NSC DP83953VUL Datasheet

DP83953 (RIC2A) Repeater Interface Controller with Security Features, Internal Drivers and Integrated Filters
DP83953 (RIC2A) Repeater Interface Controller with Security Features, Internal Drivers and Integrated Filters
March 1998
The DP83953 Repeater Interface Controller with Security Features and Integrated Transmit Filters (RIC2A) is an en­hanced v ersi on of t he DP83952 Repeat er Inter f ace Control ­ler with Security Features (RIC II). The RIC2A integrates driver and f il ter circuitry into the RIC II design.
The functionality of the RIC2A is essentially similar to the RIC II, but the pin definitions have been modified to reflect the added integrated drivers and filters. Additionally, the power and ground pin locations have been rearranged. Therefore, the RIC2A is not a drop in replacement for the RIC ll.
The RIC2A is National Semiconductor’s managed repeater solution designed to comply with IEEE 802.3 Repeater Specifica tions. Segment partiti on and jabber loc kup protec­tion state machines are implemented in accordance with this standard. The RIC2A has thirteen network interface ports available, including an AUI compatible port. The AUI port incorporates driv ers to connect an ext ernal MAU using maximum length cable. Similarly, the other twelve interface ports integrat e 10BASE- T t ransc eiv ers with supporting dri v­er and transmit filter circuitry. (continued)
Fully compliant with the IEEE 802.3 Repeater Specifica­tion
12 IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T compatible ports with built-in drivers and analog transmit filters; additional external isolation transformers are required to implement hubs
1 IEEE 802.3 compatible AUI port
Cascadable for la rger hub applications
On chip Elasticity Buffer, Manchester encoder and de­coder
Separate Partition state machines for each port
Compatible with 802.3k Hub Management require­ments
LED displays to provide port status information, includ­ing receive, collision, partition, jabber and link status,
Power-up configuration options
Repeater and Partition Specifications, Status Display, Processor Operati ons
Simple processor interface for repeater management and port disable.
On-chip Event Counte rs and Event Flag Arrays
Serial Management Bus Interface to combine packet and repeater status information
Single 5V supply
The Security Features
Prevents unauthorized eavesdropping and/or intrusion on a per port basis
58 On Chip CAMs (Content Addressable Memory) al­low storage of acceptable addresses
Learn mode automatically records addresses of at­tached node
System Diagram
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General Description
The RIC2A repeater consists of two major functional blocks: The segment specific block and the shared func­tional b locks. The segment specific b lock incorporates rele­vant IEEE specifications on a per port basis. The shared functional bl ocks incorporate core logic for the entire IEEE repeater unit. The core logic blocks consist of a repeater receive multiple xor, a phase locked loop (PLL), a Manches ­ter decoder, an elasticity buffer, a transmit encoder and a demultip lexor.
A larger repeater system may be constructed by cascading several RIC2A devices via the Inter-RIC bus. This method
Table of Contents
1.0 Connection Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.0 Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.0 Block Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.0 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.1 Summary of DP83953 RIC2A Feature
Enhancements from DP83952 RIC II . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Overview Of RIC2A Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Description Of Repeater Operations . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.4 Examples Of Packet Repetition
Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.5 Description Of Hardware Connection For Inter-ric
Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.6 Processor and Display Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.7 Description Of Hardware Connection For Processor
And Display Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
of cascading allows the RIC2A system to function as a sin­gle repeater unit without introducing additional repeater hops.
The RIC2A is configurable for specific applications. It pro­vides port status information for LED array displays and a simple interface for system processors. The RIC2A pos­sesses multifunctional counters and status flag arrays to facilitate network statistics gathering, as well as a serial Hub Management Interf ace Bus for collect ing, e v ent dat a in managed hub applications.
5.0 HUB Management Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.1 Event Counting Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2 Event Record Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.3 Management Interface Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.4 Description of Hardware Connection for
Management Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.0 Port Block Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.1 Transceiver Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.2 Segment Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.3 Port Status Register Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.4 Local Ports and Expected Activity . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.0 RIC2A Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.0 Board Layout Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
9.0 DC and AC Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
10.0 Physical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
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1.0 Connection Diagram
Order Number DP83953VUL
NS Package Number VUL160A
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1.0 Connection Diagram
12 T.P. Ports + 1 AUI
GNDP13 40 V
TXO13- 39 GND 79 TXO2+ 119 TEST_11 159 TXO13+ 38 IRC 78 GNDP2 118 TES T_10 158 TXO12- 37 IRE 77 V
TXO12+ 36 IRD 76 RXI2- 116 TEST_8 156 GNDP12 35 COLN 75 RXI2+ 115 TEST_7 155
P12 34 V
RXI12- 33 GND 73 RX1+ 113 FIL TTL 153 RXI12+ 32 PKEN 72 CD1- 112 V
RXI11- 31 RXMPLL 71 CD1+ 111 GNDWS 151 RXI11+ 30
P11 29
GNDP11 28 TXO11- 27 TXO11+ 26 TXO10- 25 V
TXO10+ 24 GND 64 NC 104 TXO6- 144 GNDP10 23
P10 22 ACTND 62 V
RXI10- 21 ANYXND 61 GND 101 V RXI10+ 20
RXI9- 19 MRXC 59 RA4 99 RXI6+ 139 RXI9+ 18 MEN 58 RA3 98 RXI5- 138
P9 17 MRXD 57 RA2 97 RXI5+ 137
GNDP9 16 MCRS 56 RA1 96 V TXO9- 15 V
TXO9+ 14 GND 54 V TXO8- 13
TXO8+ 12 ACTNS 52 GNDP8 11 ANYXNS 51
P8 10
RXI8- 9 NC 49 RXI8+ 8 TEST_6 48 D7 88 RXI4- 128
A 7 TEST_5 47 D6 87 RXI4+ 127
GNDA 6 TEST_4 46 D5 86 RXI3- 126 RTX 5 TEST_3 45 D4 85 RXI3+ 125 REQ 4 TEST_2 44 D3 84 V
NC 3 RXI13- 43 D2 83 GNDP3 123 TEST_1 2 RXI13+ 42 D1 82 TXO3- 122 V
Note 1: NC = No Connect Note 2: Port Note 3: The path to each port
and GND are denoted as
and GND must have a very low impedance.
P13 41 D0 81 TXO3+ 121
Px and GNDPx, where x=2-13 for all twisted pair ports.
