NXP Semiconductors TED-Kit 2 User Manual

TED-Kit 2
User manual
Document information
TED-Kit 2, HITAG, Immobilizer, PKE, RKE
The purpose of this document is to describe how to install and use the TED-Kit 2 and its GUI software. The intended audiences are engineers planning to use the TED-Kit 2.
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1. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to describe how to install and use the TED-Kit 2 and its GUI software. The intended audiences are engineers planning to use the TED-Kit 2.
Section 2 gives a very brief system overview to explain all the terms used throughout this manual.
Section 3 describes in detail what requirements the host system must meet to use the TED-Kit 2 software and hardware, how to install the software and how to remove it after­wards.
Section 4 gives a quick-start in 5 simple steps to authenticate with a HITAG 2 trans­ponder and show the content of its EEPROM.
Section 5 introduces the GUI and shows how to accomplish common tasks like configur­ing the base station and interacting with a transponder IC.
Section 6 describes all elements of the user interface in detail; it may be used as a refer­ence.
Section 7 describes some tips & tricks and how to deal with operation errors.
Section 8 shows the PCBs and schematics of the TED-Kit 2 hardware.
2. System overview
This chapter will give a brief system overview to explain all the terms used throughout this manual.
The TED-Kit 2 system consists of hardware and software used to evaluate and demon­strate the base station and transponder functionality of NXP devices. Fig 1 illustrates all major components of a typical system setup.
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Fig 1. System Overview
The host PC running the TED-Kit 2 software connects with the TED-Kit 2 box via USB. One or two external LF antennas are connected (depending on the internal configura­tion). Via the antenna, the TED-Kit 2 box exchanges data with the transponder IC found in e.g. a key.
The TED-Kit 2 box itself has 4 so called XSlots. Each of them can take one XBoard con­taining actual functionality like e.g. an ABIC1 base station IC. On one side of the box, the USB connector and the external power supply can be found. The later is used if the XBoards require extra power which cannot be delivered by the USB port. Besides that, a power and a data indicator can be found. The first lights as soon as power is available and the TED-Kit 2 box can be used, the second lights if data are transmitted to or from it via USB.
On the opposite side of the TED-Kit 2 box, the two antenna plugs for LF antenna #0 and #1 can be found. Aside of them, 4 LED indicators are located used for several different purposes (e.g. to indicate some status or error condition). Next to the LEDs, 2 buttons
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Remote Keyless Entry
Passive Keyless Entry
are found which can be used by the firmware of the TED-Kit 2 box (they have no function yet).
2.1 Supported applications and hardware
The table below shows the supported applications and the hardware required by the TED-Kit 2 system:

Table 1. Supported applications and hardware

3. Setup
This chapter will explain the necessary system requirements for the TED-Kit 2 software and hardware as well as how to install and remove the software.
3.1 System requirements
The computer system used as host for the TED-Kit 2 software and hardware must meet the following requirements:
1. It must run Windows XP. Although it is expected that Windows 2000, Vista and 7 will work also, these systems are not tested and not supported.
2. For each TED-Kit 2 box, a free USB (Version 2) port must be available on the host PC. Although it is expected that USB V1 or V1.1 ports will work also, this is not tested and thus, not supported.
3. The screen size shall be at least 1024 x 768 pixels. Although the software will run on screens with lower size, it is not recommended because the use of GUI and its forms will become less convenient.
4. Software to show Adobe PDF documents shall be installed on the system to be able to read the documentation and the data sheets.
5. The user account used to install the software must have administration rights (due to device driver and system component installation procedures).
3.2 Installing the software
Note: To avoid any conflicts with previous versions of this software, it is recom­mended to remove them before continue installing a new version.
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The installation process is quite simple. Insert the media containing the TED-Kit 2 Setup software in the host PC and run Setup.exe. The installer will guide the user through the installation process.
Before starting the software for the first time, please install the hardware (see section 3.3, page 6).
Note: To read the documentation and the data sheets, proper PDF reader software
is required. Please make sure your system contains such software, e.g. Adobe’s
PDF Reader (available for free from Adobe).
3.3 Installing the hardware
Usually, the hardware comes ready to use with everything installed already. In case the XBoard is delivered separately, it must be installed in the TED-Kit 2 board first:
1. Open the TED-Kit 2 box removing 4 screws (2 at each front side).
2. Plug the ABIC1 XBoard in the XSlot #0 of the TED-Kit 2 main board. XSlot #0 can be found on the main board; a label says Extension slots 0 and 1. It is the one closer to the USB and power supply plugs. It might be necessary to open the TED-Kit 2 box first.
