Objectif Lune PlanetPress Connect - 1.6 Operation Manual

User Guide
User Guide Version 1.6.1 Last Revision:2017-04-18
Objectif Lune, Inc. 2030 Pie-IX, Suite 500 Montréal, QC, Canada, H1V 2C8
All trademarks displayed are the property of their respective owners.
© Objectif Lune, Inc. 1994-2017. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed outside of Objectif Lune Inc. by any means whatsoever without the express written permission of Objectif Lune Inc. Objectif Lune Inc. disclaims responsibility for any errors and omissions in this documentation and accepts no responsibility for damages arising from such inconsistencies or their further consequences of any kind. Objectif Lune Inc. reserves the right to alter the information contained in this documentation without notice.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 5
Welcome to PlanetPress Connect 1.6.1 12
Setup And Configuration 14
System and Hardware Considerations 14
System Requirements 14 Environment considerations 15 Database Considerations 17 Network considerations 21 Language and Encoding considerations 21 Performance Considerations 22
Installation and Activation 25
Installation Pre-Requisites 25 User accounts and security 27 The Importance of User Credentials on Installing and Running PlanetPress Connect 27 Installing PlanetPress Connect on Machines without Internet Access 29 Installation Wizard 31 Running Connect Installer in Silent Mode 36 Activating a License 41 Migrating to a new computer 44 Information about PlanetPress Workflow 8 44 Upgrading from PlanetPress Suite 7.6 45 What do I gain by upgrading to PlanetPress Connect? 47
Server Settings 55
Server Security Settings 55 Server Extension Settings 55
Uninstalling 59
Important Note:Stop any Anti-Virus Software before uninstalling Connect. 59 Impacts upon other Applications and Services 59 Uninstallation Wizard 60
The DataMapper Module 61
Basics 61
What's Next? 62
Features 62
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Data Mapping Configuration 63
Creating A New Data Mapping Configuration 63 Opening a Data Mapping Configuration 73 Saving a Data Mapping Configuration 73
Data Mapping Workflow 74
Selecting Data 74 Extracting Data 83 About Promotional and Transactional Data 96 Steps 96
The Data Model 110
How to Use a Data Model? 111 About Records and Fields 112 Data Model File Structure 113
Data Source (Settings) 115
Input Data (Delimiters) 115 Boundaries 115 Data Samples 116 External JS Libraries 116
DataMapper User Interface 117
Menus 118 Panes 121 Example 128 Example 133
Defining Boolean Values 140
Boolean Expressions 141 Defining String Values 141 Building String Values 141 Defining Integer Values 142 Building Integer Values 143 Defining Float Values 143 Building Float Values 144 Defining Currency Values 144 Building Currency Values 144 Extracting dates 145
Defining a date/time format 145
Examples of masks 146 Entering a date using JavaScript 147
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Example 147 Defining Object Values 147
Text File 174
PDF File 175
CSV and Database Files 177
XMLFile 178
Left Operand 201
Condition 202
Operators 203
JavaScript 208
Toolbar 208
Shortcut Keys 210
Welcome Screen 210 DataMapper Scripts API 211
Write Your Own Scripts 218
Setting boundaries using JavaScript 220
Objects 226
Functions 235
Methods 242
The Designer 263
Basic Steps 263
Features 264
Templates 265
Contexts 278
Sections 280 Print 283
Creating a Print template with a Wizard 285
Print context 289
Print sections 292
Pages 300
Master Pages 307
Media 310 Email 315
Designing an Email template 317
Creating an Email template with a Wizard 320
Email context 324
Email templates 326
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Email header settings 329
Email attachments 333 Web 335
Creating a Web template with a Wizard 336
Web Context 340
Web pages 341
Forms 346
Using Form Elements 351
Using JavaScript 355 Capture OnTheGo 357
COTG Forms 358
Creating a COTG Form 358
Filling a COTG template 359
Testing the template 361
Sending the template to the Workflow tool 361
Using COTG data in a template 362
Designing a COTG Template 364
Capture OnTheGo template wizards 368
Using Foundation 372
Using COTG Elements 375
Testing a Capture OnTheGo Template 379 Content elements 385
Element types 386
Editing HTML 387
Attributes 388
Inserting an element 388
Selecting an element 389
Styling and formatting an element 390
Barcode 391
Boxes 432
Business graphics 435
COTG Elements 438
Date 442
Forms 444
Form Elements 449
Hyperlink and mailto link 452
Images 453
