Nissan Intelligent Mobility moves you one step ahead. In cars that feel like an extension
of you, helping you see more and sense more, reacting with you, and sometimes even
for you. Nissan Intelligent Mobility is about a better future – moving through life with
greater confidence, excitement and connection to the world around you.
Feature availability is dependent on vehicle model, trim level, packaging and options. Compatible connected device may be required and feature availability may be dependent on device’s
capability. Refer to connected device’s Owner’s Manual for details. Late availability for some features. Driving is serious business and requires your full attention. Only use features and connected
device s when safe and le gal to do so. Some fe atures , including automatic crash not ifica tion and S OS, are d ependent upon the tele matics d evice being in op erati ve condi tion, i ts ability to co nnect
to a wireless network, compatible wireless network availability, navigation map data and GPS satellite signal receptions, the absence of which can limit or prevent the ability to reach Customer
Care or receive su pport. GPS m apping may not be d etailed in all ar eas or reflec t current road st atus. Never pr ogram GPS while drivi ng. Only use Remote Hor n features in acco rdance with any laws,
rules or o rdinan ces in ef fec t in your v ehicle ’s loca tion. Some ser vice s and feat ures are p rovide d by inde pende nt compa nies not w ithin N issan ’s contr ol.
restr ict ser vice or f eatur es, se rvice o r featu res may be s uspend ed or term inate d witho ut noti ce or wit h no liabil ity to N issan or i ts par tners o r agent s.
compati ble cell ular ne twork p rovided by inde pende nt compa nies no t withi n Nissa n or its pa rtne rs’ or ag ents ’ contro l. Cell ular net work signal st rength may var y and may no t be avail able in al l
areas or a t all time s. Ser vices and features may not func tion if cellula r network is unav ailab le, res tric ted, or te rminat ed. Nis san and i ts par tners o r agent s are not re sponsible fo r assoc iated costs
or other third party changes that may be required for continued operation due to cellular network unavailability, restriction, or termination (including equipment replacements/upgrades, if
availa ble, or roamin g charges on al ternative ne tworks). Techn ology is evo lving, and c hanges by inde pendent com panies are not w ithin Niss an’s or its par tners’ o r agents’ co ntrol. Enroll ment, own er
consen t, per sonal identi fication numb er (PIN), and subs cripti on agree ment may be requi red to rece ive full suite o f featur es and se rvic es. Trial pe riods (i f appli cable) be gin on th e date of ve hicle
purchas e or leas e of a new Ni ssan. Trial p eriod s may be sub ject to c hange at a ny time an d may be sub ject to early ter minati on with out not ice. Req uired su bscriptions m ay be sold s eparat ely for
each available feature or service after trial period ends, and may continue until you call service provider to cancel. Installation costs, one-time activation fee, other fees and taxes may apply. Fees
and programming subject to change. Feature may be subject to age restrictions in some areas. Subscriptions governed by service provider’s subscription agreement, terms and conditions and
priva cy statemen ts available at s ervice prov ider’s website. Tex t rates or data usa ge may apply. The Ni ssan nam es, logos and sl ogans are trade marks o wned by o r licence d to Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.
or its No rth Americ an subsidiarie s. Other trad emarks and tra de names are thos e of their respe ctive owner s.
featu re info rmatio n, see De aler or Ow ner ’s Manual .
RearView Mo nitor may n ot dete ct every object and d oes not e limina te blind s pots or w arn of moving objects. See Owner ’s Manua l for saf ety in forma tion. 6 Sonar System ma y not detect
every object. Driver should always check surroundings before driving. See Owner ’s Manual for safety information.
carele ssness, or d angerous dri ving techniq ues. It shoul d remain on whe n driving, e xcept when fre eing the vehic le from mud or sno w. See Owner ’s Manual for sa fety infor mation.
busine ss and require s your full at tention. At al l times, obey t raffic law s. Not inten ded for unpaved o ff-road use . Always we ar your seat bel t, and please d rive respon sibly.
and requ ires you r full at tention. If yo u have to use t he conne cted de vice wh ile dri ving, e xercise ext reme cau tion at all times s o full at tention may be gi ven to veh icle operatio n.
busine ss and require s your full at tention. If y ou have to use the fe ature while dri ving, exer cise extre me caution at al l times so full a ttention may b e given to vehic le operation .
drivi ng. GP S mappin g may not be d etailed in all are as or ref lect c urrent r oad sta tus.
States. Subscription sold separately after trial period. All subscriptions subject to customer agreement at
Inc. The Sirius,® XM,® and SiriusXM® names and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Free Text Messaging when parked in a s afe loc ation. If you mus t use wh ile dri ving, monito r traf fic condition s and keep b oth hand s on the st eering w heel to p reven t collisions. Compatible dev ice
requir ed. Messag e and data rates m ay apply.
word mark a nd logos are owne d by Bluetooth SI G, Inc., and a ny use of su ch marks by Niss an is unde r licence.
facing c hild res train ts shou ld not be p laced in th e front-p assen ger’s seat. A ll chil dren 12 and u nder sho uld ride in the rear s eat prop erly se cured in c hild restrain ts, bo oster s eats , or seat be lts
according to their size. Airbags will only inflate in certain accidents. See Owner’s Manual for safety information.
check s. See O wner ’s Manu al for safety i nformation.
tradem ark of Alcantar a S.p. A. Corpora tion. Ap ple CarPlay® is a r egistered tra demark o f Apple, Inc . Apple M aps is a tra demark of Appl e, Inc . A pple Mu sic® is a r egist ered tra demark o f Apple ,
Inc. Bilstei n® is a regi stere d tradem ark of Thy ssen Krupp Bi lstei n GmbH . Blueto oth® is a re giste red trade mark of B luetoo th SIG, Inc. Bose® is a reg ister ed trade mark of Th e Bose
Corporation. Brembo® is a re gistered trad emark o f Freni Bre mbo S. p.A . Dam pTronic® is a regis tered tr ademar k of Thys senK rupp Bil stein G mbH. Dunlop® is a re giste red trad emark of D NA Ltd.
