Novation Nocturn Keyboard User manual

Nocturn Keyboard
FA336 - 02
IntRoDUCtIon .................................................................................. 2
What’S In thE Box ........................................................................... 3
FRONT PANEL .................................................................................4
REAR PANEL ...................................................................................5
InS ta llatI on .................................................................................... 5
ConnECtIon to CompUtER .............................................................. 5
aUtomap oVERVIE W ......................................................................... 6
aUtomap hUD - hEaDS Up DISplay .................................................. 6
DEVICES ............................................................................................ 7
VEGAS MODE ..................................................................................7
ContRol map VIEW .......................................................................... 8
ContRol map SEt tInGS ................................................................... 8
SpEED DIal ....................................................................................... 9
non-aUtom ap opERatIon ................................................................ 9
SpECIfICatIonS .............................................................................. 10
tRoUBlEShootInG ......................................................................... 10
Welcome to the Nocturn Keyboard User Guide.
This guide will introduce you to the Nocturn Keyboard hardware and give you information on choosing how best to use the keyboard for your software studio set-up.
There is a separate User Guide for the Automap Software which is included on installation CD or can be downloaded from our website:
Automap software is a new and exciting way to control your favourite music software applications. It operates the same way for all Novation Automap hardware (Products) so if you are using the Nocturn Keyboard for Automap control of software then you should only need to read the first few chapters of this guide to familiarise yourself with the hardware.
Detailed information on installing, setting up, and operating Automap software can be found in the Automap User Guide.
Instructions on setting up your DAW software for use with Automap is found in the Automap sof tware itself by clicking the DAW set-up guide button for detailed instructions.
For additional information, up to date support articles and a form to contact our Technical Support Team please visit the Novation Answerbase at:
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