NXP ARM7-based
microcontroller with
integrated LCD controller
LH754xx and LH7952x
ARM7-based MCUs with integrated
LCD controller
These flexible, powerful microcontrollers, based on ARM7 cores, integrate an LCD controller, so
they save time-to-market for applications that use an LCD screen. Supported by comprehensive
software and hardware design tools, they make it easy to design a wide range of applications.
Key features
4 Powerful, flexible ARM cores
– 84-MHz, 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S™ (LH754xx)
– 77-MHz, 32-bit ARM720T™ (LH7952x)
4 Integrated LCD controller
– Support for STN, CSTN, TFT, and AD-TFT
– Resolutions up to 1024 x 768
– 16-level greyscale or up to 64k colors
4 Integrated touch screen controller
4 16- or 32-bit external bus with optional SDRAM controller
and NAND Flash boot capability
4 Up to 32 KB of internal SRAM and 8 KB of cache
4 Up to 10-channel, 10-bit A/D converter
4 Multiple 16-bit counter/timers and multiple PWMs
4 Real-time clock, Watchdog timer, and PLL
4 Extensive selection of serial interfaces, including SSI/SSP,
multiple UARTs, IrDA, I2C-bus, I2S, CAN 2.0B, USB 2.0
device, 10/100 Base-T Ethernet MAC
4 5 V - tolerant I/O
4 Up to 104 GPIO
4 Temperature range: -40 to +85 °C
4 LQFP and LFBGA packages
4 Any application that uses an LCD display
– Consumer
– Entertainment
– Industrial/commercial
– Medical
– Automotive
These ARM7-based microcontrollers integrate an LCD
controller, for powerful, flexible performance in all sorts of
applications, including consumer, entertainment, industrial/
commercial, medical, and automotive.
The LH754xx family uses a 84-MHz, 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S as its
core, while the the LH7952x uses a 77-MHz, 32-bit ARM720T.
They all use a 1.8-V core supply, with a 3.3-V I/O supply, and
operate within -40 to +85 °C.
High integration and a range of options make it easy to select
the right set of features, whether the end product is a low-cost
consumer device or a media-rich system.

LH754xx family
16-bit external data bus
(LH754xx, LH79525)
32-bit external data bus
(LH79520, LH79524)
NAND Flash boot capability
(LH79524, LH79525)
SDRAM controller
USB 2.0 full-speed device
(LH79524, LH79525)
10/100 Base-T Ethernet MAC
(LH79524, LH79525)
multiple UARTS
CAN 2.0B
(LH75400, LH75401)
I2C-bus or SMBus
(LH79524, LH79525)
Multiple PWMs
Multiple 16-bit counter/timers
76 GPIO (LH754xx)
64/86/104 GPIO (LH7952x)
Up to 32 KB of SRAM
Color / greyscale LCD controller
(LH75401, LH75411, LH7952x)
Greyscale LCD controller
(LH75400, LH75410)
touchscreen controller
(LH754xx, LH79524, LH79525)
Multi-channel, high-resolution
A/D converter
(LH754xx, LH79524, LH79525)
84-MHz, 32-bit ATM7TDMI-S core (LH754xx)
77-MHz, 32-bit ARM720T core (LH7952x)
Watchdog timer, real-time clock, PLL
The four devices in the LH754xx family are LH75400,
LH75401, LH75410, and LH75411.
LH7952x family
The three devices in the LH7952x family are
LH79520, LH79524, and LH79525
Third-Party Development Tools
Through third-party suppliers, we offer a range
of development and evaluation tools for our
microcontrollers. For the most current listing, please
visit www.nxp.com/microcontrollers.
LH754xx and LH7952x selection guide
Type CPU core RAM GPIO LCD controller A/D converter Serial interfaces Temperature
LH75400 ARM7TDMI-S 32 KB 76
LH75401 ARM7TDMI-S 32 KB 76
LH75410 ARM7TDMI-S 32 KB 76
LH75411 ARM7TDMI-S 32 KB 76
LH79520 ARM720T
LH79524 ARM720T
LH79525 ARM720T
8 KB (cache)
32 KB (SRAM)
8 KB (cache)
16 KB (SRAM)
8 KB (cache)
16 KB (SRAM)
© 2007 NXP N .V.
All r ights reserved . Repr oduc tion i n whole or in part is prohibi ted withou t the prio r written consent o f the copyright owner. The
inform ation presente d in this docu ment does no t form part of any qu otatio n or contra ct, is beli eved to be accur ate and relia ble and
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1024 x 768
16-level greyscale
640 x 480: 4096 colors
800 x 600: 256 colors
1024 x 768: 16 colors
1024 x 768
16-level greyscale
640 x 480: 4096 colors
800 x 600: 256 colors
1024 x 768: 16 colors
800 x 600: 64k colors
1024 x 768: 256 colors
800 x 600: 64k colors
1024 x 768: 256 colors
800 x 600: 64k colors
1024 x 768: 256 colors
LH754xx and LH7952x block diagram
8 x 10-bit with
touchscreen interface
8 x 10-bit with
touchscreen interface
8 x 10-bit with
touchscreen interface
8 x 10-bit with
touchscreen interface
10 x 10-bit with
touchscreen interface
10 x 10-bit with
touchscreen interface
3 x UART, CAN 2.0B
3 x UART, CAN 2.0B
3 x UART
3 x UART
3 x UART, IrDA
I2C-bus, I2S, USB 2.0 device,
10/100 Base-T Ethernet
I2C-bus, I2S,USB 2.0 device,
10/100 Base-T Ethernet
Date of re lease: Ju ne 2007
Docum ent orde r number: 9397 750 160 53
Printe d in the USA
range (°C)
-40 to +85 LQFP144
-40 to +85 LQFP144
-40 to +85 LQFP144
-40 to +85 LQFP144
-40 to +85 LQFP176
-40 to +85 LFBGA208
-40 to +85 LQFP176