North Star MTBSL User Manual

ITEM NUMBER: 28517 or 28518
SERIAL NUMBER: _____________
Owner’s Manual
I nstructions for Assembly , Testing, Operation, Servicing, and Storage
Tow Behind Sprayer: For outdoor use with agricultural
pesticides and other liquids**
READ and UNDERSTAND the O w ner’s Manual comp letely before using this spraye r .
READ and FOLLOW chemical label instructions. Pesticides are hazardous chemicals. KNOW emerge ncy procedures BEFORE ha ndling c hemi cals. Sprayer leaks, bodil y
chemical contact, poisoning, and spills require immediate response.
AVOID inha l ing, inges ting, or c oming into contact with any chemicals. WEAR persona l pr otective gear whe n filli ng, using, cleaning, a nd servi cing the
KEEP sprayer and spray materials away from children and pets. Pesticides are
especially toxic to them.
EXERCISE CAUTI ON in ve h icle handling whe n towing filled spr ayer to avoid los s of
control or sprayer overturning.
DO NO T TURN ON P OWER to sprayer u ntil r ea d y to s p ray in order to avoid
unintentional spray release.
Impr oper use of the spra ye r or handli ng of chemicals could result in se r i ous inj ur y or illness to the operator or nea rby persons/animals, or could cause damage to the
** T his sprayer is recommended for use in spraying non-flammable liquids s uch as pesticides, water for plants/trees or dust control, ice control chemi cals, or water-based non-fl ammable sealants or stains for outdoor wood sur fa ces.
Howeve r, WE REC OMM END THAT THE SP R AYER NOT BE US ED FOR OTHER PUR P OSES ONC E IT HAS BEEN USED FOR SPRAYING PEST ICIDES. Any chemical will leave some residual in the tank liner or sprayer
components, even aft er the sprayer has been properly cle aned. T hese residual chemi cals can have unexpected effects on futur e uses. F or example, spraying water or other liquids that are contaminated with residual pesticide
may result in unforeseen hazards to plant or animal life.
Any Questions, Comments, Problems, or Parts Orders
Call NorthStar Customer Service 1-800-270-0810
Hazard Signal Wo rd Definitions
Table o f Contents
Intended Use ................................................................................................................................. 4
Summary of Important Safety Information................................................................................5
During Assembly During Use
General Chemical Safety
Chemical Application Safety
Towing Safe ty
C h em i cal Acci d en t Pro ced u res
Warning Label Locations..............................................................................................................7
Component Inventory
Unpacking the Man ual Bag.............................................................................................................9
Step One: Attach the tongue to the cart base ........................................................................................ 10
Step T wo: Att ach the hitch mount to the tongue................................................................................... 10
Step Three: Attach the cart base to the sprayer......................................................................................10
Step Four: Attach wheels to cart base ................................................................................................. 11
Step Fi ve: Attach boom supports and boom bracket to cart base...............................................................11
Step Si x: Attach boom arms to boom bracket ....................................................................................... 12
Step Seven: Attach gun hose to spray gun and pump............................................................................. 13
Step Eight: Attach hose guide to tank................................................................................................. 13
Step Nine: Attach gun clips to tank.................................................................................................... 13
Step Ten: Attach drain cap to tank ..................................................................................................... 13
Step Eleven: Install boom valve to pump ............................................................................................ 14
Step T welve: Connect boom valve to boom nozzles.............................................................................. 14
Step Thirteen: Attach sprayer to vehicle.............................................................................................. 15
Step Fourteen: Connect remote switch to vehicle battery........................................................................ 15
Step Fifteen: Check and test completed assembly.................................................................................17
Machine Components..................................................................................................................18
Impor ta nt S afety Informati o n - O peration ................................................................................19
General Chemical Safety
Chemical Application Safety
Towing Safe ty
C h em i cal Acci d en t Pro ced u res
Preparing the Sprayer for Each Use........................................................................................23
Using the Sprayer
Step One: Assess wind conditions and clear work area...................................................................... 24
Step Two : Fi ll the spr aye r........................................................................................................... 25
Step Three: Operat e the sprayer....................................................................................................27
Step Four: Clean sprayer and decontaminate a fter use.......................................................................30
Storage ..........................................................................................................................................31
Preparing for storage Removing from st orage
Parts Breakdown – Exploded View............................................................................................34
Appendix A: Broadcast Spray Calibration Tables...................................................................35
Intended Use
The sprayer is intended for use in spraying agricultural pesticides and other non­f lammable liqui ds.