80 TXO2- 120 GND 160
P2 117 TEST_9 157
74 RX1- 114 NC 154
WS 152
70 TX1- 110 RXI7- 150 69 TX1+ 109 RXI7+ 149 68 VDD AUI 108 VDDP7 148 67 GND AUI 107 GNDP7 147 66 NC 106 TXO7- 146 65 NC 105 TXO7+ 145
63 NC 103 TXO6+ 143
102 GNDP6 142
P6 141
60 CLKIN 100 RXI6- 140
P5 136
55 RA0 95 GNDP5 135
PLL 94 TXO5- 134
53 GNDPLL 93 TXO5+ 133
92 TXO4- 132 91 TXO4+ 131 90 GNDP4 130 89 VDDP4 129
P3 124
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2.0 Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Pin No.
I/O Description
Network Interface Pins
RXI2- to RXI13- TP I Twisted Pair Receive Input Negative RXI2+ to RXI13+ TP I Twisted Pair Receive Input Posi tive TXO2- to TXO13- TP O Twisted Pair Transmit Output Negative TXO2+ to TXO13+ TP O Twisted Pair Transmit Output Positive
: This pin can be utilized for the PCB diagnostic pur-
Normal repeater operation
Differential transmit signals change to TTL l evel +TX and de-
layed +TX.
REQ 4 Analog I Equalization Resistor: A re sisto r connect ed bet ween this pin and
GND or
adjusts the equalization step amplitude on the
Manchester encoded t ransmit data. Care m ust be taken to ensure system timing integrity when using cable lengt hs greater than 100m. The value here is depende nt upon board layout.
RTX 5 Analog I Extended Cable Resist or: A resistor connected between this pin
and GND or
adjusts th e am plitude of the differential transmit
outputs. Care must be taken to ensure system timing integrity when using cable lengt hs greater than 100m. The value here is dependent upon boar d layout.
AUI Port
CD1+ 111 AL I AUI Collision Detect Input Positive CD1- 112 AL I AUI Collision Detect Input Negative RX1+ 113 AL I AUI Receive Input Positive RX1- 114 AL I AUI Receive Input Negative TX1+ 109 AD O AUI Transmit Output Positive TX1- 110 AD O AUI Transmit Output Negati ve
= Twisted Pair interface compatibl e, TT = TTL compatible, I = Input, O = Output, Analog = current dependent eff ect,
= AUI Level, AD = AUI Drive
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2.0 Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Pin No.
I/O Description
Processor Bus Pins
RA0 - RA4 TT I
EGISTER ADDRESS INPUTS: These five pins are used to select a register to be read or wri tten. The st ate of these i nputs is ignored when the read, write and Mode Load input strobes are high. (Even under these conditions these inputs must n ot be allowed to float at an undefined logic state). See text and table for proper Mode Load Operat ion strapping.
Maximum Display Mode:
display data for network ports 1 to 7 into the off chip display latches.
Minimum Display Mode:
display data for the RIC2 A into the off chip display latch. During processor access cycles (read or write is asserted) thi s
signal is inactive (high).
Maximum Display Mode:
display data for network ports 8 to 13 into the off chip display latches.
Minimum Display Mode:
During processor access cycles (read or write is asserted) thi s signal is inactive (high).
This signal controls the latching of
This signal control s the latching of
This signal controls the latching of
No operation
D0 - D7 TT B, Z
ata Bus
Display Update Cycles:
These pins becom e outputs providing
display data and por t addr ess information.
Processor Access Cycles:
Data input or output is performed via these pins. The r ead, write an d mode load input s control t he direction o f the signal s.See text and tabl e for prope r Mode Loa d Operation strap ping.
Note: The data pins remain in their display update function, i.e., asserted as out­puts unless either the read or write strobe is asserted.
FER ENABLE: This output contr ols th e TRI-STATE
oper­ation of the bus transcei ver which provides the int erface be­tween the RIC2A's data pins and the processor's data bus.
Note: The buffer enable output indicates the function of the data pins. When it is high they are performing display update cycles, when it is low a processor access or mode load cycle is occurring.
RDY 69 C O DATA READY STROBE: The falling edge of this si gnal during
a read cycle indicates th at data is stable and val id for sampling. In write cycles the falling edge of RDY
denotes that the write data has been latch ed by the RIC2A. The refore data mu st have been available and stable for this operatio n to be successful.
ELI 68 C O
output indicates the RIC2A's hub managem ent logic requires CPU at­tention. The interrupt i s cleared b y accessing the Port Even t Re­cording regi ster or Event Counter that produced it. Al l i nterrupt sources may be masked.
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2.0 Pin Descriptions
RTI 67 C O
EAL TIME INTERRUPT: A low level on the RTI cates the RIC2A's real t ime (packet specific) i nterrupt logic re­quires CPU attention. The interrupt is cleared by reading the Real Time Interrupt St atus register. Al l interrupt sources m ay be masked.
output indi-
WR 90 TT I
RD 89 TT I
= TTL compatible, B = Bi-directional, C = CMOS compatible, OD = Open Drain, I = Input, O = Output,
= high impedance
OUNTER strobe decrements all of the RIC2A's Port Event Counters by one. This input is int ernally synchronized and if necessary the operation of the signal is delayed if there is a simultaneous in­ternally generated counting operation.
ITE STROBE: Strobe from the CPU use d to write an internal
register defined by the RA0 - RA4 inputs.
register defined by the RA0 - RA4 inputs.
back up from low to high, all of the RIC2A's state machines, counters and network ports are reset and hel d inactive. On the rising edge of MLOAD and RA0 - RA4 inputs are lat ched into the RIC2A's conf iguration registers. The ri sing edge of MLOAD of the display test oper ation. The clock signal must be present on the CLKIN pin during MLOAD
REMENT: A rising edge on the CDEC
STROBE: Strobe from the CPU used to rea d an internal
the logic levels present on the D0 - 7 pins
When this input cycles
also signal s the beginning
assertion and de-ass ertion.
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2.0 Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Pin No.
Inter-RIC Bus Pins
I/O Description
NOWLEDGE INPUT: Input to the network ports' arbitration
NOWLEDGE OUTPUT: Output from the networ k ports' arbi-
tration chain.
vides a serial data st ream in NRZ format . The signal is ass erted by a RIC2A when it is receiving data fr om one of its network seg­ments. The default condition of this signal i s to be an input. In this state it may be driven by other devices on the Inter-RIC bus.
vides an activ ity f raming en able fo r the se rial dat a strea m. The sig ­nal is asserted by a RIC2A wh en it is rec eivi ng data f rom one of i ts network segments. The default condition of this signal is to be an input. In this state it may be driven by other devices on the Inter­RIC bus.
vides a clock signal for the serial data stream. Data (IRD) is changed on the fal ling ed ge of the clock. The s ignal i s asser ted by a RIC2A when it is receiving data fr om one of its network seg­ments. The default condition of this signal is to be an input. When an input, IRD is sampled on the rising edge of the clock. In this state it may be driven by other devices on the Inter-RIC bus.
