The DP8420V/21V/22V-33, DP84T22-25 dynamic RAM
controllers provide a low cost, single chip interface between
dynamic RAM and all 8-, 16- and 32-bit systems. The
DP8420V/21V/22V-33, DP84T22-25 generate all the required access control signal timing for DRAMs. An on-chip
refresh request clock is used to automatically refresh the
DRAM array. Refreshes and accesses are arbitrated on
chip. If necessary, a WAIT
states into system access cycles, including burst mode accesses. RAS
low time during refreshes and RAS precharge
time after refreshes and back to back accesses are guaranteed through the insertion of wait states. Separate on-chip
precharge counters for each RAS
memory interleaving to avoid delayed back to back accesses because of precharge. An additional feature of the
DP8422V, DP84T22 is two access ports to simplify dual accessing. Arbitration among these ports and refresh is done
on chip. To make board level circuit testing easier the
DP84T22 incorporates TRI-STATE
DP8420V689256 kbit4 MbytesSingle Access Port
DP8421V68101 Mbit16 MbytesSingle Access Port
DP8422V84114 Mbit64 MbytesDual Access Ports (A and B)
DP84T2284114 Mbit64 MbytesDual Access and TRI-STATE
or DTACK output inserts wait
output can be used for
output buffers.
of Pins
of Address
On chip high precision delay line to guarantee critical
DRAM access timing parameters
microCMOS process for low power
High capacitance drivers for RAS, CAS,WEand DRAM
address on chip
On chip support for nibble, page and static column
TRI-STATE outputs (DP84T22 only)
Byte enable signals on chip allow byte writing in a word
size up to 32 bits with no external logic
Selection of controller speeds: 25 MHz and 33 MHz
On board Port A/Port B (DP8422V, DP84T22 only)/refresh arbitration logic
Direct interface to all major microprocessors (application notes available)
4 RAS and 4 CAS drivers (the RAS and CAS configuration is programmable)
TRI-STATEÉis a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
Staggered Refresh
1995 National Semiconductor CorporationRRD-B30M105/Printed in U. S. A.
is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
TL/F/11109– 1
Table of Contents
2.1 Address, R/W and Programming Signals
2.2 DRAM Control Signals
2.3 Refresh Signals
2.4 Port A Access Signals
2.5 Port B Access Signals (DP8422V, DP84T22)
2.6 Common Dual Port Signals (DP8422V, DP84T22)
2.7 Power Signals and Capacitor Input
2.8 Clock Inputs
3.1 External Reset
3.2 Programming Methods
3.2.1 Mode Load Only Programming
3.2.2 Chip Selected Access Programming
3.3 Internal Programming Modes
4.1 Access Mode 0
4.2 Access Mode 1
4.3 Extending CAS with Either Access Mode
4.4 Read-Modify-Write Cycles with Either Access Mode
4.5 Additional Access Support Features
4.5.1 Address Latches and Column Increment
4.5.2 Address Pipelining
4.5.3 Delay CAS
5.1 Refresh Control Modes
5.1.1 Automatic Internal Refresh
5.1.2 Externally Controlled/Burst Refresh
5.1.3 Refresh Request/Acknowledge
5.2 Refresh Cycle Types
5.2.1 Conventional Refresh
5.2.2 Staggered Refresh
5.2.3 Error Scrubbing Refresh
during Write Accesses
5.3 Extending Refresh
5.4 Clearing the Refresh Address Counter
5.5 Clearing the Refresh Request Clock
6.1 WAIT
Type Output
Type Output
6.3 Dynamically Increasing the Number of Wait States
6.4 Guaranteeing RAS
Low Time and RAS Precharge
7.0 RAS
7.1 Byte Writing
7.2 Memory Interleaving
7.3 Address Pipelining
7.4 Error Scrubbing
7.5 Page/Burst Mode
9.1 Programmable Values of t
9.2 Calculation of t
and t
and t
10.0 DUAL ACCESSING (DP8422V and DP84T22V)
10.1 Port B Access Mode
10.2 Port B Wait State Support
10.3 Common Port A and Port B Dual Port Functions
10.3.1 GRANTB Output
10.3.2 LOCK
10.4 TRI-STATE Outputs (DP84T22 Only)
DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 AND THE
15.0 DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 USER HINTS
1.0 Introduction
The DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 are CMOS Dynamic
RAM controllers that incorporate many advanced features
which include address latches, refresh counter, refresh
clock, row, column and refresh address multiplexer, delay
line, refresh/access arbitration logic and high capacitive
drivers. The programmable system interface allows any
manufacturer’s microprocessor or bus to directly interface
via the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 to DRAM arrays up to
64 Mbytes in size.
After power up, the user must first reset and program the
DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 before accessing the DRAM.
The chip is programmed through the address bus.