Pesticides ar e hazar dou s chemicals that must be ha ndl ed w ith caution a s directed throughout this manual and on the pesticide label. Pesticides are regulated by the United S ta t es Environmental Protec tion Age nc y (EPA) and defined as:
Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide is a comprehensive term that applies to insecticides, herbicides,
fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests.
The spr a yer is intended for use in spr ayi ng pesticides in liquid form onl y. T he sprayer is N OT intended for use in sprayi ng pestici de s in dry or a e rosolized form, or for use w ith fumigants.
S ome formula tions of liquid pesticide s do not remain in solution and should be agit a ted to maintain a uniform mix. An optional agitator (I tem #28520 ) accessory is availabl e for
use with thi s sprayer a nd should be used when spr a ying pestic ides cla ssi fie d a s “flow able” (“F” or “L”), “wettable powder ” (“WP” or “W”), “emulsion” (“EC” or “E”), “micr oencap sulated” (“M”) , or water di spersible granules (“WDG” or “D F”). (See pesticide label to determine its classification.)
This sprayer c omes equipped with a spot spr a y gun a nd a broadcast boom. Use the spot spray gun if you desire to apply pestic ide o nly on selected plant s. Use the broadcast
boom if you wish to spray l a rge ground a reas. An o pt iona l exten ded broadcast boom ( Ite m #2820) i s availa ble to extend the broadcast spr ay to 1 5 fee t.
I n a dditi on to spr ayi ng pestici de s, thi s sprayer may be used to spr ay ot he r non-flammabl e liquids. Exampl e uses include : wat e ring pla nts/trees or spraying wate r for dust control, applying ic e c ontrol c he micals, or a pplying wa te r-based, non- flammable sealant or stain to outdoor wood surfac es. However, WE RECOMMEND THAT THE SPRAYER NOT BE USED FOR
OTHER PURPOSE S ONCE IT HAS ALREADY BEEN USED FOR SPRAYING PESTICIDES . Any chemi cal wi ll leave some r esi dual in the tank l iner or sprayer
components, e ve n a fte r the spr ayer has been prope rly c leaned. These residual c he micals can have unexpect ed ef fec ts on futur e uses. For example , spra ying wa ter or othe r liquids that are contaminated with residual pesticide may result in unf or eseen hazar ds to pl ant or animal lif e.
Contact North St ar Cus tome r Se rvice at 1-800- 270- 0810 f or any questions about the appropriate use of the s praye r and/or optional accessories.
Summary o f Important Safety Information
Re ad a nd understand this owner’ s manua l comp letely before using the sprayer. Read each ch emica l label’s instru ct io ns bef ore handl ing the ch emical.
Im prop er use of the spraye r or handli ng of che mic als co u ld re su l t in serious inj u ry or illness for the ope ra tor or nearby p ersons/anima ls, or cause damage to the environment.
L I STED BELOW is a s u m mar y o f sa f ety i nfo rm atio n o f p articu lar i mp or t an ce. See ind ividua l sections of this owner’s manu al for more details .
-------------------------------------- DURI NG ASSEMBLY --------------------------------------
EXE RCI S E CAUTIO N when a ttach i n g remote swi tch to battery t ermin a l s. Follow the steps listed in the
Assembly section of this manual in exact sequence when connecting the sprayer’s remote switch battery clamps t o the battery terminals. Ca u ti o n mu s t be exer cis ed to a void co nta ct w it h ba t t er y a cid a n d to pr even t spa r kin g.
