Nokia — Proprietary and confidential
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other products and company
names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective
7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
The information presented is subject to change without notice. No responsibility is
not be made available to, or copied or used by anyone outside Nokia without its
written authorizatio n. Not to be used or disclosed except in accor dance with
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7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product GuidePreface
1 Preface
This preface provides general information about the documentation set for CPEs.
1.1 Scope
This documentation set provides information about safety, features and functionality,
ordering, hardware installation and maintenance, and software installation
procedures for the current release.
1.2 Audience
This documentation set is intended for planners, administrators, operators, and
maintenance personnel involved in installing, upgrading, or maintaining the CPEs.
1.3 Required knowledge
The reader must be familiar with general telecommunications principles.
1.4 Acronyms and initialisms
The expansions and optional descriptions of most acronyms and initialisms appear
in the glossary.
1.5 Assistance and ordering phone numbers
Nokia provides global technical support through regional call centers. Phone
numbers for the regional call centers are available at the following URL:
For ordering information, co ntact your Nokia sales representat ive.
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Preface 7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
1.6 Nokia quality processes
Nokia’s CPE quality practices are in compliance with TL 9000 requirements. The se
requirements are document ed in the Fixed Networks Quality Manual
3FQ-30146-6000-QRZZA. The quality pr acti ces adequately ensure that technical
requirements and cu stomer end-point requir ements are met. The customer or i ts
representatives may be allowed to perform on-site quality surveillance audits, as
agreed upon during contract negotiations
1.7 Safety information
For safety information, see the appropriate safety guidelines chapter.
1.8 Documents
Documents are available using ALED or OLCS.
Procedure 1 To download a ZIP file package of the customer documentation
Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you
are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Nokia sales
From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.
Click on Downloads: Electronic Delivery.
Choose Documentation from the drop-down menu an d click Next.
Select the image from the drop-down me nu and click Next.
Follow the on-screen dir ections to download the file .
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7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product GuidePreface
Procedure 2 To access individual documents
Individual PDFs of customer docume nts are also accessible throug h the Nokia Customer Support
Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you
are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Nokia sales
From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.
Click on Manuals and Guides to display a list of c ust ome r d ocu ment s b y title an d p art
number. You can filter this list using the Release drop-down menu.
Click on the PDF to open or save the file.
1.9 Special information
The following are examples of how special information is presented in this document.
Danger — Danger indicates that the described activity or
situation may result in serious personal injury or death; for
example, high volt age or electric shock hazards.
Warning — Warning indicates that the described a ctivity or
situation may, or will, cause equipment damage or serious
performance problems.
Caution — Caution indicates that the des cribed activity or
situation may, or will, cause service interruption.
Note — A note provides information that is, or may be, of
special interest.
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Preface 7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
Procedures with options or substeps
When there are options in a procedure, they are identified by letters. When there are
required substeps in a procedure, they are identified by roman numerals.
Procedure 3 Example of options in a procedure
At step 1, you can choose option a or b. At s tep 2, you mus t do what the step indi cates.
This step offers two o ptions. You must choos e one o f the following:
This is one option.
This is another option.
You must perform this st ep.
Procedure 4 Example of required substeps in a procedure
At step 1, you must perf orm a ser ies o f substeps within a step . At step 2, you must do what the
step indicates.
This step has a serie s of substeps th at you mu st pe rf or m to complete the step. Yo u mus t
perform the following substeps:
This is the first substep.
This is the second sub step.
This is the third substep.
You must perform this step.
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7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product GuidePreface
1.10 Multiple PDF document search
You can use Adobe Reader Release 6.0 and later to search multiple PDF files for a
common term. Adobe Reader displays the results in a single display panel. The
results are grouped by PDF file, and you can expand the entry for each file.
Note — The PDF files in which you search must be in the same
Procedure 5 To search multiple PDF files for a common term
Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Choose EditSearch from the Acrobat Reader main menu. The Search PDF panel appears.
Enter the search criteria.
Click on the All PDF Document s In radio button.
Select the folder in which to search using the drop-down menu.
Click on the Search button.