Due to the differences in power supplies, an External (hardware) Reset must be performed before programming the
After resetting the chip, the user can program the controller
by either one of two methods: Mode Load Only Programming or Chip Select Access Programming.
Initialization Period:
Once the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 has been programmed for the first time, a 60 ms initialization period is
entered. During this time the DRC performs refreshes to the
DRAM array so further warm up cycles are unnecessary.
The initialization period is entered only after the first programming after a reset.
Accessing Modes:
After resetting and programming the chip, the
DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 is ready to access the
DRAM. There are two modes of accessing with these controllers. Mode 0, which indicates RAS
Mode 1, which indicates RAS
Refresh Modes:
The DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 have expanded refresh
capabilities compared to previous DRAM controllers. There
are three modes of refreshing available: Internal Automatic
Refreshing, Externally Controlled/Burst Refreshing and Refresh Request/Acknowledge Refreshing. Any of these
modes can be used together or separately to achieve the
desired results.
Refresh Types:
These controllers have three types of refreshing available:
Conventional, Staggered and Error Scrubbing. Any refresh
control mode can be used with any type of refresh.
Wait Support:
The DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 have wait support available as DTACK
Data Transfer ACKnowledge, is useful for processors
whose wait signal is active high. WAIT
processors whose wait signal is active low. The user can
choose either at programming. These signals are used by
the on chip arbiter to insert wait states to guarantee the
arbitration between accesses, refreshes and precharge.
Both signals are independent of the access mode chosen
and both signals can be dynamically delayed further through
Sequential Accesses (Static Column/Page Mode):
The DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 have address latches,
used to latch the bank, row and column address inputs.
or WAIT. Both are programmable. DTACK,
signal to the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22.
synchronously and
is useful for those
Once the address is latched, a COLumn INCrement (COLINC) feature can be used to increment the column address.
The address latches can also be programmed to be fall
through. COLINC can be used for Sequential Accesses of
Static Column DRAMs. Also, COLINC in conjunction with
inputs can be used for Sequential Accesses to Page
Mode DRAMs.
and CAS Configuration (Byte Writing):
The RAS and CAS drivers can be configured to drive a one,
two or four bank memory array up to 32 bits in width. The
signals can then be used to select one of four CAS
drivers for Byte Writing with no extra logic.
Memory Interleaving:
When configuring the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 for
more than one bank, Memory Interleaving can be used. By
tying the low order address bits to the bank select lines B0
and B1, sequential back to back accesses will not be delayed since these controllers have separate precharge
counters per bank.
Address Pipelining:
The DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 are capable of performing Address Pipelining. In address pipelining, the DRC will
guarantee the column address hold time and switch the internal multiplexor to place the row address on the address
bus. At this time, another memory access to another bank
can be initiated.
Dual Accessing:
The DP8422V, DP84T22 have all the features previously
mentioned and unlike the DP8420V/21V, the DP8422V,
DP84T22 have a second port to allow a second CPU to
access the same memory array. The DP8422V, DP84T22
have four signals to support Dual Accessing, these signals
for the two ports and refresh is done on chip by the controller through the insertion of wait states. Since the DP8422V,
DP84T22 have only one input address bus, the address
lines must be multiplexed externally. The signal GRANTB
can be used for this purpose.
TRI-STATE Outputs:
The DP84T22 implements TRI-STATE outputs. When the
input OE
(high Z).
The following explains the terminology used in this data
sheet. The terms negated and asserted are used. Asserted
refers to a ‘‘true’’ signal. Thus, ‘‘ECAS0
the ECAS0
ed’’ means the COLINC input is at a logic 1. The term negated refers to a ‘‘false’’ signal. Thus, ‘‘ECAS0
means the ECAS0
negated’’ means the input COLINC is at a logic 0. The table
shown below clarifies this terminology.
