To run the After Sales SW, a parallel port software protection device
(PKD–1) has to be connected. TDF–4 box must connected to PC for
flashing purposes. The user can use WinTesla functions in modules for
testing NSE–1/3 mobile stations (MS). The test functions send test mes-
sages from PC to MS and receive results and show them in the PC dis-
play. The messages can be sent via M2BUS or FBUS.
Note: if this software is to be run on laptops, the power saving feature
MUST be switched off.
Hardware requirements for Windows 3.1x
The recommended minimum hardware standard to run Service Software
is any computer which is 386 33 MHz or greater with at least 4 MB of
memory and VGA type display (640 x 480). This assumes that only the
WinTesla with After Sales Support Modules is active, i.e. other Windows
packages are not running in the background.
Service Software Instructions
Hardware requirements for Windows 95
The recommended minimum hardware standard to run Service Software
is any computer which has Pentium processor, memory 8 MB and meets
HW requirements recommended by Microsoft.
Software Environment of the Support Modules
The Service Software user interface is intended for the following environ-
ments: Microsoft Windows 3.1x (enhanced mode) and Windows 95envi-
ronment running in enhanced mode. Support for Microsoft NT may be
added, if required. Detailed information about Windows and application
usage can be found from the Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Users Guide
chapter one (Windows Basics) and chapter two (Application Basics).
As an ordinary Windows application, the main idea in the user interface is
that selections are made with menus, push buttons and shortcut keys.
Selections can be done by using keyboard and/or mouse. There is always
a status bar displayed at the bottom of the main window which contains
information about current actions.
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Page 5
Service Software Instructions
Required Servicing Equipment
– Computer: At least IBM 80386 or compatible with one unused serial
port (COM1 or COM2)*), one parallel port (LPT1), hard disk recom-
– Operating System: DOS Version 3.2 or later
– If PCLStart in use: DOS 6.22 and IBM 80486 or compatible
– Display: Any 80–character text display
– Service software version for 3.5” disk (product code: 0774080)
– Software protection key PKD–1 (product code: 0750018)
– Service MBUS Cable DAU–9P (product code: 0730109)
– Audio cable ADS–1 (product code: 0730011)
– External Antenna Cable XRC–1B (product code 0730128)
– Modular T–adapter (product code: 4626134)
Technical Documentation
Note:A number of PC’s of an older generation use the Intel, National Semiconductor, or United
Microelectronics IC 8250 as the serial port UART. This is a comparatively inefficient circuit for current
purposes and does not necessarily support the M2BUS adapter at 9600 baud. The newer UART’s
NS16450 and NS16550AF of National Semiconductor offer solutions for these problems.
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Technical Documentation
Mechanical Connections
Caution:Make sure that you have switched off the PC and the printer
before making connections.
Caution:Do not connect the PKD–1 key to the serial port. You may
damage your PKD–1 !
The software controls the phone via a separate adapter connected to the
serial port of the PC, and to the telephone’s M2BUS (DAU–9P).
Attach the dongle PKD–1 to the parallel port 1 (25–pin female D–connector) of the PC. When connecting PKD–1 to the parallel port, be sure that
you insert the computer side of the PKD–1 to the PC (male side). If you
use a printer on parallel port 1, install the PKD–1 between the PC and
your printer cable.
The PKD–1 should not affect devices working with it. If some errors occur
(errors in printing are possible) please try printing without the PKD–1. If
printing is OK without the PKD–1 please contact your dealer. We will offer
you a new PKD–1 in exchange for your old one.
Service Software Instructions
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Page 7
Service Software Instructions
Installing the Software on PC Hard Disk
The program is delivered on a diskette and is copy protected with a
dongle PKD–1. It must be present in parallel port when using Service
The program can also be installed on the hard disk, which is recommendable to obtain a maximum data access rate.
Keep the original diskette safe to enable upgrading of the program !
If you plan to use PCL Start service software, you must install it before
installing Service software, see PCL Start installation instructions.
To install the new Service software program, follow the steps below:
1.insert the new Service software diskette
into drive A: of your computer
2.start Windows, and open File Manager
Technical Documentation
log into drive a:
3.start INSTALL.EXE and
install Service software to drive C:
and press <Enter>
type C: and press <Enter>
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Technical Documentation
Service Software Instructions
Common Properties of the User Interface
This chapter describes how the User Interface CLF must appear to the
The User Interface MUST be capable of being driven without the use of a
mouse, as the service engineer rarely has space on the bench to use a
Login Dialog
When the Service Software application is invoked, by checking on the
Service Software icon, the Login dialog box will be displayed on the
Nokia logo and application name bitmap (–)
Displays Nokia logo and name of the application.
