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Nissan Intelligent Mobility guides everything we do. We’re using new technologies to
transform cars from mere driving machines into assistants. Together the journey is more
confident, connected, and exciting. Whether it’s cars that assist in the driving task, or
highways that charge your EV as you go along, it’s all in the very near future. And it’s a
future already taking shape in the Nissan you drive today.
- Flat-tire changes
- Vehicle lockouts
- Trip Interruption benefits
- Emergency fuel delivery
- Jump starts
Your peace of mind is on us. For 36 months or 36,000 miles, whichever
comes rst, your new Nissan is covered for the following:
Go to NissanUSA.com and find an interactive brochure for
and every Nissan in the lineup. Available on desktop
or smartphone, it’s the full product story – including demos,
videos, and complete info on trims, colors, and accessories.
Or download the Interactive Brochure Hub app on your tablet.
Free on the App Store
and Google Play.

Nissan Rogue® SL AWDshown in Gun Metallic with accessory Chrome Rear Bumper Protector.
It is the driver ’s resp onsib ilit y to remai n aler t with hands on s teering whee l, keeping a look o ut for o ther veh icles a nd pede stria ns at all t imes . 2 Available services/features may be shown. Compatible
connec ted dev ice may be r equire d. Onl y use se rvic es/fe atures a nd devi ce when s afe and l egal to do s o. Subje ct to GP S and wir eless n etwork avai labili ty and connec tion, a nd sys tem/te chnol ogy
limita tions . Text rates/data us age/subs cript ion may ap ply. Some serv ices/featur es prov ided by co mpanie s not wi thin Ni ssan or i ts par tners ’ or age nts’ c ontrol a nd may be di sconti nued at a ny time .
For more i nform ation , see dealer, Owne r’s Ma nual, or NissanUSA.com/connect/importan t-information.
Nissan Rogue® SL AWDshown in Gun Metallic with accessory Chrome Rear Bumper Protector.
TAKE ON A BIGGER, BOLDER WORLD in a capable crossover
with aggressive style. Load up in a snap, adapt for adventure
and move confidently with new available technologies, like
ProPILOT™ Assist,
that can give you a hand with your daily
drive. Where to? Call up directions, friends, and music at the
touch of a button.
The 2018 Nissan Rogue.® TAKE ON TODAY.

Nissan Intelligent Mobility empowers you with tomorrow’s technology so you can take
on today. You’ll make every move with greater awareness and can get a little help when
you need it most. All of this gives you more confidence and, ultimately, the freedom to
embrace the joy of being behind the wheel – the way driving was always meant to be.
(Availability of features varies by trim)
Now you’ve got easier access to your Rogue than
ever before. Hands full? Just kick under the rear
bumper to open the available Motion Activated
Liftgate, without reaching for a key or juggling
whatever you’re carrying.
AEB cannot prevent accidents due to carelessness or dangerous driving techniques. It may not provide warning or braking in certain conditions. Speed and other limitations apply.
See Owner’s M anual f or deta ils.
BSW is no t a subst itute f or prope r lane cha nge pro cedure s. The s yste m will no t preve nt conta ct wi th other v ehicl es or acci dents . It may n ot dete ct
ever y vehicl e or obje ct arou nd you.
Not a subs titu te for pro per bac king pro cedure s. May n ot dete ct all moving ve hicle s. Spe ed and other limi tatio ns appl y. See Ow ner’ s Manual f or
ILI ope rates on ly whe n the lane markin gs are clearly v isibl e. Spee d and oth er limi tations appl y. See Own er’s M anual f or deta ils. 5 It is the driver ’s responsibi lity t o rem ain ale rt
with ha nds on st eerin g wheel , keepi ng a look ou t for ot her vehicles an d pede strians at all ti mes.
Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. Always secure
all cargo. Heavy loading of the vehicle with cargo, especially on the roof, will affe ct the handling and stability of the vehicle.
AutoPacific segmen tatio n. 2018 Rogue® vs . lates t
in-ma rket competitors in 2017 XSUV Mainstream Midsize Class. Cargo and load capacit y limited by weight and distribution. Always secure all cargo. Heavy loading of the vehicle with
cargo, especially on the roof, will affect the handling and stability of the vehicle.
Blind Spot
Rear Cross
Trac Alert
Intelligent Lane
Now you’ve got easier access to your Rogue than
ever before. Hands full? Just kick under the rear
bumper to open the available Motion Activated
Liftgate, without reaching for a key or juggling
whatever you’re carrying.
Single-handedly reinventing capability, the class-exclusive
Divide-N-Hide cargo system lets you adapt in a snap.
adjustable set of shelves and dividers gives you a variety of
configurations, and it’s so easy, you can do it with one hand.
Feel free to let go of driving stress. With Nissan ProPILOT
Assist, Rogue® helps out
with daily driving – following the car ahead at a preset distance, or helping keep
you centered in your lane. It can even bring your Rogue to a full stop based on the
traffic flow, and can bring you back up to speed when traf fic starts moving again.