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Table 458
Text and special characters 462 Snippets 464
Adding a snippet 464
Creating a snippet 465
JSON Snippets 465 Styling and formatting 465
Local formatting versus style sheets 465
Layout properties 466
Styling templates with CSS files 467
Styling text and paragraphs 474
How to position elements 478
Rotating elements 481
Styling a table 482
Background color and/or image 486
Border 488
Colors 490
Fonts 494
Locale 496
Spacing 497 Personalizing Content 499
Dynamic tables 500
Loading data 501
Variable Data 510
Formatting variable data 516
Showing content conditionally 519
Dynamic Images 521
Dynamic table 523
Personalized URL 527 Writing your own scripts 528
How scripts work 528
Creating a new script 529
Writing a script 530
Managing scripts 532
Testing scripts 535
Optimizing scripts 539
Loading a snippet via a script 543
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Control Scripts 545 Designer User Interface 559
Dialogs 560
Menus 630
Panes 641
Toolbars 656
Welcome Screen 661
Print Options 662
Job Creation Presets 714
Output Creation Settings 723 Designer JavaScript API 741
Designer Scripts API 742
Control Script API 797
Generating output 813
Optimizing a template 814
Scripts 814
Images 815 Generating Print output 816
Saving Printing options in Printing Presets. 817
Connect Printing options that cannot be changed from within the Printer Wizard. 817
Print Using Standard Print Output Settings 818
Print Using Advanced Printer Wizard 819
Adding print output models to the Print Wizard 820
Splitting printing into more than one file 821
Variables available in the Output 821
Generating Fax output 828
Generating Tags for Image Output 829 Generating Email output 830
Email output settings in the Email context and sections 831
Generating Email output from Connect Designer 832
Generating Email output from Workflow 833
Using an ESP with PlanetPress Connect 834 Generating Web output 839
Attaching Web output to an Email template 840
Generating Web output from Workflow 841
Web output settings in the Web context and sections 841
Release Notes 843
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Overview 843 OLConnect Send 845 Connect 1.6.1 General Enhancements and Fixes 847 Connect 1.6.1 Designer Enhancements and Fixes 848 Connect 1.6.1 DataMapping Enhancements and Fixes 850 Connect 1.6.1 Output Enhancements and Fixes 850 Connect Workflow 8.6.1 Enhancements and Fixes 852 Known Issues 854
Copyright Information 860
Legal Notices and Acknowledgments 861
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Welcome to PlanetPress Connect
Since we are always looking for new ways to make your life easier, we welcome your questions and comments about our products and documentation. Shoot us an email at
PlanetPress Connect is a series of four tools designed to optimize and automate customer communications management. They work together to improve the creation, distribution, interaction and maintenance of your communications.
The PlanetPress Connect Datamapper and Designer is designed to create output for print, email and the web within a single template and from any data type, including formatted print streams. Output presets applied outside the design phase make printing device independent.
The Designer has an easy-to-use interface that makes it possible for almost anyone to create multi-channel output. More advanced users may use native HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
PlanetPress Connect also includes a process automation server, called Workflow. It is capable of servicing response form web pages and email to provide interactive business communications.
PlanetPress Connect can create documents for tablets and mobile devices that run a free CaptureOnTheGo App. Users with a CaptureOnTheGo subscription can then download documents to their own devices, interact with them and send the captured data back to PlanetPress for conversion into additional documents or workflows.
This online documentation covers PlanetPress Connect version 1.6.1.
Icons used in this guide
Icons are used throughout this guide to point your attention to certain information.
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Information that is important or essential to the completion of a task.
Complementary information that may help you better use PlanetPress Connect or suggests an easier method.
Information that is potentially critical to using PlanetPress Connect. Pay close attention.
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Setup And Configuration

