Objectif Lune PlanetPress Suite - 7.0 Instruction Manual

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Title PlanetPress Workflow Tool Reference Guide
Revision 2009/10/21
Table of contents
1 Other Documentation....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools........................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Key Concepts..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 The Origins of PlanetPress Watch .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.4 Configurations and Processes .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.5 More on PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and How They Work................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.6 The Configuration and its Processes........................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.7 Tasks..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.8 More on PlanetPress Suite Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.1.9 PlanetPress Design and PlanetPress Workflow Tools.................................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.10 Data .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.11 Data File and Job File............................................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.1.12 Job File Names and Output File Names................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.1.13 Error Handling Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
2.1.14 PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and Printing ........................................................................................................................................ 27
2.1.15 The PlanetPress Suite Workflow............................................................................................................................................................. 31
2.1.16 Date and Time Format .......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
2.1.17 Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express® and MAPI ...................................................................................................................................... 36
3 The PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program ..................................................................................................................... 37
3.1 Key Concepts................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
3.1.1 Combining and Attaching Areas of the Program Window ........................................................................................................................... 38
3.1.2 Grouping Objects.................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
3.1.3 Preferences............................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
3.1.4 The PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program Window ....................................................................................................... 39
3.1.5 Virtual Drive Manager ............................................................................................................................................................................. 46
3.2 Detailed Directions ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
3.2.1 Start the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration Program .............................................................................................................. 47
3.2.2 Choose the Account to be Used by your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool ................................................................................................... 48
3.2.3 Control Access to the Locally Installed Services......................................................................................................................................... 50
3.2.4 Exit the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration Program ................................................................................................................ 51
3.2.5 Create a New Configuration..................................................................................................................................................................... 51
3.2.6 Open a PlanetPress Suite Configuration File.............................................................................................................................................. 52
3.2.7 Reopen a Configuration File..................................................................................................................................................................... 52
3.2.8 Add a PlanetPress Suite Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 53
3.2.9 Import Processes from Another Configuration File..................................................................................................................................... 53
3.2.10 Save a Configuration............................................................................................................................................................................. 54
3.2.11 Use Online Help.................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
3.2.12 Rename Objects in the Configuration Components Area .......................................................................................................................... 55
3.2.13 Expand and Collapse Categories and Groups in the Configuration Components Area .................................................................................. 56
3.2.14 Cut, Copy and Paste Objects in the Configuration Components Area......................................................................................................... 56
3.2.15 Reorder Objects in the Configuration Components Area........................................................................................................................... 60
3.2.16 Group and Ungroup Objects in the Configuration Components Area ......................................................................................................... 60
3.2.17 Delete Objects and Groups from the Configuration Components Area ....................................................................................................... 61
3.2.18 Undo a Command ................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
3.2.19 Redo a Command ................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
3.2.20 View Document Properties..................................................................................................................................................................... 62
3.2.21 Edit Properties in the Object Inspector ................................................................................................................................................... 63
3.2.22 Select a Process.................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
3.2.23 Resize Rows and Columns of the PlanetPress Suite Process Area.............................................................................................................. 64
3.2.24 Zoom In or Out within the PlanetPress Suite Process Area ....................................................................................................................... 65
3.2.25 Highlight a Task or Branch .................................................................................................................................................................... 65
3.2.26 Resize the Program Window Areas ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
3.2.27 Show or Hide Areas of the Program Window........................................................................................................................................... 65
3.2.28 Dock and Undock Areas of the Program Window..................................................................................................................................... 66
3.2.29 Combine and Attach Areas .................................................................................................................................................................... 66
4 Configurations, Processes and Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................. 69
4.1 Configuration Management............................................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.2 Opening and Importing Configurations and Processes......................................................................................................................................... 71
4.2.1 Work with PlanetPress 4 to 6.2 Configurations .......................................................................................................................................... 71
4.2.2 Process Import ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Table of contents
4.3 Users and Configurations.................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
4.3.1 Local and Network Rights........................................................................................................................................................................ 73
4.3.2 Local Settings......................................................................................................................................................................................... 73
4.3.3 User Specificity....................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
4.4 Anatomy of a Process....................................................................................................................................................................................... 75
4.5 Configurations, Processes and Flowcharts .......................................................................................................................................................... 76
4.5.1 Branches................................................................................................................................................................................................ 76
4.6 Design Versus Debug Mode .............................................................................................................................................................................. 79
4.7 Tasks as Plugins .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
4.8 Task Properties Dialog Boxes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 81
4.9 Variable Properties ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
4.10 Standard Variables ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
4.10.1 Available Standard Variables.................................................................................................................................................................. 84
4.11 Job Information Elements and Job Info Variables ............................................................................................................................................. 85
4.11.1 Job Info Variables in Debug Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 89
4.12 Custom Variables ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 91
4.13 Selecting Documents in Tasks ........................................................................................................................................................................ 92
4.13.1 Variable Document Names .................................................................................................................................................................... 93
4.14 Sending Job Info Variables to Output Devices .................................................................................................................................................. 94
4.15 Working with Tasks in the PlanetPress Process Area ......................................................................................................................................... 95
4.16 Adding Branches ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 99
4.17 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 102
4.18 Adding Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
4.19 Editing Tasks or Branches ............................................................................................................................................................................. 104
4.20 Adding Comments ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 105
4.21 Replacing Tasks, Conditions, Branches or Comments ...................................................................................................................................... 106
4.22 Removing Tasks and Branches ...................................................................................................................................................................... 107
4.23 Cutting and Pasting, or Copying and Pasting Tasks and Branches .................................................................................................................... 109
4.24 Moving Tasks, Branches and Comments Using Drag-and-Drop......................................................................................................................... 110
4.25 Duplicating Tasks, Branches and Comments Using Drag-and-Drop................................................................................................................... 112
4.26 Copying and Pasting Properties between Task, Conditions or Comments .......................................................................................................... 113
4.27 Disabling and Enabling Tasks and Branches ................................................................................................................................................... 114
5 Data in PlanetPress Watch ........................................................................................................................................................................... 115
5.1 Multiple Sample Data Files .............................................................................................................................................................................. 116
5.2 Detailed Directions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 117
5.2.1 Use the Data Selector ........................................................................................................................................................................... 117
5.2.2 Choose a Line Printer, CSV, ASCII, Channel Skip or XML Sample Data File ................................................................................................ 120
5.2.3 Choose a Database Type Sample Data File ............................................................................................................................................. 120
5.2.4 Reopen a Sample Data File.................................................................................................................................................................... 122
5.2.5 Add or Edit Data Selections ................................................................................................................................................................... 123
5.2.6 Get Data .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 124
6 Input Tasks................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125
6.1 Detailed Directions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 126
6.1.1 Email Input Task Properties................................................................................................................................................................... 126
6.1.2 Folder Listing Input Task Properties ....................................................................................................................................................... 127
6.1.3 Folder Capture Input Task Properties ..................................................................................................................................................... 128
6.1.4 FTP Input Task Properties ..................................................................................................................................................................... 129