3. Plug the antenna in port LF0. Port LF0 is the antenna port closer to the 4 status LEDs.
4. Plug the USB cable in the USB port of the TED-Kit 2 and the host PC.
5. The Windows Hardware Wizard will pop-up and ask for the appropriate driver. Point it to:
[TED-Kit 2 Installation Folder]\Device Driver
6. The Hardware Wizard will finish the driver installation.
3.4 Removing the software
4. Quick start
To remove the software from the PC, the standard procedure of the Windows operating system shall be used. It will delete all software components as well as the installed driver software, manuals and (if installed) the software development components.
This section shows how to connect with a transponder, authenticate and read out its EEPROM content very briefly. It will not give any detailed explanations. To walk through the steps, the software must be already successfully installed. The PCF7936AS (HI­TAG 2) transponder used in this example must be configured to do authentication in plain mode with the default settings and passwords.
1. Start the GUI via (Fig 2):
SSttaarrttAAllll PPrrooggrraammssNNXXPP SSeemmiiccoonndduuccttoorrssTTEEDD--KKiitt 22 VV33TTEEDD--KKiitt 2
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Fig 2. TED-Kit 2 main window
Fig 3. HITAG 2 immobilizer selection
2. Expand the HHIITTAAGG 22 node of the IImmmmoobbiilliizzeerr tree in the applet view and double-click
A to open the Immobilizer applet form (Fig 3).
3. Click the SSttaarrtt button to start the immobilizer applet form popping up (Fig 4).
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Fig 4. HITAG2 authentication starting
Fig 5. HITAG 2 authentication running
4. The immobilizer applet runs and authenticates the transponder with the default communication and authentication settings (Fig 5).
5. Click the EEEEPPRROOMM…… button to open the memory window and see the content (Fig 6).
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Fig 6. HITAG2 EEPROM content
5. Using the GUI software
This chapter will explain the basic concepts of the GUI software and how to perform common tasks. For a detailed reference of all functions offered, p 7, page 39.
To explain the functionality, the Immobilizer application with a PCF7991 (ABIC1) base station and a PCF7937EA (HITAG2-Extended) transponder is demonstrated.
5.1 Start the GUI
It is assumed that no TED-Kit 2 is currently plugged-in. To start the GUI, click:
SSttaarrttAAllll PPrrooggrraammssNNXXPP SSeemmiiccoonndduuccttoorrssTTEEDD--KKiitt 22 VV33TTEEDD--KKiitt 22
The splash screen appears, the application loads and shows the main window (Fig 7).
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Fig 7. TED-Kit 2 main window
The GUI will store its window size and location as well as the size of the Hardware-, App­let- and Message View. Each time it is restarted, these settings are restored. The set­tings are saved in this file:
[Current User’s Application Data]\NXP Semiconductors\TED-Kit 2\[Version]\config.dat
For a typical Windows XP installation, this resolves to (for user Me and software version
C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Application Data\NXP Semiconductors\TED-Kit 2\3.1.0\config.dat
5.2 Exploring the connected TED-Kit 2 boxes
The upper left part of the main window always shows the hardware view. Here, a list with all connected TED-Kit 2 boxes appears. For each TED-Kit 2 box found, a new root node is created in the tree. Now, plug-in the TED-Kit 2 box in any USB port of the PC and wait until the hardware is detected and the hardware refreshes its content.
Note: The TED-Kit 2 GUI is able of handling multiple TED-Kit 2 boxes at once. DON’T start a new GUI for each TED-Kit 2 box attached to the computer. This will result in undefined behavior.
Depending on the board, the firmware or the hardware check may fail. This will result in different warning dialogs explained in sections 5.8 and 5.9.
If everything is OK with the board, the hardware view looks like Fig 8a. It shows one con­nected TED-Kit 2 box in the hardware view with the serial number A1Q55A99.
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a. collapsed
b. expanded
Fig 8. Hardware view
Fig 9. Hardware view details
Note: TED-Kit 2 boxes can be plugged-in before or after starting the GUI. They are automatically detected. The hardware can also be removed at any time while the GUI is running.
Expanding the nodes will show the configuration of each TED-Kit 2 box according to the XSlots and XBoards plugged in. For each XBoard found, the connected antenna(s) are shown in the tree also (Fig 8b).
The TED-Kit 2 box currently connected has one XBoard: In slot #0, an ABIC1 which is connected to LF antenna #0 (LF0). The slots #1, #2 and #3 are empty. The Hardware View information is shown in Fig 9.
To get an even more detailed look at each TED-Kit 2 box, double-click on the tree node of the TED-Kit 2 of interest. A window showing all details available opens (refer to section
6.5 for details).
Double-clicking an ABIC1 node shown in the hardware view will open the ABIC1 XBoard configuration window explained in section 6.6.1.