This chapter describes the PlanetPress Connect installation and the different considerations that are important in regards to the installation and use of PlanetPress Connect.
l "System and Hardware Considerations" below
l "Installation and Activation" on page25
l "Server Settings" on page55
l Uninstalling

System and Hardware Considerations

There are a variety of considerations to be aware of. These are documented in the following pages:
l "System Requirements" below
l "Environment considerations" on the next page
l "Database Considerations" on page17
l "Network considerations" on page21
l "Language and Encoding considerations" on page21
l "Performance Considerations" on page22

System Requirements

These are the system requirements for PlanetPress Connect 1.6.1
Operating System (64-bit only)
l Microsoft Windows 2008/2008 R2 Server
l Microsoft Windows 2012/2012 R2 Server
l Microsoft Windows Vista
l Microsoft Windows 7
l Microsoft Windows 8.1
l Microsoft Windows 10 (Pro and Enterprise versions only)
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Windows 8.0, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and older versions of Windows are not supported by PlanetPress Connect.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
For tips and tricks on performance, see "Performance Considerations" on page22.
Copying (duplicating) a Virtual Machine with Connect installed and using both images simultaneously constitutes an infringement of our End-User License Agreement.
While some virtual machine environments (from VMWare and Microsoft) are supported, other virtual environments (such as Parallels, Xen and others) are not supported at this
l NTFS Filesystem (FAT32 is not supported)
l CPU Intel Core i7-4770 Haswell (4 Core)
l 8GB RAM (16GB Recommended)
l Disk Space: At least 10GB (20GB recommended)

Environment considerations

Virtual Machine Support
PlanetPress Connectsupports VMWare Workstation, VMWare Server, VMWare Player, VMWare ESX (including VMotion), Microsoft Hyper-V and Microsoft Hyper-V/Azure infrastructure environments as software installed on the Guest operating system.
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Terminal Server/Service
PlanetPress Connect does not support Terminal Server (or Terminal Service) environment as possible under Windows 2000, 2003 and 2008. This is to say, if Terminal Service is installed on the server where PlanetPress Connect is located, unexpected behaviours may occur and will not be supported by Objectif Lune Inc.. Furthermore, using PlanetPress Connect in a Terminal Service environment is an infringement of our End-User License Agreement.
Remote Desktop
Tests have demonstrated that PlanetPress Connect can be used through Remote Desktop. It is however possible that certain combination of OS could cause issues. If problems are encountered, please contact OLSupport and we will investigate.
PlanetPress Connect 1.3 and later have been certified under Remote Desktop.
64-bit Operating Systems
PlanetPress Connect is a 64-bit software and can only be installed on 64-bit operating systems.
Antivirus Considerations
l Antivirus software may slow down processing or cause issues if they are scanning in
temporary folders or those used by PlanetPress Connect. Please see KB-002: Antivirus Exclusions for more information.
l Antivirus software might interfere with installation scripts, notably a vbs script to install
fonts. McAfee, in particular, should be disabled temporarily during installation in order for MICR fonts to install and the installation to complete successfully.
Windows Search Indexing Service
Tests have concluded that the Windows Search service, used to provide indexing for Windows Search, can interfere with Connect when installing on a virtual machine. If the installation hangs during the last steps, it is necessary to completely disable this service during installation.
l Click on Start, Run.
Type in services.msc and click OK.
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Locate the Windows Searchservice and double-click on it.
Change the Startup Type to Disable, and click Stop to stop the service.
Try the installation again.
Once completely, you may re-enable the service and start it.
Commandline switches and .ini entries
PlanetPress Connect is intended to work stably and reliably, based on Java and the Eclipse framework. To ensure this reliability and robustness, many Java and Eclipse parameters have been tested and tuned, which is reflected in the respective .ini entries and the used command line switches. A collection of valuable settings has been elaborated and found its entry in PlanetPress Connect “good switches list” (called the “whitelist”).
The protection of the end user’s system is one of our main goals and therefore we have implemented a very strict verification mechanism, which ensures, that only these whitelisted ini entries and commandline switches are accepted, when one of Connect components is started and run. Please be therefore advised, that any non-whitelisted ini entry or commandline switch will be accepted and will - if tried to be used - lead to the respective application’s “sudden death”. If you should encounter such a behaviour then please double-check your Connect log file/s for respective entries.