Acrobat Reader displays the search results. You can expand the entries for each document
This chapter provides information about the mandatory regulations that govern the
installation and operation of CPEs.
2.1 Safety instructions
This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the CPE customer
documentation and on the equipment.
Safety instruction boxes
The safety instruction boxes are provided in the CPE customer documentation.
Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.
The following is an example of the Danger box.
Danger — Possibility of personal injury.
The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat
to personal safety. It calls attention to a situation or procedure which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, may result in death or serious physical harm.
Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
The following is an example of the Warning box.
Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage.
Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss.
The Warning box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a
possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the
degradation of system operations or data.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
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ETSI CPE safety guidelines7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
The following is an example of the Caution box.
Caution 1 — Possibility of service interruption.
Caution 2 — Service interruption.
The Caution box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
service interruption.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
The following is an example of the Note box.
Note — Information of spe cial interest.
The Note box provides information that assist s the personnel working with CPEs. It
does not provide safety-related instructions.
Safety-related labels
The CPE equipment is labeled with the specific safety instructions and compliance
information that is related to a variant of the CPE. Obser ve the inst ructions on the
safety labels.
Table 1 provides sample safety labels on the CPE equipment.
Table 1 Safety labels
Description Label text
ESD warning Caution: This assembly contains an electrostatic sensitive device.
PSE marking
These power supplies are Japan PSE certified and compliant with
Japan VCCI emissions standards.
This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Volunta ry Control Council for Inter ference
from Informat ion Tech nology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or te levision re ceiver in
a domestic environ ment, it may cause ra dio interfere nce. Install and use the equipment according
to the instruction manual.
2.2 Safety standards compliance
This section describes the CPE compliance with the European safety standards.
EMC, EMI, and ESD compliance
The CPE equipment complies with the following EMC, EMI, and ESD requirements:
• EN 300-386 V1.5.1: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters
• EN 55022 (2006): Class B, Information Technology Equipment, Radio
Disturbance Characteristics, limits and methods of measurement
• EN 55024 (2010): Information Technology Equipment, Immunity Characteristics,
limits and methods of measurement
• European Council Directive 2004/108/EC
• EN 300-386 V1.4.1: 2008
• EN 55022:2006 Class B (CPEs)
Equipment safety standard compliance
The CPE equipment complies with the requirements of EN 60950-1, Safety of
Information Technology Equipment for use in a restricted location (per R-269).
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ETSI CPE safety guidelines7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
Environmental standard compliance
The CPE equipment complies with the EN 300 019 European environmental
Resistibility requirements compliance
The CPE equipment complies with the requireme nts of ITU Recom mendation K.21
for resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to
over voltage and overcurrents.
Acoustic noise emis sion standard compliance
The CPE equipment complies with EN 300 753 acoustic noise emission limit and test
2.3 Electrical safety guidelines
This section provides the electrical safety guidelines for the CPE equipment.
Note 1 — The CPEs comply with the U.S. National Electrical
Code. However, local electrical authorities have jurisdiction
when there are differences between the local and U.S.
Note 2 — The CPEs comply with BS EN 61140.
Power supplies
The use of any non-Nokia approved power supplies or power adapters is not
supported or endorsed by Nokia. Such use will void any warranty or support contract
with Nokia. Such use greatly increases the danger of damage to equipment or
The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the CPE equipment:
• All cables must be approved by the relevant national electrical code.
• The cables for outdoor installation of CPEs must be suitable for outdoor use.
• POTS wiring run outside the subscriber premises must comply with the
requirements of local electrical codes. In some markets, the maximum allowed
length of the outside run is 140 feet (43 m). If the outside run is longer, NEC
requires primary protection at both the exit and entry points for the wire.
Protective earth
Earthing and bonding of the CPEs must comply with the requirements of local
electrical codes.
2.4 ESD safety guidelines
The CPE equipment is sensitive to ESD. Operations personnel must observe the
following ESD instructions when they handle the CPE equipment.
Caution — This equipment is ESD sensitive. Proper ESD
protections should be used when you enter the TELCO Access
portion of the CPE.
