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This document describes the commissioning of the Nokia MetroSite GSM 900,
1800 and 1900 Base Station (BTS). The document provides instructions on how
to use the Nokia BTS Manager’s commissioning Wizard. Read carefully NokiaMetroSite BTS Warnings and Cautions before starting the commissioning.
The document contains the following information:
•chapter 2: Nokia BTS Manager
•chapter 3: Commissioning
About this document
•chapter 4: Commissioning Report
•chapter 5: Troubleshooting and Fault Reporting
•chapter 6: Routing Transmission Capacity
Commissioning measures concerning any Nokia Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
may be performed only by properly trained and authorised personnel.
This chapter gives instructions on how to get started with Nokia BTS Manager. It
is assumed here that the user knows how to use Windows 95 or NT4.0 software.
2.1Starting and exiting the BTS Manager
The installation program of the manager SW creates a Nokia BTS Manager icon
on the desktop and defines its parameters. For more information on the
installation, refer to the Nokia BTS Manager online Help or the instructions on
the Nokia BTS Manager CD-ROM case.
Nokia BTS Manager
Start the BTS Manager as follows:
1.Double-click the BTS Manager icon on the desktop. The Nokia BTS
Manager starts with the Supervise and Alarms windows opened. Also, the
software checks the BTS configuration and displays it in the Supervision
2.Enter the MMI password if MMI password checking is on (this is the case
when you work in Windows 95 environment).
3.Enter the BTS password if BTS password checking is on. The software
continues execution only if the BTS accepts the entered password. You
may enter an invalid password three times before the BTS Manager exits.
You can define different Manager options and communications parameters when
starting to work with the BTS Manager.
The BTS Manager PC must be connected to the BTS in order to make the BTS
password checking possible. If no connection exists, password checking is not
To exit the BTS Manager, choose the Exit command on the File menu.
2.2Using Help
The Nokia BTS Manager software has a convenient, context-sensitive online
Help facility for getting information about a task you are going to perform, a
feature you might want to know more about, or a command you may want to use.
To get Help
•press F1
•click the ‘Help’ button on the toolbar
•choose one of the Help menu commands or
•click the Help button in any dialog box.
In the Help Topics window you can see three tabbed pages: Contents, Index and
Nokia MetroSite Base Station Commissioning
The Contents page displays a list of topics organized in books by category.
The Index page lists keywords in alphabetical order through which different
topics can be reached.
The Find page provides a full-text search functionality that allows you to search
for any word or phrase in the Help file.