NSC NSBMC290VF-33 Datasheet

NSBMC290-16/-20/-25/-33 Burst Mode Memory Controller
July 1993
NSBMC290TM-16/-20/-25/-33 Burst Mode Memory Controller
General Description
. The NSBMC290 Burst Mode Memory Control­ler is a single chip device designed to simplify the imple­mentation of burst mode access in high performance sys­tems using the Am29000
Streamlined Instruction Proces-
The extremely high instruction rate achieved by this proces­sor places extraordinary demands on memory system de­signs if maximum throughput is to be sustained and costs minimized.
The most obvious solution to the problem of access speed is to implement system memory using high-speed static memories. However, the high cost and low density of these devices make them an expensive and space consumptive solution.
A more cost effective method of solving this problem is via the use of dynamic RAMs. Their high density and low cost make their use extremely attractive. The impediment to their use is their relatively slow access times.
However when operated in page mode, dynamic RAMs be­have more like static memories. Properly managed, they can yield access times approaching those of fully static RAMs.
The function of NSBMC290 is to interface the page mode access protocol of dynamic RAMs with the more general burst mode access protocol supported by the Am29000 lo­cal channel. The device manages a double banked arrang­ment of dynamic RAMs such that when burst accesses are permitted data can be read, or written, at the rate of one word per system clock cycle.
Interfaces directly to Am29000 Local Channel
Manages Page Mode Dynamic Memory devices
Supports DRAMs from 64 KB to 16 MB
Manages Instruction and/or Data Memory
Very Low Power Consumption
On-Chip Memory Address Multiplexer/Drivers
Flexible Instruction/Data Bus Buffer Management
Software-Configured operational parameters
Auto-Configured Bank Size and Location
High-Speed CMOS Technology
Block Diagram
Typical System Configuration
TL/V/11803– 1
Logic Symbol
TL/V/11803– 2
This document contains information concerning a product that has been developed by National Semiconductor Corporation/V3 Corporation. This information is intended to help in evaluating this product. National Semiconductor Corporation/V3 Corporation reserves the right to change and improve the specifications of this product without notice.
TRI-STATEÉis a registered trademark National Semiconductor Corporation. NSBMC290
is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
is a trademark of V3 Corporation.
is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale, California, USA.
1995 National Semiconductor Corporation RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
Connection Diagrams
TL/V/11803– 3
Order Number NSBMC290VF NS Package Number VF132A
TL/V/11803– 9
PGA Bottom View
Order Number NSBMC290UP
See NS Package Number UP124A
Pin Descriptions
PGA Pin QFP Pin Signal
J2 6 A0 J1 5 A1
L2 11 A2 M3 21 A3 N1 12 A4 K1 7 A5
L3 20 A6 M1 10 A7 K2 8 A8
L1 9 A9 H2 3 A10 H1 2 A11
G2 132 A12 G1 131 A13
F1 129 A14
F3 130 A15
F2 128 A16
E1 126 A17
E2 125 A18 D1 124 A19 D2 123 A20 C1 122 A21
E3 127 A22 B1 121 A23
C2 120 A24 D3 118 A25 A1 119 A26 B2 112 A27 A2 110 A28 B3 111 A29
C4 113 A30 C3 115 A31
K11 53 AA0
N13 54 AA1
L12 55 AA2
M13 56 AA3
K13 59 AA4 J12 60 AA5 J13 61 AA6 J11 62 AA7
H11 65 AA8
PGA Pin QFP Pin Signal
G13 66 AA9 G12 67 AA10 C11 87 AB0 B11 88 AB1 A12 89 AB2 A11 90 AB3
B9 93 AB4 A9 94 AB5 C9 95 AB6 B8 96 AB7 A7 99 AB8 B7 100 AB9
C7 101 AB10
N6 30 BINV F11 71 CASA0 E13 72 CASA1 E12 73 CASA2 D13 74 CASA3
A5 105 CASB0
B5 106 CASB1
A4 107 CASB2
B4 108 CASB3
L8 37 DBACK M10 41 DBLEA
N12 43 DBLEB
L6 31 DBREQ N10 40 DBTXA N11 42 DBTXB
M9 39 DRDY
M5 26 DREQ
L4 19 DREQT0
M4 24 DREQT1
N7 32 IBREQ M11 44 IBTXA M12 45 IBTXB
M8 36 IRDY
M6 29 IREQ
N2 22 IREQT B13 77 MWEA B12 80 MWEB
PGA Pin QFP Pin Signal
K3 15 OPT0
M2 13 OPT1
N3 23 OPT2 L5 28 PDA N9 38 PEN N5 27 PIA
N4 25 R/*W
G11 68 RASA
A6 102 RASB A13 78 Reserved C12 79 Reserved D11 82 Reserved
L7 34 Reserved
A3 4 V
A8 47 V
B6 57 V
B10 63 V
D12 69 V
E11 75 V
F13 81 V
H3 91 V
H12 97 V
L9 103 V
L13 109 V
A10 33 V
C5 48 V
C6 58 V
C8 64 V
C10 70 V
C13 76 V
F12 86 V
H13 92 V
K12 98 V
L11 104 V
M7 114 V
Note: In order for the switching characteristics of this device to be guaranteed, it is necessary to connect all of the power pins (VCC,VSS) to the appropriate power levels. The use of low impedance wiring to the power pins is required. In systems using the Am29000 with its attendant high switching rates, multi-layer printed circuit boards with buried power and ground planes are required.