6.1.5 HTTP Client Input Task Properties ......................................................................................................................................................... 130
6.1.6 HTTP Server Input Task Properties ........................................................................................................................................................ 131
6.1.7 Create File Input Task Properties ........................................................................................................................................................... 132
6.1.8 LPD Input Task Properties..................................................................................................................................................................... 133
6.1.9 Serial Input Task Properties .................................................................................................................................................................. 134
6.1.10 Telnet Input Task Properties................................................................................................................................................................ 134
6.1.11 WinQueue Input Task Properties.......................................................................................................................................................... 135
7 Output Tasks ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 136
7.1 Detailed Directions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 137
7.1.1 Printer Queue Output Task Properties .................................................................................................................................................... 137
7.1.2 Print Using a Windows Driver Output Task Properties.............................................................................................................................. 138
7.1.3 FTP Output Task Properties................................................................................................................................................................... 139
7.1.4 Send Email Output Task Properties ........................................................................................................................................................ 140
7.1.5 Send to Folder Output Task Properties ................................................................................................................................................... 142
7.1.6 SOAP Client Task Properties .................................................................................................................................................................. 143
Table of contents
7.1.7 Delete Output Task Properties ............................................................................................................................................................... 145
8 PlanetPress Fax ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 146
8.1 Detailed Directions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 147
8.1.1 PlanetPress Fax Output Task Properties ................................................................................................................................................. 147
8.1.2 PlanetPress Fax User Options ................................................................................................................................................................ 148
9 PlanetPress Image ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 149
9.1 Detailed Directions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
9.1.1 PlanetPress Image Output Task Properties ............................................................................................................................................. 150
9.1.2 PlanetPress Image User Options ............................................................................................................................................................ 155
10 Action Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 158
10.1 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 159
10.1.1 Advanced Search and Replace Action Task Properties............................................................................................................................ 159
10.1.2 Database Action Task Properties .......................................................................................................................................................... 161
10.1.3 PrintForm Action Task Properties ......................................................................................................................................................... 164
10.1.4 PrintShop Mail Action Task Properties................................................................................................................................................... 165
10.1.5 Rename Action Task Property .............................................................................................................................................................. 166
10.1.6 Run Script Action Task Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 167
10.1.7 Search and Replace Action Task Properties ........................................................................................................................................... 168
10.1.8 Send Images to Printer Action Task Properties ...................................................................................................................................... 169
10.1.9 Send to Folder Action Task Properties .................................................................................................................................................. 170
10.1.10 Set Variables Action Task Properties ................................................................................................................................................... 171
10.1.11 Standard Filter Action Task Properties ................................................................................................................................................ 172
10.1.12 Translator Action Task Properties ....................................................................................................................................................... 173
10.1.13 Windows Print Converter Action Task Properties.................................................................................................................................. 174
10.1.14 Create Metadata Action Task Properties.............................................................................................................................................. 176
10.1.15 Create PDF Action Task Properties ..................................................................................................................................................... 177
10.1.16 In-Stream Splitter Action Task Properties............................................................................................................................................ 178
10.1.17 Load External File Action Properties.................................................................................................................................................... 179
10.1.18 PDF Splitter Action Task Properties..................................................................................................................................................... 180
10.1.19 Send to Process Action Task Properties............................................................................................................................................... 181
10.1.20 Emulated Data Splitter Action Task Properties ..................................................................................................................................... 182
10.1.21 XML Splitter Action Task Properties .................................................................................................................................................... 184
10.1.22 Database Splitter Action Task Properties............................................................................................................................................. 186
10.1.23 Generic Splitter Action Task Properties ............................................................................................................................................... 188
10.1.24 Add Document Action Properties ........................................................................................................................................................ 192
10.1.25 Add/Remove Text Action Properties ................................................................................................................................................... 193
10.1.26 Change Emulation Action Task Properties ........................................................................................................................................... 195
10.1.27 Create VDX Action Task Properties ..................................................................................................................................................... 198
10.1.28 Decompress Action Task Properties .................................................................................................................................................... 200
10.1.29 Digital Imaging Action Task Properties................................................................................................................................................ 201
10.1.30 Digital Signature Action Task Properties.............................................................................................................................................. 205
10.1.31 Download to Printer Action Task Properties......................................................................................................................................... 207
10.1.32 External Program Action Task Properties............................................................................................................................................. 208
10.1.33 Loop Action Task Properties............................................................................................................................................................... 209
10.1.34 Open XSLT Action Task Properties...................................................................................................................................................... 210
11 Using Conditions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 212
11.1 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 213
11.1.1 File Size Condition Properties ............................................................................................................................................................... 213
11.1.2 File Name Condition Properties ............................................................................................................................................................ 213
11.2 SNMP Condition Properties............................................................................................................................................................................ 214
11.2.1 Management Information Base Object Identifiers .................................................................................................................................. 214
11.3 Text Condition Properties.............................................................................................................................................................................. 217
11.4 Time of Day Condition .................................................................................................................................................................................. 220
12 Using Scripts .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 221
12.1 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 222
12.1.1 Use the Editor .................................................................................................................................................................................... 222
12.1.2 Import and Export Scripts.................................................................................................................................................................... 222
12.1.3 Find Strings in a Script ........................................................................................................................................................................ 223
12.1.4 Find and Replace Strings in a Script ..................................................................................................................................................... 224
12.1.5 Go to a Line in a Script........................................................................................................................................................................ 225
12.1.6 Change the Editor Language................................................................................................................................................................ 225
12.1.7 Toggle Bookmarks .............................................................................................................................................................................. 226
Table of contents
12.1.8 Jump to Bookmarks ............................................................................................................................................................................ 226
12.1.9 Use Functions created for PlanetPress Watch in Scripts ......................................................................................................................... 227
12.2 PDF Scripting Tools API ................................................................................................................................................................................ 228
12.3 SOAP Server API Reference .......................................................................................................................................................................... 229
12.3.1 SOAP API - SubmitJob......................................................................................................................................................................... 229
12.3.2 SOAP API - PostJob............................................................................................................................................................................. 230
12.3.3 SOAP API - GetProcessList................................................................................................................................................................... 230
12.3.4 SOAP API - GetProcessTaskList ............................................................................................................................................................ 231
12.3.5 SOAP API - GetSOAPProcessList........................................................................................................................................................... 232
12.3.6 SOAP API - PostJobInfoStruc ............................................................................................................................................................... 232
12.3.7 SOAP API - SubmitJobInfStruc ............................................................................................................................................................. 233
12.4 Using Dot Notation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 234
12.4.1 Watch.ShowMessage .......................................................................................................................................................................... 234
12.4.2 Watch.GetJobFileName ....................................................................................................................................................................... 234
12.4.3 Watch.GetOriginalFileName ................................................................................................................................................................. 234
