2 Hardware Features ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 System Power ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 Clock Sources for the MC56F84789 DSC ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Serial I/O Source Select Headers ................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.3 LEDs Controlled by the MC56F84789 DSC ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.4 Motor Control Connector ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.6 Tower Elevator Connectors ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.3.7 Thermistors as Analog Inputs ................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.8 CAN Transceiver .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.3.9 IRQ or Input Pushbuttons ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
2.4.2 USB Serial Bridge Interface ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.3 Clocking the OSBDM/OSJTAG MCU (MC9S08JM60) ........................................................................................................ 16
2.4.4 OSBDM/OSJTAG/UART Function Select Header ............................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A – Tower Elevator Connector Pin Functions .............................................................. 20
Appendix B – TWR-56F8400 Board Schematic ............................................................................... 23
Appendix C – TWR-56F8400 Board BOM .......................................................................................... 24
Appendix D – TWR-56F8400 Board Jack Layout Top View ............................................................ 1
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 2 of 35
JLW Ported from MC56F8257 to the 32-bit MC56F84789
Revision History
Revision Date Changes
O 12 Dec 2009 Input from Jay Hartvigsen
O.01 4 Jan 2010 Update from Jay Hartvigsen
Reordered list of features in overview to match the table of
contents order. Correction to Table 2. Added LED Label
column in table 3. Added requested comment on CAN TXD
and RXD nets – that they also go to the elevator connector.
O.02 21 Jan 2010
O.03 29 Jan 2010 Updated document list in section 1.2 by Petr Stekl
Improved description of USB Serial Bridge Interface and
moved the circuit description of this interface from section
2.3.2 to section 2.4.2. Added Tower Elevator Connector
table. Added an appendix to put the schematic in. Added
0.02 6 March 2012 JLW corrections to composite signal names
0.03 6 March 2012
0.04 7 March 2012 JLW added back schematic as rev B
25 February
27 February
Note: OSBDM implies “also OSJTAG” below.
Due to the tight layout, added appendix for layout of
headers used for jumpers to aid in their identification.
JLW responded to customer feedback as well as Ankar
JLW removed schematic. Editor to embed schematic as
object. Corrected TOWER signal names per latest. Included
new functionality of S08 firmware for CDC serial port.
Released to publications.
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 3 of 35
The MC56F8400 Tower 32-bit MCU Module (TWR-56F8400) is an evaluation, demonstration and
development board. The TWR-56F8400 can operate stand-alone or as the main control board in a
Tower system with peripheral modules. It can also be used as the main control board with an
APMOTOR56F8000E motor control board.
The following list summarizes the features of the TWR-56F8400:
• 32 bit Digital Signal Controller module featuring MC56F84789
• Tower compatible
• Selectable Power sources:
o USB on 56F8400 card
o Barrel connector on 56F8400 card
o Motor control board plug direct to 56F8400 card, no Tower connection, plug Motor
control to nine volts
o Tower elevator board (USB or Barrel on Primary side)
• Filtered power for VDDA and VSSA on the 32-bit MC56F84789DSC
• MC56F84789 DSC (Digital Signal Controller) in an 100 LQFP package
• Optional 8 MHz crystal circuit for the MC56F84789 DSC
• 9 LEDs controlled by the MC56F84789 DSC
• Motor Control Board connector for the APMOTOR56F8000E motor control board
• Auxiliary Signal connector
• Four Thermistors for single ended or differential analog inputs to the MC56F84789 DSC
• CAN transceiver, header, and termination
• Two push buttons for user input or interrupts to the MC56F84789 DSC
• Reset push button for the MC56F84789 DSC
• JTAG header for the MC56F84789 DSC with header to disconnect from OSBDM/OSJTAG
• Headers to connect SCI signals to either USB bridge with CDC(one channel) or elevator board
(two channels) or connect one to each
• Expansion via Primary Elevator connector
• MC9S08JM60 (‘JM60) MCU with a 4 MHz crystal provides:
o Open Source Debug (OSBDM/OSJTAG) circuit
o USB to SCI bridge with CDC and other techniques supported by third parties
o Simultaneious OSBDM/OSJTAG and USB to SCI bridge functions with no header required
to select
o Bootloader enable header allows easy upgrade to latest S08 firmware pushed down by
o BDM header for the MC9S08JM60 MCU
o Status and Target Power indicator LEDs
o Control of semiconductor switch to enable power to board from USB
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 4 of 35
Motor Control&
Aux Connectors
(SPI, I2C, ADC, FEC, TPM, SCI, KB, etc.)