, ATACKB, LOCK and GRANTB. All arbitration
is asserted the output buffers are enabled, when
is negated, logic 1, the output buffers at TRI-STATE
asserted’’ means
input is at a logic 0. The term ‘‘COLINC assert-
input is at a logic 1. The term ‘‘COLINC
SignalActionLogic Level
Active HighAssertedHigh
Active HighNegatedLow
Active LowAssertedLow
Active LowNegatedHigh
Connection Diagrams
Top View
Order Number DP8420V-33
See NS Package Number V68A
Order Number DP8422V-33 or DP84T22-25
TL/F/11109– 2
Top View
See NS Package Number V84A
Top View
TL/F/11109– 3
Order Number DP8421V-33
See NS Package Number V68A
TL/F/11109– 4
2.0 Signal Descriptions
PinDevice (If NotInput/
NameApplicable to All) Output
R0–10DP8422V/T22IROW ADDRESS: These inputs are used to specify the row address during an access
C0–10DP8422V/T22ICOLUMN ADDRESS: These inputs are used to specify the column address during an
B0, B1IBANK SELECT: Depending on programming, these inputs are used to select a group
ECAS0–3IENABLE CAS: These inputs are used to enable a single or group of CAS outputs
WINIWRITE ENABLE IN: This input is used to signify a write operation to the DRAM. If
COLINCICOLUMN INCREMENT: When the address latches are used, and RFIP is negated,
MLIMODE LOAD: This input signal, when low, enables the internal programming register
Q0–10DP8422V/T22ODRAM ADDRESS: These outputs are the multiplexed output of the R0 – 9, 10 and
RAS0–3OROW ADDRESS STROBES: These outputs are asserted to latch the row address
CAS0–3OCOLUMN ADDRESS STROBES: These outputs are asserted to latch the column
WEOWRITE ENABLE or REFRESH REQUEST: This output asserted specifies a write
OEDP84T22IOUTPUT ENABLE: This input asserted, enables the output buffers for the row,
to the DRAM. They are also used to program the chip when ML
access to the DRAM. They are also used to program the chip when ML
(except C10).
of RAS and CAS outputs to assert during an access. They are also used to program
the chip when ML
when asserted. In combination with the B0, B1 and the programming bits, these
inputs select which CAS
signals can also be used to toggle a group of CAS outputs for page/nibble
mode accesses. They also can be used for byte write operations. If ECAS
negated during programming, continuing to assert the ECAS
or AREQB during an access, will cause the CAS outputs to be extended while the
outputs are negated (the ECASn inputs have no effect during scrubbing
0 is asserted during programming, the WE output will follow this input. This
input asserted will also cause CAS
bit C9 is asserted during programming.
this input functions as COLINC. Asserting this signal causes the column address to
be incremented by one. When RFIP
refresh cycle by any number of periods of CLK until it is negated.
that stores the programming information.
C0–9, 10 and form the DRAM address bus. These outputs contain the refresh
address whenever RFIP
series damping resistors.
contained on the outputs Q0–8, 9, 10 into the DRAM. When RFIP
outputs are used to latch the refresh row address contained on the Q0–8, 9, 10
outputs in the DRAM. These outputs contain high capacitive drivers with 20X series
damping resistors.
address contained on the outputs Q0–8, 9, 10 into the DRAM. These outputs have
high capacitive drivers with 20X series damping resistors.
operation to the DRAM. When negated, this output specifies a read operation to the
DRAM. When the controller is programmed in address pipelining mode or when
ECAS0 is negated during programming, this output will function as RFRQ. When
asserted, this pin specifies that 13 msor15ms have passed. If DISRFSH
the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 will perform an internal refresh as soon as
possible. If DISRFRSH
through the input RFSH
damping resistor.
column RASs, CASs and WE. If this input is disabled, logic 1, the output buffers are at
TRI-STATE facilitating the board level circuit testing.
is asserted.
output or CAS outputs will assert during an access. The
is asserted. They contain high capacitive drivers with 20X
is asserted, RFRQ can be used to externally request a refresh
. This output has a high capacitive driver and a 20X series
is asserted (except
is asserted
0 while negating AREQ
to delay to the next positive clock edge if address
is asserted, this signal is used to extend the
is asserted, the
is negated,
2.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
PinDevice (If NotInput/
NameApplicable to All)Output
RFIPOREFRESH IN PROGRESS: This output is asserted prior to a refresh cycle and is
RFSHIREFRESH: This input asserted with DISRFRSH already asserted will request a
DISRFSHIDISABLE REFRESH: This input is used to disable internal refreshes and must be
CSICHIP SELECT: This input signal must be asserted to enable a Port A access.
AREQIACCESS REQUEST: This input signal in Mode 0 must be asserted some time after
WAITOWAIT or DTACK: This output can be programmed to insert wait states into a CPU
WAITINIWAIT INCREASE: This input can be used to dynamically increase the number of
negated when all the RAS
refresh. If this input is continually asserted, the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 will
perform refresh cycles in a burst refresh fashion until the input is negated. If RFSH
asserted with DISRFSH
(useful for burst refreshes).
asserted when using RFSH
this input can function as ADS
when asserted along with CS
an access will start from the positive clock edge of CLK as soon as possible. In Mode
1, the input functions as ADS
to assert if no other event is taking place. If an event is taking place, RAS will be
asserted from the positive edge of CLK as soon as possible. In both cases, the low
going edge of this signal latches the bank, row and column address if programmed to
do so.
the first positive clock edge after ALE has been asserted. When this signal is
negated, RAS
before ADS
access cycle. With R7 negated during programming, the output will function as a
With R7 asserted during programming, the output will function as DTACK
case, the output will be negated to signify a wait condition and will be asserted to
signify the access has taken place. Each of these signals can be delayed by a
number of positive clock edges or negative clock levels of CLK to increase the
microprocessor’s access cycle through the insertion of wait states.
