T o run the After Sales SW , a parallel port software protection device (PKD–1) has to be
connected. The user can use WinT esla functions in modules for testing NME–3 mobile
stations (MS). The test functions send test messages from PC to MS and receive results
and show them in the PC display. The messages can be sent via M2BUS.
Note: if this software is to be run on laptops, the power saving feature MUST be switched
Hardware requirements for Windows 3.1x
The recommended minimum hardware standard to run Service Software is any computer which is 386 33 MHz or greater with at least 4 MB of memory and VGA type display
(640 x 480). This assumes that only the WinTesla with After Sales Support Modules is
active, i.e. other Windows packages are not running in the background.
Hardware requirements for Windows 95
The recommended minimum hardware standard to run Service Software is any computer which has Pentium processor, memory 8 MB and meets HW requirements recommended by Microsoft.
Software Environment of the Support Modules
The Service Software user interface is intended for the following environments: Microsoft Windows 3.1x (enhanced mode) and Windows 95 environment running in enhanced mode. Support for Microsoft NT may be added, if required. Detailed information
about Windows and application usage can be found from the Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Users Guide chapter one (Windows Basics) and chapter two (Application Basics).
As an ordinary Windows application, the main idea in the user interface is that selections
are made with menus, push buttons and shortcut keys. Selections can be done by using
keyboard and/or mouse. There is always a status bar displayed at the bottom of the
main window which contains information about current actions.
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Service Software Instructions
Technical Documentation
Required Servicing Equipment
– Computer: At least IBM 80386 or compatible with one unused serial
port (COM1 or COM2)*), one parallel port (LPT1), hard disk recom-
– Operating System: DOS Version 3.2 or later
– If PCLStart in use: DOS 6.22 and IBM 80486 or compatible
– Display: Any 80–character text display
– Service software version for 3.5” disk (product code: )
– Software protection key PKD–1 (product code: 0750018)
Detailed equipment is shown on
Note:A number of PC’s of an older generation use the Intel, National Semiconductor, or United
Microelectronics IC 8250 as the serial port UART. This is a comparatively inefficient circuit for current
purposes and does not necessarily support the M2BUS adapter at 9600 baud. The newer UART’s
NS16450 and NS16550AF of National Semiconductor offer solutions for these problems.
Equipment Setup
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Technical Documentation
Service Software Instructions
Mechanical Connections
Caution:Make sure that you have switched off the PC and the printer
before making connections.
Caution:Do not connect the PKD–1 key to the serial port. You may
damage your PKD–1 !
The software controls the phone via a separate adapter connected to the serial port of
the PC, and to the telephone’s M2BUS (DAU–9S).
Attach the dongle PKD–1 to the parallel port 1 (25–pin female D–connector) of the PC.
When connecting PKD–1 to the parallel port, be sure that you insert the computer side
of the PKD–1 to the PC (male side). If you use a printer on parallel port 1, install the
PKD–1 between the PC and your printer cable.
The PKD–1 should not affect devices working with it. If some errors occur (errors in
printing are possible) please try printing without the PKD–1. If printing is OK without the
PKD–1 please contact your dealer . We will offer you a new PKD–1 in exchange for your
old one.
Installing the Software on PC Hard Disk
The program is delivered on a diskette and is copy protected with a dongle PKD–1. It
must be present in parallel port when using Service software.
The program can also be installed on the hard disk, which is recommendable to obtain
a maximum data access rate.
Keep the original diskette safe to enable upgrading of the program !
If you plan to use PCL Start service software, you must install it before installing Service
software, see PCL Start installation instructions.
To install the new Service software program, follow the steps below:
1.insert the new Service software diskette
into drive A: of your computer
2.start Windows, and open File Manager
log into drive a:
and press <Enter>
3.start SETUP.EXE and
install Service software to drive C:
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type C: and press <Enter>
Page 5
Service Software Instructions
Equipment & Setup for Test / Repair
Technical Documentation
Item:DescriptionProduct code:
2PKD–1 Software protection key 0750018
3JBD–2 Test / repair box0770171
5SCD–2A Repair Place Cable0730171
Follow the steps described in chapter ”Service Software Instructions”
section ”RX calibration... command”.
