Nintendo of America Inc.
P.O. Box 957, Redmond, WA 98073-0957 U.S.A.

If the L or R Buttons are pressed or the Control Stick or C Stick are moved out of
neutral position when the power is turned ON, those positions will be set as the
neutral position, causing incorrect game control during game play.
To reset the controller, release all buttons
and sticks to allow them to return to the
correct neutral position, then hold down the
X, Y and START/PAUSE Buttons
simultaneously for 3 seconds.
L Button R Button
C Stick
WARNING - Seizures
Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizures or blackouts triggered by
light flashes or patterns, such as while watching TV or playing video games,
even if they have never had a seizure before.
Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked
to an epileptic condition should consult a doctor before playing a video game.
Parents should watch when their children play video games. Stop playing
and consult a doctor if you or your child have any of the following symptoms:
Convulsions Eye or muscle twitching Loss of awareness
Altered vision Involuntary movements Disorientation
To reduce the likelihood of a seizure when playing video games:
Sit or stand as far from the screen as possible.
Play video games on the smallest available television screen.
Do not play if you are tired or need sleep.
Play in a well-lit room.
Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour.
Playing video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt after a
few hours. Follow these instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal
tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain:
Avoid excessive play. It is recommended that parents monitor their children for
appropriate play.
Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don't think you need it.
If your hands, wrists, arms or eyes become tired or sore while playing, stop and
rest them for several hours before playing again.
If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, arms or eyes during or after play, stop
playing and see a doctor.
Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain
To avoid electric shock when you use this system:
Do not use the Nintendo GameCube during a lightning storm. There may be a
risk of electric shock from lightning.
Use only the AC adapter that comes with your system.
Do not use the AC adapter if it has damaged, split or broken cords or wires.
Make sure that the AC adapter cord is fully inserted into the wall outlet or
extension cord.
Always carefully disconnect all plugs by pulling on the plug and not on the cord.
Make sure the Nintendo GameCube power switch is turned OFF before removing
the AC adapter cord from an outlet.
Playing video games can cause motion sickness. If you or your child feel dizzy or
nauseous when playing video games with this system, stop playing and rest. Do
not drive or engage in other demanding activity until you feel better.
The Nintendo GameCube is a Class I laser product. Do not attempt to
disassemble the Nintendo GameCube. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
Caution - Use of controls or adjustments or procedures other than those specified
herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
WARNING - Electric Shock
CAUTION - Motion Sickness
CAUTION - Laser Device

Seek the water of life.
Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very
Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very
touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we
touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we
have since discovered a way to hold it at bay.
have since discovered a way to hold it at bay.
Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now
Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now
guard the villages of the world, while greater ones
guard the villages of the world, while greater ones
guard the cities. We all live our lives within the
guard the cities. We all live our lives within the
embrace of the crystals' blessing.
embrace of the crystals' blessing.
The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it
The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it
gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle
gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle
the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them
the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them
with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma
with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma
But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must
But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must
seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across
seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across
forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea.
forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea.
This task falls to groups of young men and women
This task falls to groups of young men and women
sent off each year by every town the world over. It is
sent off each year by every town the world over. It is
their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They
their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They
are known as the crystal caravans.
are known as the crystal caravans.
This is the tale of one such caravan and its
This is the tale of one such caravan and its
Seek the water of life.
Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very
touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we
have since discovered a way to hold it at bay.
Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now
guard the villages of the world, while greater ones
guard the cities. We all live our lives within the
embrace of the crystals' blessing.
The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it
gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle
the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them
with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma
for another year.
But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must
seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across
forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea.
This task falls to groups of young men and women
sent off each year by every town the world over. It is
their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They
are known as the crystal caravans.
This is the tale of one such caravan and its
Your Journey's Goal
Join a crystal caravan to seek out myrrh trees and collect their
myrrh. Once you've filled your chalice, return home. By
purifying the crystal with myrrh, you will renew its power to
protect the village from miasma for another year.
Many dangers and mysteries lie along your journey. Your task is
not an easy one, but you are not alone. Join forces with your
fellow caravanners and make your mark together in the Crystal
The Crystal Chalice
Collect and carry myrrh in the crystal chalice. The crystal
shard attached to it protects the caravan from miasma.

