Objectif Lune PlanetPress Connect - 1.6 Instruction Manual

REST API Cookbook with Working Examples
REST API Cookbook with Working Examples Version 1.6 Last Revision:17/01/2017
Objectif Lune, Inc. 2030 Pie-IX, Suite 500 Montréal, QC, Canada, H1V 2C8
+1 (514) 875-5863
All trademarks displayed are the property of their respective owners.
© Objectif Lune, Inc. 1994-2017. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed outside of Objectif Lune Inc. by any means whatsoever without the express written permission of Objectif Lune Inc. Objectif Lune Inc. disclaims responsibility for any errors and omissions in this documentation and accepts no responsibility for damages arising from such inconsistencies or their further consequences of any kind. Objectif Lune Inc. reserves the right to alter the information contained in this documentation without notice.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 5
Welcome to the PlanetPress Connect REST API Cookbook 7
Technical Overview 8
Workflow & Workflow Processes 9
Workflow Components 16
Workflow Operations 20
JSON Structures 21
Working Examples 33
Getting Started 34
Server Security & Authentication 43
Working with the File Store 48
Working with the Entity Services 78
Working with the Workflow Services 99
REST API Reference 211
Authentication Service 215
Content Creation Service 220
Content Item Entity Service 232
Page 5
Content Set Entity Service 243
Data Record Entity Service 256
Data Set Entity Service 271
Data Mapping Service 281
Content Creation (Email) Service 297
File Store Service 308
Content Creation (HTML) Service 329
Job Creation Service 338
Job Entity Service 352
Job Set Entity Service 362
Output Creation Service 372
All-In-One Service 388
Copyright Information 400
Legal Notices and Acknowledgments 401
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Welcome to the PlanetPress Connect REST API Cookbook

This guide is aimed at technically experienced users who wish to learn and use the REST API available in PlanetPress Connect version 1.6.
The PlanetPress Connect REST API consists of many services that expose access to a number of areas including workflow, data entity management and file store operations.
These services can be used to perform various interactions with the PlanetPress Connect server such as:
l Upload & Manage Data Files, Data Mapping Configurations & Design Templates in File
l Create, Manage & Find Data Entities internal to the PlanetPress Connect Server
l Create & Monitor Processing Operations within the Workflow
The REST API also supports added security to restrict unauthorized access to the services.
This guide is broken down into three sections:
l Technical Overview - Overview of the concepts and structures used in PlanetPress
Connect and the REST API
l Working Examples - Working examples of the PlanetPress Connect REST API in action
(HTML5 & JavaScript/jQuery)
l REST API Reference - A complete reference to the PlanetPress Connect REST API &
It is recommended that the technical overview section be read first, followed by the working examples, using the REST API reference for greater detail on implementing any specific example.
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Technical Overview

This section provides an overview of the concepts and structures used within PlanetPress Connect and the REST API.
l Workflow & Workflow Processes
l Workflow Components
l Workflow Operations
l JSON Structures
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Workflow & Workflow Processes

In PlanetPress Connect there are four main workflow processes: Data Mapping, Content
Creation, Job Creation, and Output Creation.
There is also an additional workflow process, named All-In-One, which embodies all four other workflow processes in a singular process.
The following flowchart illustrates the primary workflow in PlanetPress Connect:
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Data Mapping
The Data Mapping process involves taking a data file or source, applying a data mapping configuration to it, and producing a structured set of data or data records (a Data Set). This process can also produce a data set from a PDF/VTfile using its internal meta data instead of a data mapping configuration.
The following flowchart illustrates the standard workflow for the Data Mapping process:
The following flowchart illustrates the alternative workflow for the Data Mapping process when using PDF/VT data files specifically:
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Content Creation
The Content Creation process involves taking a number of data records (from a Data Set) combining it with a suitable design template, and producing a set or sets of content (Content Sets). If the content is for the email or web context then output can be published at this stage.
The following flowchart illustrates the standard workflow for the Content Creation process:
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Job Creation
The Job Creation process involves taking one or more content sets and applying a preset for organising/sorting/grouping them into sets of logical jobs (a Job Set). This includes data filtering and finishing options.
The following flowchart illustrates the standard workflow for the Job Creation process:
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Output Creation
The Output Creation process involves taking a set of jobs, applying a preset and generating the printed output.
The following flowchart illustrates the standard workflow for the Output Creation process:
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The following flowchart illustrates the potential inputs, outputs and workflows for the All-In-One process:
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Workflow Components