Freescale Device
External Connectors
Interface Circuits
Debug, Power, SCI Headers)
Barrel Power Connector
Boot load HDR
o Voltage translators between 5V MC9S08JM60 MCU chip and 3.3V MC56F84789 DSC
1.1 Block Diagram
A block diagram for the TWR-56F8400 is shown in Figure 1 below.
Tower Elevator Expansion Connectors
Power Selection HDRs
Voltage Regulator
• LEDs & Buffers (9)
• IRQ PB & HDRs (2)
Digital Signal Controller
• Thermistors & HDRs (4)
• Analog Filters
• Microphone (optional)
Figure 1. TWR-56F8400 Block Diagram
1.2 Reference Documents
The documents listed below should be referenced for more information on the Freescale Tower
system and the TWR-56F8400. Refer to http://www.freesale.com/tower for the latest revision of all
Tower documentation.
• Freescale Tower Electromechanical Specification
• TWR-56F8400 Quick Start Guide
• TWR-56F8400 Lab Tutorials
• MC56F84XXX Reference Manual
• MC56F84XXX Data Sheet
• MC56F84XXX Chip Errata [if exists]
• AN3561, USB Bootloader for the MC9S08JM60
• Serial Bootloader for MC56F84XXX User Guide
• APMOTOR56F8000e Motor Control Demonstration System User Manual
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 5 of 35
2 Hardware Features
This section provides more details about the features and functionality of the TWR-56F8400.
A drawing of the TWR-56F8400 showing the jack locations is shown in Appendix D. Features are
discussed below.
2.1 Tower MCU Module
The TWR-56F8400 board is an MCU Module designed for standalone use (or with a Freescale Tower
system) and complies with the electrical and mechanical specification as described in Freescale Tower Electromechanical Specification. Connection to the Tower system is through two expansion card-edge
connectors that interface to the Elevator boards in a Tower system: the Primary and Secondary
Elevator connectors. The Primary Elevator connector, comprised of sides A and B, is utilized by the
TWR-56F8400, while the Secondary Elevator connector only makes connections to ground (GND). On
sheet 8 of the schematic the J500A and J500B symbols have names assigned to the card edge fingers
that correspond with the normal Tower pin assignments.
2.2 System Power
The TWR-56F8400 board has three power rails. They are P5V_USB, P3_3V and P3_3V/5V. They are
sourced and used as follows:
2.2.1 P5V_USB
The P5V_USB power rail is derived from the Mini-B USB connector at J18 and the inductor at L2. It is
used to power the on board OSBDM/OSJTAG/Serial Bridge circuit. This consists of the OSBDM/OSJTAG
MCU at U6, several pull-up resistors at R13, R14, R15, R527, and R528, the USB power switch at U501,
and the STATUS and TPWR LEDs at D12 and D13. If there is no USB cable connected to J18 there is no
power on this rail and these circuits are all powered down.
2.2.2 P3_3V
The P3_3V power rail is derived from a) the P3_3V_MOTOR power net from the motor control board
connector at J501, b) the P3_3V_ELEV power net from the tower connector at J500, or c) the on board
3.3V regulator at U1. The selection of which source is made with a shunt from J7-2 to another pin of J7
or to J6. Table 6 shows the operation of the different shunt positions. The selection of power into the
regulator is made with a shunt from J11-2 to another pin of J11 or to J10 which selects from a) the
P5V_TRG_USB power net out of the USB switch at U501, b) the P5V_ELEV power net from the elevator
connection at J500 pins A1 and B1, or c) the PWR_IN power net from the 2mm barrel jack at J3 through
resettable fuse F1. Table 6 shows the operation of the different shunt positions. The barrel jack input is
protected from reverse voltage inputs by diode D11. The input to the barrel jack may be from a 5V to
9V source and needs to be center positive.