Pin Descriptions
The following pins have the same function as their counterparts on the Am29000 and are designed to be connected directly to the Am29000 Synchronous Channel Interface.
Pin Description
A0-31 Address Bus (Input): The address bus transfers byte addresses for all accesses to the memory array except in
burst mode. The NSBMC290 can be software configured to any memory block address within the 4 Gbyte address range.
BINV Bus Invalid (Input; Active Low): This input indicates that the address bus and related control signals are invalid.
This signal must be 0 (high) in order for the NSBMC290 to accept any data or instruction requests.
R/*W) READ/*WRITE (Input): This input indicates whether data is being transferred to the data bus (R/*W high) or to
the memory array (R/*W low).
DBACK Data Burst Acknowledge (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output signals that burst mode accesses between
the memory array and the data bus can be continued.
DBREQ Data Burst Request (Input, Active Low): This input is used to indicate when burst mode access for data is
DRDY Data Ready (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output is used to signal the completion of a data access cycle.
DREQ Data Request (Input; Active Low): This input signal the initiation of a memory access cycle for data.
DREQT0–1 Data Request Type (Input, Active Low): These inputs specify the address space of the data access. They must
both be 0 (low) in order for the NSBMC290 to accept a data request.
OPT0–2 Data Options (Input; Active Low): These inputs specify the data transfer size and operating mode. The
NSBMC290 responds only to cycles in which the values 0, 1, 2 are asserted. The use of these signals is compatible with the specifications for In-Circuit Emulators.
PDA Pipelined Data Access (Input; Active Low): This input indicates that the address bus has the address for the
next data access prior to the completion of the present data request.
IBACK Instruction Burst Acknowledge (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output signals that burst mode accesses
between the memory array and the instruction bus can be continued.
IBREQ Instruction Burst Request (Input; Active Low): This input is used to request burst mode instruction access.
IRDY Instruction Ready (Output; 3-state, Active Low): This output signals are completion of each instruction access.
IREQ Instruction Request (Input; Active Low): This input signals the beginning of an instruction access cycle.
IREQT Instruction Request Type (Input; Active High): This input specifies the address space of the instruction access.
It must be 0 (low) in order for the NSBMC290 to accept an instruction request.
PIA Pipelined Instruction Access (input; Active Low): This input indicates that the address bus has the address for
the next instruction access prior to the completion of the present instruction request.
PEN Pipeline Enable (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output indicates that the NSBMC290 is capable of
accepting the address for the next access before completion of the present access.
RESET Reset (Input; Active Low): This input initializes the NSBMC290 to accept the software configuration information.
If more than one NSBMC290 is used for controlling memory, the NSBMC290 chips should be daisy chained with RSTOUT from one NSBMC290 chip connecting to RESET of the next NSBMC290 Chip.
RSTOUT Reset Out (Output; Active Low): This output is active (low) whenever RESET is active and remains active until
the NSBMC290 has been software configured.
SYSCLK System Clock (Input): This input is used to synchronize the NSBMC290 to the Am29000 local channel interface.
Pin Descriptions (Continued)
The NSBMC290 is designed to drive a memory array orga­nized as 2 banks each of 32 bits. The address and control signals for the memory array are output through high current
drivers in order to minimize the propagation delay due to memory input impedance and trace capacitance. External array drivers are not required. The address and control sig­nals, however, must be externally terminated.
