nameDeasserting conditionAction when deasserted
EP1 Receive packet ready (D1)When the local MCU resets (writes a
“1”) in the bits of both layer A and
layer B.
Reception is possible in EP1 w hen at
least one of the bits of layer A and
layer B has been reset.
See the explanation of the operation of the two-layer FIFO given in the Section on ‘Functional Description’.
EP2 Receive Packet Ready Bit (D2)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “0” by writing “1” to the D2 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following.
Bit nameAsserting conditionAction when asserted
EP2 Receive packet ready (D2)When an error-free packet is
EP2 is locked.
Bit nameDeasserting conditionAction when deasserted
EP2 Receive packet ready (D2)When the local MCU resets (writes a
“1” in) this bit.
Data reception is possible in EP2.
EP0 Transmit Packet Ready Bit (D4)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “1” by writing “1” to the D4 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following.
Bit nameAsserting conditionAction when asserted
EP0 Transmit packet ready (D4)When the local MCU sets this bit.Data transmission is possible from
Bit nameDeasserting conditionAction when deasserted
EP0 Transmit packet ready (D4)
1. When an ACK is receiv ed from the
host computer in response to the
data transmission from EP0.
2. When a setup packet is received.
EP0 is locked. In other words, an
NAK is returned automatically when
an IN token is received from the host
EP1 Transmit Packet Ready Bit (D5)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “1” by writing “1” to the D5 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following. EP1 has a two-layer FIFO, and even the
packet ready bits are present independently for layer A and layer B. The switching between these two layers is
performed automatically by the ML60851C.
Bit nameAsserting conditionAction when asserted
EP1 Transmit packet ready (D5)
When the local MCU has set the bits
of both layer A and layer B.
Data transmission is possible from
EP1 when the bit for at least one of
layer A and layer B has been
Bit nameDeasserting conditionAction when deasserted
EP1 Transmit packet ready (D5)When an ACK is received from the
host computer for the data
transmission from either layer A or
layer B.
EP1 is locked when both layer A and
layer B have not prepared the
transmit data.
See the explanation of the operation of the two-layer FIFO given in the Section on ‘Functional Description’.
EP2 Transmit Packet Ready Bit (D6)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “1” by writing “1” to the D6 bit.
The conditions of asserting and negating this bit are the following.
Bit nameAsserting conditionAction when asserted
EP2 Transmit packet ready (D6)When the local MCU has set this bit.Data transmission is possible from
Bit nameDeasserting conditionAction when deasserted
EP2 Transmit packet ready (D6)
When an ACK is received from the
host computer in response to the
data transmission from EP2.
EP2 is locked.
EP3 Transmit Packet Ready Bit (D7)
This bit can be read by the local MCU. Further, this bit can be set to “1” by writing “1” to the D7 bit.
The conditions of asserting and deasserting this bit are the following.
Bit nameAsserting conditionAction when asserted
EP3 Transmit packet ready (D7)When the local MCU has set this bit.Data transmission is possible from
Bit nameDeasserting conditionAction when deasserted
EP2 Transmit packet ready (D7)When an ACK is received from the
host computer in response to the
data transmission from EP3.
EP3 is locked.
End Point 0 Receive Byte Count Register (EP0RXCNT)
Read addressC9h
Write address—
After a hardware reset00000000
After a bus reset00000000
Definition0Byte count of EP0 (R)
The ML60851C automatically counts the number of bytes in the packet being received by EP0 an d stored it in this
register. Although the coun t ing is performed up to the maxim um pack et si ze ente red i n th e payl oad reg i s ter in the
case of a full packet, the count will be less than this value in t he case o f a short p acket. The local MCU refers to
this value and reads the data of one packet from the EP0RXFIFO.
The EP0 receive byte count register is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When the local MCU resets the EP0 receive packet ready bit (by writing a “1” in PKTRDY(0)).
2. When a setup packet is received.
3. When the local MCU writes a “0” in the stall bit (EP0STAT(2)).
End Point 1 Receive Byte Count Register (EP1RXCNT)
Read addressCAh
Write address—
After a hardware reset00000000
After a bus reset00000000
Definition0Byte count of EP1 (R)
The ML60851C automatically counts the number of bytes in the packet being received by EP1 an d stored it in this
register. Although the coun t ing is performed up to the maxim um pack et si ze ente red i n th e payl oad reg i s ter in the
case of a full packet, the count will be less than this value in t he case o f a short p acket. The local MCU refers to
this value and reads the data of one packet from the EP1 receive FIFO.
This register is invalid when the EP1 transfer direction is set as ‘Transmit’.
The EP1 receive byte count register is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an OUT token is received for EP1.
2. When the EP1 receive packet ready bit is reset (by writing a “1” in PKTRDY(1)).
3. When the local MCU writes a “0” in the stall bit (EP1CON(1)).
End Point 2 Receive Byte Count Register (EP2RXCNT)
Read addressCBh
Write address—
After a hardware reset00000000
After a bus reset00000000
Definition0Byte Count of EP2 (R)
The ML60851C automatically counts the number of bytes in the packet being received by EP2 an d stored it in this
register. Although the coun t ing is performed up to the maxim um pack et si ze ente red i n th e payl oad reg i s ter in the
case of a full packet, the count will be less than this value in the case o f a short packet. T he local MCU refers to
this value and reads the data of one packet from the EP2RXFIFO.
This register is invalid when the EP2 transfer direction is set as ‘Transmit’.
The EP2 receive byte count register is cleared under the following conditions:
1. When an OUT token is received for EP2.
2. When the EP2 receive packet ready bit is reset (by writing a “1” in PKTRDY(2)).
3. When the local MCU writes a “0” in the stall bit (EP2CON(1)).
Revision Register (REVISION)
Read addressCDh
Write address—
After a hardware reset
After a bus reset
Revision No. of Chip
Transmit FIFO Clear Register (CLRFIFO)
Read address—
Write address4Eh
After a hardware reset
After a bus reset
Cannot be read (indeterminate)
Cannot be read (indeterminate)