Ocean Optics MMS Raman User Manual

MMS Raman Spectrometer
A Product
Installation and Operation Manual
Document Number 000-40000-02-0906
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Ocean Optics offers the most comprehensive, innovative and high-quality line of modular spectroscopy tools in the world. Centice is an essential and valuable partner in this enterprise. We have partnered with Centice because they are committed to the same goals of innovation and quality that inspire us here at Ocean Optics. As always, Ocean Optics conducts its business in an open, honest and technically available fashion. We invite you to contact us at Ocean Optics, Inc. (see front cover for contact information) or Centice with any technical questions, comments, or applications inquiries. Centice can be contacted at the following location:
Centice Corporation
4020 Stirrup Creek Dr, Suite 115 Durham, NC 27703 Phone: 919 405 4264 Fax: 919 405 4268 Web: http://www.centice.com
Copyright © 2001-2006 Ocean Optics, Inc.
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Every effort has been made to make this manual as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is on an “as is” basis. Ocean Optics, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this manual.
Table of Contents
About This Manual .......................................................................................................... iii
Document Purpose and Intended Audience.............................................................................. iii
What’s New in This Document .................................................................................................. iii
Document Summary.................................................................................................................. iii
Product-Related Documentation ............................................................................................... iv
Upgrades......................................................................................................................... iv
Laser Safety ....................................................................................................................iv
Chapter 1: Installation ........................................................................5
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 5
Applications ............................................................................................................................... 5
About SpectraSuite.................................................................................................................... 6
Features..................................................................................................................................... 6
Parts Included ................................................................................................................. 6
Other Equipment Needed..........................................................................................................6
Installation Procedure...................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Operating the Spectrometer............................................9
Sample Placement .......................................................................................................... 9
Acquiring Spectra ............................................................................................................ 10
Appendix A: Specifications................................................................15
Appendix B: Introduction to Multimodal Multiplex Sampling.........17
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 17
Theory of Operation ........................................................................................................ 18
Coded Aperture ............................................................................................................... 18
Coded Aperture ............................................................................................................... 19
Multiplex (SNR) Advantage .......................................................................................................19
Multimodal (Etendue) Advantage .............................................................................................. 19
Imaging Aspect of MMS ............................................................................................................19
MMS and Conventional Multiplex Spectroscopy....................................................................... 20
Performance Comparison ............................................................................................... 20
Etendue ..................................................................................................................................... 20
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Table of Contents
Signal to Noise Ratio ................................................................................................................. 22
Measuring in Scattering Media.................................................................................................. 23
Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 23
Appendic C: Remote Interlock...........................................................25
Index .....................................................................................................................27
ii 000-40000-02-0906

About This Manual

Document Purpose and Intended Audience

This document provides you with installation information to get your system up and running. It also contains an in-depth discussion of Multimodal Sampling technology.

What’s New in This Document

This version of the MMS Raman Spectrometer Installation and Operation Manual adds clarification to the Acquiring Spectra

Document Summary

Chapter Description
Chapter 1: Installation Provides a list of system components, and
operating requirements. Also contains instructions for installing the MMS Raman spectrometer.
Chapter 2: Operating the Spectrometer Contains instructions for using the MMS Raman
Appendix A: Specifications Provides product specifications for the MMS
Raman spectrometer.
Appendix B: Introduction to Multimodal
Multiplex Sampling
Appendix C: Remote Interlock Contains information on the Remote Interlock
Contains a whitepaper with technical information describing the operation of the MMS Raman spectrometer.
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About This Manual

Product-Related Documentation

You can access documentation for Ocean Optics products by visiting our website at
http://www.oceanoptics.com. Select Technical Operating Instructions, then choose the appropriate
document from the available drop-down lists. Or, use the Search by Model Number field at the bottom of the web page.
Detailed instructions for SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software are located at:
You can also access operating instructions for Ocean Optics products on the Software and Technical Resources CD included with the system.
Engineering-level documentation is located on our website at Technical Engineering Docs.


Occasionally, you may find that you need Ocean Optics to make a change or an upgrade to your system. To facilitate these changes, you must first contact Customer Support and obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Please contact Ocean Optics for specific instructions when returning a product.