During installation and maint enance, ser vice personnel must wear wrist straps to
prevent damage caused by ESD.
2.5 Environmental requirements
See the CPE technical specificat ion document ation for more information about
temperature ranges.
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ETSI CPE safety guidelines7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
During operation in the supported temperature range, condensation inside the CPE
caused by humidity is not an issue. To avoid condensation caused by rapid changes
in temperature and h umidit y, Nokia recomm ends:
• The door of the CPE not be opened until tem perat ure inside and outside the
enclosure has stabilized.
• If the door of the CPE must be opened after a rapid change in temperature or
humidity, use a dry cloth to wipe down the metal interior to prevent the risk of
• When high humidity is present, installation of a cover or tent over t he CPE helps
prevent condensation when the door is opened.
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7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product GuideETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
3 ETSI environmental and CRoHS
This chapter provides information abou t the ETSI environmental China Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (CRoHS) regulations that govern the installati on and
operation of CPEs. This chapter also includes environmental operation parameters
of general interest.
3.1 Environmental labels
This section describes the environmental instructions that are provided with the
customer documentation, equipment, and location where the equipment resides.
CRoHS is applicable to Electronic Informat ion Products (EIP) manufactured or sold
and imported in the territory of the mainland of the People’s Republic of China. EIP
refers to products and their accessories manufactured by using electronic
information technol ogy, including electronic communications products and such
subcomponents as batteries and cables.
Environmental related labels
Environmental labels are located on appropriat e equipment. The following are
sample labels.
Products below Maximum Concentration Value
(MCV) label
Figure 2 shows the label that indicates a product is below the maximum
concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for
Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information
Products). Products with this label are recy clable. The label may be found in this
documentation or on the product.
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ETSI environmental an d CRoHS guidelin es7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
Figure 2 Products below MCV value label
Products containing hazardous substances above
Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) label
Figure 3 shows the label that indicates a product is above the maximum
concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for
Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information
Products). The number contained inside the label indicates the Environment-Friendly
User Period (EFUP) value. The label may be found in this documentation or on the
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7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product GuideETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Figure 3 Products above MCV value label
Together with major international telecommunicat ions equipment companies, Nokia
has determined it is appropriate to use an EFUP of 50 years for network
infrastructure equipment and an EFUP of 20 years for handsets and accessories.
These values are based on manufacturer s' extensive practical experience of th e
design, manufacturing, mainten ance, usage conditions, operat ing environments,
and physical condition of infrastr ucture and handse ts after years of service. The
values reflect minimum values and refer to products operated according to the
intended use conditions. See “Hazardous Substances Table (HST)” for more
3.2 Hazardous Substances Table (HST)
This section describes the compliance of the OLT and CPE equipment to the CRoHS
standard when the product and subassemblies contain hazardous substances
beyond the MCV value. This information is found in this user documentation where
part numbers for the product and subassemblies are listed. It may be referenced in
other OLT and CPE documentatio n.
In accordance with the People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard
Marking for the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products
(SJ/T11364-2006), customers may access the Nokia Hazardous Substance Table,
in Chinese, from the following location:
• imag e s/u pload/ p rivate/ 1/me d ia/ Chi na Ro
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ETSI environmental an d CRoHS guidelin es7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
3.3 Other environmental requirements
Observe the following environme ntal requirements when handling the P-OLT or CPE
CPE environmental requirements
See the CPE technical specificat ion document ation for more information about
temperature ranges.
According to ETS 300-019-1-1 - Class 1.1, storage of OLT equipment must be in
Class 1.1, weather-protecte d, temperature-controlled locat ions.
According to EN 300-019-1-2 - Class 2.3, transportation of the OLT equipment must
be in packed, public transportation with no rain on packing allowed.
Stationary use
According to EN 300-019-1-3 - Class 3.1/3.2/3.E, stationary use of OLT equipment
must be in a temperature-controlled loca tion, with no rain allowed, and with no
condensation allowed.