Application version static text (–)
Nokia logo and
application name
Application version
Copyright version
Login box
Copyright notice static text (–)
Login Box edit box (–)
Original 03/98
Contains the name and version of the application.
Copyright is informed as: “Nokia Mobile Phones (c) 1996. AllRights Reserved”.
The user Login ID edit box, where the user enters his faultlog
user name. (See Faultlog User Guide)
Page 9
Service Software Instructions
OK button (default key)
The user name is stored in memory and the dialog box is
closed. When the dialog box is closed, the application starts.
Cancel button (ESC)
The Dialog box is closed and application is started, but the
Faultlog feature is disabled.
Help button (F1)
Activates the Windows Help application and displays context
sensitive Help.
Main Window
Technical Documentation
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Technical Documentation
Title bar
title bar
A title bar contains the following elements:
• Application Control–menu button
• Maximise button
• Minimise button
• Name of the application
• Restore button
The properties of these elements and their usage is described in Ref 3–
Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Users Guide chapter one (Windows Basics) and chapter two (Application Basics).
is located at the top of the window.
Service Software Instructions
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Service Software Instructions
Menu bar
menu bar
tions. The menu bar is a dynamic element and is dependent on the
dongle type fitted, and whether a phone is connected.
Underlined characters in menu names and options indicates that the
menu selection can be done by pressing
tions can also be selected by activating menu bar with
key ) and using arrow–keys to highlight the desired menu. In that case,
selection is done by pressing
Menus can also be selected by using the mouse as described in Ref
3–Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Users Guide
Status bar
status bar
window. The status bar contains information about the menu selections
and events.
is below the title bar and contains all available menu selec-
is displayed at the bottom of the Service Software main
Technical Documentation
Alt+ underlined character
– key ( or
. Op-
The left area of the status bar describes the actions of menu items as the
user uses the arrow keys to navigate through menus.
The status bar texts are explained in detailed in each of command’s description.
The right areas of the status bar indicate which of the following keys are
latched down:
USEREntered Login ID.
CAPThe Caps Lock key is latched down.
NUMThe Num Lock key is latched down.
SCRLThe Scroll Lock key is latched down.
Tool bar
tool bar
this document.
is NOT defined and will not be implemented until specified by
Page 12
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Technical Documentation
Menu Bar
The Service Software package will have two menu bar configurations.
The first, is an abbreviated version that contains the minimum number of
menus that allows package configurations when a phone is NOT connected. The second is described below:
The menu bar MUST only contain the follow menus for the Service Software package when a phone is connected:
• P
• Configure*
• T
• Te
• Software
• D
• View
Service Software Instructions
• H
* – always displayed, even if no phone is connected.
A menu is broken down into sections that are indicated with menu separa-
tors. Each sections identifies a logical difference from itself and other sections, i.e. between transmitter and receiver. Any items that are required to be
added to a menu lists will be added on the bottom of the appropriate menu
section list. If a new item is to be added which is common to two or more
phone types, then that menu item will become a common menu item.
The menu lists will use the Microsoft [...] symbol after an item name to indicate that selecting that item will NOT initiate an operation immediately,
i.e. a dialog box will be displayed for the user to select options or type in
data and press the OK button before the operation is performed.
The Product menu contains the following menu items:
• N
• Open...
• C
• Initialize
• Ex
Original 03/98
ormal ModeF5
• N
• Local ModeShift+F5
• Activate Faultlog... F9
dit Faultlog...
• E
Page 13
Service Software Instructions
The Configure menu contains the following items:
• O
• D
• F
• Phone Type Specific configuration items
(where applicable)
The Tuning menu contains the following menu sections:
• RX Calibration...
• Tx
Technical Documentation
• Tx I/Q
• Energy Management Calibration...
The Testing menu contains the following sections:
• R
• R
• S
• A
• Au
• U
F Controls...
SSI Reading ...
elf Tests
DC Readings
ser Interface
Page 14
• C
all Simulation
• N
oise Sensitivity...
• I
R Test
Original 03/98
Technical Documentation
The Software menu contains the following menu sections:
• P
roduct Profile...
• S
tart Up Self–tests...
• Set Factory V
• Phone I
• P
roduction Data Edit...
• F
lash Phone...