+ Control Pad
L & R Button
A Button
B Button
Control Stick/
+ Control Pad
A Button
C Stick
L & R Button
X Button
Z Button
B Button
Y Button
A Button
X Button
B Button
Y Button
Z Button
L Button
+ Control Pad
R Button
C Stick
Controller Configuration
R Button
A Button
L Button
+ Control Pad
B Button
Learn these basic controls before setting out on your journey.
For single-player mode, connect a Controller to Controller Socket 1. For more details,
see p. 20. The Control Stick and the +Control Pad share the same functions.
Game Boy Advance Configuration
For multiplayer mode, a Game Boy Advance is connected with a Game Boy Advance
cable and used in place of the Nintendo GameCube Controller. You cannot use the
Controller to play multiplayer mode. For more details, see p. 26. Details on connecting
the Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance cables can be found on p. 42.
Move characters / Move the targeting ring /
Move the caravan / Move the cursor
Pause the game / Resume the game / Skip certain cut scenes
Confirm / Actions / Talk / Examine (in towns)
Cancel / Carry / Drop / Pick up / Throw / Open treasure chests /
Talk (in dungeons) / Examine (in dungeons)
Open the main menu
Ask Mog to carry or drop the chalice / Hold down to call Mog
Not used
Not used
Cycle through commands / Cycle through menus
In multiplayer mode, the +Control Pad replaces the Control Stick.
Move characters / Move the targeting ring /
Move the caravan / Move the cursor
Pause the game / Resume the game / Skip certain cut scenes
Toggle between systems to navigate menus
Confirm / Actions / Talk / Examine (in towns)
Cancel / Carry / Drop / Pick up / Throw / Open treasure chests /
Talk (in dungeons) / Examine (in dungeons)
Cycle through commands / Cycle through menus
Basic Controls
Basic Controls

10 11
New Game
Select this option to start the game from the beginning.
Choose single-player mode or multiplayer mode, and the
opening movie will play. Once you choose a name for your
village, your journey will begin.
Load Game
Select this option to resume playing a previously saved
game. Choose either single-player mode or multiplayer
mode, and then select the save file you want to load. Any
save file can be used for either mode.
Select Gameplay Mode
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles can be played in single-player mode for one
player, or multiplayer mode for up to four players. Any character can be played
in either mode.
First, choose "New Game" or "Load Game."
Single-player mode p. 14
Multiplayer mode p. 21
This gameplay mode is for one player using a
Nintendo GameCube Controller. Mog will accompany
you. You can connect a Game Boy Advance to view the
radar screen.
This gameplay mode is for one to four players. The
Game Boy Advance is used in place of the Nintendo
GameCube Controller. A GBA and Game Boy Advance
cable are required for each player.
Getting Started / World Map Menu
Menu for the Whole Caravan
At the world map, press the B Button to open the world map menu. Use the Control Stick
to cycle through the menu options, and press the A Button to confirm your selections.
Create New Character
Set Out: Create or change caravan members
To create a new character, select an empty slot and press the
A Button. Choose a name, gender, tribe, appearance, and
family trade. In multiplayer mode, character creation is
done on the GBA screen.
Select Character
Select the character you want to play, then press the
A Button. In multiplayer mode, each player selects
one character. Press START/PAUSE when finished.
Diary: Read entries in your diary
Here you can read all the entries in your caravan's diary.
The entries are written automatically as you progress
through the game. The Control Stick turns the pages one by
one, while the L and R Buttons turn ten pages at once.
Save Game: Save your progress
Save your game progress to a Memory Card. Select Slot A or Slot B, then select
the place where you want to save your data. One Memory Card can hold up to
four save files. Press the B Button to return to the world map menu.
Options: Configure game settings
Change graphic, sound, and other game settings.
Bring a Friend: Load data for a guest player
Load data from another Memory Card so a friend's character
can join your caravan (p. 35).
Getting Started
The following explains how to start a game from the title screen.
World Map Menu
The world map menu is used to create characters,
change caravan members, save data, and more.