ATA: When asserted as an output this signal pro-
NABLE: When asser ted as an output this signal pro-
LOCK: When asserted as an output this signal pro-
CLKIN 100 TT I 40 MHz CLOCK INPUT: This input is used t o generate the
= TTL compatible, B = Bi-directional, C = CMOS compatible, OD = Open Drain, I = Input, O = Output,
= high impedance,
LISION ON PORT N: This denotes that a c ollision is occ urring on the port r eceiving the dat a packet. The defaul t condition of this signal is to be an input. In this state it may be driven by other de­vices on the Inter-RIC bus.
ET ENABLE: This output acts as an active high enable for an external bus transceiver (if require d) fo r the IRE, IRC IRD and COLN signals. When high the bus transceiver should be transmit­ting on to the bus, i.e. t his RIC2A is dr iving the IRD, IRE, I RC, and COLN bus lines. When low the bus transceiver should receive from the bus.
RIC2A's timing refer ence for the state machines, and phase lock loop decoder.
IVITY ON PORT RIC2A is recei ving data or c ollision infor m ati on from one o f its net­work segments.
IVITY ON PORT other RIC2A in a multi-RIC2A system is receivin g data or collis ion information.
CTIVITY ON ANY PORT EXCLUDING PORT output is active when a RIC2A is experiencing a transmit collision or multiple ports have active collisions on their network segmen ts.
CTIVITY ON ANY PORT EXCLUDING PORT put senses when this RIC2A or ot her RIC2As in a multi-RI C2A sys­tem are experiencing transmit collisions or multiple ports have active collisions on their network segments.
RIVE: This output is active when the
ENSE: This input s enses when this or an-
RIVE: This
ENSE: This in-
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2.0 Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Pin No.
I/O Description
Management Bus Pins
ANAGEMENT RECEIVE CLOCK: When asserted this signal pro­vides a clock si gnal for the MRXD serial data stream . The MR XD signal is chan ged on the falling edge of this clock. The signal is as­serted when a RIC2A is receiving data from one of its network seg­ments. Other w ise the signal is inactive.
ANAGEMENT CARRIER SENSE: When asserted this signal pro­vides an activ ity framing enable for the serial data stream. The sig­nal is asserted when a RIC2A is receiving data from one of its network segments. Otherwise the signal is an input.
ANAGEMENT RECEIVE DATA: When asserted this signal pro­vides a seri al data stream i n NRZ format. The data stream is made up of the data packet and RIC2A status information. The signal is asserted when a RIC2A is receiving data from one of its network segments. Otherwise the signal is inactive.
MEN 58 C O
ANAGEMENT BUS OUTPUT ENABLE: This output act s as an ac­tive high enable for an external bus transcei ver (if required) for the MRXC, MCRS
and MRXD signals. When high the bus transceiver
should be transmi tting on to the bus.
ACKET packet compress l ogi c. A low level on this si gnal when MCRS tive will cause that packet to be compressed. If PCOMP all packets are compressed, if PCO M P
RESS: This input is used to activ ate the RIC2A's
is tied high packet co mpres -
is ac-
is tied low
sion is inhibit ed.
External Decoder Pins
ECEVE DATA MANCHESTER FORMAT: This output makes the data, in Manc hester format , recei ved by po rt N avai labl e for test pur­poses. If not use d for testing this pin should be le ft open.
Test Pins
TEST_(12:7) 154-159 TT I Factory test control pins - this pin should be connected to GND for
proper operat ion of the repeater.
TEST_(6:2) 44-48 TT I Factory test control pins - this pin should be connected to GND for
proper operat ion of the repeater.
TEST_1 2 TT O Factory test control pins - this pin should be le ft unconnected for
proper operat ion of the repeater.
Po we r and Ground Pins
GND 54, 64, 73, 79, 101,
1, 55, 65, 74, 80, 102 Positive Supply
Nega tive S u pp ly
A 7 Positive Supply for Analog circuitr y
GNDA 6 Negative Supply for Analog circuitry
PLL 94 Positive Supply for Phase Lock Loop
GNDPLL 93 Negative Supply for Phase Lock Loop
WS 152 Positive Supply for Wave Shape circuitry
GNDWS 151 Negative Supply for Wave Shape circuitry VDD P
10, 17, 22, 29, 34, 41,
117, 124, 129, 136,
Positiv e su pp l y fo r p or t N . C o nne c t for all por ts .
141, 148
11, 16, 23, 28, 35, 40,
Negative supply for port N. Connect for all ports.
118, 123, 130, 135,
142, 147
VDD AUI 108 Positive sup ply for AUI port. GND AUI 107 Negative supply for AUI port.
= TTL compatible, B = Bi-directional, C = CMOS compatible, OD = Open Drain, I = Input, O = Output,
= high impedance
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3.0 Block Diagrams
Figure 1. Shared Repeater and Segment Functional Blocks
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3.0 Block Diagrams
Figure 2. RIC2A Port Architecture Security Block Diagram
Note: The block di agram for the RIC2A , when use d in the non-secur e mode , is identi cal to the “sha red” repea ter funct ional blo ck diag ram.( in secure mode, additional security logic is used when operating the device (
Figure 2
Figure 1
). But,
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4.0 Functional Description
The IEEE 802.3 repeater specification delineates the func­tional criteria that all compliant repeater systems must adhere to. An implementation of these requirements strongly suggest a multiport modular design style. In such a design, functionality is split between those tasks common to all data channels and those exclusive to each individual channel. The RIC2A follows this approach. Certain func­tional blocks are replicated for each network attachment, (also known as a repeater port), and others are shared.
The following subsections provide an overview of the RIC2A architecture. First, RIC2A feature enhancements from the RIC II is discussed. Then, the RIC2A functional blocks are described.
4.1 Summary of DP83953 RIC2A Feature En­hancements from DP83952 RIC II
1. The DP83953 RIC2A integrat es transmit filter s and driv­ers on a per port basis. These additional features allow a system dev eloper to add l itt le more tha n exter nal is ola­tion tran sformer s in o rder t o bu ild f ully secure d/man aged hub products.
2. The functionality of the DP83953 is essentia lly similar to DP83952, but some of the pin definitions have been modified to reflect the new integrated drivers and trans­mit filter s. Therefore, the RIC2A is
ment for the RICII
locations have been rearranged to accommodate addi­tional pins.
3. Integrated network port drivers provide controlled rise and fall time output signals. These port drivers will facil i­tate EMI compliance without procuring additional com­ponents.
4. Compared to DP83952, the DP83 953 requires additiona l current dr ive. The additional current is required to im ple­ment the new integrated drivers and transmit filters.