positive clock edges of CLK until DTACK
during a DRAM access.
is negated for the access. In Mode 1, this signal must be asserted
can be negated. When this signal is negated, RAS is negated for the
type output. In this case, the output will be active low to signal a wait condition.
outputs are negated for that refresh.
negated, the internal refresh address counter is cleared
for externally requested refreshes.
or ALE. In mode 0, the input functions as ALE and
causes an internal latch to be set. Once this latch is set
and when asserted along with CS, causes the access
. In this
will be asserted or WAIT will be negated
2.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
PinDevice (If NotInput/
NameApplicable to All)Output
AREQBDP8422V/T22IPORT B ACCESS REQUEST: This input asserted will latch the row, column and bank
GRANTBDP8422V/T22OGRANT B: This output indicates which port is currently granted access to the DRAM
LOCKDP8422V/T22ILOCK: This input can be used by the currently granted port to ‘‘lock out’’ the other
GNDIGROUND: Supply Voltage Reference.
CAPICAPACITOR: This input is used by the internal PLL for stabilization. The value of the
There are two clock inputs to the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 CLK and DELCLK. These two clocks may both be tied to the
same clock input, or they may be two separate clocks, running at different frequencies, asynchronous to each other.
CLKISYSTEM CLOCK: This input may be in the range of 0 Hz up to 33 MHz (up to 25 MHz
DELCLKIDELAY LINE CLOCK: The clock input DELCLK, may be in the range of 6 MHz to
address if programmed, and requests an access to take place for Port B. If the
access can take place, RAS
will assert as soon as possible from a positive edge of CLK.
the access RAS
the appropriate DTACK
array. When GRANTB is asserted, Port B has access to the array. When GRANTB is
negated, Port A has access to the DRAM array. This signal is used to multiplex the
signals R0–8, 9, 10; C0 –8, 9, 10; B0 – 1; WIN
when using dual accessing.
port from the DRAM array by inserting wait states into the locked out port’s access
cycle until LOCK is negated.
IPOWER: Supply Voltage.
ceramic capacitor should be 0.1 mF and should be connected between this input and
in the DP84T22V). This input is generally a constant frequency but it may be
controlled externally to change frequencies or perhaps be stopped for some arbitrary
period of time.
This input provides the clock to the internal state machine that arbitrates between
accesses and refreshes. This clock’s positive edges and negative levels are used to
extend the WAIT
precharge time and RAS low time during refresh.
All Port A and Port B accesses are assumed to be synchronous to the system clock
20 MHz and should be a multiple of 2 (i.e., 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 MHz) to have
the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 switching characteristics hold. If DELCLK is not
one of the above frequencies the accuracy of the internal delay line will suffer. This is
because the phase locked loop that generates the delay line assumes an input clock
frequency of a multiple of 2 MHz.
For example, if the DELCLK input is at 7 MHz and we choose a divide by 3 (program
bits C0–2) this will produce 2.333 MHz which is 16.667% off of 2 MHz. Therefore, the
DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 delay line would produce delays that are shorter
(faster delays) than what is intended. If divide by 4 was chosen the delay line would
be longer (slower delays) than intended (1.75 MHz instead of 2 MHz). (See Section 9
for more information.)
This clock is also divided to create the internal refresh clock.
is asserted for a Port B access. This signal can be used to generate
or WAIT type signal for Port B’s CPU or bus.
(DTACK) signals. This clock is also used as the reference for the
will assert immediately. If the access has to be delayed,
; LOCK and ECAS0–3 to the DP8422V
3.0 Programming and Resetting
Due to the variety in power supplies power-up times, an
EXTERNAL RESET must be performed before the DRAM
controller can be programmed and used.
After going through the reset procedure, the DP8420V/
21V/22V, DP84T22 can be programmed by either of two
methods; Mode Load Only Programming or Chip Select Access Programming. After programming the DRC for the first
time after reset, the chip enters a 60 ms initialization period,
during this period the controller performs refreshes every
13 msor15ms, this makes further DRAM warm up cycles
unnecessary. After this stage the chip can be reprogrammed as many times as the user wishes and the 60 ms
period will not be entered into unless the chip is reset and
programmed again.
During the 60 ms initialization period, RFIP
and RAS
programming bit for refresh (C3). CAS
1) and the ‘‘Q’’ outputs will count from 0 to 2047 refreshing
the entire DRAM array. The actual initialization time period
is given by the following formula. T
Select)* (Refresh Clock Fine Tune)/(DELCLK Frq.)
toggles every 13 msor15ms depending on the
is asserted low
will be inactive (logic
4096* (Clock Divisor
At power up, if the internal power up reset worked, all internal latches and flip-flops are cleared and the part is ready to
be programmed. The power up state can also be achieved
by performing an External Reset, which is required to insure
proper operation. External Reset is achieved by asserting
and DISRFSH for at least 16 positive clock edges. In
order to perform simply a Reset, the ML
negated before DISRFSH
This procedure will only reset the controller which now is
ready for programming.
