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Nokia M11 12 is an integrated ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber
Line) bridge and router which enables high-speed Internet access for
your Ethernet local area networks (LAN). It multiplies the capacity of
the already installed telephone lines used for ISDN services. M1112
brings high-speed connections available for home users, small offices
and telecommuters.
Figure 1-1Nokia M1112
M11 12 allows you to connect your desktop and laptop PCs to remote
networks. Your PCs must be equipped with a 10Base-T Ethernet
interface. M1112 has an in-built 4-port hub, which allows easy home
network installation.
The ADSL high-speed Internet access may be delivered to you over
the same copper pair of wires that is used for your ISDN services. As
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy
M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
both services utilise the same pair of wires, a filter is needed to separate
them. This is called an ISDN filter and it is a small external device
connected between your telephone and the telephone wall socket.
Your Nokia M1112 interconnects with a Digital Subscriber Line
Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) installed and maintained by your
access provider in their central office. M1112 ADSL technology is
based on Discrete Multitone (DMT) modulation allowing a maximum
of 8 Mbit/s data transmission from the network and 800 kbit/s towards
the network. However, these figures illustrate the maximum
performance of the technology and are subjected to the physical line
conditions and the distance from you to the central office. M1112 is
capable of adapting to the physical line conditions and guarantees the
maximum transmission rate possible on the particular line. M1112
adapts its speed to the line conditions in steps of 32 kbit/s. In addition
to these physical limitations affecting your data throughput, your
Internet Service Provider (ISP) may limit your access according to
their service provisioning policy and based on your service contract.
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Chapter 2
Applications and features
In this chapter, we present the most common applications and features
of M1112. The use and configuration of your Nokia M1112 may be
different from the configurations presented in this manual, even for
similar applications. The configurations presented in this manual
represent a typical way of using M1112 for the corresponding
Applications and features
The three typical applications discussed below are the Internet access,
remote work, and office LAN interconnection.
Internet access
Your access to the Internet is provided by your Internet Service
Provider (ISP). Nokia M1112 connects you through your telephone
line and the ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network to the
network of your ISP, which, in turn, is connected to the Internet.
Hence, all your data goes through the ISP’s network. If you are using
only one ISP for your Internet access, your ISP may give you a limited
set of IP addresses belonging to its address space that you may utilise
in your desktop and laptop computers on your home network.
However, in many cases it is more practical to separate your own
private LAN from the ISP’s public network by using private IP
addresses. This way you are not limited to the number of public IP
addresses provided by your ISP but you can manage your own address
space independently. For this you will need to use NAPT (Network
Address Port Translation) feature available in your M1112 modem.
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M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
This mode of operation reduces the need to have more than one public
Internet address. Furthermore, it prevents others from seeing and
accessing your private network and therefore it acts as a simple
Internet connection
Figure 2-1High-speed Internet access
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Applications and features
Remote work
Another application for M1112 is remote work. In this case the
end-to-end architecture can, for example, use PPP over Ethernet,
where a dial-up-type PPP connection is created between your home PC
and your corporate networks PPP access server based on the user name
and password you issue in your PC. The same set up could be used for
accessing the public Internet with a different user name and password.
This example naturally presumes that your ISP supports this type of
approach for providing remote work services for our company.
worker 1
Nokia M1112
worker 2
worker 3
Figure 2-2Remote work using M1112 as a standard router
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M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
LAN interconnection
M1112 can also be used for corporate branch office LAN
interconnection. As a bridge, M11 12 enables all network protocols to
be used on the corporate network.
office 1
office 2
office 3
Figure 2-3LAN interconnection
M1112 can operate as a bridge and/or Internet Protocol (IP) router
between the Ethernet and the virtual channels of ADSL/ATM
interfaces supporting both dynamic and static routing.
DGateway/bridge management interface. This interface is used as a
bridge host interface or gateway interface depending on the
operation mode. In this manual it is called VBRIDGE. On the
M1112 web pages, the interface is called gateway or bridge IP
M1112 can operate in four different main modes:
DBridging only
DRouting/tunneling IP only
DRouting/tunneling IP, bridging all but IP
DRouting/tunneling IP and bridging all, including IP
The mode in which M1112 operates depends on the configuration of
the unit’s interfaces. Table 2-1 shows the operational modes and the
corresponding interface configurations.
LAN interfaceATM VCC interfacesVbridge
(gateway/host interface)
Bridge only
BridgingBridging.Used as a manage-
ment (host) interface
for all bridged interfaces in case such is
Route/tunnel IP only
Routing (IP address
Routing (IP address
configured) or PPTP
local tunneling activated for each active
Not used in this case.