. Additionally, power and ground pin
not a drop in replace-
4.2 Overview Of RIC2A Functions
Segment Specific Bloc k: Network Port
As shown in the block diagram, the segment specific b locks consist of
A logic sectio n and a physical layer interface section. The logic bloc k is required for perform ing repeater oper­ations upon that particular segment. It is known as the “port” lo gic since it is the access “port” the segm ent has to the rest of the network.
This function is repeated 13 times in the RIC2A (one for each port) and is shown on the right side of the block dia­gram, Figure 1.
The physical layer interface depends upon the port. Port 1 has an AUI compliant interface for use with AUI compatible transceiver boxes and cable. Ports 2 to 13 are twisted pair ports.
The four dist inct functions insi de the port logic block are:
1. The Port State Machine "PSM" performs data and colli­sion repetition as described by the IEEE repeater speci­fication. For exampl e, i t may det ermi ne if this p ort sho uld be receiving from or transmitting to a particular network segment.
2. The Port Partition Logic implements the segment parti­tioning algorithm. This algorithm is defined by the IEEE specificatio n and is used t o protect t he network f rom mal­functioning segments.
3. The Port Status Register r eflects the cur rent stat us of the port. The system processor may access this register to obtain port status information or to configure certain po rt options, such as port disable.
4. The Port security configuration logic determines if the transmitted or received packet will cont ain intact or pseu­do random data. This logic consists of two dedicated CAM locations p er por t f or lea rning, storing, and compa r­ing port source addresses.
Shared Functional Blocks: Repeater Core Logic
The shared functional blocks consists of the repeater Main State Machine (MSM), Timers, a 32 bit Elasticity Buffer, PLL Decoder, Receive and Transmit Multiplexors, and Security Logic with 32 shareable CAM locations. These blocks perform the majority of the operations needed to ful­fill the requirements of the IEEE repeater specification.
When a packet is received by a port it is then sent via the Receive Multiplexor to the PLL Decoder. Notification of the data and collision status is sent to the MSM through the receive multiplexor and collis ion activity stat us signals. T his enables the MSM to determine th e source and type of data to be transmitted and eventually repeated to all ports. This information may be valid data or the jam pattern.
According to the IEEE repeater specifications, after a colli­sion has been determined, the transmit data will be replaced with a jam pattern consisting of a alternating ones and zeros. (e.g. 1010...) for at least 96 bit times. If a colli­sion occurs during the preamb le, the addr ess field, the type field, or the data field the RIC2A will immediately switch to the jam pattern to be transmit ted to all ports.
If the RIC2A is configured for the "non-secure" mode, the valid received data is transmitted to all of the other ports, except the port which is rec eiving the pack et.
If the RIC2A is configured for the "secure" mode, the source and destination addresses within each packet are first chec ked against the addresses of the local and shared CAMs assigned to the port. Based on this comparison , and the port configuration will be either:
1. A pseudo random bit pattern may be generated in the data field of the designated “secure” packet and then transmitted to their respective port(s). Or,
2. The received data may be transmitted intact.
The data always remains intact on the Inter-RIC bus (IRB to be described later) to allow any cascaded repeaters to compare all destination addresses with their l ocal CAMs. In
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4.0 Functional Description
the case of a source address mismatch, the RIC2A will immediately switch to a random bit pattern on both the local transmit t ing po rts and th e IRB.
The main state machine operates in conjunction with a series of counter timers. These timers will ensure that all associated IEEE specification times (referred to as the TW1 to TW6 times) are met.
An IEEE repeater system must meet the same signal jitter performance as any other receiving n ode attached to a net­work segment. Consequently, a phase locked loop Manchester decoder is required so that the packet may be decoded, and the jitter accumulated over the receiving seg­ment recovered. The decode logic outputs data in non return to zero (NRZ) format with an associated clock and enable. This format allows the packet to be conveniently transferred to o ther attached devices, such as network con­trollers and other repeaters through the Inter-RIC bus (IRB). The data may then be re-encoded into Manchester data and transmitted.
During reception and/or transmission through the physical layer transceivers a loss of bits in the preamble field of a packet may occur. This loss must be replaced according to the IEEE repeater specification. To accomplish this, an elasticity buffer is employed to restore a full length pream­ble upon transmission.
The Sequence of Operation
Soon after the network segment receiving a packet has been identified, the RIC2A will transmit the preamble pat­tern (1010...) to all other network segments. While the pre­amble is being transmitted, the elasticity buffer will monitor the decoded received clock and data signals via the Inter­RIC bus (IRB). When the start of frame delimiter (SFD) is detected, the received dat a stream will be written into the elasticity buffer. The removal of stored data from the elas­ticity buffer for re-transmission is not allowed until a valid length preamble pattern has been transmitted.
Internal CAMs
To implement the security features, the RIC2A uses two sets of Content Addressable Memory (CAMs) for address comparison: port CAMs, and shared CAMs.
Port CAMs
The RIC2A provides two CAM locations (48 bits wide) per port for comparison. The tw o CAM locati ons contai n sour ce address(es) for incoming packets on their respective ports. The addresses can be stored (CPU access) or learned (Learn Mode). While in learning mode, LME=1, external processor access is not advised or allowed, since the con­tents of the two CAM registers may not be valid. Once the addresses are learned, they are used to make compari­sons between the source and destination addresses. An address can only be learned when a packet has been received with a valid CRC. External processor/logic access to these registers is fine while learning is not in progress, LME=0 in the port security configuration register.
Shared CAMs
The RIC2A provides thirty-two shareable CAM locations (48 bits wide) to store Ethernet addresses associated with the ports. The Ethernet addresses are stored by writing to these CAM locati ons where the addresses could be shared among the thirteen ports. By using shared CAMs, multiple Ethernet addresses can be associated with a single port, or multiple ports can be allocated to a single Ethernet address. After the destination address of the received packet is completely buffered, the RIC2A will compare this address with the stored addresses in the CAM locations. The source address is compared in a similar fashion. These shared CAM locations are user defined onl y, and wil l not be filled in learning mode.
A CAM entry could be shared among the thirteen local ports. This is done through a 16-bit CAM Location Mask Register (CLMR). For each CAM entry there is only one CLMR, therefore there are 32 registers for the 32 CAM entries.
Since register access is performed on a byte basis, six write cycles must be completed to program the Ethernet address into the CAM. The upper three bits of the CAM Location Mask Register (CLMR) act as a pointer indicating which byte of the 6-byte address will be accessed next. This pointer will increment every time a read or write cycle is completed to the CAM entry. The pointer starts at 1, indi­cating the least significant byte of the address.