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 6 of 35
The P3_3V power rail provides power to the majority of the circuits on the board including the
MC56F84789 (including the analog power pins through L500 and L501), inverters at U500 and U502, a
buffer at U505, the on board LEDs at D1-D9, the thermistor divider circuits at RT1-RT4, and the pull-up
resistors at R2, R3, R11, R565, R570, and R562.
2.2.3 P3_3V/5V
The P3_3V/5V power rail is derived from the diode OR (using D500 and D501) of a) the P5V_ELEV
power net from the elevator connection (J500 pins A1 and B1), b) the P5V output of the USB power
switch at U501, or c) the P3_3V power rail from J7. When there is a USB cable connected or when the
tower elevator boards are connected this power rail will be a Schottky diode drop (about 0.3V) below
the 5V power nets. When there is no 5V source this power rail will be a Schottky diode drop below the
P3.3V power rail. This allows the inputs of the ICs powered by this rail to stay in a high impedance state
instead of loading down the inputs through the input protection diodes as would happen if there were
no power supplied to the buffers.
2.2.4 Default Power Configuration
The TWR-56F8400 board default power configuration uses the OSBDM/OSJTAG USB port for all power.
As soon as the OSBDM/OSJTAG firmware has started it negotiates with the Host PC USB port for full
USB power. Once approved it enables the 5V USB power switch (U501) which provides 5V to the
P3_3V/5V power rail and to the 3.3V regulator (U1) through headers J10 and J11. Likewise, the on
board voltage regulator provides 3.3V to the P3_3V power rail through headers J6 and J7. The 3.3V
regulator is able to provide up to 700 mA subject to the power dissipation and temperature limits of
the device.
2.3 MC56F84789 DSC
The primary circuits on the board are related to the MC56F84789 DSC. This part is supplied in a surface
mounted 100pin LQFP package at U2. Although the board was laid out to allow a ZIF socket at U3 in
parallel to the chip at U2 the TWR-56F8400 is only available for purchase with the surface mounted
2.3.1 Clock Sources for the MC56F84789 DSC
Three options are provided for clocking the MC56F84789 device:
1. Oscillator internal to the MC56F84789 chip – approximately 8 MHz.
2. 8 MHz crystal
3. External clock input from Primary Tower Connector or the AUX Connector.
The internal oscillator is used to clock the MC56F84789 immediately following reset. This is the default
operation. In this mode the zero ohm resistors at R4 and R10 allow the GPIOC0 and GPIOC1 pins of the
MC56F84789 to be used as inputs or outputs.
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 7 of 35
GPIOF8/RXD0/TB1 from the 56F84789
To use an external crystal with the MC56F84789, zero ohm resistors R4 and R10 must be removed and
placed in the R5 and R7 positions. The desired crystal, load capacitors, and parallel resistor (if needed)
must be soldered to the board at Y1, C5, C6, and R6. (These components are not provided with the
TWR-56F8400 kit.) Following reset, reconfigure the GPIOC0 and GPIOC1 pins to the XTAL and EXTAL
functions to allow the use of an external crystal.
To use an external clock for the MC56F84789 make sure the zero ohm resistors are installed at R4 and
R10 and removed from R5 and R7. Provide a clock signal on either the Primary Tower Connector J500A
- pin B24 (the pin designated as CLOCKIN0) or on the AUX connector J502 - pin 8. Following reset,
configure the GPIOC0 pin to the CLKIN input function. In this mode the zero ohm resistor at R10 allows
the GPIOC1 pin of the MC56F84789 (pin 10) to be used as an input or output.
2.3.2 Serial I/O Source Select Headers
The TWR-56F8400 board allows the UART functions of the MC56F84789 DSC to be connected to a
serial interface at the primary Tower Connector J500A or through a USB bridge to the Host PC using the
OSBDM/OSJTAG MCU (U6). The selection of the RXD connections is done with the header at J8 as
shown in Table 1. The selection of the TXD connections is done with the header at J9 as shown in Table
Table 1. J8 – RXD Source Select Header
J8 – RXD Source Select Header
Pin # Connected Signal Description
1 ELEV_RXD0 at J500A pin A41 Shunt pins 1 and 2 together to connect the DSC
RXDO pin to the primary Tower Connector RXD0
pin. (This is a default position.)