Laser Safety

Although the MMS Raman Spectrometer is laser-safe, we advise that laser safety eyewear must be worn while operating the system. The MMS Raman uses a Class 3b laser that can cause serious eye injury. The unit contains a remote interlock feature that deactivates the laser when a plug is inserted (see Remote
for more information). Safety goggles are available for use with the system. Contact an Ocean
Applications Scientist for details.
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Chapter 1



The Centice Multimodal Multiplex Sampling (MMS) Raman spectrometer provides significantly higher measurement sensitivity than a conventional grating based slit entrance spectrometer due to its unique multimodal multiplex sampling (MMS) technology. An MMS-based spectrometer samples nearly 1,000 optical channels simultaneously through a large area coded aperture – instead of a slit – then applies proprietary algorithms to precisely construct the spectral content of a source. With MMS technology, both high resolution and high light throughput can be achieved simultaneously in a single shot measurement. SpectraSuite software is available with this spectrometer to aid you with your spectral analysis.
The Centice Raman spectrometer is designed to be easy to use and operate with minimal set-up. Follow the detailed step by step instructions described in this chapter to install the spectrometer.


MMS-based instruments are ideal for measuring weak, scattering and diffuse sources and samples because the spectrometer can collect and process far more light through its wide area aperture, without affecting spectral resolution.
Key applications include material inspection, identification of unknown materials, and quantitative analysis of both intermediates and final products in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Any material that is Raman-active and fits within the sample chamber of the instrument can be measured. Typical samples include powders, liquids and polymers. The system is also ideal for teaching and research applications in colleges and universities.
The MMS system uses a wide-area aperture that cannot be illuminated effectively with a fiber input. The aperture should be slightly overfilled to obtain the best spectrum. The wide-area aperture and grating cannot be changed. The MMS aperture and grating are designed specifically for the detector. For fiber­based Raman analysis, consider our
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QE65000 Spectrometer or the Raman Systems R-3000.
1: Installation

About SpectraSuite

SpectraSuite is a completely modular, Java-based spectroscopy software platform that operates on Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. The software can control any Ocean Optics USB spectrometer and device, as well as any other manufacturer’s USB instrumentation using the appropriate drivers. SpectraSuite is a user-customizable, advanced acquisition and display program that provides a real-time interface to a variety of signal-processing functions. With SpectraSuite, you have the ability to perform spectroscopic measurements (such as absorbance, reflectance, and emission), control all system parameters, collect and display data in real time, and perform reference monitoring and time acquisition experiments.


Novel Multimodal Multiplex Spectroscopy (MMS)
Spectral resolution of ~4 cm
Spectral range of 220-2000 cm
Integration times ranging from 50 ms-100 seconds
Sample holder for cuvettes and test tubes
Rapid analysis, with no sample preparation

Parts Included

Digital Raman Spectrometer with integrated sample holder (holds up to 10-mm cuvettes and test
Power supply for the Spectrometer CCD Camera
Key for turning the laser on/off
Removable Remote Interlock plug to automatically disable the laser (see Remote Interlock
more information)
USB cable to interface to the PC
Ocean Optics Software and Technical Resources CD with this user manual
You must first install the software before you power up the spectrometer.

Other Equipment Needed

In addition to the parts you received with your spectrometer, you will need the following equipment to run your experiments:
Ocean Optics’ SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software
A computer to run the software. See the SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software
Installation and Operation Manual for SpectraSuite system requirements.
Safety goggles (such as the R-2001-GL goggles from Ocean Optics)
6 000-40000-000-02-0906
1: Installation

Installation Procedure

Before you power up your Raman spectrometer, you must install the software. See the SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software Installation and Operation Manual for software installation
instructions. See Product-Related Documentation
for more information on accessing this document.
1. Install SpectraSuite on the destination computer. See the SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating
Software Installation and Operation Manual for information on SpectraSuite.
2. Connect the camera power supply to the power interface of the device, and plug the power supply
into an AC outlet. All functions of the spectrometer are operational when it is powered on except for the laser.
3. Locate the USB cable provided with the spectrometer. Connect one end of the USB cable to the
USB interface of the spectrometer camera and the other end into the computer. Your computer system should detect the new hardware. Follow the instructions for your computer system for it to recognize the new hardware device.
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