Double-clicking a LoPSTer node will open the LoPSTer XBoard configuration window explained in section 6.6.2.
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a. Transponder families
c. Transponder types
Fig 10. Applet view
Fig 11. Applet view deactivated
5.3 Exploring the available applets
The lower left part of the main window shows the applet view (Fig 10a).
Here, all available applets are listed. In the current version of the software, three different applets exist: Immobilizer, Immobilizer/RKE and Immobilizer/RKE/PKE. Expanding the Immobilizer node shows all transponder families supported by this applet, expanding a family node shows all transponder types belonging to that family (Fig 10b).
The Applet View not just shows the available applets and supported transponder fami­lies. It also tracks the connected TED-Kit 2 boxes and their resources. If all resources are consumed by one or more applets running, the applets which cannot be started anymore are grayed out.
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Fig 12. Immobilizer applet
In Fig 11 there is one TED-Kit 2 box connected with one ABIC1 base station XBoard. Thus, the Immobilizer applet could be started.
To run an RKE or PKE applet, a LoPSTer XBoard is required. Because the current TED­Kit 2 does not have any, the Immobilizer/RKE and the Immobilizer/RKE/PKE applet trees are grayed out.
To run any of them, the current TED-Kit 2 box must be equipped with a proper LoPSTer board or a second TED-Kit 2 box (with at least one ABIC1 XBoard and one LoPSTer board) must be plugged-in. This can be done without closing the TED-Kit 2 GUI.
Note: If an applet (e.g. Immobilizer) consumes all remaining resources, the af­fected parts of the applet view are also grayed out to avoid starting applets without having proper hardware resources.
5.4 Running immobilizer applet
To run the Immobilizer applet, double click at one of the transponders of the desired family node below the Immobilizer node of the applet view. This will set the default values for this transponder in advance (all settings can be changed afterwards though).
The Immobilizer applet window appears (Fig 12).
The window contains three different parts: In the upper part, the IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree frame which shows the currently configured infrastructure for the applet. In the window shown
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Fig 13. ABIC1 configuration window
above, the infrastructure consists of one base station (the ABIC1 in slot #0 of the TED­Kit 2 box named My TED-Kit) and one PCF7937E transponder of the HITAG 2 Extended family.
In the middle part, the AApppplliiccaattiioonn frame which allows starting and stopping the applica­tion. Currently, it is stopped (the start button is active and window title says: stopped).
The CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn frame at the bottom of the window allows making all settings relevant for the applet. That includes authentication modes, passwords etc.
5.4.1 Configuring the ABIC1
To configure an ABIC1 XBoard, two options are available. Either double click at the proper node of the Hardware View (see section 6.2) or click the CCoonnffiigguurree…… button in the applet window. The following window appears (Fig 13).
For a detailed description of the settings, please refer to section 6.6.
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Fig 14. ABIC1 default configuration
Fig 15. Immobilizer Tx/Rx configuration
In this example, the ABIC1 default settings are used. To re-apply them, select the trans­ponder family being used (HITAG2-Extended for this example) and click DDeeffaauulltt (Fig 14).
5.4.2 Communication settings
The Immobilizer applet allows configuring the transmission and reception parameters for the LF-Link in detail. To view or change the transmission and reception, click the CCoonnffiigg
button in the Immobilizer applet window ().
A new window opens and gives access to all communication settings of the LF-Link available. The settings are separated in TTrraannssmmiissssiioonn ttoo TTrraannssppoonnddeerr (Tx) and RReecceeppttiioonn
ffrroomm TTrraannssppoonnddeer
r (Rx), see Fig 16.
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Fig 16. Tx/Rx configuration
5.4.3 Starting immobilizer
To run the Immobilizer application, return to the applet window. Before actually starting the application, the communication settings have to be specified. This is done in the app­let window itself.
In this tutorial, the default settings are used. To apply them, just click on the DDeeffaauulltt but­ton in the applet window (Fig 17).
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Fig 17. Immobilizer default settings
Fig 18. Immobilizer starting
Fig 19. Immobilizer “No Transponder”
This sets the default values (for the selected transponder) for the authentication, trans­mission and reception parameters at once.
To start the immobilizer applet, one has to click the SSttaarrtt button only (Fig 18).
Now, the applet continuously tries to authenticate with HITAG2-Extended transponder in the antenna’s field. If no transponder is in range, the Immobilizer window looks like Fig
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Fig 20. Immobilizer IDE
Fig 21. Immobilizer authenticated
Fig 22. Immobilizer authentication failed
As soon as a transponder is in range, the actual authentication sequence is started. The transponder’s IDE is shown in the appropriate field (Fig 20).