While performing an External Reset, if the user negates
shown in
21V/22V, DP84T22 with the values in R0 –9, C0–9, B0– 1
and ECAS0. The 60 ms initialization period will be entered
since it is the first programming after reset. This is a good
way of resetting and programming the part at the same time.
Make sure the right programming bits are on the address
bus before ML
The DRC may be programmed any time on the fly, but the
user must make sure that No Access or Refresh is in progress. Reset is asynchronous.
at least one clock period before negating ML,as
Figure 5b
is negated.
is negated as shown in
,MLnegated will program the DP8420V/
signal must be
Figure 5a
FIGURE 5a. Chip Reset but Not Programmed
FIGURE 5b. Chip Reset and Programmed
TL/F/11109– 5
TL/F/11109– 6
3.0 Programming and Resetting (Continued)
3.2.1 Mode Load Only Programming
To use this method the user asserts ML
nal programming register. After ML
gramming selection is placed on the address bus, B0, B1
and ECAS0
ed the programming bits are latched into the internal programming register and the DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 is
programmed, see
the controller must not be refreshing, RFIP
to have a successful programming.
inputs, then ML is negated. When ML is negat-
Figure 6
. When programming the chip,
enabling the inter-
is asserted, a valid pro-
must be high (1)
3.2.2 Chip Selected Access Programming
The chip can also be programmed by performing a chip
selected access. To program the chip using this method,
is asserted, then CS is asserted and a valid programming selection is placed on the address bus. When AREQ
asserted, the programming bits affecting the wait logic become effective immediately, then DTACK
ing the access to terminate. After the access, ML
and the rest of the programming bits take effect.
is asserted allow-
is negated
FIGURE 6. ML Only Programming
FIGURE 7. CS Access Programming
TL/F/11109– 7
TL/F/11109– 8
3.0 Programming and Resetting (Continued)
ECAS0Extend CAS/Refresh Request Select
0The CASn outputs will be negated with the RASn outputs when AREQ (or AREQB, DP8422V, DP84T22 only) is
1The CASn outputs will be negated, during an acccess (Port A (or Port B, DP8422V, DP84T22 only)) when their
B1Access Mode Select
0ACCESS MODE 0: ALE pulsing high sets an internal latch. On the next positive edge of CLK, the access (RAS)
1ACCESS MODE 1: ADS asserted starts the access (RAS) immediately. AREQ will terminate the access.
B0Address Latch Mode
0ADS or ALE asserted for Port A or AREQB asserted for Port B with the appropriate GRANT latch the input row,
1The row, column and bank latches are fall through.
C9Delay CAS during WRITE Accesses
0CAS is treated the same for both READ and WRITE accesses.
1During WRITE accesses, CAS will be asserted by the event that occurs last: CAS asserted by the internal delay
C8Row Address Hold Time
0Row Address Hold Timee25 ns minimum
1Row Address Hold Time
C7Column Address Setup Time
0Column Address Setup Timee10 ns miniumum
1Column Address Setup Timee0 ns minimum
C6, C5, C4RAS
0, 0, 0RAS0– 3 and CAS0 –3 are all selected during an access. ECASn must be asserted for CASn to be asserted.
0, 0, 1RAS
0, 1, 0RAS and CAS singles are selected during an access by B0 – 1. ECAS
0, 1, 1RAS
1, 0, 0RAS pairs are selected by B1. CAS0 – 3 are all selected. ECASn must be asserted for CASn to be asserted.
negated. The WE
corresponding ECAS
outputs negating. Scrubbing refreshes are NOT affected. During scrubbing refreshes the CAS outputs will negate
along with the RAS
The WE output will function as ReFresh ReQuest (RFRQ) when this mode is programmed.
will start. AREQ
column and bank address.
line or CAS
and CAS Configuration Modes/Error Scrubbing during Refresh
B0 and B1 are not used during an access. Error scrubbing during refresh.
and CAS pairs are selected during an access by B1. ECASn must be asserted for CASn to be asserted.
0 during an access selects RAS0–1 and CAS0–1.
B1e1 during an access selects RAS2–3 and CAS2–3.
B0 is not used during an Access.
Error scrubbing during refresh.
0, B0e0 during an access selects RAS0 and CAS0.
0, B0e1 during an access selects RAS1 and CAS1.
1, B0e0 during an access selects RAS2 and CAS2.
B1e1, B0e1 during an access selects RAS3 and CAS3.
Error scrubbing during refresh.
0–3 and CAS0 –3 are all selected during an access. ECASn must be asserted for CASn to be asserted.