The unit can be managed through any of
the LAN or ATM interface IP addresses.
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M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
LAN interfaceVbridge
Route/tunnel IP, bridge all other traffic
Routing (IP address
configured) and bridging activated.
Route/tunnel IP, bridge all other including IP
ATM VCC interfaces
VCCs that only route
or tunnel have routing
(IP address configured) or PPTP local
tunneling activated.
VCCs that both bridge
and route have additionally bridging activated. This requires
ETH-LLC encapsulation to be used on
those VCCs.
VCCs that only bridge
have only bridging
(gateway/host interface)
Typically not used in
this case. The unit
can be managed locally through the LAN
interface and remotely through a separate
management VCC or
the ATM VCCs which
have routing activated.
Bridging activatedVCCs that only route
or tunnel have routing
(IP address configured) or PPTP local
tunneling activated.
VCCs that only bridge
have only bridging
Used as an IP gateway interface for LAN
Table 2-1Operational modes
LAN interface
LAN interface can be configured individually to bridge and route
packets. There are three different operational modes in the LAN
DBridging only; only bridging is activated in the interface. In this
case the interface bridges all protocols.
DRouting only; only IP address is configured in the interface. In this
case, the interface routes IP packets.
DBridging and routing; Bridging is activated in the interface and IP
address is configured in the interface. In this case, the interface
routes IP packets and bridges all other packets.
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Applications and features
Internal host/gateway interface
There is a special host/gateway logical IP interface within M1112
called VBRIDGE. This interface has a specific purpose in M1112. In
applications where some ATM virtual channel connections are used
for bridging IP traffic and some other ATM virtual channel
connections are used for routing IP traffic, the VBRIDGE interface
must be used instead of LAN IP address. Alternatively , this interface is
used in bridge only application when the IP address is required for
remote management purposes.
Data VCC operation
M1112 supports the following encapsulations in each ATM data
virtual channel individually:
DRFC2684 LLC encapsulation for bridged IP (ETH-LLC)
DRFC2684 LLC encapsulation for routed IP (IP-LLC)
DRFC2364 Virtual circuit multiplexed PPP over AAL5 (PPP-VC)
DRFC2364 Virtual circuit multiplexed PPP over AAL5 used to
tunnel LAN/VBRIDGE PPTP packets
If an IP address is given to a virtual channel interface and bridging is
enabled at that interface, then IP data at that interface is routed and all
other protocols are bridged. The only encapsulation which allows both
bridging and routing simultaneously is ETH-LLC. For example, it is
possible to route ETH-LLC encapsulated packets and at the same time
bridge, for example, PPPoE packets (PPPoE packets are transported
directly over Ethernet frame, not within IP packets).
Routing is based on routing entries in a routing table. Static routes are
added via the management interface and dynamic routing is done using
RIP and RIPv2. Routing is done between the Ethernet 10Base-T
interface and the virtual channel connection (VCC) of the A TM/ADSL
interface. M1112 supports up to 8 simultaneous VCCs.
M11 12 supports IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) proxy
receive function for IP multicast applications.
Bridging is supported to provide full protocol transparency. Bridging
can be used simultaneously with IP routing. M1112 works as a
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M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
self-learning bridge supporting up to 1024 MAC addresses. Bridging
is done between the Ethernet 10Base-T interface and each ATM VCC
interface. Optionally , the bridging between the VCCs can be disabled.
2.2.4Network Address Port Translation
M1112 supports Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) for
TCP/IP , UDP/IP and ICMP/IP protocols. When NAPT is used, a single
IP address is allocated to a VCC which leads to the public IP network.
The Ethernet subnet has private IP addressing and is not visible to the
VCC. NAPT translates the IP source address and source port number
dynamically to the VCC IP address and port number. Similarly,
packets coming from the VCC are mapped back to the original
destination addresses. NAPT allows up to hundreds of hosts to share a
single VCC IP address to the public network. The principle of Network
Address Port Translation is presented in Figure 2-4.
Home network (LAN)Internet (WAN)
NAPT router
Figure 2-4Principle of Network Address Port Translation
NAPT may restrict the operation of some IP applications. NAPT also
operates as a simple IP firewall because translation is only allowed
when the first packet is transmitted from the LAN. This means that the
NAPT table entry is created only when a packet is sent from the home
network to the Internet. With server support capability, the user can
add static entries to the NAPT table allowing the translation always in
both directions. This capability is used to add servers (HTTP, NNTP,
and FTP), which are visible to the public IP network via the VCC, on
the LAN subnet.