Thermal limitations
When the OLT is installed in the CO or CEV, install air filters on the P-OLT. The
thermal limitatio ns for OLT oper ation in a CO or CEV are:
• operating temperature: 5 C to 40C (41F t o 104F)
• short-term temperature: –5C to 50C (23F t o 122F)
• operating relative hu midity: 5% to 85%
• short-term relative humidity: 5% to 95%, but not to exceed 0.024 kg of water/kg
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7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product GuideETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Material content compliance
European Union (EU) Directive 2002/95/EC, “Restriction of the use of certain
Hazardous Substances” (RoHS), restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium,
hexavalent chromi um, and certain f lame retardants in electrical and electronic
equipment. This Directive applies to electrical and electroni c products placed on the
EU market after 1 July 2006, with various exemption s, including an exemption for
lead solder in network infrastructure equipment. Nokia products shipped to the EU
after 1 July 2006 comply with the EU RoHS Directive.
Nokia has implemented a materia l/substance content managem ent process. The
process is described in: Nokia process for ensuring RoHS Compliance
(1AA002660031ASZZA). This ensures compliance with the European Union
Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances
in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS2). With the process eq uipment is
assessed in accordance with the Harmonised Standard EN50581:2012 (CENELEC)
on Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products
with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances.
End-of-life collection and treatment
Electronic products bearing or referencing the symbol shown in Figure 4, when put
on the market within the European Union (EU), shall be collected and treated at the
end of their useful life, in compliance with applicable EU and local legislation. They
shall not be disposed of as part of unsorted municipal wast e. Due to materia ls that
may be contained in the product, such as heavy metals or batteries, the environment
and human health may be negatively impacted as a result of inappropriate disposal.
Note — In the European Union, a solid bar under the symbol for
a crossed-out wheeled bin indicates that the product was put on
the market after 13 August 2005.
Figure 4 Recycling/take back/disposal of product symbol
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ETSI environmental an d CRoHS guidelin es7368 ISAM CPE A-240Z-A Product Guide
At the end of their life, the OLT and CPE products are subject to the applicable local
legislations that implement the European Directive 2012/19EU on waste electrical
and electronic equipment (WEEE).
There can be different requirements for collection and treatment in different memb er
states of the European Union.
In compliance with legal requirements and contractual agreements, where
applicable, Nokia will offer to provide for the collection and treatment of Nokia
products bearing the logo shown in Figure 4 at the end of their useful life, or products
displaced by Nokia equipment offers. For information regarding take-back of
equipment by Nokia, or for more information regarding the requireme nts for
recycling/disposal of product, contact your Nokia account manager or Nokia take
back support at
This chapter provides information about the mandatory regulations that govern the
installation and operat ion of CPEs in the North American or ANSI market.
4.1 Safety instructions
This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the CPE customer
documentation and on the equipment.
Safety instruction boxes in customer
The safety instruction boxes are provided in the CPE customer documentation.
Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.
The following is an example of the Danger box.
Danger — Possibility of personal injury.
The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat
to personal safety. It calls attention to a situation or procedure which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, may result in death or serious physical harm.
Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
The following is an example of the Warning box.
Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage.
Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss.
The Warning box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a
possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the
degradation of system operations or data.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
The Caution box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
service interruption.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
The following is an example of the Note box.
Note — Information of spe cial interest.
The Note box provides information that assist s the personnel working with CPEs. It
does not provide safety-related instructions.
Safety-related labels
The CPE equipment is labeled with specific safety compliance information and
instructions that are related to a variant of the CPE. Observe the instructions on the
safety labels.
Table 2 provides ex amples of the text in the various CPE safety labels.
Table 2 Safety labels
Description Label text
ETL compliance Communication service equipment US listed. Type 3R enclosure - Rainproof.
TUV compliance Type 3R enclosure - Rainproof.
ESD warning Caution: This assembly contains electrostatic sensitive device.
FCC standards complianceTested to comply with FCC standards for home or office use.
CDRH compliance Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11.
Operation conditions
CE marking There are various CE symbols for CE compliance.
This device complies with P art 15 of the FCC Ru les. Operation i s subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
Figure 5 shows a sample safety label on the CPE equipment.
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