Pin Description
A(A,B)0–10 Multiplexed Addresses (Output; High Current): These two buses transfer the multiplexed row and column
addresses to the memory array banks A and B respectively.
RAS(A,B) Row Address Strobes (Output; High Current, Active Low): These signals are strobes that indicate the
existence of a valid row address on A(A,B)0–10. These signals are to be connected to the two interleaved banks of memory. One is assigned to each bank.
CAS(A,B)0-3 Column Address Strobe (Output; High Current, Active Low): These signals are strobes that indicate a valid
column address on A(A,B)0–10. A set of each of these (A,B) are assigned to each memory bank, and within each set, one is assigned to each byte of the 32-bit memory.
MWE(A,B) Memory Write Enable (Output; High Current, Active Low): These signals are the write strobes for the DRAM
memories. One is supplied for each of the two banks of memory although they are logically identical.
In order not to limit system implementation strategies vis j vis instruction and data bus organization, the NSBMC290 permits the designer to keep these busses separate or not
Pin Description
DBLE(A,B) Data Bus Latch Enable A and B (Output; Active High): These outputs are used to enable transparent latches to
latch data from the Processor data bus to each bank of memory during a write cycle (Data access only).
The following buffer control outputs are multi-mode signals. The signal names, as they appear on the logic symbol, are the default signal names (Mode
0). A more complete description is presented in the configuration section.
DBTX(A,B) Data Bus Transmit A and B (Output; Active Low): These outputs are used during read cycles to enable data
from the individual banks of memory to drive the data bus.
IBTX(A,B) Instruction Bus Transmit A and B (Output; Active Low): These outputs are used during instruction cycles to
enable data from the individual banks of memory to drive the instruction bus.
Functional Description
The NSBMC290 is designed to simplify the interface be­tween the Am29000 high-speed synchronous channel and dynamic memories. This integrated circuit responds to all defined instruction and data access modes of the Am29000, and handles all required address decoding and multiplexing for the DRAM memory array. In addition, the NSBMC290 automatically generates refresh cycles to the memory array.
Software configuration is used to setup the memory block address, refresh rate, byte order, bus buffer control type and DRAM memory chip size parameters for the NSBMC290. If two or more memory blocks are used to implement an Am29000 memory sub-system, the processor can simulta­neously access one memory block via the data bus and a second memory block via the instruction bus. If both ac­cesses are directed to the same memory block, the NSBMC290 will hold off the second access until the first has completed; only then will it process the second access.
The NSBMC290 connects directly to the Am29000 address bus, instruction and data bus controls signals. The interface handles simple, pipelined and burst mode access for both the data and instruction bus, according to the Am29000 channel specification. It requires no external logic to imple­ment the synchronous channel connection. Thus, it avoids the propagation delays and signal skews that can detract from system performance and increase system complexity.
The NSBMC290 directly drives an array of DRAM devices which can support page mode accesses. The array is orga­nized as 2 banks of 32 bits each. The supported devices are all the standard memory size from 64 Kbit to 16 Mbit. Selec­tion of the device in use is done via software.
During burst accesses, the NSBMC290 executes inter­leaved page mode accesses to 2 banks. This allows the memory to run at the full processor speed of 1 memory cycle per processor cycle. For data accesses, the NSBMC290 controls the memory as four independent of 8-bit bytes in order to allow 8-, 16- and 32-bit accesses.
The byte order for interpreting the byte address is software configurable. However, the NSBMC290 does not detect if the access overflows a word boundary. The software oper­ating on the Am29000 should manage the correct alignment for memory accesses that are not word aligned. Systems using Am29000 processors whose revision level is previous to Revision ‘‘C’’ must manage alignment of byte data through software so that the data will retain correct justifica­tion.
The NSBMC290 allows for flexibility in the control of instruc­tion and data buffers for the memory array. Propagation de­lay is minimized by providing these controls directly, and by allowing the control strategy to be software programmable. For example 74F245 or high current Am29861 bus buffers may be used without external ‘‘glue’’ circuitry.
The NSBMC290 is configured by the first 32-bit memory read access following deassertion of the RESET signal. If multiple NSBMC290 devices are used in a circuit, they should be daisy chained together with RSTOUT from one chip connecting to RESET of the next chip. When a NSBMC290 has been configured, it deasserts the RSTOUT signal allowing the next NSBMC290 in the chain to then be configured. All NSBMC290 devices must be configured be­fore memory accesses are attempted.
TL/V/11803– 4
FIGURE 1. NSBMC290 Configuration Word
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