Four additional registers are provided to validate the 32 shared CAM entries and are referred to as the Shared CAM Validation Registers 1-4 (SCVR 1-4, Page 9H, Address 16-19H). Each bit of the SCVR is mapped to one CAM loc ati on. An ad dress in the CA M loc ation will o nly be valid when a corres ponding bit Address Valid (ADV bit) has been set in this register. The RIC2A will include only valid CAM locations f or address comparison.
The contents of all CAM locations are unknown at power up. This is not a problem since corresponding Address Valid (ADV) bits are not set for each CAM. Therefore, com­parisons will not take pl ace with the CAM contents.
Inter-RIC Bus (IRB) Interface
A RIC2A based repeater system may be constructed to support many more network attachments than those avail­able through a single chip. The split functions described earlier, allow data packets and collision status to be trans­ferred between multiple RIC2As while allowing the system to function as a single logical repeater. Since all RIC2As in a multiple RIC2A system are identical and capable of per­forming all repetition functions, the fail ure of one RIC2A will not cause a failure of the entire system. This is an impor­tant issue, especially with respect to large multi-port repeaters.
In a multi-RIC2A system, the RIC2As can communicate through a specialized interface known as the Inter-RIC bus(IRB). This bus allows the data packet to be transferred from the receiving RIC2A to other RIC2As in the system. Each RIC2A then transmits the datastream to its seg­ments.
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4.0 Functional Description
The notification of collisions occurring across the network is just as important as data transfers. The Inter-RIC bus has a set of status lines capable of conveying collision information between RIC2As in order to ensure that their main state machines operate in the appropri ate manner.
LED Interface and Hub Management Function
Repeater systems usually possess optical displays indicat­ing network activity and the status of specific repeater operations. The display update block of the RIC2A c an pro­vide the system designer with a wide variety of indicators. The updates are completely autonomous and merely require SSI logic to drive the display devices, usually made up of light emitting diodes (LEDs). The status display is very fle xib le and allo ws the user to choose appropri ate indi­cators for the specification of his equipment.
The RIC2A was designed for those interested in imple­menting large repe aters with hub managem ent capabi lit ies . Hub management uses the unique position of repeaters in a network to gather statistics about the network segments they are attached to. Important events are gathered by the management block from logic blocks throughout the chip. These e vents are then stored in on-chip latches, or counted in on-chip counters according to the developer’s supplied latching and counting masks.
The fundamental task of a hub management system imple­mentation is to associate the current packet and any man­agement status information with the network segment. An example could be keeping track of packets received on a repeater’s ports. An ideal system would place the com­bined data packet and status field in system memory for future examination by hub management software. The main function of the RIC2A's hub management support logic is to provide this function.
To accomplish this task, the RIC2A util izes a dedicate d hub management interface. This is similar to the Inter-RIC bus since it allows the data packet to be recovered from the receiving RIC2A. Unlike the Inter-RIC bus, the intended recipient is not another RIC2A, but typical National Semi­conductor's DP83932 ("SONIC allows a management status field to be appended at the end of each packet without affecting the operation of the entire repeater system.
In addition to the cou nter s provided on the RIC DP83950B, the RIC2A implements thirteen more (8 bit wide) counters. These counters will count events specified in the Event Count and Interrupt Mask Register2 (ECIMR2). These include items such as Frame Check Sequences, Frame Alignment Errors, Partitions, and Out of Window Collisions. This register also includes "Reset On Read" and "Freeze When Full" contr ol bits.
It should be noted that Counter Decrement (CDEC) will not be used with the ECMR2. Also, real time or event logging interrupts (RTI or ELI) will not be generated for this register.
Processor Interface
The RIC2A's processor interface uses an octal bi-direc­tional data bus in order to interface to a system processor. The RIC2A has on-chip registers to indicate the status of
"). This dedicated bus
the hub management functions, chip configuration, and port status. These registers are accessed by pl acing the respective address at the Register Address (RA4 - RA0) input pins.
Display update cycles and processor accesses occur utiliz­ing the same data bus. An on-chip arbiter in the proces­sor/display block schedules and controls the accesses and ensures the correct information is written into the display latches. During the display update cycles the RIC2A behaves as a master of its data bus. This is the default state of the data bus. Consequently, a TRI-STATE buffer must be placed between the RIC2A and the system pro­cessor's data bus. This ensures that bus contention prob­lems are avoided during simultaneous display update cycles and processor accesses of other devices on the system bus. When the processor accesses a RIC2A regis­ter, the RIC2A enables the data buffer and selects the operation, eit her input or output, of the data pins.
For faster regi ster accesses, the RIC2A provides the added feature of disabling display update cycles. Setting the Dis­able LED Update bit, DLU in the Lower Event Information register (Page 1H, Address 1FH) stops the RIC LED update cycles. This disables the shared mode of the data bus, leaving the RI C2A in slave access mode. In this mode, the maximum read/write cycle time is reduced to approxi­mately 400 ns.
4.3 Description Of Repeater Operations
In order to implement a multi-chip repeater system that behav es as a singl e logical rep eat er , special conside rati ons must be taken into account with respect to the data path used for packet repetition. For example, we must consider where in the data path specific operations such as Manchester decoding and elasticity buffering are per­formed. Additionally, the system state machines, which uti­lize available network activity signals, must accommodate various packet repetition and collision scenarios according to the IEEE repeater specification.
The RIC2A contains two types of interacting state machines. They are:
1. Port State Machines (PSMs) Every network attachment has its own PSM.
2. Main State Machine (MSM) This state machine controls the shared functional blocks as shown in the block dia­gram Figure 1.
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4.0 Functional Description
Repeater Port and Main State Machines
The Port and Main State Machines are described with ter­minology used in the IEEE Repeater specification. For a detailed explanation of terms, please refer to that specifica­tion. References made to repeater states or terms described in the IEEE specification will be shown in italics. Figure 3 shows the Inter-RIC Bus State Diagram and Fig­ure 4 shows the IEEE State Diagram.
Figure 3. Inter-RIC bus State Diag ram
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4.0 Functional Description
Figure 4. IEEE Repeater Main State Diagram
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4.0 Functional Description
The Port State Machine (PSM)
The two primary functions of t he PSM are to:
1. Control the transmission of repeated data, pseudo ran­dom data, and jam signal s over the attached segments .
2. Determine if a port will be the source of data or collision informati on to be repe ated over t he network. This repeat­er port i s known as quired to enable the repeater to transition from an state to the
to locate the port that will be packet.The dat a recei ved f ro m PLL decoder and transmitted over the Inter-RIC bus. If a collision occurs, the repeater enters the
tion is performed in order to determine which port is
other ports if the repeater enters the state. In this state ment. At that time, all other ports are still required to transmit to t heir segments.
states. (See Figure 4) This process is used
state. Then a subsequent arbitration opera-
is differentiated from the repeater’s
. An arbit rati on proc ess is r e-
for that particular
is direct ed t o t he
does not transmit to its seg-
The Main State Machine (MSM)
The MSM controls the operation of the shared f unct ional blocks in each RIC2A as shown in the block diagram, Figure 1, and performs the majority of the data and colli­sion operations as defined by the IEEE specification.