B1, B0 are not used during an access.
No error scrubbing. (RAS
0 during an access selects RAS0–1 and CAS0–3.
B1e1 during an access selects RAS2–3 and CAS0–3.
B0 is not used during an access.
No error scrubbing.
output pin will function as write enable.
n inputs are negated. This feature allows the CAS outputs to be extended beyond the RAS
outputs regardless of the state of the ECAS inputs.
will terminate the access.
asserted on the positive edge of CLK after RAS is asserted.
15 ns minimum
n must be asserted for CASn to be asserted.
only refreshing)
3.0 Programming and Resetting (Continued)
C6, C5, C4RAS and CAS Configuration Modes (Continued)
1, 0, 1RAS and CAS pairs are selected by B1. ECASn must be asserted for CASn to be asserted.
1, 1, 0RAS singles are selected by B0 – 1. CAS0–3 are all selected. ECASn must be asserted for CASntobe
1, 1, 1RAS and CAS singles are selected by B0, 1. ECASn must be asserted for CASn to be asserted.
C3Refresh Clock Fine Tune Divisor
0Divide delay line/refresh clock further by 30 (If DELCLK/Refresh Clock Clock Divisore2 MHze15 ms
1Divide delay line/refresh clock further by 26 (If DELCLK/Refresh Clock Clock Divisor
C2, C1, C0Delay Line/Refresh Clock Divisor Select
0, 0, 0Divide DELCLK by 10 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
0, 0, 1Divide DELCLK by 9 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
0, 1, 0Divide DELCLK by 8 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
0, 1, 1Divide DELCLK by 7 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
1, 0, 0Divide DELCLK by 6 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
1, 0, 1Divide DELCLK by 5 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
1, 1, 0Divide DELCLK by 4 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
1, 1, 1Divide DELCLK by 3 to get as close to 2 MHz as possible.
R9Refresh Mode Select
0RAS0–3 will all assert and negate at the same time during a refresh.
1Staggered Refresh. RAS
R8Address Pipelining Select
0Address pipelining is selected. The DRAM controller will switch the DRAM column address back to the row
1Non-address pipelining is selected. The DRAM controller will hold the column address on the DRAM address
R7WAIT or DTACK Select
0WAIT type output is selected.
R6Add Wait States to the Current Access if WAITIN is Low
0WAIT or DTACK will be delayed by one additional positive edge of CLK.
0 during an access selects RAS0–1 and CAS0–1.
1 during an access selects RAS2–3 and CAS2–3.
B0 is not used during an access.
No error scrubbing.
0, B0e0 during an access selects RAS0 and CAS0–3.
0, B0e1 during an access selects RAS1 and CAS0–3.
1, B0e0 during an access selects RAS2 and CAS0–3.
1, B0e1 during an access selects RAS3 and CAS0–3.
No error scrubbing.
0, B0e0 during an access selects RAS0 and CAS0.
0, B0e1 during an access selects RAS1 and CAS1.
1, B0e0 during an access selects RAS2 and CAS2.
1, B0e1 during an access selects RAS3 and CAS3.
No error scrubbing.
refresh period).
refresh period).
outputs during refresh are separated by one positive clock edge. Depending on the
configuration mode chosen, either one or two RAS
s will be asserted.
address after guaranteeing the column address hold time.
bus until the access RAS
s are negated.
(Data Transfer ACKnowledge) type output is selected.
or DTACK will be delayed by two additional positive edges of CLK.
2 MHze13 ms
3.0 Programming and Resetting (Continued)
R5, R4WAIT/DTACK during Burst (See Section 5.1.2 or 5.2.2)
0, 0NO WAIT STATES; If R7e0 during programming, WAIT will remain negated during burst portion of access.
0, 11T; If R7e0 during programming, WAIT will assert when the ECAS inputs are negated with AREQ asserted.
1, 0(/2T; If R7e0 during programming, WAIT will assert when the ECAS inputs are negated with AREQ asserted.
1, 10T; If R7e0 during programming, WAIT will assert when the ECAS inputs are negated. WAIT will negate when
R3, R2WAIT/DTACK Delay Times (See Section 5.1.1 or 5.2.1)
0, 0NO WAIT STATES; If R7e0 during programming, WAIT will remain high during non-delayed accesses. WAIT
0, 1(/2T; If R7e0 during programming, WAIT will negate on the negative level of CLK, after the access RAS.
1, 0NO WAIT STATES, (/2T; If R7
1, 11T; If R7e0 during programming, WAIT will negate on the positive edge of CLK after the access RAS.
R1, R0RAS Low and RAS Precharge Time
0, 0RAS asserted during refreshe2 positive edges of CLK.
0, 1RAS
1, 0RAS asserted during refreshe2 positive edges of CLK.