12.4.4 Watch.GetMetaDataFilename............................................................................................................................................................... 235
12.4.5 Watch.InputBox.................................................................................................................................................................................. 235
12.4.6 Watch.GetJobInfo ............................................................................................................................................................................... 235
12.4.7 Watch.SetJobInfo ............................................................................................................................................................................... 235
12.4.8 Watch.GetVariable .............................................................................................................................................................................. 236
12.4.9 Watch.SetVariable .............................................................................................................................................................................. 236
12.4.10 Watch.ExpandString.......................................................................................................................................................................... 236
12.4.11 Watch.Log........................................................................................................................................................................................ 237
13 Printer Queues and Documents ................................................................................................................................................................. 239
13.1 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 240
13.1.1 LPR Output Printer Queue Properties.................................................................................................................................................... 240
13.1.2 Windows Output Printer Queue Properties ............................................................................................................................................ 241
13.1.3 FTP Output Printer Queue Properties.................................................................................................................................................... 241
13.1.4 Send to Folder Printer Queue Properties ............................................................................................................................................... 242
13.1.5 Printer Queue Advanced Properties ...................................................................................................................................................... 243
13.1.6 Import Documents.............................................................................................................................................................................. 244
13.1.7 Import PrintShop Mail Documents ........................................................................................................................................................ 244
13.1.8 Add Resident Documents in the Configuration Components Area............................................................................................................ 245
13.1.9 Associate Documents and PlanetPress Watch Printer Queues ................................................................................................................. 245
13.1.10 Print a Test Page .............................................................................................................................................................................. 246
13.1.11 Manually Update Documents.............................................................................................................................................................. 247
14 Scheduling PlanetPress Watch Processes .................................................................................................................................................. 248
14.1 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 249
14.1.1 PlanetPress Watch Process Options ...................................................................................................................................................... 249
15 Advanced Configurations and Options ....................................................................................................................................................... 251
15.1 Key Concepts............................................................................................................................................................................................... 252
15.1.1 Multiple PlanetPress Suite Installations ................................................................................................................................................. 252
15.2 Service Options Versus Properties ................................................................................................................................................................. 255
15.3 Languages................................................................................................................................................................................................... 256
15.4 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 257
15.4.1 Delete Images From Your Virtual Drive................................................................................................................................................. 257
15.4.2 Editor Options .................................................................................................................................................................................... 258
15.4.3 LPR Output User Options..................................................................................................................................................................... 262
15.4.4 Network Ports Settings........................................................................................................................................................................ 264
15.4.5 Change Languages ............................................................................................................................................................................. 269
15.4.6 Change your User Options................................................................................................................................................................... 269
15.4.7 Change your Script Editor or XSLT Editor User Options .......................................................................................................................... 270
15.4.8 General User Options .......................................................................................................................................................................... 271
15.4.9 Object Inspector User Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 272
15.4.10 Configuration Components Area User Options ..................................................................................................................................... 273
15.4.11 Default Configuration User Options .................................................................................................................................................... 273
15.4.12 Notification Messages User Options .................................................................................................................................................... 274
15.4.13 Sample Data User Options ................................................................................................................................................................. 277
15.4.14 Logging User Options ........................................................................................................................................................................ 277
15.4.15 Network User Options ....................................................................................................................................................................... 278
15.4.16 HTTP Server Input User Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 280
15.4.17 LPD Input User Options ..................................................................................................................................................................... 281
Table of contents
15.4.18 Serial Input Service User Options ....................................................................................................................................................... 283
15.4.19 Telnet Input User Options ................................................................................................................................................................. 284
15.4.20 FTP Output Service User Options ....................................................................................................................................................... 285
16 Error Handling ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 287
16.1 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 288
16.1.1 Error Bin Input Task Properties ............................................................................................................................................................ 288
16.1.2 Paste On Error Properties .................................................................................................................................................................... 288
17 Debugging PlanetPress Watch Processes .................................................................................................................................................. 289
17.1 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 290
17.1.1 Add Job Information to the Sample Data .............................................................................................................................................. 290
17.1.2 Perform Tasks in Debug Mode ............................................................................................................................................................. 290
17.1.3 Use the Message Area Right-Click Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 291
18 Sending and Running a Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 293
18.1 Saving and Sending a Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 294
18.2 Running a PlanetPress Suite Configuration ..................................................................................................................................................... 295
18.2.1 Running a PlanetPress Suite Configuration With a Different Account ....................................................................................................... 295
18.2.2 Running Processes on your Desktop..................................................................................................................................................... 295
18.3 PlanetPress Suite Services Console ................................................................................................................................................................ 297
18.4 Making a Process Active or Inactive ............................................................................................................................................................... 298
18.5 Resubmitting Backed up Input Files ............................................................................................................................................................... 299
18.6 Detailed Directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 300
1 Other Documentation
For more documentation on different PlanetPress Suite Products, refer to:
PlanetPress Workflow Tool User Guide PlanetPress Talk Reference Guide Trigger and Data Capture Guide PlanetPress Search User Guide
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 1
2 Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are input driven applications designed to output data in a variety of ways through diverse means to various applications and devices. PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can be used as simple go betweens, passing along input data to output devices, but it can also perform various types of data processing, as you will see in the following chapters.
This section explains how PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools fits into the PlanetPress Suite. It describes how you can combine its various services to set up versatile automated processes to print jobs as well as generate other types of output.
Note that, depending on the context, the expression "PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools" shall be used whenever referring to any of the three possible tools - PlanetPress Watch, PlanetPress Office or PlanetPress Production. This will be the case in any topic covering a feature available in all three products. The shorter expression "PlanetPress Suite" will therefore be used to lighten the text, again depending on the context.
In this section, you will be able to answer the following questions:
• What is the difference between PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools?
• What was the original idea behind PlanetPress Watch, the first Workflow Tool?
• Are PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools programs like any other program?
• What are PlanetPress Suite configurations and processes?
• How does PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools actually work and what can they do?
• How do I manage my configuration?
• How are tasks performed and which ones are available?
• What are services, and what services are available in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools?
• How do I use the variable content documents I create in PlanetPress Design?
• What is variable content and where can I use it in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools?
• What is the difference between data files and job files?
• How does job and file naming work within dynamic PlanetPress Suite processes?
• What error handling tools and strategies can I use when I build PlanetPress Suite processes?
• What concepts are involved in printing?
• What steps are involved in the actual workflow?
• What format should I use to enter dates and times?
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 2
2.1 Key Concepts
Before you begin working with PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program, you may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with the following concepts:
• PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
• The Origins of PlanetPress Watch
• The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
• Configurations and Processes
• How does PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools actually work and what can they do?
• The Configuration and its Processes
• Tasks
• More on PlanetPress Suite Services
• PlanetPress Design and PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
• Data
• Data File and Job File
• Job File Names and Output File Names
• Error Handling Tools
• PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and Printing
• The PlanetPress Suite Workflow
2.1.1 PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
What is the difference between PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools?
There are three flavors of PlanetPress Suite Workflow softwares:
• PlanetPress Watch
• PlanetPress Office
• PlanetPress Production
PlanetPress Watch
PlanetPress Watch opens the door to more complex document processing, distribution, and archiving possibilities. In PlanetPress Watch, you create tasks that control your document management workflow. You create a set of different tasks that make up processes that carry out various actions, such as receive data, analyze it and the send it to the appropriate printer. The flexibility of PlanetPress Watch, in concert with the capabilities provided by PlanetPress Image, PlanetPress Search, and PlanetPress Fax, also provides a means for more fully automating and increasing the efficiency of workflows.