Inter-RIC Bus (IRB) Operation
The IRB consists of eight signals. These signals implem ent a protocol that may be used to connect multiple RIC2As together. In this configuration, the logical function of a sin­gle repeater is maintained. The resulting multi- RIC2A repeater syst em is compliant with the IEEE 802.3 Repeater Specification and may even encompass several hundred network segments. Figure 5 shows an example of a multi­port RIC2A system.
Function Action
Preamble Regeneration
Fragment Extension
Elasticity Buffer Control
Jam / Preamble Pattern Genera­tion
Transmit Collision Enforcement
Data Encoding Control
Tw1 Enforcement
Tw2 Enforcement
Restore the length of the preamble pat­tern to the defined size.
Extend received dat a or col lision frag­ments to meet the minimum fragment length of 96 bits.
A portion of the received pac ket may re­quire storage in an Elasticity Buffer to accommodate preamble regeneration.
In cases of receive or transmit colli­sions, a RIC2A is req uired t o t ransmit a jam pattern (1010...).
Note: This pattern is the same as that used for pre­amble regeneration.
quires a repeater to r emai n in this sta te for at least 96 bit ti m es.
NRZ formatted data in the ela sticity buffer must be encoded i nto Manches­ter formatted data pri or to re-transmis­sion.
Enforce the Transmi t Recovery Time specification.
Enforce Carrier Recovery Time specifi­cation on all ports with active collisi ons.
state re-
The interaction of the main and port state machines is visi­ble, i n part, through the Inter-RIC bus.
17 www.national.com
4.0 Functional Description
The IRB connects multiple RIC2As to realize the following operations:
Port N
Identification (which port the repeater receives
data from)
Port M
Identification (which port last experienced a colli-
sion) Data Transfer
(jabber protection)
The following table briefly describes the operation of the Inter-RIC bus signals, the conditions required for a RIC2A to assert a signal, and which RIC2As (in a multi-RIC2A system) would monitor the signal.
Bus Signal
ACKI Input signal to Th e PSM arbit rati on
chain. This chain is employed to identify
Note: A RIC2A whic h contains
nal being low when its
may be identified by its
input is high.
ACKO Output signal from the PSM arbi-
tration chain.
ACTN This sig nal denotes there i s activity
ANYXN This signal denotes that a repeater
port that is not
is experiencing a collision.
COLN Denotes
periencing a collision.
IRE This signal ac ts as an act ivi ty fra m-
ing signal for the IRC and IRD sig­nals.
Conditions Required for a RIC2A
to Drive this Signal
RIC2A Receiving the Signal
Not applicable This is depende nt upon the
method used to casca de
If this RIC2A contains port N, then the device will assert this signal.
RIC2As , desc r ib ed in a follo w ­ing section.
This is dependent upon the method used to casca de RIC2As , desc r ib ed in a follo w ­ing section.
A RIC2A must contain
Note: Although this signal n ormally has only one source asserting the signal active it is used in a wired-or configuration.
Any RIC2A which satisfies the a bove condition.
Note: This bus line is used in a wired-or config­uration.
is ex-
A RIC2A must contain
The signal is monitored by all RIC2As in the re peater syst em.
The signal is monitored by all RIC2As in the re peater syst em.
The signal is monitored by all other RIC2As in the repeater system.
A RIC2A must contain
The signal is monitored by all other RIC2As in the repeater system.
IRD Decoded ser ial data, in NRZ for-
mat, received from the net work segment attached to
IRC Clock signal associated with IRD
and IRE.
A RIC2A must contain
A RIC2A must contain
18 www.national.com
The signal is monitored by all other RIC2As in the repeater system.
The signal is monitored by all other RIC2As in the repeater system.
4.0 Functional Description
Methods of RIC2A Cascading
In order to build multi-RIC2A repeaters,
RIC2As in the system. Inside each RIC2A, the PSMs are arranged in a logical arbitration chain where port 1 is the highest and port 13 the lowest. The top of the chain, the input to port 1 is accessible to the user via the RIC2A's ACKI becomes the ACKO
chain with receive or collision activity. is performed when the repeater is in the
when the repeater leaves the state. In order for the arbitration chain to function, all that needs to be done is to tie the ACKI state. In multi-RIC2A systems there are two methods to propagate the arbitration chain between RIC2As:
The first and most straight forward is to extend the arbitra­tion chain by daisy chaining the ACKI between RIC2As. In this approach one RIC2A is placed at the top of the chain (its ACKI ACKO the next RIC2A and so on. This arrangement is simple to implement but it places some topological restrictions upon the repeater system. In particular, if the repeater is con­structed using a backplane with removable pr inted circuit boards. (These boards contain the RIC2As and their asso­ciated components.) If one of the boards is removed then the ACKI not operate cor rectly.
The second method of this problem. This second technique relies on an external parallel arbiter which monitors all o f the RIC2As' ACKO nals and responds to the RIC2A with the highest priority. In this scheme each RIC2A is assigned with a priority level. One method of doing this is to assign a priority number which reflects the position of a RIC2A board on the repeater backplane, i.e., its slot number. When a RIC2A experiences receive activity and the repeater system is in the nal arbitration logic drives the identifi cation number onto an arbitration bus and the RIC2A containing identified. An identical proced ure is used in the
not subject to the problems caused by missing boards, i.e., empty slots in the backplane. The logic associated with asserting this arbi tration v ector in the v ario us packet repeti­tion scenarios could be implemented in PAL® or GAL® type devices.
Both of the above methods employ the same signals: ACKI tion.
The Inter-RIC bus allows mul ti -RIC2A operations to be per­formed in exactly the same manner as if there is only a sin­gle RIC2A in the system. The simplest way to describe the operation of Inter-RIC bus is to see how it is used in a num­ber of common packet repetition scenarios.
identification must be performed across all the
input pin. The output from the bottom of the chain
output pin. In a single RIC2A system
is defined as the highest port in the arbitration
is defined as the highest port in the chain with a collision
input is tied high), then the
signal from this RIC2A is sent to the ACKI input of
ACK O chain will be br oken and th e repeater will
state, the RIC2A board will assert ACKO. Exter-
state to identify
, ACKO and ACTN to perform
Por t N
signal to a logic high
ACKO signals
identification avoids
will be
Parallel arbitration is
or M arbitra-
4.4 Examples Of Packet Repetition Scenarios
The operation of RIC2A is described b y the f oll owi ng e xam­ples of packet repetition scena rios.