NAPT supports most IP-based protocols. Because NAPT operates on
the IP and transport layer , the application that includes IP address and
port within the payload will not work properly through NAPT . In many
cases, these applications can be passed through the NAPT using
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Applications and features
Application Layer Gateway functionality (ALG). M1112 has ALG for
the following protocols/applications:
DH.323 including NetMeeting
DIPSEC ESP tunnel mode and IKE
Note, that most IPSEC implementations will fail when passed through
NAPT. A typical reason is that the identification may fail if the
identification is based on IP address. Also, only tunnel mode without
Authentication Header (AH) works.
2.2.5Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
M1112 can act as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
server for the PCs on the end-user home network. In this mode, M1 112
can assign up to 253+253 consecutive addresses from two separate
address ranges (that is, 253 consecutive addresses per address range)
to the PCs on the home network. Two separate address ranges can be
used if more than 253 addresses are required on the local subnet, if two
non-contiguous ranges are needed or if an additional router with
DHCP relay is used on the local network. M1112 can also act as a
DHCP relay agent and relay the DHCP requests to an external DHCP
2.2.6ATM and ADSL
M1112 supports up to 8 simultaneous VCCs and supports UBR
(Unspecified bit rate) traffic shaping on all VCCs. The maximum
transmit rate on each VCC is the ADSL upstream capacity. If more
than one VCC is transmitting simultaneously, the ADSL upstream
capacity is temporarily shared between these VCCs. When one VCC is
idle, the bandwidth is used by another VCC.
The ADSL transmission is based on the DMT line code. M1112
provides a DMT line rate up to 8 Mbit/s downstream and up to 800
kbit/s upstream. The DMT transceiver is rate adaptive and capable of
providing faster rates over short distances or slower rates over long
distances. The transceiver adapts itself to the line conditions.
M1112 is compatible with ETSI 101 388.
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M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
Rate adaptation is done in steps of 32 kbit/s. The ADSL interface of
M1112 functions completely automatically and all configuration
related to the ADSL connection is done at the access multiplexer in the
operator’s premises. The network operator can set the data rates as a
part of the network management functionality provided by Nokia
2.2.7Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
When PPTP local tunneling is used, a local network client initialises a
PPTP-tunneled PPP connection (VPN) to Nokia M1 112. The modem
terminates the tunnel and all data from that terminated local PPTP
tunnel will be forwarded to an assigned ATM VCC by using PPP over
AAL5 encapsulation. Thus, each local PPTP tunnel requires an
equivalent ATM VCC assigned to it restricting the total number of
local PPTP hosts to 8.
Local tunneling is used when there is a need to have one or more
computers connected independently to different networks. For
example, in remote work application, the rest of the family may be
using the common ISP services and one or two family members need to
gain access to their corporate networks. With local tunneling, these
remote workers may be connected to a different network than the rest
of the users.
Local tunneling is activated using the PPTP client running, for
example, in Windows The destination IP address must be M1112
LAN/VBRIDGE IP address depending on the configuration. PPP
packets within PPTP are mapped to the configured VCC. M1112 has
three different ways to choose the ATM VCC that will be used for
DAutomatic, chooses the first free VCC
DChooses the VCC number using C:number, where number is from
1 to 8. C:number is typed after the M11 12 IP address in PC’s PPTP
client Connect To window (see Figure 2-5).
DChooses the VCC number using N:name, where name is the
VCCx description. N:name is fed after the M1112 IP address.
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Applications and features
Figure 2-5Choosing the VCC2 for tunneling example
2.2.8Point-to-Point Pr otocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)
Standard PPPoE mode is used when M1112 is operating as a bridge.
PPPoE protocol defines how PPP sessions are mapped into Ethernet
packets. When M1112 operates as a bridge, this protocol is transparent
to M1112.
2.2.9Payload encapsulations
Both routed and bridged protocols are encapsulated in the A TM link by
using either RFC 2684 LLC/SNAP encapsulation or VC multiplexing.
M11 12 also supports PPP over AAL5 encapsulation, in which routed
protocols are first encapsulated in PPP (RFC 1661). PPP is then
encapsulated in ATM according to the IETF PPP over AAL5 using
RFC 2364 VC multiplexing or LLC/NLPID encapsulation.