In PlanetPress Watch you can:
• Run jobs immediately or schedule jobs to run automatically.
• Produce multiple output streams for jobs. For example, you might set up a single PlanetPress Watch process to print a copy of an invoice to send to a customer, fax a shipping confirmation to the customer, email a Portable Document Format (PDF) copy of the invoice to accounting, and archive a PDF copy.
• PlanetPress Fax and PlanetPress Image provide the faxing and PDF capabilities, respectively.
• Split a large print job over several printers, including printers in different geographical locations.
• Use variable content documents that dynamically pull information from an Open Database Connectivity compliant database.
• Write scripts to dynamically process the variable data for a document.
• Query printers on their current state, and take an action based on the response. For example, if a query determines the toner is low in a printer, the action might be to send an email to the technician responsible for maintaining that printer.
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 3
Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
PlanetPress Office
In addition to all of the options and functions available in PlanetPress Watch, PlanetPress Office also offers:
• Capturing inputs from any host systems
• Document Input: using PDF documents as data files.
• Windows Input: capturing print job sent from any Windows application.
• Output on any number of non-PostScript devices and all licensed PostScript devices.
PlanetPress Production
PlanetPress Production is the fully functional workflow tool, offering, in addition to all of the options and functions available in both PlanetPress Watch and Office, the following extra features:
• Output on any number of PostScript or non-PostScript devices, whether licensed or not.
2.1.2 The Origins of PlanetPress Watch
What was the original idea behind PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools?
Originally, the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools came in only one flavor, PlanetPress Watch, which was basically designed to add triggers to data sent to printing devices. As you know, for a document created with PlanetPress Design to merge with incoming data, a line of code (a trigger) identifying the document must be added to the data.
Earlier versions of PlanetPress Watch were simply used to monitor—or watch—data source locations, such as folders or Line Printer Daemons. When data was received, the required triggers were added and the whole thing was then automatically routed to the appropriate printing devices.
Since then, PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - PlanetPress Watch, PlanetPress Office and PlanetPress Production - have been enhanced to handle a variety of inputs, to perform data processing tasks, and to generate a variety of outputs: print, fax, email, PDF, etc.
Related topics:
• The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
• Configurations and Processes
• More on PlanetPress Watch and How it Works
• The Configuration and its Processes
2.1.3 The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
Are PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools programs like any other program?
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools acts as a sort of dispatcher. On the one hand, it retrieves data and controls plugins that retrieve data from watched locations, and on the other hand it sends data and controls plugins that send data to various devices, for printing or to generate documents that can then be emailed or faxed. PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can also perform a variety of operations on the data using its action plugins.
In fact, the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools plugin based architecture enables almost limitless customization. You can create or purchase compatible plugins, drop them in any of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools plugin folder and use them to perform other operations. You can even find free unsupported plugins on the Objectif Lune Web site.
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 4
Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
A) Folders containing data from various applications or systems. PlanetPress Watch/Server polls these folders to get input data. B) Folders to which PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools push either data or documents in various forms. The output from a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool then follow its way to a variety of destinations, such as printers, faxes, email addresses, etc.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are service applications, or if you will, a applications that continuously run on a given computer and that perform actions automatically. Those actions are defined in a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools configuration. To create and manage PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools configurations, you use one of three possible applications called PlanetPress Watch Configuration PlanetPress Office Configuration PlanetPress Production Configuration. A given computer can only run one PlanetPress Suite configuration at a time. The PlanetPress Suite Service Console may be used to monitor the services running on a given computer.
Related topics:
The Origins of PlanetPress Watch
(Page 4)
Configurations and Processes (Page 0)
More on PlanetPress Watch and How it Works (Page 7)
The Configuration and its Processes (Page 9)
2.1.4 Configurations and Processes
What are PlanetPress Suite configurations and processes?
PlanetPress Suite configurations are defined as a set of processes that each include various tasks (the actions performed by the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools).
• A PlanetPress Suite configuration must be composed of at least one process, but it may include as many as 512.
• Each process must have at least one primary input task and one output task, but a single process may contain any number of secondary input tasks, actions tasks and output tasks.
• A PlanetPress Suite configuration can also have any number of specialty processes: Startup Processes and Subprocesses.
▪ Startup processes are processes that run only once before every other process in a given
configuration. They can be used to perform operations that need to be completed once before the configuration can actually be run, such as to map network drives.
▪ Subprocesses are processes which can be called by any other process from any action task. They
can be used to perform and reuse redundant operations that may need to be executed numerous times. Note that once a subprocess is called and triggered, the calling process will wait for the subprocess to complete before carrying on with its next task.
As processes may be active or not and since each process may have its own schedule, the various tasks associated with a given process may be turned on or off depending on the process’ status (active or inactive) and schedule (process A may run during the day, for instance, while process B only runs at night).
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Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
The tasks included in a PlanetPress Suite process are basically designed to:
• Receive data as input (from an AS/400 via an LPD input, for instance).
• Optionally perform actions on the data (change the encoding perhaps).
• Generate output (send the data to a printer maybe).
In PlanetPress Suite Configuration, processes are represented using a tree structure made up of tasks leading to other tasks and sometimes branching off. Branches can be conditional or not. The tasks found on a given conditional branch are only executed if the condition is true. Tasks found on a branch that is not conditional are always executed.
A) Input task. B) Conditional branch. C) Branch. D) Output tasks. E) Action task.
For a configuration created in PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration to actually be executed by PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool, it must be sent to its PlanetPress Suite service.
Related topics:
More on PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and How They Work (Page 0)
About Subprocesses
Subprocesses are special processes that can be called by any other process. These act exactly as
subroutines in programming languages, allowing users to reuse existing processes by sharing them to the whole configuration file. They can thus be used to perform redundant operations that may need to be executed numerous times; for instance, archiving a copy of a zipped file received as the input job file, then decompressing it before sending the unzipped version of it back to the calling process .
Whenever a PlanetPress Suite process calls a subprocess, the main process (the caller) will wait for the called subprocess to finish its execution before carrying on with its own. This means the subprocess feature is synchronous with the main process. This also means the calling process actually appends the subprocess to its own workflow.
Subprocess dialog
Information tab
Double-clicking on a subprocess loads its properties. Contrary to normal processes, subprocesses do not have much to configure, and do not have a scheduling option, as they are triggered from existing and running processes. This basically means that it does not have any input data, job or job information of its own; it simply gets those from the main process. Therefore, their properties dialog is rather simple and informational.
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Description: A simple text field to document a subprocess in order to keep track of what tasks it is performing.
Comments: A memo field allowing to comment a subprocess, again in an informational purpose.
Convert an existing process to a subprocess
To allow for maximum flexibitliy and backward compatibility with the subprocess feature, the Convert to subprocess option lets users transform existing processes easily. This option is available whenever a Branch
task is selected; right-clicking on it will display the contextual menu, which holds the Convert to subprocess option.
Selecting this option automatically creates a new subprocess, takes the branch and all of its children tasks and inserts it in the new subprocess, including the branch task itself. In the main process, the branch is removed and replaced with a GoSub action task referring to the newly created subprocess.
