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photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from Ocean Optics , Inc .
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Limit of Liability
Every effort has be en m ade to make this m anual as comp lete and as accurate as possible, but no warrant y o r fitness is implied. The informa tion provided is on
an “as is” basis. Ocean Optics, Inc. sh a ll have neither liability nor responsi b ility to any person or entity with resp ect to any loss or damages arising from the
information contained in this m a nual.
Important Safety Notices
1. Read this manual before you attempt to use this instrument.
2. This product contains a Class 2 laser. The laser safety warning label is posted to the side of
the Jaz AP module.
3. The laser described h ere is safe t o operate, provided the user pays attention to all safety
a. Post warnings in the area of the laser beam to alert those present.
b. Keep all unauthoriz ed personne l out of the area where the laser is operated.
c. Whenever the laser is running and the beam is not in use, it is good operating practice to
mechanically block th e path.
d. Never look directly into the laser source or scattering laser light from any re flective
surface. Never sight down the beam into the source.
e. Maintain experimental setup at low heights to prevent inadvertent beam-eye contact.
f. As a precaution against accidental exposures to the output beam or its reflection,
operators should wear lase r safety glasses atten u ated to the wa ve len g th being generated.
4. Do not remove or mod ify any installed sa f et y devic e on this equipment. Doing so will void
your warranty and create an unsaf e op e rat in g en vi ron ment.
5. Only allow qualified personnel to service this unit.
6. Before using the optical tool for the first time chec k for transport damage. Do not use the unit
if it is damaged in any wa y. Contact your dealer for repair or repla cement infor mation.
7. Take care that no objects or liquids enter int o the d evi c e and th at th e re are n o gr ea se r es id ue s
on the glass window.
013-RD000-001-02-201208 A
Important Safety Notices
B 013-RD000-001-02-201208
Table of Contents
About This Manual .............................................................................................................iii
Document Purpose and Intended Audience .............................................................................. iii
Document Summary .................................................................................................................. iii
Product-Related Documentation ............................................................................................... iii