Software reports the following:
AFC init value
AFC slope
PSW slope
AGC DAC values and the corresponding voltages for each gain step (0 57 dB)
Technical Documentation
Limits for the reported values
If everything went well the reported values should approximately be the
ParameterLow limitHigh limit
AFC init value–8080
AFC slope135230
PSW slope250350
AGC 0 dB440740
AGC 57 dB60360
Difference between the two neighbour
AGC steps
If the calibration does not succeed the software normally reports ”Unable
to read data from phone” or ”Failed to set high reference” or ”Failed to set
low reference”.
Page 10
In this case check first the basic functionality of the receiver chain: RF
generator frequency set as in the calibration and level for example to the
high reference value.
Then go to the RSSI reading menu (under RF controls). If the reading is
very low there is something broken in the receiver and must be found by
measuring voltages and signal levels at different places (information of
these can be found elsewhere in this manual).
Issue 1 10/99
Technical Documentation
If the RSSI reading seems to be within 5 - 10 dB the same as the RF input
level check that the VCTCXO (G650) frequency is close enough the
wanted frequency. This is most easiest done by measuring the UHF VCO
(G550) frequency because the absolute value of the deviation is biggest
there. In the GSM mid channel the UHF–VCO frequency should be 1018
MHz. If the deviation is bigger than about +/–20 kHz it is probable that the
VCTCXO is not operating correctly.
If both of these (RSSI reading and the frequency) seem to be correct and
calibration still fails the most probable reason is that there is a little lack of
gain somewhere or the AGC gain control slope in N600 is out of the limits.
This can be verified by changing the generator reference levels from the
demanded ones in the calibration procedure in 1 dB steps up and down. If
the calibration goes through with some reference levels the corrective
action is most probably changing N500 or N600.
Service Software Instructions
2. Alignment of Transmitter Power Levels
– Pulsed power meter or spectrum analyzer and 10 dB attenuator.
– MSJ–13 voltage source within 9–15VDCV.
The following settings for the spectrum analyzer are recommended when
aligning the power levels: zero span, resolution and video bandwidths 1
MHz, input attenuation 40 dB, sweep time 1 ms, video triggering.
Follow the instructions given in chapter ”Service Software Instructions”
section ”TX power... command”.
For GSM the alignment channel is 60 (902 MHz)
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Service Software Instructions
Targets in dBm:
Power levelGSM
2 **
7 **
10 **
Technical Documentation
11 **
16 **
19 **
Base (2–10)
Base (11–19)
– **Align the six levels as denoted by the asterisks.
– Switch off base level calculation and re–calculate.
– Set baselevel values.
– Check that the power is within 0.5dB from target, adjust if not.
Page 12
– Save the values to the phone.
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Technical Documentation
3. I/Q Modulator Alignments
Connect the spectrum analyzer to the phone antenna connector. The
recommended spectrum analyzer settings are: span 200 kHz, resolution
BW 10 kHz, video BW 1 kHz, sweep 500 ms, input attenuation 30 dB.
– From
– Go to
– Select the ”TX I DC offset” option and adjust the level of the centre fre-
quency (CHF) to minimum.
– Select the ”TX Q DC offset” option and adjust the level of the CHF
again to minimum.
– After finding both minima change ”TX I DC offset” by step or two from
the current value to both directions to see, whether better minimum
can be found for CHF.
RF controls
TX I/Q tuning
menu make sure that TX data type is 1.
menu. The alignment channel for GSM is 60 (902
Service Software Instructions
– Select the ”Amplitude Difference” option and adjust the level of the un-
wanted sideband CHF + 67.71 kHz to minimum.
– Select the ”Phase Difference” option and dajust the level of CHF +
67.71 kHz again to minimum.
– After all the minima have been found press ”OK” button to store the
values to phone EEPROM.
The level of the centre frequency CHF should be at least 30 dB down to
the wanted sideband CHF - 67.71 kHz.
The level of the unwanted sideband CHF + 67.71 kHz should be at least
35 dB down to the wanted sideband CHF - 67.71 kHz.
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Page 13
Service Software Instructions
Alignment Verification
– Go to
Product ––> Initialize ––> Normal mode
a SW reset for the phone. Which in turn is needed to get the aligned
I/Q values in use.
– Go to
RF controls
level 10, TX data type 1.
– Check the levels of CHF and CHF + 67.71 kHz. Both the levels
should be at least 30 dB down to the wanted sideband CHF - 67.71
kHz. If both or either of the specifications is not met adjust the required
values (I and Q DC offsets for CHF and amplitude and phase for CHF
+ 67.71kHz) to meet the specifications.