Database Considerations

This page describes the different considerations and pre-requisites for the database back-end used by PlanetPress Connect, whether using the MySQL instance provided by the installer, or pre-existing instance.
Using the MySQL Instance from the Installer
The MySQL Instance provided in the Installation Wizard is already pre-configured with options to provide the most stable back-end setup.
These are the specific options that have been changed in our version of "my.ini":
max_connections = 200 : PlanetPress Connect uses a lot of database connections. This number ensures that even in high volume environments, enough connections will be available.
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Since PlanetPress Connect version 1.6 the minimum required version of the MS SQL Server is SQLServer 2012.
max_allowed_packet = 500M : In some implementations, especially when using Capture OnTheGo, large packet sizes are required to allow transferring binary files. This substantial packet size maximum setting ensures that the data received by PlanetPress Connect will be able to be stored within the database.
character-set-server = utf8 , collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci , default-character­set=utf8 : These indicate database support for UTF-8/Unicode.
Using a pre-existing MySQL Instance
If MySQL server is already installed and you wish to use it, the following should be taken into consideration:
l The MySQL account must have access to all permissions using the GRANT Command,
including creating databases.
l The database configuration must include the options detailed in the "Using the MySQL
Instance from the Installer" on the previous page topic above.
l The SQL instance must be open to access from other computers. This means the bind-
address option should not be set to or localhost.
Using MS SQL Server from the Installer
When MS SQL is selected, the default values for root user are sa and 1433 for the port.
l If db settings from a previous installation are found, the pre-exising settings will be
displayed for the matching db type (for MS SQL settings, this will only work if they were created with Server Config Tool 1.5.0 or later, or the Connect installer 1.6.0 or later). If the db type is changed in the configuration page, the default values for this db type will be displayed. If the pre-existing db settings are set to Hsqldb, the default db type selection will be MySQL.
l Selected db settings are stored in the preferences as usual (C:\ProgramData\Objectif
Lune\Ol Connect\.settings\ConnectHostScope\com.objectiflune.repository.eclipselink.generic.pref s)
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Updating With No Local MySQL Product
The MSSQL selection capability will be available only with 1.6 version and upwards.
l When updating a Connect installation from 1.5.0 which contains a Server Product but no
local MySQL Product, the DB Configuration Page will detect which db type was set before (especially if the db configuration was switched from MySQL to MS SQL using the Server Configuration Tool), and default to those settings.
l On Update from 1.4.2 or earlier, the DB Configuration Page will always default to MySQL
connection settings, and if the installation was manually tweaked to connect to MS SQL Server, the user has to switch to "Microsoft SQL Server" type and enter connection details again.
Installing / Updating Connect Using a Local MySQL
l The Configuration page for the local MySQL is displayed.
l MySQL settings are pre-filled with default values if no existing MySQL db configuration is
l MySQL settings are pre-filled with existing db configuration settings, if they point to a
MySQL db type.
When modifying Connect
l If local MySQL is removed from an installation, the DB Configuration page will offer
additionally the Microsoft SQL Server db type with respective default values.
l If local MySQL is added to an installation, the usual MySQL Configuration page with
default values will be displayed.
If the user has installed the Installer Supplied MySQL and then switches to a foreign MSSQL by using the Server Configuration Tool, the supplied MySQL cannot be switched off. By design the installer adds a service dependency between Connect Server and the supplied MySQL service.
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To remove this dependency the user needs to do the following
If a Connect 1.5 user wants to use MSSQL instead of MySQL for the Connect Server, there are several points to be taken care of:
IF there should possibly be available some foreign MySQL instance, which could be used intermediately, then this should be selected during the setup. This ensures, that no stuff gets installed. Otherwise the supplied MySQL needs to be installed and the switch to MSSQL needs to be done as outlined above.
l It is not possible to uninstall the supplied MySQL in this case via a Connect 1.5
1. Have a foreign MSSQL running, ready for use with Connect Server.
2. Use the Server Configuration Tool (SCT) to switch the database to MSSQL.
3. (Re-)start Connect Server Service, so that the modifications will become active.
4. Counter check that everything is working properly with MSSQL.
5. Open a commandline prompt with full administration rights.
6. Enter the command sc config OLConnect_Server depend= /. This removes the dependency. Please be aware: The key word depend must be followed immediately by the equal sign, but between the equal sign and the forward slash there must be a space. Additional information can be found here: http://serverfault.com/questions/24821/how-
7. After the dependency has been removed, it is possible to stop the supplied MySQL service (OLConnect_MySQL).
If a Server Product and a MySQL Product were selected to be installed on Connect 1.5.0, and then the Server Configuration Tool is used to switch the database used by the Server to an external Microsoft SQL, then the Update to 1.6 requires an extra step. The procedure is as follows:
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If Connect was initially installed not containing the local MySQL product (i.e. on 1.5 installation an external MySQL was configured as database), then the Update to 1.6 will allow to select either external MySQL or external Microsoft SQL on the DB Configuration Page.
Run the Update to Connect 1.6. This will assume the local MySQL database needs to be updated and configured, so the user has to enter a root password on the MySQL Configuration Page (can be any password matching Connect security rules).
After the update, the Connect 1.6 Setup needs to be run once more to modify Connect.
On the Product Selection page, now the MySQL product can be unselected.
4. When stepping forward in the Wizard, the DB Configuration page will be displayed which allows to configure the Microsoft SQL Server with appropriate settings.
After this modification, the local MySQL is removed, and also the service dependency from Server to MySQL is removed.

