Objectif Lune PrintShop Mail - 7.1 Getting Started

PrintShop Mail
Getting Started
Copyright Information
Copyright © 1994-2010 Objectif Lune Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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PlanetPress and PrintShop Mail are registered trademarks of Objectif Lune Inc.
PostScript and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
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Adobe, Adobe PDF Library, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Distiller, Adobe Reader, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Optimized Postcript Stream, the Adobe logo, the Adobe PDF logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this documentation appear for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective companies.
Title PrintShop Mail - Getting Started
Revision 2010/03/02
Table of contents
1 The PrintShop Mail technology ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2 System Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Installing PrintShop Mail.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Windows ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Macintosh.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 About the hardware key................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5 How to set up a simple PrintShop Mail print job.............................................................................................................................................. 9
6 Help and Support............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
7 Contact Information....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8 PrintShop Mail makes Personalized printing quick and easy!........................................................................................................................ 13
1 The PrintShop Mail technology
PrintShop Mail makes personalized printing quick and easy. It integrates database information into the layout of a document. You can create this document in any layout or design application, and use almost any database format.
By simply dragging and dropping database fields onto the document layout, you create a link between the database field and the document. PrintShop Mail provides onscreen previewing of each record and provides you with a powerful resource checking option.
During the printing process, the static portion of the job is sent to the printer once, and therefore does not need to be re-ripped. Then, the variable information from the database is sent to the printer on the fly. This greatly shortens the printing process and decreases network traffic. PrintShop Mail then allows your PostScript® printer to print at or near rated speed, depending on RIP capability. This makes variable information printing an efficient process.
PrintShop Mail offers several different ways to optimize your output, known as Print Technologies. Because every print technology uses PostScript Level 2, PrintShop Mail requires the use of a PostScript printer driver and a PostScript Level 2 compatible RIP for optimized output. If no optimization is used, PrintShop Mail 7 can print to any Windows printer.
Some technologies are based on the PostScript standard, which means that they will be supported by every type of RIP available. Other technologies are based on extensions of PostScript, which are only supported by specific RIP types. Also, Print Shop Mail 7 can save to an optimized PDF, for easy reprinting for integration with print production systems.
You can find detailed information on these print technologies in the Help provided with your software (In PrintShop Mail, press <F1>).
Generic printing technologies:
• Standard PostScript
• Optimized PostScript
• Adobe PDF
• Windows Printing*
RIP type and vendor dependent technologies:
• Creo VPS
• Fiery FreeForm
• Fiery FreeForm 2
• PDF*
* PrintShop Mail 7 for Windows only
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2010 1
2 System Requirements
PrintShop Mail 7 Windows®:
• Pentium 4, 1GHz or higher
• 1GB of RAM
• 120 MB of hard disk space
• SVGA monitor resolution 800 x 600 High Color (16-bit)
• Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, 2008 Server, Vista
• CD-ROM drive
• Internet connection
PrintShop Mail for Windows requires the following system components to be installed on your computer prior to installing the product:
• Microsoft .Net Framework ▪ Version 2.0 SP1 (on Windows 2000, XP and 2003 Server) ▪ Version 3.5 SP1 (on Windows Vista and 2008 Server)
• MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK
• VCRedist (Visual C++ 2008 vanilla)
• Access Database Engine
The PrintShop Mail Suite setup will automatically check these requirements, missing third party software packages will be downloaded from the internet and installed (but of course, not without your permission). The mentioned components can also be downloaded and installed manually. Installers for these packages can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site.

Supported Operating Systems

• Microsoft Windows 2000 (32-bit)
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32-bit and 64 bit)
• Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit and 64 bit)
• Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (32-bit and 64 bit)
• Microsoft Windows 2008 Server (32-bit and 64 bit)

PrintShop Mail 5.4 Macintosh®:

• Power PC® G4, 1GHz
• MacOSX 10.4.11 or higher
• 1GB of RAM
• 50 MB of available hard-disk space
• 1,024 x 768 screen resolution
• CD-ROM drive
• Internet connection
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