Technical Documentation
. This is needed to give
menu and start transmission on channel 60, power
–67.71 kHz+67.71 kHz
D.C. offset
Set this value
to minimum
> 30 dB
> 35 dB
Amplitude &
phase difference:
Set this value
to minimum
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Technical Documentation
4. A/D Calibration
– Refer to repair place setup.
– Connect phone to repair place.
– Start up WinTesla.
– Choose tuning menu and then A/D Calibration
– Press
– Check that CCont Voltage result is OK.
Service Software Instructions
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Service Software Instructions
Common User Interface
All WinTesla files share a common interface which are detailed in the
WinTesla help files once the software is installed. A typical example is
shown in the figure below.
Technical Documentation
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Technical Documentation
Service Software Instructions
NME–3 Features (RU and HS)
Menu bar
After Sales SW’s menus follow the menu structure specified in WinTesla User Interface
Specification. This specification will describe functionality that differs from WinTesla
New command
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, P, NRescan a new phone
If phone is changed (with same phone type only serial number is changed) phone will be
initialised to local mode. If phone is changed to different phone type the current DLLs
are unloaded and new ones are loaded for that phone.
If the Quick/RF Info view is open, window will be automatically updated.
If Phone Information view is open, it will be automatically updated.
NOTE: When different type of phone is changed user should select Product/New, so that
application recognises phone type change and loads correct menu.
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Service Software Instructions
Open... command
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, P, OForce load phone specific functionality
Phone is set to local mode.
nitialise... command
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, P, I
Opens a submenu
ormal Mode
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Technical Documentation
Alt, P,I, NInitialises phone to normal mode
When normal mode has been activated or program has been started, self–test results
will be asked from MCU. If any fault was found in the tests, an error message is shown. If
normal mode has been set successfully (no self test error has been found), and paging
listening has been started, the used AFC value is requested from MS.
Initialisation routine checks phone’s cellular type and if unsupported phone is detected,
application unloads the DLLs.
The After Sales SW sets automatically the MS state to normal mode when needed.
If phone identification view is open, window will be automatically updated. Also if RF In-
formation Window is open it will be updated to quick info view.
NOTE: When phone is changed to but phone type does not change, user may select
Product/Initialise/Normal Mode instead of Product/New.
Local Mode
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, P,I, LInitialises phone to local mode
Selection will change the MS state to
ing menus, the After Sales SW software will change automatically the MS state to local.
The After Sales SW sets automatically the MS state to normal mode when needed.
Also if quick info view is open it will be updated to RF Information view.
Page 18
. When user selects item from T esting or T un-
Issue 1 10/99
Technical Documentation
Service Software Instructions
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, C,O
Opens the ”General Configuration” menu, where language, user ID, com
port,....... can be selected.
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, C,D
Opens the ”Directory Settings” menu, where the used directories can be
Issue 1 10/99
Page 19
Service Software Instructions
The tuning menu offers functions for ME adjustments.
Technical Documentation
RX Calibration... command
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, T,ROpen RX Calibration dialog box
Starts RX calibration.
The next automatic selections are made when this tuning function is activated:
•Phone is set to local mode
•Update RF information window
The measurement is started automatically when RX calibration is entered. The measurement is done in five steps:
1. User is requested to put signal generator to high input level (read from .INI file).
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Issue 1 10/99
Technical Documentation
2. Measurement with high input level is executed
3. User is requested to put signal generator to low input level (read from .INI file).
Service Software Instructions
4. Measurement with low input level is executed
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Service Software Instructions
5. The RX Calibration dialog will be updated when previous steps are done.
Technical Documentation
Dialog mode: modal
RX Calibration dialog has the following items:
AFC information box:
Shows AFC init value, AFC slope and PSW slope values.
AGC List box (ALT+A):
AGC, DAC, Voltage.
Repeat button (ALT+R):
The measurement can be started again by pressing this button.
Save button (ALT+S):
Dialog is closed and tuning
Cancel button (ESC):
Dialog is closed and tuning
When calibration is ended, the DAC value checking is made and if it is not succeeded,
error message is shown.
When exit is made, the next selections are set to the values which were selected before
this adjustment.
is saved
to phone.
is not saved
to phone.
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