Data Repetition Overview
When a packet is received at one port, the RIC2A checks the source, and destination addresses of the packet. The port configuration causes either a pseudo random bit sequence, or the received packet to be transmi tt ed to diff er­ent ports.
If there is a destination address mismatch (secure mode), then the RIC2A will generate a random pattern from the first bit of the data field to that port. The data remains intact on the Inter-RIC bus so other cascaded repeaters could compare the destinat ion address with their local CAMs.
On a valid source address mismatch (secure mode), RIC2A shall switch to random pattern both on the local transmitt ing ports and the Inter-RIC bus.
Collision Scenari os Overview
The RIC 2A will adhere to all c ollision scenarios. When a collisi on occ urs, RIC2A w ill switch to a jam patte r n to com ­ply with IEEE repeater specifications.
FIFO Condition Overview
Elasticity buffer error (ELBER) or FIFO overflow burst is another condition that could take place anytime during the packet transmission. The sequence of events for FIFO burst is the same as those for collisi on.
Data Repetition Process
The first task to be performed is This is an arbitration process performed by the Port State Machines in the system. In situations where two or more ports simultaneously receive packets, the Inter-RIC bus operates by choosing one of the active ports, and forcing the others to transmit data (real data or pseudo random data). This is done in accordance with the IEEE specifica­tion's allowed exit paths from the
states. The packet begins with a preamble pattern derived from
the RIC2A's on chip jam/preamble generator. The data received at plexor to the PLL decoder. Once phase lock has been achieved, the decoded data (in NRZ f ormat) with its associ­ated clock and enable signals, is asserted onto the IRD, IRC, and IRE of the Inter-RIC bus. This serial data stream is received from the bus by all RIC2As in the repeater and directed to their elasticity buffers. Logic circuits monitor the data stream and look for the Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD). When it has been detected, data is loaded into the elasticity buffer for later transmission. This will occur when sufficient preamble has been transmitted and certain inter­nal state machine oper ations have been fulfilled.
is directed t hrough the receive multi-
state, i.e., to the
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4.0 Functional Description
Figure 5 shows two RIC2As A and B, daisy chained together with RIC2A-A positioned at the top of the chain. If a packet is received at port B1 of RIC2A-B, and then repeated to the other ports in the system (non-secure mode). Figure 6 shows the functional timing diagram for the packet repetition si gnals. In this example only two ports in the system are shown. In non-secure mode, the other ports also repeat the packet. It also indicates the operation of the RIC2As' st ate machines in so far as can be seen by observing the Inter-RIC bus. For reference, the repeater's state transitions are shown in terms of the states defined by the IEEE specification. The location of shown. The following section describes the repeater and Inter-RIC bus transitions sho wn in Fi gure 6.
The repeater activity is stimulated by the data signal received by port B1. The RIC2As in the system are alerted to forthcoming repeater operation by the falling edges on the ACKI Following a defined start up delay the repeater moves to the the start up delay to perform port arbitration. When packet transmission begins, the RIC2A system enters the REPEAT state. The expected, for normal packet repetition, sequence of repeater states,
the Inter-RIC bus. They are then merged into a single REPEAT state. Similarly, the as a combin ed Inte r-RI C bus I D L E stat e.
Once a REPEAT operation has begun (e.g. the repeater leaves the bits of data or jam/preamble onto its network segments. If the duration of the received signal from than 96 bits, the r epeater transitions to the
fragment extension. After the packet data has been repeated, including the
emptying of the RIC2As' elasticity buffers, the RIC2A per­forms the formed during the diagram.
and ACKO daisy chain and the ACTN bus signal.
state. The RIC2A system utilizes
are followed, but are not visible at
state), it is required to transmit at least 96
state (described later). This behavior is known as
Tw 1
transmit recovery operation. This is per-
state shown in the repeater state
is also
states appear
is shorter
Figure 5. RIC2A System Topology
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4.0 Functional Description
The activity shown on RX A1 represents the transmitted signal on TX A1 after being looped back by the attached transceiver.
Figure 6. Data Repetition
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4.0 Functional Description
Figure 7. Receive Collision
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4.0 Functional Description
Receive Collisions (AUI Port only)
A receive collision is a collision which occurs on the net­work segment attached to the AUI port. "receiv ed" in a similar manner as a data packet is received, and then repeated to the other network segments. Not sur­prisingly, the receive collision propagation follows a similar sequence of operations as data repetit ion.
An arbitration process is performed to find preamble/jam pattern is transmitted by the repeater's other ports. When the AUI port as its segment the COLN This forces all the RIC2As in the system to transmit a pre­amble/jam pattern to their segments. This is important since they may be a lr eady transmitt ing data from their elas­ticity buffers. The repeater moves to the
state and begins to transmit the jam pattern. The repeater remains in this state until both the following condi­tions have been fulfill ed:
1. at least 96 bits have been transmitted onto the network,
2. the activity has ended. Under close exami natio n, the repeate r specif ication reveals
that the actual end of activity has its own permutations of conditions:
1. collision and receive data signals may end simulta-
2. receive data may appear t o end before co lli sion si gnals,
3. receive data may continue for some time after the end o f
the collision signal.
Network segments using coaxial media may experience spurious gaps in segment activity when the collision signal goes inactive. This arises from the inter-action between the receive and collision signal squelch circuits, implemented in coaxial transceivers, and the properties of the coaxial cable itself. The repeater specification avoids propagation of these activity gaps by extending collision activity by the
wait time. Jam pattern transmission must be sustai ned throughout this period. After this, the repeater will move to the
state unless there is a data signal being r eceived
by the AUI port as The functional timing diagram, Figure 7, shows the opera-
tion of a repeater system during a receive collision. The system configuration is the same as earlier described and is shown in Figur e6.
The RIC2As perform the same data repetition operations described previously. The sys­tem is noti fied of the receive collision on the AUI port by the COLN
bus signal going active. This signal informs the main state machines to send out the jam pattern rather than valid data stored in the elasticity buffers. Once a collision has occurred, the IRC, IRD and IRE become undefined. When the collision has ended and the
operation perfor med, the repeater moves to the
Inter-RIC bus signal is asserted.
The collision is
detects a collision on
and a
arbitration and
bus signals may
Transmit Collisions
A transmit collision is a collision that is detected upon a segment to whi ch the repeater system is transmitting. The
port state machine monitoring the colliding segment asserts the ANYXN causes to the had been encoded 1 on to its network segment. While i n the
mit the 1010... jam pattern, and performed. Ea ch RIC2A is obligated, by the IEEE spec if ica­tion, to ensure all of its ports transmit for at least 96 bits once the This tra n s mit activ ity is e nfor c ed by th e A N Y XN While ANYXN To ensure this situation lasts for at least 96 bits, the MSM inside the RIC2As assert the ANYXN period. After this period has elapsed, ANYXN asserted if there are multiple ports with active collisions on their network segments.
