Pin Descriptions
The following pins have the same function as their counterparts on the Am29000 and are designed to be connected directly to
the Am29000 Synchronous Channel Interface.
Pin Description
A0-31 Address Bus (Input): The address bus transfers byte addresses for all accesses to the memory array except in
burst mode. The NSBMC290 can be software configured to any memory block address within the 4 Gbyte
address range.
BINV Bus Invalid (Input; Active Low): This input indicates that the address bus and related control signals are invalid.
This signal must be 0 (high) in order for the NSBMC290 to accept any data or instruction requests.
R/*W) READ/*WRITE (Input): This input indicates whether data is being transferred to the data bus (R/*W high) or to
the memory array (R/*W low).
DBACK Data Burst Acknowledge (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output signals that burst mode accesses between
the memory array and the data bus can be continued.
DBREQ Data Burst Request (Input, Active Low): This input is used to indicate when burst mode access for data is
DRDY Data Ready (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output is used to signal the completion of a data access cycle.
DREQ Data Request (Input; Active Low): This input signal the initiation of a memory access cycle for data.
DREQT0–1 Data Request Type (Input, Active Low): These inputs specify the address space of the data access. They must
both be 0 (low) in order for the NSBMC290 to accept a data request.
OPT0–2 Data Options (Input; Active Low): These inputs specify the data transfer size and operating mode. The
NSBMC290 responds only to cycles in which the values 0, 1, 2 are asserted. The use of these signals is
compatible with the specifications for In-Circuit Emulators.
PDA Pipelined Data Access (Input; Active Low): This input indicates that the address bus has the address for the
next data access prior to the completion of the present data request.
IBACK Instruction Burst Acknowledge (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output signals that burst mode accesses
between the memory array and the instruction bus can be continued.
IBREQ Instruction Burst Request (Input; Active Low): This input is used to request burst mode instruction access.
IRDY Instruction Ready (Output; 3-state, Active Low): This output signals are completion of each instruction access.
IREQ Instruction Request (Input; Active Low): This input signals the beginning of an instruction access cycle.
IREQT Instruction Request Type (Input; Active High): This input specifies the address space of the instruction access.
It must be 0 (low) in order for the NSBMC290 to accept an instruction request.
PIA Pipelined Instruction Access (input; Active Low): This input indicates that the address bus has the address for
the next instruction access prior to the completion of the present instruction request.
PEN Pipeline Enable (Output; 3-State, Active Low): This output indicates that the NSBMC290 is capable of
accepting the address for the next access before completion of the present access.
RESET Reset (Input; Active Low): This input initializes the NSBMC290 to accept the software configuration information.
If more than one NSBMC290 is used for controlling memory, the NSBMC290 chips should be daisy chained with
RSTOUT from one NSBMC290 chip connecting to RESET of the next NSBMC290 Chip.
RSTOUT Reset Out (Output; Active Low): This output is active (low) whenever RESET is active and remains active until
the NSBMC290 has been software configured.
SYSCLK System Clock (Input): This input is used to synchronize the NSBMC290 to the Am29000 local channel interface.