Objectif Lune PlanetPress Connect - 1.0 Installation Manual

Updated on 2015-01-15
© 2015 Objectif Lune Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed outside of Objectif Lune or PrintSoft by any means whatsoever without the express written permission of Objectif Lune Inc. Objectif Lune Inc. disclaims responsibility for any errors and omissions in this documentation and accepts no responsibility for damages arising from such inconsistencies or their further consequences of any kind. Objectif Lune Inc reserves the right to alter the information contained in this documentation without notice.
This document provides detailed information about the installation and activation of PlanetPress® Connect 1.0.
Connect technology and services will be introduced to the public from early 2015 under several different brand names:
® ®   
Version 1.0 is branded as PlanetPress® Connect only. PReS® Connect and PrintShop Mail Connect will be introduced later in 2015.
Table of Contents
Overview . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
1. Starting the Installer for the Designer\Server ........................................................................ 6
2. Selecting the Required Components ..................................................................................... 7
3. Summary of the Selected Components .................................................................................. 8
4. License Agreement ............................................................................................................... 9
5. Configuring MySQL ............................................................................................................. 10
6. Manually Configuring the Database Connection .................................................................. 11
7. Configuring the Server ........................................................................................................ 12
8. Completing the Installation ................................................................................................. 13
9. The Product Update Manager ............................................................................................. 14
10. How to launch PlanetPress® Connect .................................................................................. 15
11. Using PlanetPress® Workflow with PlanetPress® Connect .................................................... 16
12. How to activate PlanetPress® Connect 1.0 and PlanetPress® Workflow 8 ............................. 17
13. How to uninstall PlanetPress® Connect and PlanetPress® Workflow 8 ................................. 20
PlanetPress® Connect 1.0 comprises of 2 different installers: one for the Designer\Server and the other for PlanetPress® Workflow 8.
Note that the Print Manager component for IPDS is not available to PlanetPress® Connect since this is only applicable to the later PReS® Connect and PrintShopMail Connect versions. These will become available in the first half of 2015.
Where to Obtain the Installers:
The installers for PlanetPress® Connect 1.0 and PlanetPress® Connect Workflow 8 can be obtained on CD or downloaded as follows:
If you are a Customer, the installers can be downloaded from the Objectif Lune Web
Activations page: http://www.objectiflune.com/activations
If you are a Reseller, the installers can be downloaded from the Objectif Lune Partner Portal:
For information on licensing, please see section 12 How to activate PlanetPress® Connect 1.0 and PlanetPress® Workflow 8.
Important Note for Users of Release Candidate 3:
In order to install Version 1.0, it is necessary to first uninstall Release Candidate 3. The PlanetPress® Connect 1.0 installer will prompt you to do this before you start the 1.0 installation. Follow the onscreen prompts in the installer to perform the uninstall.
Alternatively you can uninstall Release Candidates 3 manually:
1. Navigate to “Add/Remove Programs” in the Windows Control Panel and uninstall the Release
2. You can then run the setup for Version 1.0 as described later in this document.
For information on uninstalling any earlier Betas or Release Candidates 1 and 2, please contact your local Support team.
General Installation Requirements:
If you have been using Release Candidates 3, this must first be uninstalled. For more
information, see Important Note for Users of Release Candidates 3 above.
Version 1.0 is supported on Windows Server 2008 (English), Windows 7 (English), Windows
2008 Server R2 (English), Windows 8.1 (English) or Windows 2012 Server. Note that Version
1.0 is not supported on Windows XP, Windows 2003 and 32 Bit desktop versions of Windows.
A minimum of 8 GB of RAM is required (10 GB recommended) and 10 GB of free disk space.
 Version 1.0 can be installed under a regular user account with Administrator privileges.
You must install on an NTFS file system.
In order to use the automation feature in Version 1.0, you need to install PlanetPress®
Workflow 8. This can be installed on the same machine as an existing PlanetPress® Suite 7.6 installation or on a new computer. For more information, please see section 11, Using PlanetPress® Workflow with PlanetPress® Connect.
As with any JAVA application, the more RAM available, the faster the product will execute.
Installing PlanetPress® Connect on Machines without Internet Access
In order to install PlanetPress® Connect it is necessary for the GoDaddy Root Certificate Authority to
be installed (G2 Certificate) on the host machine and for this to be verified online. When a machine hosting the installation does not have access to the Internet, the installation will fail because the verification cannot be performed. To solve this problem you must first ensure that all Windows updates have been installed on the host machine. You then need to complete the following steps:
1. Go to https://certs.godaddy.com/repository and download the following two certificates to
copy to the offline machine:
GoDaddy Class 2 Certification Authority Root Certificate - G2 - the file is gdroot-g2.crt GoDaddy Secure Server Certificate (Intermediate Certificate) - G2 - the file is gdig2.crt
2. Install the certificates: Right mouse click -> Install Certificate, and follow the steps through
the subsequent wizard.
3. Now copy the PlanetPress® Connect installer to the offline machine and start the installation
as normal
1. Starting the Installer for the Designer\Server
The PlanetPress® Connect installer may supplied as an ISO image or on a CD:
If an ISO image, either burn the ISO onto a CD or unzip the contents to a folder (keeping the
folder structure)
If on a CD, either insert the CD and initiate the installation from there or copy the contents to
a folder (keeping the folder structure)
You then need to navigate to the PlanetPress_Connect_Setup_x86.exe and double-click on it. After a while the Setup Wizard will appear to guide you through the installation steps:
+ 14 hidden pages