Each process in the overall PlanetPress Connect workflow takes a series of inputs and produces output. These can be divided into Input Components and Data Entities.
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Input Components
Input components are used as input to a specific workflow process. The following table lists the types of input components used in the PlanetPress Connect workflow:
Name Relevant Workflow
File Name Examples
Data File Data Mapping l Promo-EN-10.csv
l Promo-EN-10000.csv
l PDFVT-Data.pdf
Data Mapping Configuration
Data Mapping l Promo-EN.OL-datamapper
l Transact-EN.OL-
Design Template Content Creation l letter-ol.OL-template
l invoice-ol-transpromo.OL-
Job Creation Preset Job Creation l Promo-EN-JC-Config.OL-
Output Creation Preset Output Creation l FX4112_Hold_Config.OL-
l Promo-EN-OC-Config.OL-
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Data Entities
There are many data entity types used by PlanetPress Connect, but not all entities can be accessed through the REST API. The main types to be aware of when working with the API are Data Sets, Data Records, Content Sets, Content Items, Jobs Sets and Jobs. The following table lists these entity types in greater detail:
Entity Description
Data Set & Data Records
Content Sets & Content Items
The data set is the artefact produced by a data mapping operation. It holds the data that was mapped out of the input data file. A data mapping operation produces a single data set, which contains as many data records as there are documents. Each data record contains a collection of data values. The data records in the data set form the master record, or document record, which typically contains document recipient information. The master record can also contain a collection of data tables, which form the detail records that hold data such as invoice line items. Each data table contains a collection of data records, where each data record contains a collection of data values and a collection of data tables, and so on.
The content set is the artefact produced by a content creation operation. It holds all the pages that were produced by the operation. A content creation operation produces one or more content sets, which contain as many content items as there were data records given at the start of the operation. Because the data records used may have different data set owners, a content set cannot be linked to a single data set, but rather content items are linked to data records. A content item is further divided in content sections and content pages.
Job Set & Jobs
The job set is the artefact produced by a job creation operation. It consists in a hierarchical structure that divides documents is various structures and basically decides which documents are to be printed and in which order. A job creation operation creates a single job set with contains a series of containers where every level contains one or more of the next level down: jobs, job segments, document sets, documents and document pages. The last level in the chain, the document pages, contains a single content item. Hence, at the job creation level, a document may consist of one or more content items.
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Data entities can be produced as output from a workflow process and can then be used as input to another workflow process.
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Workflow Operations

Each individual process in the overall workflow process can potentially be a long running operation.
Accordingly, an initial HTTP request is submitted to initiate the workflow operation, then additional requests are required to monitor progress and retrieve the final result. All the required detail is included in the HTTP response headers of the initial request, including the URIs that should be used for further processing
A successful request will return a response that will include the headers listed in the following table:
Header Description
operationId The unique id of the operation being processed
Link Contains multiple link headers which provide details on which URI to use to
retrieve further information on the operation:
l Header with rel="progress" - The URL to use to check the progress of
the operation
l Header with rel="result" - The URL to use to retrieve the result of the
l Header with rel="cancel" - The URL to use to cancel the operation
A request made to the progress URI during processing will return a progress percentage value of 0 to 100, and finally the value of ‘done’ once the operation has completed.
A request made to the cancel URI during processing will immediately cancel the operation.
A request made to the result URI after processing has completed will return the final result of the operation.
This approach is replicated across most workflow based services as demonstrated in the
Working with the Workflow Services page of the Working Examples section.
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JSON Structures