Note: The Branch tasks options Backup job file, Backup job information and Backup emulation, are also automatically passed to the Subprocess, which means that, if the subprocess needs to use a different emulation than the calling process, a Change Emulation task is required.
If any task converted into a subprocess was previously using local variables, these variables must be removed or transferred to global variables or job information to be usable in the newly created subprocess.
A Note on BeginSub and EndSub
Every subprocess starts with a BeginSub input task and ends with a EndSub output task, both of which have nothing to configure and cannot be replaced or deleted. The simply represents entry and exit points for the subprocess.
2.1.5 More on PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and How They Work
How does PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools actually work and what can they do?
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools offer a great deal of possibilities when it comes to receiving, processing and outputting data. As service applications, they run constantly on their host computer and continuously perform the tasks included in their respective configuration.
It is important to bear in mind that every task included in every process is automatically accomplished by the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, granted of course that the conditions required for each task to be initiated are true. If a process is inactive or not on schedule (see Scheduling PlanetPress Watch Processes (Page 0)), for instance, its initial input task will not be performed and every other task included in that same process will thus not be initiated.
You could visualize a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool process as a set of dominoes arranged to fall over one another. Each set begins with a single initial domino, but may then branch out in various ways. The first domino to fall can only be the initial domino. When it does fall, it knocks over the second domino and starts a reaction that may knock over all or only some of the other dominoes in the set. If the process includes conditional branches, for example, then those dominoes standing on one side of the branch will stay up.
Input tasks can get data from a number of sources. For example, a task might retrieve data from a database using an SQL query, or from a print job received from a UNIX or AS/400 computer using the LPR/LPD protocol.
Action tasks can manipulate the data in many ways. For example, a task can strip the data of its printer control characters, since those are unnecessary when printing to PostScript devices, or add a line of data that indicates the current date. You may use an action task to split a data file containing information on all customers into smaller files that only contain information on individual clients.
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Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
Output tasks can save text files to an archive folder, send data to PostScript printers where resident PlanetPress Design documents are waiting, create PDF files, send mails or faxes, etc.
Data flowing through PlanetPress Watch/Server can be used in the documents created with the help of PlanetPress Design, but it can also be used in other PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools tasks. A Send Email output task may, for instance, take sending addresses from the data at runtime.
Let us imagine a process that includes the following tasks:
A) An input task that receives data from a given data sources. B) An action task that splits the large data file received by the input task into smaller, more usable files (ones that only contain information on individual clients, for example). C) An output task that uses the data from the file created by the action task and that merges it with a PlanetPress Design document to create a PDF document that is sent via email. D) An output task that sends the data from the file created by the action task to a printer where it is merged with a PlanetPress document and printed.
When data is received by the serial port identified in the input task, it is saved by the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool. The input file thus created is then handed down to the action task that splits it and generates multiple files. Those files are then handed down to both output tasks. If the input task receives a file that contains information on ten clients, for example, the action task will typically create ten client-specific data files, and the output tasks will both be repeated ten times. Once for every client-specific file and thus once for each client. The illustration below is a representation of this example.
A) Data is received and a “multi-record” data file enters the process. B) The process comes to a branching and an exact copy of the input file is sent down each branch. C) “Single-record” data files are typically created by the Splitter action task. Each file then travels to the output tasks.
Another thing that you should never forget is that PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools cannot work without a valid configuration and that a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools session running on a given computer can only use one configuration at a time. Once you have created a configuration, you must “send” it to either PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools. When you do this, your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool forgets its previous configuration and starts executing the tasks included in the new configuration.
PlanetPress Suite and its Related Programs and Services
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools come with a number of other programs. The most important is the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program. It is a configuration interface to the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools. It lets you create processes and tasks and thus define configurations.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can use other programs included in the PlanetPress Suite, such as:
PlanetPress Fax Used to generate faxes that are sent via a faxing program, such as WinFax PRO or
Windows Fax.
PlanetPress Image
Used to generate image files, such as PDFs, JPEGs or TIFFs.
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The tasks executed by PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools also require the use of the following programs:
PlanetPress Suite Messenger
HTTP Client Issues queries to HTTP servers and passes server replies as jobfiles to other
HTTP Server Receives HTTP server requests made via GET or POST commands and send server
LPD input Receives files using the LPD/LPR protocol and passes them as jobfiles to other
Serial input Receives files using a serial connection and passes them as jobfiles to other
Telnet input Receives files using a telnet connection and passes them as jobfiles to other
FTP output Sends files to other devices (typically FTP sites located on remote servers) using the
LPR output Sends files to other devices (typically local or remote printers) using the LPD/LPR
With the exception of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration, all the programs used by PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are run as service applications. PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can thus use them as required without the need for any user interaction.
Enables communication between all the parts included in the PlanetPress Suite. Note that PlanetPress Suite Messenger 7 only works with version 7 components.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools tasks.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools tasks.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools tasks.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools tasks.
File Transfer Protocol.
If a faxing program, such as WinFax Pro or Windows Fax, is used to send faxes, this program must also be configured to send faxes without any user intervention. Note that PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools use PlanetPress Fax to generate faxable documents, but that it requires a faxing program to actually send the fax.
Services communicate with peripherals and devices on the network according to the needs of each input or output task. For example, when the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool needs to dispatch a job via FTP, it calls the FTP Client service to send the files.
The PlanetPress Suite Service Console, included in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program, can be used to monitor, start and stop PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool services (see More on
PlanetPress Suite Services (Page 19), Users and Configurations (Page 0) and View Runtime Information via the PlanetPress Suite Service Console (Page 0)).
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools is designed to be used with other PlanetPress Suite products. In PlanetPress Design, you author documents that can be used in PlanetPress Suite processes. With PlanetPress Search, a plugin for Adobe® Acrobat®, you can search through PDF files you create in PlanetPress Suite processes using PlanetPress Image.
Related topics:
• More on PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and How They Works
2.1.6 The Configuration and its Processes
How do I manage my configuration?
PlanetPress Watch/Server Configuration is the program you use to create the processes and tasks that form the configuration used by PlanetPress Watch/Server.
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Every process created with PlanetPress Watch/Server Configuration begins with an input task and ends with at least one output task. In its simplest form, a process can simply retrieve data from a given folder and save it in a different folder. In most cases, though, processes are more elaborate and configurations, which may include many processes, can be extremely complex.
Not only can PlanetPress Watch/Server play the role of a data hub, receiving and forwarding data files, but it can also perform various operations both on the data and with the data.
Processes may include nodes from which the process branches out to accommodate multiple output tasks. Some nodes may be conditional and others not.
A) From this node, the process branches out two ways. A copy of the input data is sent down both branches in all cases. The Send To Folder task is always performed. B) From this node, the process branches out only one way. C) The data is sent down this branch if the condition is true (if the other printer is out of paper, for example). D) The data is only handed if the above condition is false.
When PlanetPress Watch/Server comes to a node where a non-conditional branch starts, the flow is diverted to the non-conditional branch. When the tasks found on the non-conditional branch have been performed, the flow goes back to the main branch and its tasks are then performed. Note that the same job file is sent down the main branch and the non-conditional branch.
When PlanetPress Watch/Server comes to a conditional branch, the flow either stays on the main branch or is diverted to the conditional branch based on how the condition is resolved; the tasks found on the other branch are not performed.
All tasks can exchange data between themselves, regardless of the process in which they are included. In other words, an output task from process X can provide data to an input task included in process Y. A send to Folder task can, for instance, store data in a folder watched by a Folder Capture task included in any process. Note that the same can be achieved within a single process using a secondary input task (bear in mind that the fewer processes your configuration has, the easier it is to manage).
Processes and Schedules
Each PlanetPress Watch/Server process has its own schedule, which determines when the process is to run, and therefore when its tasks are to be performed. If an input task from a given process requires data from an output task included in another process, you should therefore take into account each process’ schedule.
Multiple input tasks should not be competing for the same data. In other words, processes that run at the same time should not take the same data from the same source. There are many ways that you can prevent such situations from happening:
• For those input tasks that let you determine which files should be taken from the source location, use different criteria. You could have two Folder input tasks, one that retrieves files with a txt extension and one that retrieves files with a .htm extension, for example.
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• For those input tasks that let you choose a specific source location, use different locations. You could have two LPD input tasks, each one retrieving files from a different LPD queues, for instance.
Related topics:
Configurations and Processes (Page 5)
Tasks (Page 0)
2.1.7 Tasks
How are tasks performed and which ones are available?
Tasks are placed along flowcharts referred to as a processes in PlanetPress Watch/Server jargon. All tasks are action tasks, since by definition any task will perform an action, but to simplify things, tasks have been grouped as either input, action or output tasks. Note that some tasks, such as the SOAP Client task, can be used as both an input and an output task.
A) Input tasks receive or retrieve data from the “outside world” and pass it to action or output tasks. B) Action tasks receive data from input tasks or from other action tasks and pass it down to other action tasks or to output tasks. C) Output tasks receive data from input or action tasks and send it to the “outside world”.
Since each process must begin with an input task and end with at least one output task, when you edit a process using PlanetPress Watch/Server Configuration, the program will only let you select tasks from the appropriate group. If you try to change the first task in a process, for example, PlanetPress Watch/Server Configuration will only let you make a selection among input tasks.
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A) The first task in a process is always an input task. B) If you try to replace an input task using the pop-up menu, PlanetPress Watch/Server Configuration only lets you replace it by another input task (action and output tasks are greyed out).
Remember that a single process can include multiple branches, each branch ending in an output task, as illustrated below.
A) This input task snatches from a given folder any data file that has a name matching specific filename masks (*.txt, for example). B) This action task goes through the data in search of something, such as a word, for instance. When it finds that for which it is looking, it transfers part of the data to a new file that is sent down to the next task. The splitting process is repeated until the end of the data file is reached. C) This output D) task generates a fax document by merging the data it receives with a PlanetPress document.This output task typically sends the data it receives to a printer where it is merged with a PlanetPress document before being printed.
A multi-thread PlanetPress Watch/Server configuration is one that includes multiple processes. When PlanetPress Watch/Server runs a multi-thread configuration, it manages and performs all the tasks included in all its processes. Note that startup processes run before all the other processes in the configuration and only once.
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Multiple tasks that are competing for the same input data should not be included in processes that run at the same time.
You may, in the same configuration, have two processes that include Folder Capture input tasks that watch the same folder, for example. In such a case, if the two tasks are looking for the same data and if the two processes have the same schedule, both tasks will be competing and it will be impossible to predict which task will in fact be the first to grab the data at any given time.
Creating and Editing Tasks
Whenever you create a task using PlanetPress Suite Workflow tools Configuration, a dialog box is displayed to let you set its properties as required. These properties may be accessed and changed at any time.
Splitter task included in a process and a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration dialog box displaying the task’s properties.
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Input Tasks
Inputs tasks receive or retrieve data and pass it to other tasks. There is always an input task at the beginning of a process, but other input tasks may also be added elsewhere in any given process. The data is either received directly, via a port, or retrieved from a given location.
Name Function
Create File
Email input
Folder Capture
Folder Listing
FTP input Receives data files from a remote computer using the file transfer protocol.
HTTP Client
HTTP Server
LPD input Receives data files using the Line Printer Daemon service.
Serial input
Creates a data file without polling a source location and passes it to the next task in the process. The file in question is often populated by the following task (by a Database action task, for instance). Bear in mind that a process that starts with a Create File input task will start running immediately when it becomes on schedule and that it will continuously run until it becomes off schedule, regardless of the presence or absence of data at any source location (since it has none).
Receives email messages via POP3 or Microsoft Outlook.
Retrieves data files from a specified folder.
Generates a list of the files contained in a given folder.
Queries data from HTTP servers.
Receives and services requests from selected Web servers.
Receives data files using a serial connection.
SOAP Client
Telnet input
WinQueue Input
Input Error Bin
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Allows PlanetPress Watch to call web services residing on SOAP servers.
Receives data files using a Telnet connection.
Receives print jobs sent to a Windows printer queue. Note that the printer queue to which the job is sent must be paused, to keep it from grabbing the job before PlanetPress Watch/Server.
Receives data from other tasks when an error occurs (granted that the task that generated the error had its “On Error properties “configured accordingly). To manage errors in your configuration, you must have at least one error handling process.
Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
Output Tasks
Output tasks receive data from other tasks and generate output. These tasks either send raw data to output devices (a printer, for example) or generate formatted documents that are then sent to output devices or applications (a printer or an email or faxing program, for instance).
Name Function
FTP Output Uploads the data file it receives to an FTP server.
PlanetPress Fax
PlanetPress Image
Printer Queue Output
Print using a Winfdows driver
Send Email Sends data the files it receives via an email program, such as Windows Outlook.
Send to Folder
SOAP Client
Delete Deletes the data file it receives.
Typically merges the data file it receives with a PlanetPress Design document to generate a faxable document that it sends via a faxing program, such as Windows Fax.
Typically merges the data file it receives with a PlanetPress Design document to generate an image file (PDF, JPEG, TIFF, etc.) that it sends via an email program, such as Windows Outlook.
Typically sends the data file it receives to a printer where it is merged with a PlanetPress Design document and printed (note that the merging process may optional take place on the PlanetPress Watch/Server workstation).
Sends jobs to printers without going through PlanetPress Watch printer queues (a.k.a. Windows printing).
Stores the data file it receives to a folder.
Allows PlanetPress Watch to call web services residing on SOAP servers.
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Action Tasks
Action tasks may perform a variety of operations. If they typically receive raw data, process it and then hand it down to other tasks, some action tasks perform other functions, such as run scripts or executable programs. The list below gives you a clear idea of the spectrum of functions that action tasks can perform.
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Name Function
Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
Add Document
Add/ Remove Text
Change Emulation
Create VDX Merges the data it receives with a PlanetPress Design document and generates a VDX
Database Splitter
Decompress Decompresses the files it receives.
Digital Imaging
Adds the PlanetPress Design document you select in the task to the data it receives.
Adds text to, or removes text from, the data it receives.
Tells the tasks that follow it on a given branch to use a different emulation to format the data they receive. This is only necessary when the emulation chosen along with the sample data file is no longer adequate (because new—differently structured—data was received via a secondary input task, for instance).
Splits database files into smaller data files.
Typically merges the data file it receives with a PlanetPress Design document to generate an image file (PDF, JPEG, TIFF, etc.). Although Digital Imaging action tasks and PlanetPress Image output tasks are very much alike, they do not share the same set of options. One notable difference between both types of tasks is that, contrary to PlanetPress Image output tasks, Digital Imaging action tasks will not be considered complete until the resulting image file has been fully generated, thus forcing PlanetPress Watch/Server to wait before performing the following task.
Digital Signature
Download to Printer
Emulated Data Splitter
External Program
Generic Splitter
In Stream Splitter
Load External File
Adds a digital signature to the PDF file created by the previous action task.
Prepares the files it receives so that they can be stored on the hard drive of the printers to which they will be sent. Note that the actual sending is performed by an output task, such as a Printer Queue output task. To download image files to a printer, use Send Images to Printer output tasks (see below), which provide image processing options.
Splits emulated data files into smaller data files.
Starts an executable program (allows the use of parameters).
Splits large data files into smaller data files, typically a whole run of invoices into individual invoices. Note that using the more specific splitters (Database Splitter, Emulated Data Splitter, In Stream Splitter, and XML Splitter) may be simpler.
Splits non emulated data files into smaller data files.
Loads an extrenal file as the new data stream.
Open XSLT Rearranges the data present in an XML file.
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Name Function
Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
PlanetPress Database
PrintForm Performs address cleaning and sorting functions provided by PrintForm, a third-party
PrintShop Mail
Rename Renames the file it receives. Data selections and variables can be used to make the
Run Script Runs the script it contains. The Script Editor can be used to edit the script.
Search and Replace
Send Images to Printer
This input task gathers input data by connecting to a database, making a query and retrieving a table of records. In PlanetPress Watch/Server, a process is typically started when data is available at the source location of its initial input task. Since PlanetPress Database input tasks cannot count on data being available at a source location, but must rather perform a query to get data, they cannot be used as initial input tasks. You can, on the other hand, place a PlanetPress Database input task right below a Create File input task (see Create File (Page 132)).
application from FirstLogic.
Typically merges the data file it receives with a PrintShop Mail document.
renamed files easier to identify.
Searches and replaces content in the data file.
Performs image processing functions on the image files it receives, and prepares them so that they can be stored on the hard drive of the printers to which they will be sent. Note that the actual sending is performed by an output task, such as a Printer Queue output task.
Send to Folder
Set Job Infos and Variables
Standard Filter
Translator Changes the encoding of the data.
Windows Print Converter
XML Splitter Splits XML files files into smaller data files.
Sends files to a folder.
Lets you set variables that can be used by other tasks or by PlanetPress Design documents.
Standardizes the ASCII code by automatically filtering out any HP escape characters.
Converts Windows print files into special XML files and into standard Line Printer text files.
Conditional Nodes
A process can include any number of nodes that branch out in multiple branches. You typically create one branch for each output that you want PlanetPress Watch/Server to generate. If you want to generate a printout, an email and a fax for each client in your database, you would probably use a process that includes three branches. But what do you do if some records in your database have no fax number or email address in them? You use a process that includes conditional nodes, that channel the process in one of two directions. The process in the example below includes three output tasks, but only generates a single output. It first tries to send an email. If it can, the whole process is stopped. If it cannot, it then tries to send a fax. If it can, the process stops. If it cannot, as a last resort, it produces a printout.
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A) PlanetPress Watch receives each client record as an LPD input. B) The condition set in this node determines whether PlanetPress Watch sends an email to the client or if it goes to the next node. C) The condition set in this node determines whether PlanetPress Watch sends a fax to the client or if it prints the statement out on paper. D) This last task is only performed if both of the above conditions are false.
The following table lists condition types that may be used in PlanetPress Watch/Server processes.
Name Function
File Name Condition
File Size Condition
SNMP Condition
Compares the original name of the file travelling down the process branch to the name entered in the condition.
The condition compares the size of the file handed down by the previous task to the file size (256 kilobytes, for instance) entered in the condition.
Checks the state of a printer. The fact that a specific printer may be off-line or out of paper, for instance, will route the process onto the true or false side of the conditional branch.
Text Condition
Time of Day
Searches the file handed down by the previous task for the string entered in the condition. Various operators, such as ’is found’ or ’is equal to’, may be used.
Routes the data file depending on the day and time (based on the local system clock) set in the condition.
Related topics:
Configurations and Processes (Page 5)
The Configuration and its Processes (Page 9)
2.1.8 More on PlanetPress Suite Services
What are services, and what services are available in PlanetPress Suite?
Services are programs that run in the background and automatically perform tasks that often do not require any user interaction. If a faxing program is installed on your computer, for instance, and if you set it to receive faxes automatically, then this program sets its own fax reception service to listen to the telephone line and to automatically answer calls, establish a connection with the distant fax and receive the fax transmission.
Although you can manually start and stop any service running on your computer, most of the basic services used by the system are started and stopped automatically. In the case of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and their related services, you typically use a command included in your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program to start and stop most services. Opening and closing your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program has no effect on these services.
Like users, who must identify themselves to log on and use a computer, services must use an account to be granted the permission to use the system’s resources and objects. This information is included in the service’s configuration and most services use the ’Local System’ account, which is granted access to all the system’s resources. A specific user account may be selected to customize permissions. For more information on services and system permissions, refer to Windows documentation.
The first time you start your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program, a dialog box is displayed to let you select an account. The account you select will be associated with all the services used by PlanetPress Watch/Server (with the exception of the PlanetPress Suite Messenger service). Note that this setting may be changed at any time.
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Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
Tasks Requiring Other Services
PlanetPress Watch/Server is designed to run continuously and to perform all input tasks, if the two following conditions are met:
• The process that includes the task is enabled (PlanetPress Watch/Server Configuration gives you the option to enable or disable each process as desired).
• The process is currently scheduled to run.
A process really starts when its initial input task is performed, or in other words, when data is captured and channeled down the process.
The PlanetPress Watch/Server service can perform some tasks, such as taking files from a local folder, on its own. For other tasks, though, it requires the help of other services. To perform a Serial Capture input task, for example, it must use the Serial Capture service. If that service is not running, then PlanetPress Watch/Server cannot perform the task and therefore generates an error.
The PlanetPress Watch/Server service produces a standardized batch log to track the processes it runs. The log lists processing tasks performed, and any problems with the PlanetPress Watch/Server processes that occur.
Input Services
Input services are used to pull in data files. The input services used by PlanetPress Watch/Server are:
• LPD (Line Printer Daemon) Input service: Inputs data sent from an LPR client. The LPD/LPR printing protocol is a common way to send print jobs that, in turn, use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate through the network.
• Serial Input service: Monitors a single serial port for incoming data. Note that all Serial input tasks use the same serial port (set in the user options of the PlanetPress Watch/Server Configuration program).
• Telnet Input service: Monitors multiple telnet ports for incoming data. Note that each Telnet input task has its own telnet port number (set in each task).