There are two possible ways for a repeater to leave the
when network activity, i.e., collisions and their sions, end before the 96 bit enforced period expires. Under these conditions the repeater system may move directly to the
state when 96 bits have been transmitted to all ports. If the MSM enforced period ends and there is still one port experiencing a collision, the state is entered. This may be seen on the Inter-RIC bus when ANYXN ting to its network segment. In this circumstance the Inter­RIC bus transitions to the RECEIVE COLLISION state. The repeater will remain in this state while sion,
collision extension and any receive signals are present. When these conditions ar e not true, packet repeti­tion finishes and the repeater enters the
Figure 8 shows a multi-RIC2A system operating under transmit collision conditions. There are many different sce­narios which may occur during a transmit collision, this fig­ure illustrates one of these. The diagram begins with packet reception by port A1. Port B1 experiences a colli­sion, since it is not the main state machines in the system to switch from data to jam pattern transmission.
Port A1 is also monitoring the ANYXN tion forces A1 to relinquish its mitting, stop asserting ACTN PSM arbitration signals (ACKO it transmits will be a Manchester encoded "1" in the jam pattern. Since port B1 is the only port with a collision, it attains does however assert ACTN the PSM arbitratio n chain (forces ACKO ensure that ANYXN ports, including
After some time port A1 e xperiences a collision. This ari ses from the presence of the packet being received from port A1's segment and the jam signal the repeater is now trans­mitting onto this segment. Simultaneous receive and trans­mit activity on one segment results in a collision. Port A1 fulfills the same criteria as B1, i.e., it has an active collision
bus signal. The assertion of ANYXN
arbitration to begin. The repeater moves
state when the port which
starts to transmit a Manchester
state, all ports of the repeater must trans-
state has been entered.
is active, all R IC2A port s will transmit ja m.
signal through out this
state. The most straight forward is
arbitration is
bus signal.
will on ly be
is de-asserted and
status and stops asserting ANYXN. It
stays active and thus force all of the
to transmit to their segm ents.
it asserts ANYXN. This alerts
and release its hold on the
A and ACKI B). The first bit
, and exer t its presence upon
stops transmit-
bus line. Its a sser-
status, start trans-
B low). The MSMs
23 www.national.com
4.0 Functional Description
on its segment, but in addition it is higher in the arbitration chain. This priority yields no benefits for port A1 since the ANYXN driving ANYXN
signal is still active. There are now two sources
, the MSMs and the collision on port B1.
Eventually the collision on port B1 ends and the ANYXN extension by the MSMs expires. There is only one collision on the network ( this may be deduced since ANYXN tive) so the repeater will move to the
is inac-
state. The RIC2A system treats this state in a similar man­ner to a receive collision with
fulfillin g the role of the receiving port. The difference from a true receive colli­sion is that the switch from packet data to the jam pattern has already been made (controlled by ANYXN state of COLN common with the operation of the
has no effect upon repeater operations. In
). Thus the
state, the repeater remains in this condition until the colli­sion and receive activity on repetition operation complete s when the in the
state has been perf ormed.
Note: In transmit collision conditions which contained during the
at the start of pac ket rep etition c ontai ns
subside. The packet
will only go active if the RIC2A
recover y time
Jabber Protection
A repeater is required to disable transmit activity if the length of its current transmission reaches the jabber pro­tect limit. This is defined by the specification's The repeater disables output for a time period defined by the
specification, after this period normal operation
may resum e. Figure 9 shows the effect of a jabber length packet upon a
RIC2A based repeater system. The state is entered from the
state. While the period is observed the Inter-RIC bus displays the IDLE state. Thi s is misl eading si nce new pa ck et activi ty or co ntin­uous activity (as shown in the diagram) does not result in packet repetition. This may only occur when the quirement has been sati sfied.
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4.0 Functional Description
Note: The Inter-RIC bus is configured to use active low signals. AUI port shown
Figure 8. Transmit Colli sion
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4.0 Functional Description
Note:1* The IEEE Specificati on does not have a jabber protect s tate defined in i ts main state diagr am, this behavior is defined in an additional MAU Jabber Lockup Protection state diagram.
Note: The Inter-RIC bus is configured to use active low signals. AUI port shown
Figure 9. Jabber Protect
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4.0 Functional Description
Note: DE = Bus Drive Enable active high, /RE = Bus Receive Enable active low Note: The Inter-RIC bus is configured to use active low signals.
Figure 10. External Bus Trans ceiver Connection Diagram
Figure 11. Mode Load Operation
4.5 Description Of Hardware Connection For In­ter-ric Bus
When considering the hardware interface, the Inter-RIC bus may be viewed as consisting of three gr oups of signals:
1. Port Arbitration chain, namely: ACKI
2. Simultaneous drive and sense signals, i.e., ACTN ANYXN tiple devices).
3. Drive or sense signals, i.e., IRE (Only one device ass erts these si gnals at any inst ance in time).
The first set of signals are either used as point to point links, or with external arbitration logic. In both cases the load on these signals will not be large, so the on-chip driv­ers are adequate. This may not be true for signal classes (2) and (3 ) .
The Inter-RIC bus has been designed to connect RIC2As together di rectly, or via external bus transceiver s. The latter is advantageous in large repeaters. In the second applica­tion the backplane is often heavily loaded and is beyond
. (Potenti ally these signals may be dr iven by mul-
and ACKO.
, IRD, IRC and COLN.
the drive capabilities of the on-chip bus drivers. The need for simultaneous sense and drive capabilities on the ACTN and ANYXN signals, and the desire to allow operation with external bus transceivers, makes it necessary for the se bus signals to each have a pair of pins on the RIC2A. One drives the bus, the other senses the bus signal. When external bus transceivers are used, they must be open col­lector / open drain to allow wire-ORing of the signals. Addi­tionally, the drive and sense enables of the bus transceiver should be tied in the acti ve state.
The uni-directional nature of information transfer on the IRE
, IRD, IRC and COLN signals, means a RIC2A is either driving these signals or receiving them from the bus, but not both at the same time. Thus a single bi-directional input / output pin is adequate for each of these signals. If an external bus transceiver is used with these signals the Packet Enable "PKEN" RIC2A output pin performs the function of a drive enable and sense disable.
Figure 10 shows the RIC2A con nected to the Inter-RIC bus via external bus transceivers, such as National's DS3893A bus transceiv ers.
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