Corporation. Facebook® is a registere d trade mark of Face book , Inc. H D Radio® i s a regis tered tr ademar k of iBiquity Digital C orpora tion. H omeLi nk® is a re giste red trad emark of Gente x
Corpor ation. iPh one® is a regis tered tradem ark of Apple , Inc. All rig hts reser ved. iPhone® o r other ext ernal device n ot included . iTunes® is a regi stered trad emark of Appl e, Inc. R AYS® is a registe red
trademark of RAYS Engineering. Recaro® is a registered trademark of Recaro North America Inc. Siri® and Siri® Eyes Free are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. The Sirius,® XM,® and SiriusXM®
names an d all rela ted mark s and logos are tra demark s of Sirius XM Ra dio Inc . All oth er trade marks are the pro pert y of the ir respe ctiv e owner s. SP Sport M AX X® is a registere d trade mark of SR I
USA , Inc. Twit ter® is a regis tered trademar k of Twitte r, Inc. YouTube® is a regi stered tradem ark of Google LLC . Images may sho w additi onal available equipm ent. All illu strations, p hotographs an d
speci ficat ions in th is broch ure are bas ed on the latest p roduc t infor mation . See ac tual vehi cle for co mplet e accurac y. Nissa n Canada I nc. res erve s the rig ht to make cha nges at a ny time , witho ut
notice, in prices, colours, materials, equipment, specifications and models, and to discontinue models or equipment. For information on additional options and accessories, contact your Nissan
Dealer ship. Registered trademark s are prop ert y of thei r respe ctiv e owner s. At
suppor t ser vice s. The Ni ssan names, lo gos, product names , featur e names , and slog ans are tr ademar ks own ed by or lic enced to N issan M otor Co. Lt d. and/or it s North American subs idiari es.
Always w ear your se at belt , and please dri ve respo nsibly. Catalogue number: 99999- GTR21EN. ©2020 Nissan Canada Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Leather appointments. 3 Dry carbon-fibre requires specific maintenance. Please see your Owner’s Manual for details. 4 Ext ra c os t
XM® and SiriusXM® Satellite Radio is available in the 10 Canadian provinces and the 48 contiguous United
Availabil ity of spec ific featu res is depend ent upon the ph one’s Bluet ooth® suppor t. Pleas e refer to your ph one Owner ’s Manual for d etails. Bl uetooth®
2021 Fuel C onsump tion Es timate . Actua l mileag e may var y with d rivi ng condi tions – use for com pariso n only. Al cantar a® is a regi stere d
nissan.ca, you ’ll fin d a way to “bu ild your o wn Nissan,” a d ealer locator, and m ore info rmatio n about ke y Nissa n
For impor tant safe ty informat ion, system l imitations , and addition al operating an d
Vehicle Dynamic Control cannot prevent collisions due to abrupt steering,
siriusxm.ca/terms. A ll fees and pro gramming subj ect to change . ©2020 Sirius XM Canada
Airbags are on ly a supplemen tal restraint s ystem. Always wea r your seat belt . Rear-
Tire Pr essure Monito ring Sys tem is no t a substitute f or regul ar tire pre ssure
Should s ervic e provid er termi nate or
Services and features may require
Driving is serious
Driving is serious business
Driving is serious
Never progr am while
Use Hands
visit nissan.ca

Nissan GT-R®Premium shown in Super Silver.
Question everything. Get better answers. The 2021 Nissan GT-R® rewrites the
laws of aerodynamics and makes the air your ally. ATTESA E-TS
All-Wheel Drive
redefines supercar performance to give you 4-season thrills. It proves you can
outperform purpose-built mid-engine exotics and have 4 seats, a handcrafted
interior, even a trunk. This is tech that breaks from convention and shatters
records. This is tech that moves.

Five customizable performance
screens let the driver organize key
information, choosing a variety of
engine, acceleration, braking, and
handling parameters. A factory preset
screen features a dedicated
The Display Commander lets you dial
in your world, allowing you to control
key functions through the 203 mm (8")
multi-touch screen. The dial lets you
easily scroll through all menus, and
move selections around the screen.
Creating an
Instant connection
to intensify your drive
A tradition of craf tsmanship makes the GT-R® a supercar that will take your breath away – even when sitting
still. Instrumentation designed for a quick read. Hand-selected materials that deserve a lingering touch. A
Display Commander that connects you to your world, and paddle shifters that connect you to a pulse-raising
565 horsepower. Wherever you look, the interior of the GT-R is the embodiment of performance art.
Semi-aniline, leather-
appointed heated front seats
Hand-selected, single-hide
dashboard cover
Display Commander
media controller
Active Noise
Cancellation system
Bose audio system
with 11 speakers
Steering wheel-mounted
paddle shifters
Equipped with Siri
Apple CarPlay® brings your contacts,
favourite messaging apps, Apple Music®
playlists, Apple Maps, and more on
board to your GT-R. Simply plug in
your compatible iPhone® and go.
Nissan GT-R® Premium shown in Hai Grey Semi-aniline Leather2 with optional equipment.
voice control,