The Dealer menu contains the following menu sections:
Service Software Instructions
• U
ser Settings...
• Short C
• Set UI/DEV Default V
• Post–programming memory...
The View menu contains the following sections:
• Q
• P
hone Identity...
ode Memory...
& User settings ...
alues ...
uick/RF Info...
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Page 15
Service Software Instructions
hone Identity Window
The Phone Identity window should contain, as a minimum, the following
• Software Version(s)
• Hardware Version(s)
• Serial Number(s)
• Product Code
This window will only be used as a display window and therefore will not
allow editing of the displayed data. This window will not contain any controls other than a scroll bar.
The Help menu contains the following menu items:
Technical Documentation
• I
• G
eneral Help
• U
sing Help
• A
bout WinTesla
• About AS
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Technical Documentation
Mouse Cursors
The standards Windows pointer will be used as the mouse cursor.
During time consuming tasks e.g. communication to phone, an hour glass
will be shown informing the user that a task is in progress. The application
uses the hour glass cursor to inform user that the application has taken
the control and any actions from user will be ignored.
When a function is initiated, the hour glass will be displayed and when the
function has finished the mouse pointer will return to normal.
Reserved Keys
The following Hot keys and Short Cut keys are reserved either as Microsoft standard keys or as part of the Common Look and Feel specified by
this document.
Short Cut Function Keys
Service Software Instructions
F1Context Sensitive HelpMicrosoft
F5Normal ModeNMP
Shift+F5Local ModeNMP
F9Activate FaultlogNMP
F10Goto Menu BarMicrosoft
Ctrl+F4Close Active WindowMicrosoft
Alt Hot Keys
Alt+F4Exit Active ApplicationMicrosoft
Alt+S,IPhone I
Alt+D,VSet UI/DEV Default V
roduction Data EditNMP
lash PhoneNMP
ealer MenuNMP
ser SettingsNMP
hort Code MemoryNMP
iew MenuNMP
uick/RF InfoNMP
hone IdentityNMP
elp MenuMicrosoft
eneral HelpMicrosoft
sing HelpMicrosoft
& User SettingsNMP
Alt+H,SAbout AS
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bout WinTeslaNMP
Page 19
Service Software Instructions
Help Functions
The Help User Interface will be the standard Windows help tool called
The context sensitive help is activated with F1–key. Help contains also
Using Help which describes how to use help facility. Refer to the Windows
manual for detailed description on the Windows Help.
Dialog boxes
The Service Software application uses many different dialog boxes. Dialog boxes are used to display data and prompt the user for input.
Dialog boxes are opened from menus or with shortcut keys. Dialog boxes
have different properties but some features are common.
All service dialog boxes must be modal, that is, the user will not be able to
start another operation without first closing the present dialog box.
Technical Documentation
All dialog boxes will contain the following entities:
– Help button
– Title bar
– At least one button other than Help
– Application Control–menu Button
Common Dialog boxes
This sections describes the common dialog boxes used in the Service
Software package, and the context in which they will be used.
Note Message Box
When the user has made an illegal selection, a
will be opened and message text is displayed. The message box is also
opened when the program has some information for the user. The size of
the dialog box may vary. An information dialog box is recognized by the
note message box
Page 20
The dialog box will also contain an OK button and a Help button.
OK button (default key):
Acknowledge displayed information and continue. The dialog
box is closed after selection.
Help button (Alt+H):
Opens context sensitive help as F1–key does.
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Technical Documentation
Query Message Box
Confirmations and questions are asked in
dialog box is recognized by the ?–icon.
The dialog box will also contain a Yes button, a No button, and a Help
Yes button (Alt+Y or Y) (default key):
Accepts confirmation or question.
No button (Alt+N or N):
Denies confirmation or question.
Help button (Alt+H):
Opens context sensitive help as F1–key does.
Service Software Instructions
a query message box
. A query
The buttons may also be OK and Cancel. The operation of these buttons
are the same as in the Note dialog box.
Error Message Box
Error message dialog boxes use the Stop–icon. When a “Stop”–dialog
box is shown, the current operation is terminated.
The dialog box has a description about the failed operation and reason.
Pressing F1 (Help) application opens the appropriate help topic that gives
information about recommended actions.
The dialog box will also contain an OK button and a Help button.
OK button (default key):
Help button (Alt+H):
Acknowledges displayed information and terminate current operation. The dialog box is closed after selection.
Open context sensitive help as F1–key does.
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