1, 1RAS asserted during refreshe4 positive edges of CLK.
If R7
1 programming, DTACK will remain asserted during burst portion of access.
will negate from the positive edge of CLK after the ECASs have been asserted.
If R7e1 during programming, DTACK will negate when the ECAS inputs are negated with AREQ asserted.
will assert from the positive edge of CLK after the ECASs have been asserted.
will negate on the negative level of CLK after the ECASs have been asserted.
If R7
1 during programming, DTACK will negate when the ECAS inputs are negated with AREQ asserted.
will assert from the negative level of CLK after the ECASs have been asserted.
the ECAS
If R7e1 during programming, DTACK will negate when the ECAS inputs are negated. DTACK will assert when
the ECAS
will negate when RAS is negated during delayed accesses.
1T; If R7e1 during programming, DTACK will be asserted on the positive edge of CLK after the access RAS.
(/2T; If R7
1(/2T; If R7
of CLK after the access RAS
inputs are asserted.
inputs are asserted.
1 during programming, DTACK will be asserted when RAS is asserted.
will negate on the negative level of CLK, after the access RAS, during delayed accesses.
1 during programming, DTACK will be asserted on the negative level of CLK after the access RAS.
1 during programming, DTACK will be asserted on the negative level of CLK after the positive edge
precharge timee1 positive edge of CLK.
will start from the first positive edge of CLK after GRANTB transitions (DP8422V, DP84T22).
asserted during refreshe3 positive edges of CLK.
precharge timee2 positive edges of CLK.
will start from the second positive edge of CLK after GRANTB transitions (DP8422V, DP84T22).
precharge timee2 positive edges of CLK.
will start from the first positive edge of CLK after GRANTB transitions (DP8422V, DP84T22).
precharge timee3 positive edges of CLK.
will start from the second positive edge of CLK after GRANTB transitions (DP8422V, DP84T22).
0 during programming, WAIT will remain high during non-delayed accesses.
4.0 Port A Access Modes
The DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 have two general purpose access modes. Mode 0 RAS
asynchronous. One of these modes is selected at programming through the B1 input. A Port A access to DRAM is
initiated by two input signals: ADS
cess is always terminated by one signal: AREQ
signals should be synchronous to the input clock.
Mode 0, synchronous access, is selected by negating the
input B1 during programming (B1
access, ALE is pulse high and CS
time was met, a refresh of DRAM or a Port B access was
not in progress, the RAS
synchronous and Mode 1
(ALE) and CS. The ac-
0). To initiate a Mode 0
is asserted. If precharge
(RASs) would be asserted on the
. These input
first rising edge of clock. If a refresh or a Port B access is in
progress or precharge time is required, the controller will
wait until these events have taken place and assert RAS
(RASs) on the next positive edge of clock.
Sometime after the first positive edge of clock after ALE and
have been asserted, the input AREQ must be asserted.
In single port applications, once AREQ
be negated. On the other hand, ALE can stay asserted several periods of clock; however, ALE must be negated before
or during the period of CLK in which AREQ
The controller samples AREQ on the every rising edge of
clock after DTACK
is sampled negated.
is asserted. The access will end when
is asserted, CS can
is negated.
FIGURE 8a. Access Mode 0
TL/F/11109– 9
4.0 Port A Access Modes (Continued)
Mode 1, asynchronous access, is selected by asserting the
input B1 during programming (B1
cesses to start immediately from the access request input,
. To initiate a Mode 1 access, CS is asserted followed
by ADS
asserted. If precharge time was met, a refresh of
the DRAM or a Port B access was not in progress, the RAS
(RASs) would be asserted from ADS being asserted. If a
refresh or Port B access is in progress or precharge time is
required, the controller will wait until these events have tak-
1). This mode allows ac-
en place and assert RAS
of clock.
When ADS
asserted. At this time, ADS
continue the access. Also, ADS
after AREQ
new access will not start until ADS
again. When address pipelining is not implemented, ADS
and AREQ can be tied together.
The access will end when AREQ is negated.
is asserted or sometime after, AREQ must be
has been asserted and negated; however, a
(RASs) from the next rising edge
can be negated and AREQ will
can continue to be asserted
is negated and asserted
FIGURE 8b. Access Mode 1
TL/F/11109– 10
4.0 Port A Access Modes (Continued)
In both access modes, once AREQ
if programmed will be negated. If ECAS0 was as-
serted (0) during programming, CAS
is negated, RAS and
(CASs) will be negated
with AREQ
been negated, given that the appropriate ECAS
. If ECAS0 was negated (1) during programming,
(CASs) will continue to be asserted after RAS has
inputs are
asserted. This allows a DRAM to have data present on the
data out bus while gaining RAS
precharge time.