CHECK and TEST completed assembly as directed in this manual. Serious injury could result from chemical
leaks if sprayer is improperly assembled.
DO NO T MO DIFY spray er des ig n .
---- --- ------------------------------ DUR IN G OPERAT ION --- --- -------------------------------
General Chemical Safety
RE A D a nd FO LLO W each chemical l a bel ’s i n s t ru ct i o ns and w arni ng s.
AVOID inh aling, ingesting, or coming into contact with any chemicals.
KN O W a pp li ca bl e li cen si ng an d reg ul a to ry req uiremen t s for the chemical you plan to use.
KN O W emerg ency procedures befo re ha n dl in g ch emicals . Carefully review “ C hemical Accident P rocedur es”
listed below and later in this manual. Also see First Aid instructions on the chemical label.
WEAR pro tectiv e cl o thi ng , ey e p ro tect i o n, a nd chemi ca l res is ta nt g l o v es when filling, using and cleaning the
sp ray er. Wear add it i o n al p ro tect i v e g ear, s u ch as facemas k or apr o n, as r eco m m en d ed o n t h e ch em ical l ab el .
EXE RCI S E EXT RA CAUT IO N a round ch i ldren and p ets. P es t ici d es are es p eci all y t o x i c to th em. Keep
sprayer and spray materials away from them at all times.
DO NOT MI X O R POU R chemicals i n a n en clo s ed , unv en t i l a ted a rea
DO NOT USE fl a m ma b le o r corro s iv e ch em i ca l s in the sprayer.
FL U SH the sp ra yer befo re s w i tchi ng chemi ca ls in order to prevent dangerous chemical interactions.
S T ORE p esti ci des in a correctly l a b eled conta in er a nd in a secu re lo ca ti o n.
MON I TO R t h e hea l th of opera to rs frequen t l y ex p o s ed to pes tici des , as reco m mend ed b y t h e ch em ical l ab el o r
lo cal/ feder al reg u l ati o n s .
Chemical Application Safety
Before Spraying
IN S P ECT and P REPA RE s pray er befo re ea ch u se as directed in this manual.
DO NO T TURN ON PO W E R to s p rayer u n til read y to spray in order to avoid unintentional spray release.
MAKE S URE BROADCAS T NOZZLE S ARE O RI E NT E D to spray straig h t d own before starting the sprayer.
An incorrectly posi ti oned broadcast nozzl e may spray chemicals on you or others.
DO NO T SPRAY wh en wind sp eed exceeds 4 MPH in order to minimize spray drift.
CLEAR work area of people/ pets and POST warning notices to res tri ct acces s fo r t h e p erio d r ecomm en d ed o n
chem ical l ab el.
KEE P sprayer and spray away f rom chi ldren/ p ets. Pesticides can be especially toxic to children and animals.
DO NOT ALLOW anyon e youn ger than 16 to operate sprayer si n ce p es t i cid es are es p eci al ly t o x i c t o ch i ld ren .
During Spraying
DO NO T OVERAPP L Y p esti cide. Apply at rate r eco m m en d ed b y chemi cal man ufactu rer. Ex ces s p es ti ci d e can
be dangerous to humans/animals, damage desirable plants, and contaminate soil and water sources.
DO NO T EAT, DRI NK, S MO KE, RUB YOUR E YES , or TO UCH YO UR B ARE SKI N whil e h and lin g
chemicals an d sp raying.
NE VER PO INT THE S PRAY G UN at peop l e or an i mal s .
E XERCIS E E XT RA CAUT I ON when sp raying n ear areas a cces s i bl e t o chil dren a nd p et s .
CLEAN up spills immediately per instructions on the chemical label.
T URN O F F veh i cle and s et brake or b l ock wheels , TURN OF F p o wer to sp rayer, and REL IEVE s ys tem
pressure befor e leaving sprayer unattended.
