Baseband Description and Troubleshooting
Nokia Customer
System Block Diagram
System Description
1508i is a CDMA (PCS band) Mobile Phone. The phone supports:
- forward and reverse link data rates of up to 153.6kbps.
- 4GV vocoder
- 1.47”(128*128) CSTN LCD
- Stereo FM radio
Platform Introductions
CBP 5.6
VIA Telecom’s CBP 5.6 single-chip CDMA Base Band
Processors provide a complete 3G CDMA2000® 1X
(Release 0) solution. They are designed to meet or exceed
Baseband Description and Troubleshooting
Nokia Customer
the specifications of mobile stations for worldwide 3G CDMA
systems as specified by CDMA2000® 1X (Release 0)
standards and are backward-compatible to IS -95.
CBP 5.6 integrates three processor subsystems:
ARM7TDMI® Control Processor (CP) supports the protocol
stack, user interface, and hardware interface processing.
Two TeakLite® Digital Signal Processors (DSPs): one DSP
supports CDMA modem processing, the second DSP
supports CDMA voice processing
The main features of the CBP 5.6
z Supports CDMA2000® 1X (Release 0)
z Backward compatible to IS-95 standards
z Supports IS-2000 Quick Paging Channel for improved standby time
z Support for multiple CDMA band classes (Band Class 0/US-Cellular,
Band Class 1/US-PCS, Band Class 3/JTACS, Band Class 4/KoreanPCS); support for additional band classes which can be added upon
customer request
z Special purpose logic provides signal processing, modulation,
demodulation, hardware accelerators and interfaces for keypad and
z Mixed signal circuitry for the Rx analog-to-digital converter (ADC), Rx
Baseband Description and Troubleshooting
Nokia Customer
The interface of the CBP5.6 is described in the following
diagram. Receive and transmit interfaces for CBP 5.6
provide analog I and Q signals and support superheterodyne radio and direct conversion radio design. The
CP external-memory interface supports 3.0V or 1.8V, the
address bus supports 16-bit address which can support
three to six external devices via chip selects. CBP 5.6
includes 48 GPIOs and interrupts, some of which are
multiplexed with other functions. All GPIO pins are in input
state by default and use a large pull-up or pull-down resistor
value to minimize the current drain. The USB port supports
data rates of up to 12Mbps, the USB analog drivers and
48.00MHz PLL are integrated into CBP 5.6, the control
processor manages the USB function. Two independent
serial-peripheral interfaces are provided on CBP 5.6: one is
for RF control and the other is for general-purpose use. The
R-UIM interface supports 3V UIM cards and consists of five
pins, these pins are multiplexed with another function. The
CP manages the R-UIM function.
Five independent PDM DACs are supplied on the CBP 5.6
Three of the outputs are dedicated to radio-control signals
for Rx automatic gain control (AGC), Tx AGC, and automatic
frequency control (AFC). The fourth and fifth PDM outputs
are spares. The PDMs are 12-bit DACs and have a
guaranteed output range of 0.2 V to 2.5 V.
The 12-bit auxiliary ADC supports eight independent
external channels on pins AUXADC [7:0]. There are also
eight internal channels used to measure internal analog
voltages. The input voltage range is 0.2 V to 2.7 V. The
conversion time is 156 µsec. The typical uses of the external
Baseband Description and Troubleshooting
Nokia Customer
Power Up
The mobile terminal uses the power key and a charger to power up.
Power Key
When the power key is pressed, the PMU enters the power-up sequence.
Pressing the power key causes the POWER_ON pin to VBAT. The
POWER_ON signal is not part of the keypad matrix. The power key is
connected to the PMU. This means that when the power key is pressed, an
interrupt will be generated to the CBP in order to power on the CBP. The CBP
Baseband Description and Troubleshooting
Nokia Customer
reads the PMU IC’s interrupt register and notifies that it is a KPADPWR_N
interrupt. The CBP reads the status of the POWER_ON signal using the
PMU’s (I2C) control bus. If the POWER_ON signal stays High for a certain
time, the CBP accepts this as a valid power-on state and continues with the
software baseband initialization. If the power key does not indicate a valid
power-on situation, the CBP powers off the baseband
Charging is controlled by start-up charging circuitry in order to detec t and s tart
charging in case the main battery is not full and the PMU has no supply.
Power Off
While the PS_HOLD signal from the CBP is high, and the PMU IC is in
power-on status. The PMU continually monitors three events that could
trigger a power-off sequence:
z The CBP drives the PS_HOLD signal low responding to the pressing
of the keypad power button.
z Battery voltage drops below power off threshold (Battery Voltage <
z The PMU IC die temperature exceeds its “severe” over-temperature
Power Distribution
In normal operation, the baseband is powered by the mobile terminal‘s
battery pack. The battery pack consists of one lithium-ion cell with a
capacity of 860 mA and safety and protection circuits.
The PMU ACT5805 IC controls the power distribution for the whole mobile
terminal, which includes the baseband and the RF regulators, but excludes
the RF power amplifier (RF PA) which drains power from the battery
Baseband Description and Troubleshooting
Nokia Customer
directly. The battery provides power directly to the following parts of the
· PMU ACT5805
· Vibrator
· Keyboard & LCD backlights
· Audio Amplifier
The heart of the power distribution is the power control block inside the
PMU ACT5805. It includes all the voltage regulators and feeds the power
to the entire system. The PMU ACT5805 handles hardware power-up
functions so that the regulators are not powered on and the power up reset
(NRST) is not released if the battery voltage is less than 3.2 V.
The baseband is powered by the following PMU ACT5805 regulators: