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TitlePlanetPress Workflow Tools User Guide
Terminal Server/Service15
32-Bit or 64-Bit?15
Antivirus Considerations15
Backup Considerations16
Microsoft Office Compatibility16
Network Considerations16
Local and Network Rights16
Account Requirements17
Mapped Drives17
Network Ports used by each service17
Activate Your Printers18
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service Logon18
Understanding PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools21
The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools21
The Three Flavors of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools21
Terms and Definitions21
About Configurations22
About Processes23
About Subprocesses23
About Tasks23
About Branches and Conditions24
About Data25
About Data Selections25
AboutData Emulation25
Emulations in the PlanetPress Workflow Tools:26
About Related Programs and Services26
Available Input Services26
Available Output Services26
About Documents27
About Printing27
The PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program29
Start the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program30
The PlanetPress Suite Button30
Create a New Configuration31
Open a PlanetPress Suite Configuration File31
Saving and Sending a Configuration32
Save your Configuration32
Send your Configuration32
Import Processes from Another Configuration File33
Import Documents33
Import PrintShop Mail Documents34
Change the Interface Language34
Exit the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program34
The Quick Access Toolbar35
The PlanetPress Suite Ribbon36
Start and Stop the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service37
The Configuration Components Pane38
Add a PlanetPress Suite Process39
Manipulate Local Variables40
Activate or Deactivate a Process40
Convert a Branch to a Subprocess41
Manipulate Global Variables41
Access Process Properties42
View Document Properties45
Add Resident Documents in the Configuration Components Pane46
Associate Documents and PlanetPress Watch Printer Queues47
Using the Clipboard and Drag & Drop47
Rename Objects in the Configuration Components Pane49
Reorder Objects in the Configuration Components Pane49
Grouping Configuration Components50
Expand and Collapse Categories and Groups in the Configuration Components Pane50
Delete Objects and Groups from the Configuration Components Pane51
The Process Area51
Zoom In or Out within Process Area51
Adding Tasks51
Adding Branches52
Edit a Task52
Replacing Tasks, Conditions or Branches52
Remove Tasks or Branches53
Task Properties Dialog53
Cutting, Copying and Pasting Tasks and Branches54
Moving a Task or Branch Using Drag-and-Drop55
Ignoring Tasks and Branches55
Resize Rows and Columns of the Process Area56
Selecting Documents in Tasks56
Highlight a Task or Branch56
Undo a Command57
Redo a Command57
The Debug Information Pane59
The Message Area Pane60
Customizing the Program Window60
Dock and Undock Areas of the Program Window60
Show or Hide Areas of the Program Window61
Combine and Attach Areas61
Resize the Program Window Areas65
General User Options66
Object Inspector User Options66
Configuration Components Pane User Options67
Default Configuration User Options67
Notification Messages Preferences67
Sample Data User Options69
Network User Options69
PlanetPress Capture User Options70
Logging User Options73
Messenger User Options73
HTTP Server Input User Options74
HTTPServer Input 2 User Options74
LPD Input Preferences75
Serial Input Service User Options75
Telnet Input User Options76
PlanetPress Fax User Options76
FTP Output Service User Options78
PlanetPress Image User Options78
LPR Output User Options80
PrintShop Web Connect Service User Options81
Editor Options81
Advanced SQL Statement dialog84
Access Manager84
To open the Access Manager85
To add a new entry in the list85
To modify permissions85
To add a new SOAPuser86
To define or change the permissions for a SOAP User87
Add or Delete Document Instances87
Virtual Drive Manager87
Working With Variables89
Types of Variables89
Job Info Variables89
Standard Variables90
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and PlanetPress Design Documents207
Variable Content Document File Formats: PTZ, PTK and PS207
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and Printshop Mail Documents208
Load Balancing209
Location of Documents and Resources211
Debugging PlanetPress Suite Processes213
About the Debug Mode213
Debugging your PlanetPress Suite Process213
View Runtime Information via the PlanetPress Suite Service Console214
Error Handling217
About Error Handling217
Error Handling Tools217
Creating and Using Error Processes217
Accessing the Logs218
Resubmit Backed Up Input Files to a Process219
Knowing What to Resubmit220
Using Scripts221
The Script Editor and XSLT Editor221
Use the Editor222
Import and Export Scripts222
Find Strings in a Script222
Find and Replace Strings in a Script223
Go to a Line in a Script224
Toggle Bookmarks224
Jump to Bookmarks225
SOAP Server API Reference225
SOAP API - SubmitJob225
SOAP API - PostJob226
SOAP API - GetProcessList226
SOAP API - GetProcessTaskList227
This PDF documentation covers version 7.2. To view the documentation of previous versions please refer to the PDF files
available in the Downloads section of our website:
Some icons are used throughout this guide in order to catch your attention to certain particular information.
Notes: This icon shows you something that complements the information around it. Understanding notes is not critical but may be helpful when using PlanetPress Workflow Tools.
Warnings: This icon shows information that may be critical when using PlanetPress Workflow Tools. It is important
to pay attention to these warnings.
Technical: This icon shows technical information that may require some technical knowledge to understand.
Other Documentation
For other related documentation , please see the drop-down menu at the top-right corner of this page.
This chapter describes how to install the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and how to set up your working environment.
Environment Considerations
This page is intended to provide technical information about the environment in which PlanetPress Workflow is intended to
Terminal Server/Service
PlanetPress Suite does not support Terminal Server (or Terminal Service) environment as possible under Windows 2000, 2003
and 2008. This is to say, if Terminal Service is installed on the server where PlanetPress Suite is located, unexpected behaviours may occur and will not be supported by our company. Furthermore, using PlanetPress Suite in a Terminal Service environment is probably an infringement of our End-User License Agreement.
Terminal Service is not to be confused with "Remote Desktop" used in conjunction with the "Remote Desktop" options of all
Windows operating systems. Remote Desktop, when used to connect to a PlanetPress Server in a non-simultaneous setting, is
perfectly acceptable. However, it has been reported that PlanetPress may lock up when access through Remote Desktop connections.
PlanetPress Suite supports VMWare Workstation, VMWare Server, VMWare Player and VMWare ESX infrastructure environments as software installed on the Guest operating system. However, note that only PlanetPress version 7.1.3 and higher
support VMotion under ESX. Also note that copying (duplicating) your VMWare Guest Machine and using it simultaneously constitutes an infringement of our End-User License Agreement.
Furthermore, if your backup solution includes the use of virtual machine snapshots, please keep in mind that if a snapshot is
taken during a time when PlanetPress Workflow Tool is processing a job, this job may process again if the snapshot is
restored. It is thus recommended that you take your snapshots outside of processing hours, whenever that may be.
Note that while VMWare ESX, Workstation, Server and Player (from VMWare, Inc.) are supported, other virtual environments
(such as Microsoft Virtual PC, Parallels, Xen and others) are not supported at this time.
32-Bit or 64-Bit?
PlanetPress Suite version 7.1.3 and higher support 64-Bit operating system. However, our application remains 32-bits in this
environment, which means that for all intents and purposes there is no difference between those two environments as far as
PlanetPress Suite is concerned.
Antivirus Considerations
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools generates a very large amount of temporary data on your hard disk, especially when manipulating or creating PDF files. This can sometimes cause issues when any other software is trying to access the temporary files
at the same time as PlanetPress Workflow and its components are trying to read, write, create or delete those files.
In this respect, any antivirus software installed on the machine should ignore the following folders in it's live scans as well as
daily "deep" or "complete" scans:
l C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Suite 7\
l C:\Documents and Settings\planetpress\Local Settings\Temp\ (where planetpress is the user under which
Watch is configured)
l On Windows Vista/7/2008:
l C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Suite 7\
l C:\Users\planetpress\AppData\Local\Temp\ (where planetpress is the user under which Watch is configured)
l On all systems:
l C:\Windows\Temp\
Note: C:\Windows\Temp\ is used by multiple software which may cause risks on your computer. However, PlanetPress Workflow may use this folder as temporary storage, especially in the case of creating PDF files. We do not recommend disabling
scan on this folder, unless you notice performance issues when generating PDFs, and then only as a test.
Backup Considerations
For similar reasons, it is important to know that backup software can also access files while copying them to a remote backup
location, so you should make sure that no PlanetPress Workflow process is working during your backups.
Microsoft Office Compatibility
The Microsoft Office 2010 line of products has not been certified for use with PlanetPress Suite. Some of its products may not
be compatible with the connectors included in the Suite.
Network Considerations
While PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools is typically installed on a server machine that is only accessed by one single user such
as an ITperson, multiple users logging on to that machine is a possibility (except with terminal servers, see "Environment Con-
siderations" (page 15)). Because each user may have different local and network rights, it may be important to consider the
implications in regards to the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools. To change the service logon information, see "PlanetPress
Suite Workflow Tools Service Logon" (page 18).
Local and Network Rights
Programs, such as PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and all its services, must identify themselves in order to be granted permission to perform operations on the computer on which they run as well as on other computers accessible via a network connection. On a given workstation, you can configure your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools to use either the local system
account or any specific user account. When you do this, you grant the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and all its services the
same rights associated with the selected account (except for PlanetPress Messenger Service which always runs on the Local
System account).
When you are running the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program on a workstation, if it is associated with an
account that is different from your account, the following icon is displayed in the lower right corner of the PlanetPress Suite
Workflow Tools Configuration program:. The icon reminds you that the logon information is different for the PlanetPress
Suite services, and that some network resources may not be accessibly by PlanetPress Suite when running a live configuration.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and its services require administrator rights to run on any given computer and must therefore be associated with an account that has such rights.
We recommend creating a network or domain account specifically for the PlanetPress Suite services (typically called
"planetpress"or "ppress"), which has administrator credentials on the machine where it is installed, and is given proper rights
for any network resources your configuration may request.
Mapped Drives
Mapped drives (for example, drive X: leading to \\server\public\)are always user-specific and are created at logon. This
means that mapped drives are typically not available by the PlanetPress Suite services when running a live configuration. Furthermore, while the mapped drives are not shared, they are still limited to one map per computer, meaning if one user maps
the X: drive, a different user (or a service)will not be able to map it again.
This creates a limitation in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools:if you create a mapped drive as a user, you will not have
access to this mapped drive while running as a service unless you log off, and then have PlanetPress Workflow Tools map the
drive using a Run Script action inside a Startup Process.
We strongly recommended that instead of using mapped drives, you use full UNCpaths for your network drives. PlanetPress
Suite Worfklow Tools can automatically convert mapped paths to UNCpaths. For more information, please see "Network User
Options" (page 69).
Network Ports used by each service
The port configuration for each PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools component is described in the following table. The port
number assignments comply with Internet standards. If the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools component is not active, the
port is not used.
ComponentProtocolLocal PortRemote Port
Email Input (POP3 mode)TCPDefault
Email Input (Outlook mode)TCPsee Remote PortSee Microsoft Knowledge Base article 278339
1. Value is greater than 1024 and is assigned by Windows XP. This is the default.
2. Windows NT 4.0 uses NetBIOS over TCP/IP for file and printer sharing, while Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 may be configured to use NetBIOS over TCP/IP or SMB over TCP/IP. The operating system may use
additional ports. Refer to the Windows documentation for further information.
3. If the “No source port range restriction” option is checked (recommended), see footnote a. If the option is unchecked,
the local port will be chosen from a range going from 721 to 731.
4. Contact your DBMS vendor to determine which ports are used by the ODBC driver for accessing a network database.
Activate Your Printers
The Activate a Printer dialog lists the existing activated printers on the system and lets you add new activations.
Printer activations are normally given to you by the activations department electronically, including a file that will automatically add all your printers in this dialog.
The printer list displays the following information
l License Number:Reference number of the activation, linked to your customer account.
l Magic Number:The magic number generated by the printer. If the magic number is incorrect, your jobs will output
with a watermark on that printer.
l Activation Code:The activation code generated by your license number and magic number. If the activationcode is
incorrect, your jobs will output with a watermark on that printer.
l Printer Name (Optional):Name and/or model of the printer.
l Comments (Optional):Comments about the printer.
The following buttons are available in this dialog:
l Add:Brings up the Printer Activation dialog. This dialog lets you enter the information for the printer (see previous sec-
tion), then click OKto save the new activation.
l Delete:Removes the currently selected activation from the list.
l Web Activation:Click to access the online activation manager on our website.
l OK:Save changes and exit.
l Cancel:Exit without saving changes.
You can also double-click on any existing activation to edit it.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service Logon
To be able to run and to have access to local files as well as to files available on other computers in your network, PlanetPress
Suite applications and services must identify themselves using a local or network account.
The first time you start the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program, the application automatically asks you to
choose an account (see procedure below).
You can also manually start this procedure from the PlanetPress SuiteWorkflow Tools by following this procedure:
1. Click on the Tools tab in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Ribbon, then click Configure Services.
2. Set the PlanetPress Suite applications permissions as required:
l Local System account: Select to run all the PlanetPress Suite Services (including PlanetPress Suite Workflow
Tools, PlanetPress Fax, and PlanetPress Image) under the Local System account. The Local System account is
distinct from the Administrator account. It requires no username or password, and its privileges may exceed
those of the user currently logged in. Running under this accountrather than a user account prevents problems
thatmay arise if the user lacks a permission the service requires. If a configuration relies on any resources
mapped to a particular user, such as mapped network drives or shared printers, they are unavailable. It is recommended that you create a configuration for a particular user. Clear Local System account to run all the PlanetPress Suite Services under the account you specify. Use the options that become available when you clear
Local System account to enter the account information—you must enter a valid user name and password to use
Microsoft Outlook as your email client for Email input and Send email output tasks.
l Display network domains and usernames: Select to have PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Con-
figuration search for existing domains and display the domains it find in the Domain box, and the usernames in
those domains in the Username box. Although this is useful if you do not know the domain name and username
of the account you want to specify, it can also be very time-consuming if there are many domains.
l Domain: Select the domain in which the user account resides, or enter the name of the domain manually.
l Username: Enter the name of the user account.
l Password: Enter the password for the user account you specified in the Username box.
l Confirm password: Enter the password you entered in the Password box.
l Services start automatically: Select to start the required PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools automatically.
3. Click OK.. PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools applies the user account information to all the services (PlanetPress Suite
Workflow Tools, PlanetPress Fax, PlanetPress Image, LPD input, Serial input, Telnet input, FTP output, LPR output),
thatrun on this computer (with the exception of PlanetPress Suite Messenger, which always runs under the Local System account).
The PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program does not test usernames and passwords, but merely associates
them with the services that require them. If you enter a bad username or password, these services will be denied access to
the selected account.
The account you choose will be used by PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and all its services, as well as by PlanetPress Fax
and PlanetPress Image (only PlanetPress Suite Messenger is not affected, since it always uses the Local System account). If
you install PlanetPress Fax or PlanetPress Image on the same computer after performing this procedure, you will have to perform it once again, so as to choose the same account for all the installed applications.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are input driven applications designed to outputdata in a variety of ways through diverse
means to various applications and devices. PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can be used as simple go betweens, passing
along inputdata to outputdevices, but it can also perform various types of data processing.
This chapter explains how you can combine the various PlanetPress Workflow Tools services to set up versatile automated
processes to print jobs as well as generate other types of output.
The Nature of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
The PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools act as sorts of dispatchers. On the one hand, they retrieves data and controls plugins
thatretrieve data from watched locations, and on the other hand they send data and controls plugins that send data to various
devices, for printing or to generate documents that can then be emailed or faxed. PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can also
perform a variety of operations on the data using its action plugins.
In fact, the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools plugin based architecture enables almost limitless customization. You can create
or purchase compatible plugins, drop them in any of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools plugin folder and use them to perform other operations. You can even find free unsupported plugins on the Objectif Lune Web site.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are service applications, or if you will, applications that continuously run on a given computer and that perform actions automatically. Those actions are defined in a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools configuration.
To create and manage PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools configurations, you use one of three possible applications called PlanetPress Watch Configuration, PlanetPress Office Configuration and PlanetPress Production Configuration. A given computer
can only run one PlanetPress Suite configuration at a time. The PlanetPress Suite Service Console may be used to monitor the
services running on a given computer.
The Three Flavors of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
The term Workflow Tools is a general name that includes all three flavors of the tools:
l PlanetPress Watch
l PlanetPress Office
l PlanetPress Production
To view an explanation of the Workflow Tools and their different flavors, please see the following PDFdocument:
Throughout this document, unless we are referring to a specific version of the Workflow Tools, we will always use the term
Workflow Tools.
Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions will be used throughout this help file. We invite you to getfamiliar with them to simplify the
understanding of the documentation.
l PlanetPress Suite Workflow Configuration (or "Configuration"):The Configuration is a physical file opened by
the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and it contains all of the elements (tasks, processes, documents and printer
queues)that drive your workflow.
l Process:A single workflow within the Configuration. Aprocess begins with a single input task, contains one or more
tasks and/or branches, and terminates with one or more output tasks.
l Task:A single block in a process (also known as a plugin). Tasks can be used for input, outputor manipulation. Some
tasks gather data, others output data in different locations.
l Trunk:The main "branch"of a process. If a process does not have any branch or condition, that process contains one
initial input and one output on a single trunk.
l Branch:A branch in a process means your workflow will stop, follow the branch up until its output, and then return to
the main trunk to continue processing. Each additional branch in your process means you will need an additional output
task also.
l Condition:Acondition is a type of branch where the workflow will only go one way - either in the branch, or in the
main trunk. If a condition is true, the branch is followed. If the condition is false, the main trunk is followed.
l Job Info:Alocal variable that is called by its numbered id, from 0 to 9. There are only 10 job infos. Job infos are nor-
mally used to communicate information from the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools to a PlanetPress Design document,
either in printer outputs or connectors such as Image or Fax.
l Variables:A variable is a name that refers to specific information thatis kept in the computer memory. Avariable can
be modified via programming or certain tasks, and are generally accessible anywhere in your process (except certain
l Job:The processing of one or more job files, through one or more processes.
l Job File:The physical file that is generated (or obtained)through a process' input task. The job file can be of multiple
formats including plain text, CSV, databases, XMLand PDFs.
l Sample File/Sample Data:Aphysical file that contains the data used to create your process, including examples of
any data that you need to rely on (such as texts for conditions, or data for variables). The sample file should be limited
in size to speed up processing time while designing your process.
l Emulation:Afilter used to read the job file that is used in your process. Emulation lets you read different types of files
ranging from text-only line printer data to more complex PDFand XMLfiles, as well as database files.
About Configurations
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools configuration files are defined as a set of processes, subprocesses, variables, documents
and printer queues, that work together within the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service.
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools cannot work without a valid configuration and a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools session
running on a given computer can only use one configuration at a time. Once you have created a configuration, you must “send”
it to the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service. When you do this, your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool forgets its previous configuration and starts executing the tasks included in the new configuration.
A PlanetPress Suite configuration must be composed of at least one process, but it may include as many as 512.
For a configuration created in PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool Configuration to actually be executed by PlanetPress Suite
Workflow Tool, it must be sent to its PlanetPress Suite service.
See the following pages for information on different parts of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration:
l For information about Processes, see "About Processes" (page 23).
l For information about Subprocesses, see "About Subprocesses" (page 23).
l For information about Global Variables, see "Working With Variables" (page 89).
Aprocess is a single workflow within the configuration. Aprocess begins with a single input task, contains one or more tasks
and/or branches, and terminates with one or more output tasks. In its simplest form, a process can simply retrieve data from
a given folder and save it in a differentfolder. In most cases, though, processes are more elaborate and configurations, which
may include many processes, can be extremely complex.
The available processes in your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration are listed in the "The Configuration Com-
ponents Pane" (page 38). Processes in a configuration will always run concurrently. You can schedule processes to run only at
certain times or intervals (see "Access Process Properties" (page 42)).
There are three types of processes available to you:
l A Normal process will run as soon as an input file is available through its input task or, if it is scheduled not to run at
thattime, will start processing as soon as the schedule permits it.
l Startup processes are processes that run only once before every other process in a given configuration. They can
be used to perform operations thatneed to be completed once before the configuration can actually be run, such as to
map network drives. You may only have one single startup process in your configuration.
l Subprocesses are processes which can be called by any other process from any action task. They can be used to per-
form and reuse redundant operations that may need to be executed numerous times. For more information on subprocesses, see "About Subprocesses" (page 23).
Regular and startup processes can be set to be Active (process runs normally)or Inactive (process will not run at all). An inactive process will display in the Configuration components as red and strike-through. Inactive processes can be useful for
designing new processes in a live configuration, since the process does not execute there is no danger is submitting it to the
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service.
About Subprocesses
Subprocesses are special processes that can be called by any other process. These act exactly as subroutines in pro-
gramming languages, allowing users to reuse existing processes by sharing them to the whole configuration file. They can
thus be used to perform redundant operations that may need to be executed numerous times; for instance, archiving a copy of
a zipped file received as the input job file, then decompressing it before sending the unzipped version of it back to the calling
process .
Whenever a PlanetPress Suite process calls a subprocess, the main process (the caller) will wait for the called subprocess to
finish its execution before carrying on with its own. This means the subprocess feature is synchronous with the main process.
This also means the calling process actually appends the subprocess to its own workflow.
About Tasks
A task is a plug-in or a block that is used to build PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools processes. Tasks can do multiple things
depending on the type of task and where they are placed. You can add as many tasks as you like to your processes and order
them in any way you can.
l Input Task:Will either capture data from a specific location, or wait for input from a service or other computer to
start processing.
l Action Task:Will manipulate the data in any number of ways. An action task is any task that is not an input or output
task or a branch or condition.
l Output Task:Will output data to a specific location or send to a differentservice or computer.
Some tasks have a multi purpose and can be used as either an input, action or output task or any combination. These multi purpose tasks are indicated as such in the task description and can be found in the most relevant section of the available tasks.
For more information on the tasks available to you in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, see the following pages:
l "Input Tasks" (page 99)
l "Action Tasks" (page 113)
l "Process Logic Tasks" (page 133)
l "Metadata Tasks" (page 151)
l "Output Tasks" (page 163)
l "About PlanetPress Fax" (page 175)
l "About PlanetPress Image" (page 179)
About Branches and Conditions
While some processes can simply start with an input task, manipulate the data witha few action tasks and finish withan output
task, in some cases you may want to have more control over the flow of your process. For example, you may want multiple
outputs, such as printing to multiple printers as well as generating a PDFand emailing it. To do this, you will need branches.
You may also want to detect certain criteria in your data and act differently depending on that data, such as sending a fax only
when a fax number is found, or printing to a different printer depending on who send you a print job. To do this, Conditions are
A branch is effectively a doubling of your job file. As your job file goes down the process, when it encounters a branch it will go
in that branch, process all tasks up to the output, and return to the main trunk to continue processes. You can have branches
within branches, and all branches must have an output. For more information on branches, see "Branch Properties" (page
A branch is represented as a crossing.
Acondition will either execute the branch it creates or the main trunk, but never both. As your job file goes down the process,
when it encounters a condition it will verify whether that condition results in a "true"or "false"value. If the result is true, it
goes in the branch, processes all tasks up to the output, and the process finishes. If the result is false, it goes down the main
trunk and continues processing until the process finishes. For more information on conditions, see "Conditions" (page 134).
A conditional branch (or condition) is shown as a crossing with a red diamond over it
Data is what drives your business, and our software. We define data as anything that is obtained through an Input Task and
used within the process itself. Once the data is obtained, it becomes the job file that is passed from one task to another and
generally used to generate output.
Data can be manipulated using the tasks in the process, used as comparison for conditions and loops, complemented with data
from other sources, and used to generate your output. It originates from many different sources (as many as the Input Tasks
support), parts of it can be stored in variables, and is always accessible by the task that currently handles it.
Data is referred to using Data Selections either from the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools or a PlanetPress Design Document
thatis being merged with the data (for example in a printed output).
For more information about Data, please see the chapter "Data in PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools" (page 91).
Null characters present in the data may not be displayed properly when using the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
Configuration program, and that they may also be printed differently by different printers. To ensure consistency, you
should consider filtering out such characters.
About Data Selections
A data selection could be compared to an address. It indicates a location within a data file using coordinates. The PlanetPress
Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program includes a tool called the Data Selector that helps you make data selections. The
Data Selector does two things:
l It uses the current emulation (either the emulation chosen when the sample data file was selected, or the one chosen in
the last Change Emulation action task appearing above the current task) to format the data.
l It displays the formatted data to let you make selections easily using the mouse pointer.
The Data Selector is essentially the same as the one used in PlanetPress Design.
AboutData Emulation
Emulations are like filters that can be used to read the data. When you create a document in PlanetPress Design, you choose a
sample data file and specify the emulation to use for the chosen data. The emulation setting you choose will typically always
be associated with that document. If you choose a CSV (comma separated values) file and specify the corresponding emulation, for instance, commas encountered in the data will typically be considered as value separators.
Within the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, the same emulation tools as PlanetPress Design are available throughout your
process, using the Data Selector. One notable exception however is that User-Defined Emulation is not available because it
uses PlanetPress Talk code, which is not available within the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program.
The emulation that is used in your process can change during the process, and can be different than the one used in any PlanetPress Design document used in your process. PlanetPress Design documents use their own emulations, as defined in the document itself from PlanetPress Design.
l Line Printer
l Channel Skip
l Database
PDFEmulation, also called Document Input, is only available in PlanetPress Production and PlanetPress Office. If used
in PlanetPress Watch, it will cause a watermark to appear in any output.
For more information about each emulation and how to use them, please consult the PlanetPress Design User Guide.
About Related Programs and Services
Services are programs that run in the background and automatically perform tasks that often do not require any user interaction. With the exception of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration, all the programs used by PlanetPress Suite
Workflow Tools are run as service applications. PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools can thus use them as required without the
need for any user interaction.
Although you can manually start and stop any service running on your computer, most of the basic services used by the system are started and stopped automatically. In the case of PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools and their related services, you typically use a command included in your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program to start and stop most
services. Opening and closing your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program has no effect on these services.
Available Input Services
Input services are used to pull in data files. The input services used by PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are:
l LPD (Line Printer Daemon) Input service: Inputs data sent from an LPR client. The LPD/LPR printing protocol
is a common way to send print jobs that, in turn, use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate through the network.
l PrintShop Mail Web Capture service: Monitors printrequests from a PrintShop Web server.
l Serial Input service: Monitors a single serial port for incoming data. Note that all Serial input tasks use the same
serial port (set in the user options of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program).
l Telnet Input service: Monitors multiple telnet ports for incoming data. Note that each Telnet input task has its own
telnet port number (set in each task).
l HTTP/SOAP Server service: Monitors web pages and web sites as well as SOAP servers.
Available Output Services
Output services are used to output jobs. The output services used by PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools are:
l FTP Output service: Places output jobs on a server via the FTP protocol.
l LPR (Line Printer Requester) Output service: Sends jobs to an LPD server or LPD compatible printers. The
LPD/LPR printing protocol is a common way to send print jobs that, in turn, use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate
through the network.
l PlanetPress Image: Outputs jobs as PDF files or in a variety of image formats. You can also use PlanetPress Image
to archive and/or email the files it creates. You can use PlanetPress Search to search the PDF files PlanetPress Image
creates. You can install multiple instances of the PlanetPress Image service on your network, and have PlanetPress
Suite Workflow Tools send jobs to one or more of these instances. Each instance of PlanetPress Image can generate
PDFs or images and dispatch them from the host on which it runs. See "About PlanetPress Image" (page 179).
l PlanetPress Fax: Outputs jobs as faxes. You use PlanetPress Fax as an interface to WinFax PRO or Windows Fax, to
send faxes you create from documents. You can install multiple instances of the PlanetPress Fax service on your network, and have PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools send jobs to one or more of these instances. Each instance of PlanetPress Fax can generate faxes and dispatch them from the host on which it runs, using a local faxing program, such as
WinFax PRO, Captaris RightFax or Windows Fax. See "About PlanetPress Fax" (page 175).
l PrintShop Mail:Used to generate documents using PrintShop Mail databases and documents. Communicate with it
through the PrintShop Mail and PrintShop Mail 7 Connector Tasks. See "PrintShop Mail Action Task Properties" (page
l Laserfiche:Used as a repository for electronic documents. Communicate with it through the Laserfiche Repository
Output Task. See "Laserfiche Repository Output Task Properties" (page 164).
l PlanetPress Capture:Used to generate and process files using Anoto patterns. Communicate with it through the
PlanetPress Capture tasks such as the Anoto Ink Processor and the Anoto Pattern plugins.
Services must use an account to be granted the permission to use the system’s resources and objects. This information is
included in the service's configuration and most services use the Local System Account, which is granted access to all the
system’s resources. All input and output services used by PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools run under the same account. For
more information on services and system permissions, refer to Windows documentation. For more information on how to configure the account used by the services, see "PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service Logon" (page 18).
The PlanetPress Suite Service Console, included in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program, can be used
to monitor, start and stop PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools services (see "About Processes" (page 23), "Users and Con-
figurations" (page n) and "View Runtime Information via the PlanetPress Suite Service Console" (page 214)).
About Documents
A Document is a file sent to the PlanetPress Workflow Tools by PlanetPress Design and is used to produce an output when
merged with data. ADocument can be an invoice, a report, a receipt or anything else, but by itself it is empty and without any
variable data.
Document are typically selected in Output Tasks, but can also appear in other tasks that produce formatted data such as the
Digital Action task and the Add Document task.
Documents contain static data such as logos, addresses and graphic formatting, as well as placeholders for data. Documents
can also contain conditions and programming logic. For more information about PlanetPress Design documents, please see the
PlanetPress Design User Guide.
About Printing
To print a document using the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, you can either use the Print using a Windows Driver output
task, or use a combination of a printer queue and a Printer Queue output task. These tasks are created and defined using Plan-
etPress Suite Workflow Tool Configurationprogram.
The following types of printer outputs are available in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program:
l Windows output queues let you send jobs to a local printer. See "Windows Output Printer Queue Properties"
(page 204).
l Send to Folder output queues let you save jobs to a local or network folder from which they can be picked up
and printed. See "Send to Folder Printer Queue Properties" (page 206).
l Remote printing:
l FTP output queues let you upload jobs to an FTP site from whichthey can be picked up and printed. See "FTP
Output Printer Queue Properties" (page 205).
l LPR output queues let you send print jobs to remote printers via TCP/IP using the LPR/LPD protocol. See "LPR
Output Printer Queue Properties" (page 204).
l Windows Driver Printing:
l The Print using a Windows Driver output task lets you send a job to any printer installed on the com-
puter, using its own drivers. In this particular case, the printer does not need to be a PostScript printer. See
"Print Using a Windows Driver Output Task Properties" (page 167).
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools provides you with three main printing scenarios:
1. Send output data to be printed as is: PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools sends a file containing only the data to
the selected queue.
2. Send output data to be merged with a document on the printer: PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools sends
one of two things:
l A file that contains only the data to the selected printer queue. The document with which the data must be
merged must be present on the printer’s hard disk, otherwise printing will fail.
l A file that contains the data and the document to the selected printer queue. Since the data and the document
with which it must be merged are both sent to the printer, printing should never fail.
l In both cases, the document+data merging process takes place inside the printer.
3. Send output data already merged with a document:PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools sends a file that contains the document already merged with the data to the selected printer queue. The document+data merging process
therefore never takes place inside the printer.
In PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration, you may associate a single Printer Queue output task with multiple Printer Queues. If you do so, you have the option of using load balancing or not (see "Load Balancing" (page
The PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program
You can customize the appearance of the PlanetPress Workflow Tools Configuration programs to your needs. See "Cus-
tomizing the Program Window" (page 60).
Start the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program
This procedure explains how to start the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program, which is different from
starting PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools service itself (see "Start and Stop the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Service"
(page 37)).
To start the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration program:
l In the Windows Start menu, choose Programs | PlanetPress Suite N | PlanetPress Watch/Of-
fice/Production N Configuration. (Where N represents the current PlanetPress Suite installation version
The PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Program window appears and the default configuration
(ppwatch.cfg) is opened.
If this is the first time you open your PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration after installation, the PlanetPress
Suite Services configuration dialog box appears, where you enter the username and corresponding password under
which your configuration’s services run.
The PlanetPress Suite Button
The PlanetPress Suite Button replaces the File menu from previous versions, and provides access to the File menu options.
The color of the button itself can show you at a glance what flavor of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools is currently
installed or activated:Light Orange for Watch, Yellow for Office, Dark Orange for Production.
The available menu options of the PlanetPress Suite Button are:
l New:Closes the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration that is currently opened and creates a new Plan-
etPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration, with a single example process and no printer queues. See "Create a New
Configuration" (page 31).
l Open: Displays the dialog to open an existing PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration.
l Save: Saves the current PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration under the same name. If the file is new and
has not been saved, or if the configuration is the on loaded directly from the service, the Save As dialog is displayed
instead. See "Save your Configuration" (page 32).
l Save As: Saves the current PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration under a new name. It does not overwrite
any existing configuration file, unless an existing file is selected and overwritten manually by the user.
l Import:
l Configuration Components:Displays the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration Import dialog, let-
ting you import processes and other components from other existing configurations. See "Import Processes
from Another Configuration File" (page 33).
l PlanetPress Document:Displays the dialog to import a PlanetPressDesign document to be added to the list
in the components area.
l PrintShop Mail Document:Displays the dialog to import a PrintShop Mail document to be added to the list in
the components area.
l Send Configuration: Sends the current PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools Configuration to the PlanetPress Suite
Workflow Tools service. See "Send your Configuration" (page 32).