12 13
Traverse the World Map
Enter Dungeons
Explore Dungeons
Form a Party
Obtain Myrrh
Receive Mail
Earn Bonus Points
Challenge Boss Monsters
Deep within dungeons, formidable boss monsters await.
Summon every power at your disposal to defeat them.
Once a battle begins, you cannot flee.
After defeating a boss monster, you can collect a drop of
myrrh. Each drop fills a third of your chalice. Once you
collect myrrh from a myrrh tree, it takes several years for
the tree to replenish its supply.
A moogle will come to deliver mail while you rest after
battle. You can send replies as well (p. 31). No mail will
come if the myrrh tree there is dry.
Items and artifacts (p. 33) are divided among the members
of the caravan. In multiplayer mode, the player who earns
the most bonus points gets first choice. The number of
points you accumulate depends on how well you fulfill the
bonus condition displayed on your GBA screen.
The Basics
Players are members of a crystal caravan that seeks out
myrrh. Your adventure will unfold in the following manner:
Game Progression
From the world map menu, select "Set Out," then select a
character or create a new one. You can have up to eight
characters in a caravan.
Use the Control Stick to move your caravan across the
world map. When you reach your destination, press
the A Button to enter.
Once you enter a dungeon, the world map is replaced with
the field map. You are given a chance to set up your
command list (pp. 16 and 23) before advancing further.
Defeat monsters you encounter and solve puzzles
hindering your path. Collect treasure from monsters and
treasure chests.
Return to the World Map
Return to the world map to continue your journey. Be sure to purchase new
equipment from blacksmiths in town now and then. You never know what you'll run
into on your journey.
Game Progression
Basic steps to advance the game are outlined below. They generally apply to
both single-player mode and multiplayer mode.

14 15
1 2 3
4 5
1 5
4 3 6
Single-Player Mode
Single-Player Mode Features
Connect a Nintendo GameCube Controller to
Controller Socket 1 to play single-player mode.
Major features include the following:
Game Screens
Here is a guide to the three types of screens found in the game:
Take Mog with You
When you explore dungeons, Mog accompanies you and
helps out with things like carrying the chalice (p. 19).
Check Your Radar
You can view a radar screen on the GBA by connecting a
GBA to Controller Socket 2.
Fuse Spells on the Command List
You can fuse spells together on the command list
to create new ones (p. 16).
The World Map
1 Year
The number of years that have passed since your
journey began. The current year ends once you fill your
chalice and return to your village.
2 Region Name
The region through which your caravan is currently
3 Caravan
Your caravan. Move it with the Control Stick.
4 Destination
Displays the names of towns, villages, and dungeons
when you approach them.
5 The Crystal Chalice
A cup for carrying myrrh. It shows how much myrrh
you've collected as well as the current element of the
chalice's crystal (p. 28).
1 Character Name and Health
Your character's name and current HP are displayed here. Monsters' attacks will drain your HP, but
the Cure spell and various items can replenish it.
2 Action Commands
Press the A Button to perform the action shown here. Cycle through the command list with the L and
R Buttons.
3 Secondary Commands
Press the B Button to perform actions that vary with the circumstances, like "Examine" and "Carry."
4 Crystal's Aura
The chalice's crystal generates an aura that protects you from miasma. If you step outside its
bounds, your HP will gradually drain away. You can gradually recover HP by staying within the
5 Targeting Ring
Press and hold the A Button to make the targeting ring appear. Move the ring with the Control
Stick, then release the A Button to unleash an attack or spell upon your target.
6 Position Marker
Colored markers show each character's current position.
The Field Map
You can view a radar screen on the GBA by
connecting a GBA to Controller Socket 2. There
are four types of radars (p. 23). The color of
Mog's fur determines which one is displayed
at any given time.
Single-Player Mode
In single-player mode, Mog joins you on your travels.