Network considerations

The following should be taken into consideration in regards to network settings and communications
If a local proxy is configured (in the Internet Explorer Optionsdialog, the option Bypass proxy server for local addresses must be checked, or some features depending on
local communication will not work.

Language and Encoding considerations

Please note the following considerations:
l PlanetPress Connect is currently offered in several languages. These languages
can be switch between via the Preferences dialog. The current languages include:
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l Issues can sometimes be encountered in menus and templates when running
l English
l French
l German
l Spanish
l Italian
l Portuguese
l Chinese (Simplified)
l Chinese (Traditional)
l Japanese.
The default language is English. The PlanetPress Connect help system (this document) is currently only available in English.
PlanetPress Connect on a non-English operating system. These are due to encoding issues and will be addressed in a later release.

Performance Considerations

This page is a comprehensive guide to getting the most performance out of PlanetPress Connect as well as a rough guideline to indicate when it's best to upgrade.
Performance Analysis Details
In order to get the most out of PlanetPress Connect, it is important to determine how best to maximize performance. The following guidelines will be helpful in extracting the best performance from PlanetPress Connect before looking into hardware upgrades or extra PlanetPress Connect performance packs.
Job Sizes and Speed: In terms of pure output speed, it's important to first determine what job size is expected, and adjust Scheduling Preferences accordingly. The basic rules are:
l If processing a small number of very large records (when each individual record is
composed of a large number of pages), more instances with an equal amount of speed units is better. For hardware, RAM and Hard Drive speeds are most important, since the smallest divisible part (the record) cannot be split on multiple machines or even cores.
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l If creating a very large number of small records (hundreds of thousands of 2-3 page
individual records, for instance), a smaller number of instances with a large number of speed packs would be better. As for hardware, then the number of cores becomes critical, whereas RAM and hard drive are secondary. Performance Packs, as well as the MySQL instance being separate, would be helpful if your most powerful machine starts struggling.
l Mix and match. For example, one instance prioritized for large jobs and the rest for
smaller, quicker jobs. Or the contrary. Or, whatever you want, really.
RAM Configuration: By default, each instance of the Merge Engine and Weaver Engine is set to use 640MB of RAM. This means that regardless of speed units, if not enough memory is available, output speed might not be as expected. Assuming that the machine itself is not running any other software, the rule of thumb is the following: The total number of used memory in the machine should be pretty much the maximum available (around 95%).
For each engine, it's necessary to modify the .ini file that controls its JAVA arguments. Edit as follows:
l For the Merge Engine: see C:\Program Files\Objectif Lune\OL
l For the Weaver Engine: see C:\Program Files\Objectif Lune\OL
l The parameters are -Xms640m for the minimum RAM size, -Xmx640m for the
maximum RAM size. Explaining Java arguments is beyond the scope of this document. Please read references here, here and here for more details (fair warning: these can get pretty technical!).
Template and data mapping optimization: Some functionality offered by the DataMapper and Designer modules are very useful, and sometimes downright awesome, but can cause the generation of records and of contents items to slow down due to their nature. Here are some of them:
Preprocessor and Postprocessor scripts: manipulating data using a script may cause delays before and after the data mapping action has actually taken place, especially file conversion and data enrichment from other sources.
Loading external and network resources: In Designer, using images, javascript or css resources located on a slow network or on a slow internet connection will obviously lead to a loss of speed. While we do our best for caching, a document with 100,000 records which queries a page that takes 1 second to return a different image each time will, naturally, slow output generation down by up to 27 hours.
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External JavaScript Libraries: While loading a single JavaScript library from the web is generally very fast (and only done once for the record set), actually running a script on each generated page can take some time. Because yes, JavaScript will run for each record, and often take the same time for each record.
Inefficient Selectors: Using very precise ID selectors in script wizards can be much faster than using a text selector, especially on very large documents. (more details on this in another upcoming page).
Complex Scripts: Custom scripts with large, complex or non-optimized loops can lead to slowing down content creation. While it is sometimes difficult to troubleshoot, there are many resources online to help learn about JavaScript performance and coding mistakes. Here, here, and here are a few. Note that most resources on the web are about JavaScript in the browser, but the greatest majority of the tips do, indeed, apply to scripts in general, wherever they are used.
High-Performance Hardware
The following is suggested when processing speed is important. Before looking into a Performance Packs to enhance performance, ensure that the below requirements are met.
A physical, non-virtualized server. VMWare servers are great for reducing the numbers of physical machines in your IT space, but they must share the hardware between each other. While you can create a virtual machine that seems as powerful as a physical, it will still be sharing hardware with any other virtual machines, and this will adversely affect performance.
MySQL Database on a separate machine. MySQL's main possible bottleneck is file I/O, and as such a high-performance setup will require this server to be on a separate machine, ideally with a high-performance, low-latency hard drive. A Solid State Drive (SSD) would be recommended.
High-Quality 16+ GB Ram.This is especially true when working with many server instances ("speed units") running in parallel. The more parallel processing, the more RAM is recommended.
4 or 8 physical cores. We're not talking Hyper-Threading here, but physical cores. Hyper-Threading is great with small applications, but the overhead of "switching" between the virtual cores, and the fact that, well, they're virtual, means the performance is much lesser on high-power applications such as OL Connect. In short, a dual-core processor with Hyper-Threading enabled is not equivalent to a quad-core processor.
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Installation and Activation

A PDF version of this guide is available for use in offline installations. Click here to
download it.
This topic provides detailed information about the installation and activation of PlanetPress Connect 1.6.1.
PlanetPress Connect 1.6.1 is comprised of 2 different installers: one for the PlanetPress Connect software and one for PlanetPress Workflow 8.
Where to Obtain the Installers:
The installers for PlanetPress Connect 1.6.1 and PlanetPress Workflow 8 can be obtained on DVD or downloaded as follows:
l If you are a Customer, the installers can be downloaded from the Objectif Lune Web
Activations page: http://www.objectiflune.com/activations
l If you are a Reseller, the installers can be downloaded from the Objectif Lune Partner
Portal: http://extranet.objectiflune.com/
For information on licensing, please see Activating your license.