Summary o f Important Safety Information (continued)
SE E Troublesh ooting section of this manu al before attemptin g any repairs. Wea r personal protective
equipment and follow sa fety instructions.
After Spraying
CL EAN s p ra y er i m medi a tel y a ft er u s e acco rd in g to t h e d i recti o n s p ro v i d ed i n t h i s man ual.
DECO NT AMINATE yo u rsel f af ter you are done spraying and have cleaned the sprayer. W ash all exposed areas
of the body wit h soap and water, and remove and launder clothing.
DI S P O SE O F o r S TO R E remain in g ch emicals i n s ecure s to ra g e wi t h co rrectly ma rked co nta i ner.
Tow ing Safety
READ towi ng s afety i n s tructi on s i n your towing vehicle manual.
DO NOT ALLOW drivers you n ger than 16 to operate the towing vehicle with the filled sprayer attached.
EXE RCI S E CAUTIO N in vehi cle h and lin g when towi n g filled sprayer to avoid loss of control or overturning.
o Keep s peed to a mini m u m so you can maintain control. Reduce speed prior to turns. o Al l o w fo r wid er turns and for mo re di s ta nce to s to p.
o Avoid an y sudd en steering maneuvers, starts, or stops that could create sway.
SLOW DO WN and EXERCISE EXT RA CAUT I ON on sloped o r u n even terra i n. Pick the most level route
possible. Drive up and down slopes when necessary, rather than across. Use a vehicle equipped with a roll over protection sys tem (ROPS ) if you will be working on non-level terrain.
BE AWARE of th e added length of the sprayer and that visibility may be reduced when making turns or
backing up.
DO NO T RI DE or TRANS PO RT cargo on th e sp ray er.
CO MP L Y WIT H a ll l o ca l, s ta t e, an d federa l to wing requi rements i f y ou wil l be to win g on pub l ic ro ads.
TURN O FF b oth sp ray er an d vehi cl e, and SET BRAKES or BLOCK WHEE LS before leaving unattend ed.
Chemica l acciden t procedures
Im mediate re sp on se is necessary in the event of sp r ayer le aks, bodily chemical conta ct , poison ing, or spills.
Sp rayer leak If the sprayer develops a leak, immediately stop spraying. Turn off power to the
sprayer and foll ow directions below, as applicable.
Bodily chemical contact
Poisoning by ingestion or
Chemical spills Chemical spills must be quickly contained and properly cleaned up.
Pers o nal co n t am i na ti o n ca n occur when chemi ca l s s pl a s h, sp i ll, o r sp ra y d i rectly o n to a pers o n.
1. Immediately follow First Aid instructions on chemical label. General p ro ced u res can i n cl u d e:
a) Eyes – immediately flush with water. b) Skin – wash all contaminated skin surfaces with soap and water.
c) Cl othi ng – remove contaminated clothing. Dispose of heavil y
contaminated clothing per chemical l abel instructions.
2. Seek m ed i cal ad v i ce if ins tru ct ed o n t h e l ab el o r th e v i ct im ex p eri en ces
symptoms of harmful e ffects. Bring the chemical label for reference.
In case of poisoning f rom ingestion or inh al ation: If the victim has collapsed or is not breathing, call 911. Oth er wis e:
1. If you are the victim, immediately seek assistance from nearby personn el
because you may become incapacitat ed.
2. Immediately follow first aid instructions on chemical label.
3. C all a poison control center for further advi ce. In the U.S., call 1-800-222-1222.
Have th e ch em i cal l ab el av ai lable for re ference.
R efer t o th e chemi cal lab el for any s p eci fi c cl ean -u p i n s t ru cti o n s . General procedu res include:
1. Controlling the spill by stopping the source of t he spill.
2. Containing the spill so that it does not spread and get into water sources.
3. C l e a ni ng up the spill immediately.
4. Seeking additional advice from:
- Chemical manufacturer. See ch em i cal l ab el fo r con tact i n fo rm at io n .
- State pesticide regulatory agency. In the U.S., call the National Pesticide Info. Ctr. at 800-858-7378 for assistance in contacting your state’s agency.
