KeywordsSSL2108X, Buck, down converter, AC/DC conver te r, retrofit SSL, LED
driver, LED retrofit lamp, non-dimmable
AbstractThe SSL2108X is a range of high-voltage Integrated Circuits (ICs),
intended to drive non-dimmable retrofit LED lamps in general lighting
applications. This document describes the evaluation board for mains
operated non-dimmable LED drivers using the SSL21081, SSL21082,
SSL21083 and SSL21084 controller ICs.
Refer to the SSL2108X data sheet for details on the SSL2108X device
and application note AN11041 for general application information.
NXP Semiconductors
SSL2108X buck evaluation board
Revision history
v.120110830first issue
Contact information
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The non-insulated high voltages that are present when operating this product, constitute a
risk of electric shock, personal injury, death and/or ignition of fire.
This product is intended for evaluation purposes only. It shall be operated in a designated test
area by personnel qualified according to local requirements and labor laws to work with
non-insulated mains voltages and high-voltage circuits. This product shall never be operated
The SSL2108X is a family of high-voltage Integrated Circuits (IC), designed to drive
non-dimmable retrofit LED lamps in general lighting applications. The product family
consists of four ICs with different configurations which are shown in Table 1
Table 1.SSL2108X type number overview
TypePackage V
SSL21081SO8100 to 120300 V; 2 no
SSL21083SO8100 to 230600 V; 5 no
(V (AC))
SSL2108X buck evaluation board
Internal MOSFET
Adjustable brownout
[1] SO12 package variants have more fused leads for lower thermal resistance and can be used when a higher
output power is needed.
Main benefits of the product family are:
• Small Printed-Circuit Board (PCB) footprint providing a compact solution
• High-efficiency (up to 95 %)
• Ease of integration
• Low electronic Bill Of Material (BOM)
The SSL2108X provides accurate output control with more than 5 % LED current
accuracy. The ICs can operate using Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) dimming and have
many protection features including easy external temperature feedback.
The SSL2108X driver family is the high performance solution for the next generation of
retrofit LED lamps. These ICs provide a high efficiency, high-power factor solution in a
small form factor.
Remark: Unless otherwise stated all voltages are in V (DC).
This reference board is connected to a high AC voltage (up to 250 V). Avoid touching the
demo board during operation. An isolated housing is obligatory when used in
uncontrolled, non-laboratory environments. Galvanic iso lation of the ma ins p hase using a
fixed or variable transformer (Variac) is always recommended. These devices are
recognized by the symbols shown in Figure 1
Fig 1.Variac isolation symbols
SSL2108X buck evaluation board
a. Isolatedb. Not isolated
3. Specification
100 kHz-
70 mm 60 mm 23 mmmaximum footprint
Table 2.Specifications for the reference board
AC line input voltage
SSL21081 and SSL2108285 V (AC) to 138 V (AC)optimized for 100 V (AC)
SSL21083 and SSL21084230 V (AC)optimized for 100 V (AC)
Output voltage (V
SSL21081 and SSL2108220 V to 70 Voptimized for 60 V
SSL21083 and SSL2108420 V to 140 Voptimized for 120 V