DSC – pin 6 (RXD0 function)
3 RXD_SEL from the USB bridge
function on the OSBDM/OSJTAG
4 GPIOF5/RXD1/XB_OUT5 from the
56F84789 DSC – pin 42 (RXD1
5 ELEV_RXD1 at J500 pin A43 Shunt pins 4 and 5 together to connect the DSC
Shunt pins 2 and 3 together to connect the DSC
RXD0 pin to the USB serial bridge function.
Shunt pin 3 and 4 together to connect the DSC
RXD1 pin to the USB serial bridge function.
RXD1 pin to the primary Tower Connector RXD1
pin. (This is a default position.)
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 8 of 35
Table 2. J9 – TXD Source Select Header
J9 – TXD Source Select Header
Pin # Connected Signal Description
1 ELEV_TXD0 at J500A pin A42 Shunt pins 1 and 2 together to connect the DSC
TXDO pin to the primary Tower Connector TXD0
pin. (This is a default position.)
from the 56F84789 DSC – pin 5 (TXD0
3 TXD_SEL to the USB bridge function
4 GPIOF4/TXD1/XB_OUT4 from the
56F84789 DSC – pin 41 (TXD1
5 ELEV_TXD1 at J500 pin A44 Shunt pins 4 and 5 together to connect the DSC
As can be seen in the tables the 56F84789 DSC serial signals may be connected to either the Tower
serial signals or to the USB bridge chip; however, only one channel may be connected to the USB
bridge chip. If the associated 56F84789 DSC serial pins are not being used for the serial functions the
shunts should be removed from those pins. For more information on the USB Serial Bridge function see
section 2.4.2USB Serial Bridge Interface.
Shunt pins 2 and 3 together to connect the DSC
TXD0 pin to the USB serial bridge function.
Shunt pin 3 and 4 together to connect the DSC
TXD1 pin to the USB serial bridge function.
TXD1 pin to the primary Tower Connector TXD1
pin. (This is a default position.)
2.3.3 LEDs Controlled by the MC56F84789 DSC
There are nine LEDs with buffers connected to the MC56F84789 DSC. Inverting buffers (U500A-F and
U502D-F) isolate the LEDs from the DSC pins by providing high impedance inputs. The LEDs are
powered by the P3_3V rail and draw about 5mA each. Table 3 shows the DSC pin names associated
with each LED.
Table 3. LEDs Controlled by the MC56F84789 DSC
LEDs Controlled by the MC56F84789 DSC
MC56F84789 DSC
Pin Name
GPIOE0/PWMA_0B 68 D1 E0 Green
GPIOE1/PWMA_0A 69 D2 E1 Yellow
GPIOE2/PWMA_1B 74 D3 E2 Green
GPIOE3/PWMA_1A 75 D4 E3 Yellow
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 9 of 35
Pin Number
GPIOE4/PWMA_2B/XB_IN2 82 D5 E4 Green
GPIOE5/PWMA_2A/XB_IN3 83 D6 E5 Yellow
84 D7 E6 Green
85 D8 E7 Yellow
94 D9 F6 Amber
2.3.4 Motor Control Connector
The TWR-56F8400 board may be connected to a motor control board such as the APMOTOR56F8000E.
The motor control connector (J501) is on the bottom of the board to provide a convenient connection
to the motor control board.
Some of the MC56F84789 DSC pins are connected to the motor control connector. Those pins
associated with analog inputs have 100 ohm resistors in series to provide some ESD protection for the
analog inputs of the DSC. Those pins providing analog signals from the motor control board have 2200
pf caps with the resistors to provide a low pass filter. The connector pin out is shown in Table 4.
In addition to the motor control connector the TWR-56F8400 board also provides two auxiliary
connectors (J502 and J503) on the bottom of the board. These connectors provide access to the
MC56F84789 DSC signals that are not covered by the motor control connector. Those pins associated
with analog inputs have 100 ohm resistors in series to provide some ESD protection for the analog
inputs of the DSC. The connector pin out is shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Auxiliary Connector J502 Pin Out
Auxiliary Connectors J502 and J503 Pin Out
TWR-56F8400 User’s Manual Page 11 of 35
MC56F84789 DSC Signal Pin
MC56F84789 DSC Signal
(With 100 ohms in series)
(With 100 ohms in series)
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