The following table lists the various JSON structures used by the PlanetPress Connect REST API:
Name Example
JSON Identifier
JSON Identifier (Named)
JSON Identifier List
JSON Identifier (with createOnly flag)
"identifier": 12345
"identifier": "Promo-EN-1000.csv"
"identifiers": [ 12345, 23456, 34567 ]
"identifier": 12345,
"createOnly": true
JSON Identifier List (with createOnly flag)
JSON Name/Value List (Properties Only)
"identifiers": [ 12345, 23456, 34567 ],
"createOnly": true
"name": "start",
"value": "2015-01-01 00:00:00T-0500"
Page 21
Name Example
"name": "end",
"value": "2015-12-31 23:59:59T-0500"
JSON Name/Value List
JSON Name/Value Lists
"id": 12345,
"properties": [
"name": "start",
"value": "2015-01-01 00:00:00T-0500"
"name": "end",
"value": "2015-12-31 23:59:59T-0500"
"id": 12345,
"properties": [
"name": "start",
"value": "2015-01-01 00:00:00T-0500"
"name": "end",
"value": "2015-12-31 23:59:59T-0500"
Page 22
Name Example
"id": 23456,
"properties": [
"name": "start",
"value": "2015-01-01 00:00:00T-0500"
"name": "end",
"value": "2015-12-31 23:59:59T-0500"
JSON Record Content List
"id": 12345,
"table": "record",
"name": "ID",
"value": "CU00048376"
"name": "Gender",
"value": "M."
"name": "FirstName",
"value": "Benjamin"
"name": "LastName",
"value": "Verret"
Page 23
Name Example
JSON Record Content Lists
"id": 12345,
"table": "record",
"name": "ID",
"value": "CU00048376"
"name": "Gender",
"value": "M."
"name": "FirstName",
"value": "Benjamin"
"name": "LastName",
"value": "Verret"
"id": 23456,
"table": "record",
"name": "ID",
"value": "CU01499303"
Page 24
Name Example
"name": "Gender",
"value": "Miss"
"name": "FirstName",
"value": "Dianne"
"name": "LastName",
"value": "Straka"
JSON Content Item Identifier List
"identifiers": [
"item": 12345,
"record": 54321
"item": 23456,
"record": 65432
"item": 34567,
"record": 76543
Page 25
Name Example
JSON Data Record Identifier
JSON Identifier List (with Email Parameters)
"record": 12345
"identifiers": [
"host": "mail.company.com",
"user": "johns",
"password": "password5",
"sender": "john.smith@company.com",
"useAuth": true,
"useStartTLS": false,
"useSender": true,
"attachWebPage": true,
JSON Job Set Structure
"attachPdfPage": true
"jobs": [
// First Job in JobSet
"segments": [
// First JobSegment in first Job
"documentsets": [
// First DocumentSet in
first JobSegment in first Job
Page 26
Name Example
Document in first DocumentSet in first JobSegment in
first Job
DocumentPages in first Document in first DocumentSet
in first JobSegment in first Job
"contentitem": 111
"documents": [
// First
// First
Second DocumentPages in first Document in first
DocumentSet in first JobSegment in first Job
"contentitem": 222
// Second
Document in first DocumentSet in first JobSegment in
first Job
// First
DocumentPages in second Document in first
Page 27
Name Example
first JobSegment in second Job
// Second Job in JobSet
"segments": [
// First JobSegment in second
"documentsets": [
// First DocumentSet in
"documents": [
// First
Document in first DocumentSet in first JobSegment in
second Job
// First
DocumentPages in first Document in first DocumentSet
in first JobSegment in second Job
"contentitem": 789
Page 28
Name Example
JSON HTML Parameters List
JSON All-In­One Configuration
"section": "Section 1",
"inline": "ALL"
"identifier": "Promo-EN-1000.csv",
"config": "Promo-EN.OL-datamapper"
"config": "letter-ol.OL-template"
JSON Page Details Summary
"config": "4567"
"config": "5678",
"createOnly": true
"printRange": "1-3, 6, 10"
Page 29
Name Example
"pages": [
"count": 200,
"media": {
"name": "Plain A4 Paper",
"size": "A4",
"width": "210mm",
"height": "297mm"
"count": 108,
"media": {
"name": "Plain Letter Paper",
"size": "Letter",
JSON Page Details List
"width": "8.5in",
"height": "11in"
"id": 12345,
"pages": [
"count": 2,
"media": {
"name": "Plain A4 Paper",
"size": "A4",
"width": "210mm",
"height": "297mm"
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+ 372 hidden pages