Installation Pre-Requisites

l Make sure your system meets the System requirements.
l PlanetPress Version 1.6.1 can be installed under a regular user account with
Administrator privileges.
Connect must be installed on an NTFS file system.
l PlanetPress requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 already be installed on the target
l In order to use the automation feature in Version 1.6.1, PlanetPress Workflow 8 will need
to be installed. This can be installed on the same machine as an existing PlanetPress®
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Suite 7.6 installation or on a new computer. For more information, please see Information
From PlanetPress Connect Version 1.2 onwards, the new version (1.1.8)of the Update Client is included by default with all setups.
about PlanetPress Workflow 8.
l As with any JAVA application, the more RAM available, the faster the product will
Users of Connect 1.1
In order for users of PlanetPress Connect 1.1 to upgrade to any later version through the Update Manager it is necessary to install a later version (1.1.8 or later) of the Objectif Lune Update Client.
If you do not have such a version installed already, the next time you run your Update Client it will show that there is an update available of itself to Version 1.1.8 (or later).
Simply click on the download button in the dialog to install the new version of the Update Client. Note that it is no problem to run the update while the Client is open. It will automatically update itself.
Once you have done this, PlanetPress Connect 1.6.1 will become available for download.
Users of Connect 1.0
Users of this Connect version 1.0 cannot upgrade directly to Version 1.6.1. This is because Connect Version 1.0 is a 32 bit version of Connect. Users must first upgrade to Version 1.1 and from there upgrade to Version 1.6.1
If you are updating manually you must first upgrade to Version 1.1 before installing 1.6.1. If you attempt go directly from Version 1.0 to Version 1.6.1 the installation will fail.
Also see "Users of Connect 1.1" above for extra information about updating from that version.
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User accounts and security

Permissions for PlanetPress Connect Designer
PlanetPress Connect Designer does not require any special permissions to run besides a regular program. It does not require administrative rights and only needs permission to read/write in any folder where Templates or Data Mapping Configurations are located.
If generating Print output, PlanetPress Connect Designer requires permission on the printer or printer queue to send files.
Permissions for PlanetPress Connect Server
The PlanetPress Connect Server module, used by the Automation module, requires some special permissions to run. These permissions are set during installation, in the Engine Configuration portion of the Installation Wizard, but it can also be configured later by modifying permissions for the service. To do this:
l In Windows, open the Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Services (this may
depend on your operating system).
l Locate the service called Serverengine_UUID , where UUID is a series of characters that
depend on the machine where the software is installed.
Right-click on the service and select Properties.
In the Connection tab, define the account name and password that the service should use. This can be a local account on the computer or an account on a Windows Domain. The account must have administrative access on the machine. It should also correspond to the user account set up in PlanetPress Worfklow.