FIGURE 9a. Access Mode 0 Extending CAS
FIGURE 9b. Access Mode 1 Extending CAS
TL/F/11109– 11
TL/F/11109– 12
4.0 Port A Access Modes (Continued)
There are 2 methods by which this chip can be used to do
read-modify-write access cycles. The first method involves
doing a late write access where the WIN
some delay after CAS
volves doing a page mode read access followed by a page
mode write access with RAS
CASn must be toggled using the ECASn inputs and WIN has
to be changed from negated to asserted (read to write)
is asserted. The second method in-
held low (see
input is asserted
Figure 9c
while CAS
cause here a problem may arise with DATA IN and DATA
OUT being valid at the same time. This may result in a data
line trying to drive two different levels simultaneously. The
page mode method of a read-modify-write access allows
the user to have transceivers in the system because the
data in (read data) is guaranteed to be high impedance during the time the data out (write data) is valid.
is negated. This method is better than changing
from negated to asserted in a late write access be-
*There may be idle states inserted here by the CPU.
TL/F/11109– 13
FIGURE 9c. Read-Modify-Write Access Cycle
4.0 Port A Access Modes (Continued)
To support the different modes of accessing, the DP8420V/
21V/22V, DP84T22 offer other access features. These additional features include: Address Latches and Column Increment (for page/burst mode support), Address Pipelining,
and Delay CAS
ensure valid data is present before CAS
4.5.1 Address Latches and Column Increment
The Address Latches can be programmed, through programming bit B0. They can be programmed to either latch
the address or remain in a fall-through mode. If the address
latches are used to latch the address, the controller will
function as follows:
In Mode 0, the rising edge of ALE places the latches in fallthrough, once ALE is negated, the address present in the
row, column and bank input is latched.
(to allow the user with a multiplexed bus to
is asserted).
In Mode 1, the address latches are in fall through mode until
is asserted. ADS asserted latches the address.
Once the address is latched, the column address can be
incremented with the input COLINC. COLINC can be used
for sequential accesses of static column DRAMs. COLINC
can also be used with the ECAS
tial accesses to page mode DRAMs as shown in
COLINC should only be asserted when the signal RFIP
negated during an access since this input functions as extended refresh when RFIP
negated (0) when the address is being latched (ADS
edge in Mode 1). If COLINC is asserted with all of the bits of
the column address asserted (ones), the column address
will return to zero.
inputs to support sequen-
Figure 10
is asserted. COLINC must be
FIGURE 10. Column Increment
The address latches function differently with the DP8422V,
DP84T22. The DP8422V, DP84T22 will latch the address of
the currently granted port. If Port A is currently granted, the
address will be latched as described in Section 4.5.1. If Port
A is not granted, and requests an access, the address will
be latched on the first or second positive edge of CLK after
GRANTB has been negated depending on the programming
bits R0, R1.
For Port B, if GRANTB is asserted, the address will be
latched with AREQB
address will latch on the first or second positive edge of
CLK after GRANTB is asserted depending on the programming bits R0, R1.
asserted. If GRANTB is negated, the
TL/F/11109– 14
4.0 Port A Access Modes (Continued)
4.5.2 Address Pipelining
Address pipelining is the overlapping of accesses to different banks of DRAM. If the majority of successive accesses
are to a different bank, the accesses can be overlapped.
Because of this overlapping, the cycle time of the DRAM
accesses are greatly reduced. The DP8420V/21V/22V,
DP84T22 can be programmed to allow a new row address
to be placed on the DRAM address bus after the column
address hold time has been met. At this time, a new access
can be initiated with ADS
mode, while AREQ
The DP8422V and DP84T22 support address pipelining for
Port A only. This mode cannot be used with page, static
column or nibble modes of operations because the DRAM
column address is switched back to the row address after
is asserted. This mode is programmed through address bit R8 (see
output WE
always functions as RFRQ.
or ALE, depending on the access
is used to sustain the current access.
Figures 11a
). In this mode, the
During address pipelining in Mode 0, shown in
ALE cannot be pulsed high to start another access until
has been asserted for the previous access for at
least one period of CLK. DTACK
negated once AREQ
insert wait states, will be asserted once ALE and CS
In Mode 1, shown in
is asserted. After meeting the minimum negated
pulse width for ADS
new access. DTACK
is negated. WAIT, if programmed, will be asserted
once ADS
In either mode with either type of wait programmed, the
DP8420V/21V/22V, DP84T22 will still delay the access for
precharge if sequential accesses are to the same bank or if
a refresh takes place.
is asserted.
is negated. WAIT, if programmed to
Figure 11d
, ADS can again be asserted to start a
, if programmed, will be negated once
, if programmed, will be
, ADS can be negated once
Figure 11c
FIGURE 11a. Non-Address Pipelined Mode
FIGURE 11b. Address Pipelined Mode
TL/F/11109– 15
TL/F/11109– 16
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