Mode and Status Registers (Continued)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
TDO TDI CNT32 PRPG SSC Freeze Test Test
Interrupt Interrrupt Interrupt Enable Enable Pin Loop- Loop-
Enable Enable Enable Enable Back Back
This register is purely a mode register. All bits are writeable
and readable. The value 00000000 is placed in this register
upon RST low or a synchronous reset operation.
Bit 7: If this bit is set and the TDO shifter/buffer is
not full (i.e., one or both 8-bit TDO FIFOs
are empty), the INT pin will go high.
Bit 6: If this bit is set and the TDI shifter/buffer is
not empty (i.e., one or both 8-bit TDI FIFOs
are full), the INT pin will go high.
Bit 5: If this bit is set, and the 32-bit counter is not
loaded or has reached terminal count, the
INT pin will go high.
Bit 4: This bit signifies that the TD0 shifter/buffer
is reconfigured as a 32-Bit Pseudo Random
Pattern Generator. If set, and MODE0 Bit 7
is set, the TDO shifter/buffer will stop TCK
until a seed value has been written to all
four of the 8-bit LFSR segments.
Bit 3: This bit signifies that the TD1 shifter/buffer
is reconfigured as a 16-Bit Serial Signature
Compactor. If set, and MODE0 Bit 6 is set,
the TDI shifter/buffer will cause TCK to stop
until a seed value has been written to the
two TDI registers.
Bit 2: If this bit is set, a high value on FRZ will
force TCK high (see TCK Control Section).
Bits 1 and 0: These bits are used to control
Test Loop-Back operations according to the
following table.
MODE1 MODE1 Function
Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 Normal Operation
0 1 Loop-Back TDO to TDI
1 0 Loop-Back TMS0 to TDI
1 1 Loop Back TMS1 to TDI
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Not Not Not Not Continuous Update Single
Used Used Used Used Update Status Reset Step
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
TDO TDI CNT32 TMS0 TMS1 Continuous Single
Status Status Status Status Status Update Reset Step
This register contains both mode and status bits. Bits 4–7
are status bits only. Bit 3 is a status bit during read operations and a mode bit during write operations. Bits 0–2 are
mode bits only. Upon RST low, or a synchronous reset, the
value placed in MODE2 is 10111000 (Read mode). Latches
used to update status bits 3–7 retain their last state upon
RST and are in an “unknown” state after power-up. Toinitialize the latches to a known state, they need to be updated using the Update Status bit (bit 2) or continuous update bit (bit
Bit 7: Set high if theTDO shifter/buffer is not full, i.e., one
or both 8-bit TDO FIFOs are ready to be written to.
Bit 6: Set high if the TDI shifter/buffer is not empty, i.e.,
one or both 8-bit TDI FIFOs are ready to be read
Bit 5: Set high if the 32-bit counter has not been loaded,
or has reached terminal count.
Bit 4: Set high if the TMS0 shifter/buffer is not full, i.e.,
one or both 8-bit TMS0 FIFOs are ready to be written to.
Bit 3 (Read Cycle):
Set high if the TMS1 shifter/buffer is not full, i.e.,
one or both 8-bit TMS1 FIFOs are ready to be written to.
Bit 3 (Write Cycle):
If set, will cause all status bits to be continuously
Bit 2 (Read Cycle):
Shows the state of the Continuous Update bit during read operations (Bit 3 during writes). 4