T W R - S 0 8 L L / L H U S E R G U I D E A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 0
1) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) prevention measures should be used when handling this
product. ESD damage is not a warranty repair item.
2) Axiom Manufacturing does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of
any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under patent
rights or the rights of others.
3) EMC Information on the TWR-S08 board:
a) This product as shipped from the factory with associated power supplies and cables,
has been verified to meet with requirements of CE and the FCC as a CLASS A product.
b) This product is designed and intended for use as a development platform for hardware
or software in an educational or professional laboratory.
c) In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in which case the
user may be required to take adequate prevention measures.
d) Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the products operation from the
factory default as shipped may effect its performance and cause interference with
nearby electronic equipment. If such interference is detected, suitable mitigating
measures should be taken.
This development module utilizes option select jumpers to configure default board operation.
Terminology for application of the option jumpers is as follows:
Jumper – a plastic shunt that connects 2 terminals electrically
Jumper on, in, or installed = jumper is a plastic shunt that fits across 2 pins and the shunt is
installed so that the 2 pins are connected with the shunt.
Jumper off, out, or idle = jumper or shunt is installed so that only 1 pin holds the shunt, no 2
pins are connected, or jumper is removed. It is recommended that the jumpers be placed
idle by installing on 1 pin so they will not be lost.
Cut-Trace – a circuit trace connection between component pads. The circuit trace may be
cut using a knife to break the default connection. To reconnect the circuit, simply install a
suitably sized 0-ohm resistor or attach a wire across the pads.
Signal names followed by an asterisk (*) denote active-low signals.
T W R - S 0 8 L L / L H U S E R G U I D E A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 0
The TWR-S08 demonstration board is designed to accept any member of the MC9S08LL or
MC9S08LH family of MCU’s from Freescale. The board is designed to interface with the
Freescale Tower System, a modular development platform which aids in rapid prototyping and
tool-reuse. The integrated Open-Source BDM, software tools, and examples provided with the
development board make application development and debug quick and easy. All MCU
signals are available on one or both edge connectors.
For purposes of this document, the TWR-S08 is described without regard to the MCU installed.
Exceptions will be clearly noted.
10 MHz Bus Frequency
Dual Footprint for 80LQFP or 64LQFP
MMA7361L Analog Accelerometer
RS-232 Serial Interface w/ 2x5 pin header
Open-Source BDM fully supported by CodeWarrior
BDM_PORT header for external BDM cable support
(not installed)
On-board +3.3V regulator
Battery holder for coin-cell battery (mounted on bottom)
Optional Power from USB-BDM or Tower System through edge connectors
Power Input Selection Jumpers
Power input from USB-BDM
Power input from on-board regulator
Power from battery holder, CR2325
Power input from Tower System edge connector
User Components Provided
4 Push Switches
4 LED Indicators
5K ohm POT w /LP Filter
Light Sensor w/ LP Filter and Op Amp
Board Size 3.55” x 3.20” overall
Power Input: +5V from USB connector or from Tower System
T W R - S 0 8 L L / L H U S E R G U I D E A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 0
The OSBDM will not connect to the TWR-S08 board if the target MCU is in
STOP mode. Wake the target device with an external event then connect to
the target.
To get started quickly, please refer to the TWR-S08_QSG Quick Start Guide. This quick start
will illustrate connecting the board to a PC, installing the correct version of CodeWarrior
Development Studio, and running a simple LCD program.
The TWR-S08 is designed to support the complete line of MC9S08LL and MC9S08LH MCU’s.
Refer to the associated target MCU Reference Manual (RM) for details on the target MCU
memory map.
Software development requires the use of a compiler or an assembler supporting the HCS08
instruction set and a host PC operating a debug interface. CodeWarrior Development Studio
for Microcontrollers is supplied with this board for application development and debug.
Application development and debug for the target TWR-S08 board is supported through the
Open-Source Background Debug Mode (OSBDM) interface. The OSBDM is fully supported in
CodeWarrior and provides direct, non-intrusive access to the target device internals. While in
BDM mode, no internal resources are used. Code stepping and break-points are fully
Connection between a host PC and the target device is provided via a mini-B, USB connector.
The OSBDM is capable of providing power to the target board eliminating the need for external
power. Please note that power supplied by the OSBDM is limited by the USB specification.
When powered through the OSBDM, total current draw, including the OSBDM, TWR-S08
board, and Tower System must remain less that 500mA. Otherwise, the USB bus will cause
the host PC to disconnect the board. Damage to the host PC, target board, or Tower System
may result if this current limit is violated.
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