Wa rning Label Location
READ and UNDERSTAND the O w ner’ s Ma nu al com ple tely before using thi s sprayer.
READ and FOLLOW chemical label instructions. Pesticides are hazardous chemicals
which must be handled carefully.
KNOW emerge ncy procedures BEFORE ha ndling c hemi cals. Sprayer leaks, bodil y
chemical contact, poisoning, and spills require immediate response.
AVOID inha l ing, inges ting, or c oming into contact with any chemicals. EXERCISE CAUTI ON in ve h icle handling. Vehicle will be less stable and handle very
differently with filled sprayer attached.
DO NO T TURN ON P OWER to sprayer u ntil r ea d y to s p ray in order to avoid
unintentional spray release.
Impr oper use of the spra ye r or handli ng of chemicals could result in se r i ous inj ur y or illness to the operator or nea rby persons/animals, or could cause damage to the
Closely inspect all contents in the shipping carton.
Note that some parts are shipped inside the tank.
If you have damaged components: Contact the freight company that delivered the unit and
file a claim.
If you have missing components: Contact NorthStar Customer Service at 1-800-270-0810.
Sprayer Cart Base Tongue Axle
Boom Supports Boom Bracket Boom Arms Hitch
186” Gun Hose 24” Hose 14” Hoses
Tires Spot Spray Gun Manual Bag
Unpacking the Manual Bag
The following items are found in the manual bag.
#10 x ¼”
Drain Cap
5/16 x 1”
Bolt (2)
Rubber Washer
5/16 x ¾”
Carr. Bolt (12)
5/16 x ½”
Flange Bolt (5)
Gun Clip (2)
5/16 Flange
Nut (12)
Screw (2)
5/16 Nyloc
Nut (2)
Wheel Retainers (2)
Hose Guide
5/16 Flat
Washer (8)
Boom Valve
Hose Clamp (8)
Remote Switch
Hex Wrench
Step O ne: Attach the to ngue to the cart ba se
Fasten with (2) 5/16 x ¾” carriage bolts and (2) 5/16 flange nuts. Tighten to 20 ft-lbs.
Step Two: Attach the hitch mount to the tongue
Fasten with (2) 5/16 x ¾” carriage bolts and (2) 5/16 flange nuts. Tighten to 20 ft-lbs.
5/16 x ¾ ” Carriage bolt
Cart base
5/16 Fl ange nut
5/16 Fl ange nut
Step Th ree: A ttach the cart base to the spray er
Note: To protect the pump from damage, place two wood planks or spacers under the sprayer to
keep the pump from resting on the ground.
Using (4) 5/16 flat washers, loosely thread (4) 5/16 x ½” flange bolts into the inserts in the bottom of the sprayer. Center the sprayer on the cart base and tighten to 10 ft-lbs.
5/16 x ½ ”
Cart bas
Wood planks
or s p acers
(Not included)
Flange bolt
5/16 Fl at washe
Assembly (co ntinued)
Step Fou r: Att ach wheels to cart ba se
1. Slide axle into holes on bottom of cart base.
2. Slide the tires and wheel retainers onto the axle.
3. Tighten wheel retainers down with supplied hex wrench.
Cart bas
Wood plan
or s p acer
(Not included)
Wheel retaine
S tep Five : Attac h boom s uppor ts an d bo om brack e t to cart bas e
1. Fasten the boom supports to the cart base with (4) 5/16 x ¾” carriage bolts and (4) 5/16
flange nuts. Tighten to 20 ft-lbs.
2. Fasten the boom bracket to the boom supports with (4) 5/16 x ¾” carriage bolts and (4) 5/16
flange nuts. Tighten to 20 ft-lbs.
Cart base
5/16 x ¾ ” Carriage bolt
Boom support
5/16 Fl ange nut
5/16 Fl ange nut
Boom support
Boom bracket
5/16 x ¾ ” C arri ag e b o l t
+ 24 hidden pages