• HTTP/SOAP Server service: Monitors web pages and web sites as well as SOAP servers.
Note that all input services used by PlanetPress Watch/Server run under the same account.
Output Services
Output services are used to output jobs. The output services used by PlanetPress Watch/Server are:
• FTP Output service: Places output jobs on a server via the FTP protocol.
• LPR (Line Printer Requester) Output service: Sends jobs to an LPD server or LPD compatible printers. The LPD/LPR printing protocol is a common way to send print jobs that, in turn, use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate through the network.
• PlanetPress Image: Outputs jobs as PDF files or in a variety of image formats. You can also use PlanetPress Image to archive and/or email the files it creates. You can use PlanetPress Search to search the PDF files PlanetPress Image creates. You can install multiple instances of the PlanetPress Image service on your network, and have PlanetPress Watch/Server send jobs to one or more of these instances. Each instance of PlanetPress Image can generate PDFs or images and dispatch them from the host on which it runs.
• PlanetPress Fax: Outputs jobs as faxes. You use PlanetPress Fax as an interface to WinFax PRO or Windows Fax, to send faxes you create from documents. You can install multiple instances of the PlanetPress Fax service on your network, and have PlanetPress Watch/Server send jobs to one or more of these instances. Each instance of PlanetPress Fax can generate faxes and dispatch them from the host on which it runs, using a local faxing program, such as WinFax PRO, Captaris RightFax or Windows Fax.
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Note that all output services used by PlanetPress Watch/Server run under the same account.
Related topics:
The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
(Page 4)
Configurations and Processes (Page 5)
2.1.9 PlanetPress Design and PlanetPress Workflow Tools
How do I use the variable content documents I create in PlanetPress Design ?
As you know, PlanetPress Design is used to create variable-content documents, or if you will, documents meant to be merged with variable data before being printed.
People who use PlanetPress Design on a standalone basis (without a PlanetPress Workflow Tool) can only install and run their variable-content documents on their printers. When one of those printers receives a data file that begins with a trigger (see Triggers (Page 0)), it starts by merging the data with a variable-content document and then prints the resulting document.
People who use both PlanetPress Design and a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool, on the other hand, have more options. Like standalone PlanetPress Design users, they can let the printer do the processing and the printing, but they can also let their PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool do the merging and then store or send the resulting document in various ways or via various output devices or programs.
To install documents created with PlanetPress Design on a printer or to use them with PlanetPress Watch/ Server, you must use commands available from the PlanetPress Design File menu.
A) The PlanetPress Design command used to send a document to a printer. B) The PlanetPress Design command used to send a document to a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool.
Whether you install a document on a printer or send it to a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool has a number of implications:
• Documents sent to printers (known as printer-resident documents) can be used for printer-based output tasks: PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools send only the data and the appropriate trigger to the printer where everything takes place. Since only the data and the trigger travel across the network to the printer, this method generates less network traffic. Note that to use printer-resident documents with PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, you must use your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program to let PlanetPress Design know which documents have been send to which printers.
• Documents sent to PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can be used for various types of output tasks. These documents may be run using the Optimized PostScript Stream option (merged with the data on the host itself before being sent to a printer or to a component that prints it to a file, such as PlanetPress Image) and sent via various means, such as an Email program or a fax machine, for example. Documents sent to a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool installation are automatically added to the list of documents displayed in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program.
Since PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools give you the choice to run PlanetPress Design documents at the printer level or at the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool installation level, various output tasks include an option to indicate just where you want the merging to take place.
Wherever you choose to run any given PlanetPress Design document, you should always make sure that everything the document needs to run correctly, such as graphics referenced within the document, is directly available. If the document runs at the printer level, then these resources must be available on the printer’s hard disk. If the document runs at the computer level, the resources must be available on the computer’s hard disk or on the network.
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Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
Related topics:
• The Origins of PlanetPress Watch
• The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
2.1.10 Data
What is variable content and where can I use it in PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools?
The idea behind PlanetPress Design and PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools is to use documents designed to contain variable-content and to couple them with data coming from various sources in order to create fully formatted documents that can then be made available on a variety of supports (any PostScript printer or fax, for instance).
Data enters PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools via input tasks and can be used in a variety of tasks, from Printer Queue Output tasks, where the data is simply printed, to more complex Condition tasks, where it can be used to determine the outcome of complete processes. You can use a Text Condition task, for instance, to search for specific characters that can then be used to determine whether to send an email or a fax to a client.
The condition determines the outcome of the process. In this example, an @ character found on the fifth line of data indicates that the client file contains an email address, and the document is e-mailed rather then faxed.
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Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools - Key Concepts
Data can also be changed using the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools. You can use an Action task to perform search and replace operations on the data, to change the data emulation, or the data character set.
When data is pulled in via an input task it is stored in an internal data file, called a job file, that is handed down from task to task. Data can originate from a variety of sources and come in a variety of formats. For example input sources might be UNIX systems dispatching print jobs or various types of databases which are queried. Examples of formats are plain ASCII files, CSV files, and database files through any ODBC compatible data source.
Note that null characters present in the data may not be displayed properly when using the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program, and that they may also be printed differently by different printers. To ensure consistency, you should consider filtering out such characters.
You add data selections to tasks using the same Data Selector and emulation types as in PlanetPress Design (with the exception of User Defined emulations, which are not available in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools). A scaled-down version of the Data Selector, called the File Viewer, can also be used when you don’t need an emulation.
You can also change the emulation during the course of the process by adding a Change Emulation action task. You might do this, for example, if you are retrieving data files from multiple sources in a single PlanetPress Suite process. For example a print job sent from a UNIX system may require Line printer emulation, while a Comma Separated Value file retrieved via FTP may require CSV emulation.
About Binary Data
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are designed to process text files (files that contain bytes of value 4, 8 to 13, 32 to 126 and 128 to 255). Results are not guaranteed when tasks are used to process binary files.
Data and Emulation in PlanetPress Design and PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
Emulations are like filters that can be used to read the data. When you create a document in PlanetPress Design, you choose a sample data file and specify the emulation to use for the chosen data. The emulation setting you choose will typically always be associated with that document. If you choose a CSV (comma separated values) file and specify the corresponding emulation, for instance, commas encountered in the data will typically be considered as value separators.
Every PlanetPress Design document is associated with an emulation that allows it to read the data correctly and thus to perform the merging process successfully. When a PlanetPress Design document created for data formatted using the line printer emulation receives data files formatted using the CSV emulation, for instance, the results are less than perfect. So whatever processing takes place in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, the data always remains in its original format.
Change Emulation Tasks
Why would you want to add a Change Emulation action task in a PlanetPress Suite process? You may need to do this, for instance, if your process includes a secondary input task.
When you choose a sample data file and an emulation in your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program, you are in fact doing two related but very different things:
• You are loading data that will be used as test data to help you create your process in your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration program.
• You are telling the tasks in your PlanetPress Suite process how the data included in the files they will receive is structured.
So if you add a secondary input task that pulls in data that is not structured like the data pulled in by the initial input task, you must add a Change Emulation action task to tell the tasks that follow it how the new data is structured.
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