The Importance of User Credentials on Installing and Running PlanetPress Connect

OL Connect and required credentials depends heavily on the Connect component and respective tasks and what sort of user credentials are needed.
First of all, it is important to distinguish between installation and run-time
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The Connect installer puts all required files, folders, registry entries and much more to their correct places and locations. As many of these locations are protected against malicious accesses, that very user under whose context the Connect installation is started and running, needs very extensive rights on the respective computer. This user must belong to the Local Administrators group on that machine. Here are some required capabilities, this user:
l Must be able to write into the "Programs" folder.
l Must be allowed to check for existing certificates and must also be allowed to install new
ones into the global certificate store on that machine.
l Must be able to write into HKLM and any subtree of it in the registry.
l Must be able to INSTALL, START and RUN services and also to MODIFY service
l Must be known in the network the machine belongs to and must also need to be able to
use shared network resources like shared drives and/or printers etc.
This list may not be complete, but it gives the extent of the requirements. Generally, the local administrator of the machine will have all these credentials, but there may exist network restrictions and policies, which will block one or more of these capabilities. In such cases, the respective network administrator should provide a valid user account for the installation.
User Account
The user account shall be used to later RUN one of the Connect Server flavors (Server or Server Extension). This dedicated user account has to be entered on the respective installer dialog page and must be allowed to START, STOP and RUN services on this machine. This is different from the credentials of the installation user account, which additionally requires the right to INSTALL services. Please be aware of this fact!
Additionally, the Server user must be able to access any network resources that are required for OL Connect to function properly. This includes e.g. additional drives, printers, scanners, other computers and, where appropriate, internet resources, URLs, mail servers, FTP servers, database servers and everything else planned to be used for the intended operation of Connect. The Server user is the run-time user.
Connect Components
Usually, a standard end user will only be facing Connect Designer and maybe the License Activation Tool. Designer this does not require administrator rights. Either everything required
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to create documents or also to run some tasks will be already available (installed by the installer) or be accessible in a way, where no specific credentials are required. However some tasks like starting an email campaign will possibly require a respective account at a mail server. But this has generally nothing to do with the credentials of the Designer user.
Activation Tool
To run the Software Activation Tool, administrator rights are required because this tool needs to write the license file in one of the protected folders of Windows. The tool will however allow to restart it with respective credentials if required.
MySQL database service is installed by the install user (thus again the requirement of installing, starting, running and modifying services). Once running it will just work.
Merge and Weaver Engines
These components do run under the Designer (if only Designer is installed) or the Server / Extension service(s) and inherit the rights of their parent application.
Server (Extension) Configuration Tool
This component needs to access the settings of the Server. As these are stored and read by the Server, it should be clear that the user used to run the Configuration tool should be the same as the Server Service user as explained above.

Installing PlanetPress Connect on Machines without Internet Access

Installing PlanetPress Connect1.6.1 in offline mode requires some extra steps. These are listed below.
GoDaddy Root Certificate Authority needs to be installed.
In order to install PlanetPress Connect it is necessary for the GoDaddy Root Certificate Authority to be installed (G2 Certificate) on the host machine and for this to be verified online. When a machine hosting the installation does not have access to the Internet, the installation will fail because the verification cannot be performed. To solve this problem one must first ensure that all Windows updates have been installed on the host machine. Once the Windows
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updates are confirmed as being up to date, then complete the following steps:
1. Go to https://certs.godaddy.com/repository and download the following two certificates to copy to the offline machine:
l GoDaddy Class 2 Certification Authority Root Certificate - G2 - the file is gdroot-
l GoDaddy Secure Server Certificate (Intermediate Certificate) - G2 - the file is
2. Install the certificates: Right mouse click -> Install Certificate, and follow the steps through the subsequent wizard.
3. Now copy the PlanetPress Connect installer to the offline machine and start the installation as normal
Windows certificate validation - Certificate Revocation List retrieval should be switched off
For your security Objectif Lune digitally signs all relevant files with our own name and certificate. The integrity of these files is checked at various times by different, context related, methods. One of these checks, done during the installation process, uses the Windows certificate validation check. .
The Windows certificate validation process not only checks the integrity of a file against its signature, but also usually checks if the certificate itself is still valid. That check is done against the current Certificate Revocation List (CRL), which needs to be retrieved from the internet. However, if the machine in question does not have internet access, the retrieval of the CRL must fail, which will lead to subsequent validation issues.
To circumvent such issues it is highly recommended to switch off the CRL retrieval prior to installing Connect on machines without internet access. There is no security risk associated with this, as the CRLs would never be retrievable without internet access, anyway. Advantage of the switch will not only be found during the installation and operation of Connect, but also in some speed improvements for any application which use signed binaries.
To switch off CRL retrieval on the computer, complete the following steps:
1. Open the “Internet Options” via the Control Panel
2. Select the “Advanced” tab and scroll down to “Security” node.
3. Uncheck the entry “Check for publisher’s certificate revocation” under that node.
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