Depending on the ingredients, the authentication may be successful or not. The current state of the authentication is visualized in the status bar. For a successful authentication, it looks like Fig 21.
For a failed authentication (e.g. bad passwords), the status bar looks like Fig 22.
The time required to run a complete authentication sequence is shown.
Note: In case the authentication sequence can be completed but the transponder password is wrong, the authentication time is shown.
5.4.4 Exploring transponder memory
While the Immobilizer applet runs, the EEPROM content of the transponder in range can be explored. To open the appropriate window, click the EEEEPPRROOMM…… button in the Immobi­lizer window (Fig 23).
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Fig 23. Immobilizer EEPROM
Fig 24. EEPROM read timings
Note: This button is active only while the Immobilizer applet runs.
A new window opens showing 3 main parts. In the upper part of the window, the timings regarding each reading operation are shown.
The middle part with the tabs shows the different views for the EEPROM content and its configuration.
Note: In the EEPROM Tab only the memory pages currently visible are read from the transponder. Scrolling to another section of the grid requires a short amount of time until the actual content is shown. As long as the memory window is open the content is refreshed multiple times per second.
The EEEEPPRROOMM tab shows the memory grid for the physical page, segment, block and page number, the content of that page and a description of the value if applicable (Fig 25).
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Fig 25. EEPROM content
The TTMMCCFF tab shows the current content of the transponder modes settings (Fig 26).
In the picture shown above, the SKL bit is set and thus, cannot be altered anymore. Be­sides that, the ENC bit is set instructing the immobilizer to run ciphered authentication.
The CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn tab shows the current memory configuration of the transponder. For each Segment the size and the access mode for read and write operations can be de­fined. To prevent later manipulation the current settings for mode and size can be locked. Thus later changes are not possible anymore (Fig 27).
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Fig 27. EEPROM XMA configuration
Fig 28. EEPROM edit enable
Fig 29. EEPROM edit controls
For a detailed description please refer to the Transponder datasheet PCF7937EA.
5.4.5 Manipulating transponder memory
To modify the memory values, the edit mode of the EEPROM window has to be acti­vated. To do so, click the EEddiitt button at the bottom of the window (Fig 28).
The refresh cycle will stop and the other 4 buttons at the bottom become active (Fig 29).
To enter a new value, just scroll to the page of interest and double-click inside the cell in the column CCoonntteenntt and enter the new value. Modify any other page if required. To ac­tually write the changes to the transponder, select WWrriittee TToo TTrraannssppoonnddeerr. To discard the changes made, click Discard.
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Fig 30. Immobilizer stopping
Note: The content of the EEPROM is shown always in hexadecimal notation. New values entered are also required to be hexadecimal numbers.
To save the currently shown transponder memory to a file, select SSaavvee TToo FFiillee……. To load a previously made memory snapshot click LLooaadd FFrroomm FFiillee…… and select the proper file.
5.4.6 Stopping immobilizer
To stop the Immobilizer applet, the SSttoopp button has to be clicked (Fig 30).
5.5 Running RKE applet
To run the RKE applet, double click at one of the transponders of the desired family node below the IImmmmoobbiilliizzeerr//RRKKEE or the IImmmmoobbiilliizzeerr//RRKKEE//PPKKEE node of the applet view. This will set the default values for this transponder in advance (all settings can be changed after­wards though). The Immobilizer applet window appears first.
The RKE applet window appears if you click on the appropriate RRKKEE-tab in the application section (Fig 31).
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Fig 31. Immobilizer/RKE applet
The window contains two sections: The upper section shows the currently configured infrastructure to run the RKE applet. The LF-IImmmmoo--LLiinnkk base station is needed for the Tag-resynchronization. The UHF RRKKEE//PPKKEE--LLiinnkk base station is need for the one-way RKE application itself. The Tag combo box allows choosing the transponder family.
The application section in the lower part of the window shows all necessary parts to run RKE.
5.5.1 Configuring the ABIC1
Click on the CCoonnffiigguurree…… button of the Base Station for the Immo-Link (Fig 32) and the window for ABIC1 configuration will appear. For a detailed description of the settings, please refer to section 7.6, page 46.
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Fig 32. Immobilizer/RKE configure ABIC1
Fig 33. Immobilizer/RKE configure LoPSTer
5.5.2 Configuring the LoPSTer
Click on the CCoonnffiigguurree…… button of the Base Station for the RKE/PKE-Link (Fig 33).
The LoPSTer configuration window will appear (Fig 34). The current settings of the LoP­STer board will be read out first. Many settings are possible but be careful if you do not have much experience with this settings.
Note: The default settings read from the LoPSTer board already fit for typical ap­plications.
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