2.2.10 W eighted Fair Queueing (Class of Service)
As a Class of Service (CoS) function, M11 12 supports Weighted Fair
Queueing (WFQ) for each ATM VCC. The CoS function ensures that
different IP traffic flows are treated fairly in the upstream (towards the
Internet) direction. This may be necessary , in some cases, because the
upstream capacity of the ADSL line is somewhat limited compared to
the Ethernet bandwidth on the office or home LAN. The WFQ CoS
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M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
function classifies IP traffic flows based on IP address, protocol and
port fields. It is capable of identifying the IP flow from all supported
payload encapsulation formats. WFQ works properly only with
IP-based protocols. If the flow is IP-based but is encrypted using IPSec
or PPP encryption, then WFQ cannot identify the flows correctly. In
this case, the default flow is used and the default flow is treated as a
single flow.
2.2.11 Management
There are three management methods in M1112:
DCommand line interface (CLI) through console serial port
DCLI via telnet
DWeb browser management
The CLI allows complete configuration of the unit; the Web browser
management allows the configuration of the most frequently used
configuration parameters.
2.2.12 Dedicated management channel
The operator or the Internet Service Provider can establish a dedicated
management channel to M1112. This channel provides access to the
M11 12 management (with telnet or web browser) and it can be used to
upload a new software to M1112.
The dedicated management channel is separated from the other IP
stack. It is not possible to access the other interfaces or networks
behind the data interfaces through the dedicated management channel.
Similarly , access from LAN or data VCCs to the management channel
is blocked. The management channel supports only routing using the
following encapsulations:
DRFC2684 LLC encapsulation for bridged IP (ETH-LLC)
DRFC2684 LLC encapsulation for routed IP (IP-LLC)
DRFC2364 Virtual circuit multiplexed PPP over AAL5 (PPP-VC)
In Figure, 2-6 VCC1 is used for customers data transmission.
Administration through this channel has been disabled. The operator
or the service provider uses the management VCC for management
purposes only.
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Applications and features
(admin disabled)
Nokia M1112
ISP’s NMS Network manage-
Management VCC
ment system
Figure 2-6Dedicated management channel
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Interfaces and indicator lights
Chapter 3
Interfaces and indicator lights
This chapter describes the external interfaces of M11 12 and introduces
its front panel indicator lights.
M11 12 has one ADSL line interface and one LAN interface (10Base-T
Ethernet). It also has a local management interface (CLI) for
management purposes. The ADSL line interface is compatible with
ETSI TS 101 388 specification.
Power switch
Mains connector
Command line interface (CLI)
ADSL line (DSL)
Ethernet ports
(ETH-1, ETH-2,
ETH-3, ETH-4)
Figure 3-1M1112 back panel
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3.1.1Ethernet interface
The Ethernet interface (ETH) is located on the back panel. The
Ethernet interface is a standard 10 Mbit/s half-duplex 10Base-T
interface. The mechanical connector is an 8-pin RJ-45. The pin-out
numbering is shown in Table 3-1.
Figure 3-2ETH connector
1Rx+<–Receive data +
2Rx–<–Receive data –
3Tx+–>Transmit data +
6Tx––>Transmit data –
Table 3-1Ethernet interface pin-out numbering
3.1.2ADSL interface
The ADSL interface (DSL) is compatible with ETSI TS 101 388
specification. The mechanical connector is a 6-pin RJ-11. The pin-out
numbering is shown in Table 3-2.
MDI signal
Figure 3-3DSL connector
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Table 3-2ADSL interface pin-out numbering
3.2Command line interface
The command line interface (CLI) is RS-232 interface with an RJ-45
mechanical connector . The pin-out numbering is shown in Table 3-3.
4102 SGSignal ground
5103 TxD<–Transmitted data
6104 RxD–>Received data
7105 RTS
(not in use)
8106 CTS
(const. ON)
MDI signal
–>Data set ready
–>Data channel re-
ceived line signal detector
<–Request to send
–>Clear to send
Table 3-3Command line interface pin-out numbering
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M1 1 12 Administrator Manual
3.3Indicator lights
M11 12 has eight indicator lights on the front panel: PWR, ST A, COL,
ETH-1, ETH-2, ETH-3, ETH-4, and DSL. ST A indicator is red. Other
indicators are green.
Figure 3-5M1112 front panel indicators
OffADSL link is down.
BlinksADSL connection is being established.
OnADSL link is up.
OffEthernet is down.
On10Base-T Ethernet is functional
BlinksReceives traffic from Ethernet.
BlinksCollisions on the Ethernet. Note, that it is normal that some
collisions occur on the Ethernet.
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Interfaces and indicator lights
OnHardware malfunction during startup.
OffPower off.
OnPower on.
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