Nokia M2M PLATFORM Product Manual

Copyright © 2002-2003 Nokia. All rights reserved. Issue 2.0 9355792
ACRONYMS AND TERMS ......................................................................................................1
1. ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT..............................................................................................3
2. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................4
2.1 NOKIA M2M PLATFORM ..........................................................................................4
2.2 OTHER NOKIA M2M PLATFORM PRODUCTS .......................................................5
2.2.1 Nokia M2M Gateway..............................................................................................5
2.2.2 Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal ....................................................................6
3. NOKIA M2M ADK PRODUCT CONCEPT AND USAGE .................................................7
4. EVALUATION MODULE ..................................................................................................9
4.1 INTERFACES............................................................................................................9
4.1.1 M2M system interface............................................................................................9
4.1.2 Power interface ....................................................................................................10
4.1.3 Service interface...................................................................................................10
4.1.4 RS-232 .................................................................................................................10
4.1.5 Digital output interface..........................................................................................10
4.1.6 Digital input interface............................................................................................10
4.1.7 A/D and D/A converter interface...........................................................................10
4.1.8 Tracing interface...................................................................................................11
4.2 SW FEATURES.......................................................................................................11
4.2.1 ORB SW module..................................................................................................11
4.2.2 System protocol SW module................................................................................11
4.2.3 OS & HW wrappers..............................................................................................12
4.3 MECHANICS ...........................................................................................................12
5. NOKIA M2M GATEWAY TRIAL VERSION....................................................................13
5.1 FEATURES..............................................................................................................13
5.1.1 Bearers.................................................................................................................13
5.1.2 Traffic Optimisation ..............................................................................................13
5.1.3 Messaging Reliability............................................................................................13
5.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................13
6. CONFIGURATOR SW....................................................................................................15
7. APPLICATION EXAMPLES ...........................................................................................16
7.1 EVALUATION MODULE CONTROL APPLICATION ..............................................16
7.2 TERMINAL END APPLICATIONS...........................................................................16
7.3 SERVER END EXAMPLE1 AND EXAMPLE2 APPLICATIONS..............................17
7.4 REMOTE I/O CONTROL APPLICATION ................................................................17
8. M2M TRACER................................................................................................................18
9. IDL COMPILER..............................................................................................................19
10. DOCUMENTATION........................................................................................................20
11. SALES PACKAGE .........................................................................................................21
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The contents of this document are provided "as is". Except as required by applicable law, no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or contents of this document. Nok ia reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.
ADK Application Development Kit ANSI
American National Standards Institute
Application Programming Interface
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture CSD Circuit Switched Data GIOP General Inter-ORB Protocol GPRS General Packet Radio Service GW Gateway HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data HW Hardware IDL Interface Definition Language IP Internet Protocol M2M Machine-to-Machine OMG Object Management Group ORB Object Request Broker OS Operating System
PCB Printed Circuit Board RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server/Service SMS Short Message Service SMSC Short Message Service Centre SW Software TCP Transmission Control Protocol UDP User Datagram Protocol (Internet) WAP Wireless Application Protocol WIOP Wireless Inter-Object Protocol
Guide for Evaluation Module SW Installation Guide for Nokia M2M Application Development Kit
This document describes the main characteristics of the Nokia Machine-to­Machine (M2M) Application Development Kit (ADK). The product concept, purpose of use, main features, and sales packages are depicted at a general level. More detailed information can be found at the Forum Nokia website,
, from the Nokia M2M section. All Nokia M2M ADK
documentation and installation software is downloadable from that website.
As we are quickly moving towards the world of third generation mobile traffic, more attention than ever is being paid to the wireless data market. So far, we have seen only the first steps towards the mobile information society, but it has already become clear that wireless data means more than just web browsing.
M2M communication is just one of the aspects of wireless data services. The market potential is huge; new applications are emerging continuously and operators are searching for opportunities for growth. The telecom industry is shifting in the direction of end-to-end solutions, which requires reliable communication and information transfer.
The Nokia M2M Platform is a complete, wireless, end-to-end solution for M2M communication. Nokia M2M ADK offers development tools for application development on the Nokia M2M Platform.
The Nokia M2M Platform is an object-oriented software platform based on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
, which is an open and widely accepted industry standard. The Nokia M2M Platform is adaptable to a wide range of purposes and communication methods, and it meets the needs of many different applications. The Nokia M2M Platform hides mobile network complexities and, thanks to CORBA method calls, is transparent to different machines, operating systems, and language implementations.
The Nokia M2M Platform consists of the Nokia M2M Gateway and Nokia GSM Connectivity Terminals as shown in Figure 1.
CORBA is a widely distributed computing infrastructure, standardised by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. In short, CORBA applications are composed of objects that can locate in different machines. These objects have services, and they are utilised with request messages. CORBA hides the underlying transfer network, such as the Internet or GSM network, an also the underlying protocols so that a user can use the functions as local procedure calls.
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