NINTENDO DS Pokemon Platinum Version User Manual [en, fr]

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instruction booKlet
manuel d’instructions
WARNING - Seizures
• Somepeople(about1in4000)mayhaveseizuresorblackoutstriggeredbylightashesorpatterns,  suchaswhilewatchingTVorplayingvideogames,eveniftheyhaveneverhadaseizurebefore.
• Anyonewhohashadaseizure,lossofawareness,orothersymptomlinkedtoanepilepticcondition  shouldconsultadoctorbeforeplayingavideogame.
• Parentsshouldwatchwhentheirchildrenplayvideogames.Stopplayingandconsultadoctorifyou  oryourchildhaveanyofthefollowingsymptoms:
Convulsions Eye or muscle twitching Loss of awareness Altered vision Involuntary movements Disorientation
• Toreducethelikelihoodofaseizurewhenplayingvideogames:   1.Sitorstandasfarfromthescreenaspossible.   2.Playvideogamesonthesmallestavailabletelevisionscreen.   3.Donotplayifyouaretiredorneedsleep.   4.Playinawell-litroom.   5.Takea10to15minutebreakeveryhour.
WARNING - Radio Frequency Interference
TheNintendoDScanemitradiowavesthatcanaffecttheoperationofnearbyelectronics,including cardiacpacemakers.
• DonotoperatetheNintendoDSwithin9inchesofapacemakerwhileusingthewirelessfeature.
• Ifyouhaveapacemakerorotherimplantedmedicaldevice,donotusethewirelessfeatureofthe  NintendoDSwithoutrstconsultingyourdoctororthemanufacturerofyourmedicaldevice.
• Observeandfollowallregulationsandrulesregardinguseofwirelessdevicesinlocationssuchas  hospitals,airports,andonboardaircraft.Operationinthoselocationsmayinterferewithorcause  malfunctionsofequipment,withresultinginjuriestopersonsordamagetoproperty.
WARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain
Playingvideogamescanmakeyourmuscles,joints,skinoreyeshurtafterafewhours.Followthese instructionstoavoidproblemssuchastendinitis,carpaltunnelsyndrome,skinirritationoreyestrain:
• Avoidexcessiveplay.Itisrecommendedthatparentsmonitortheirchildrenforappropriateplay.
• Takea10to15minutebreakeveryhour,evenifyoudon’tthinkyouneedit.
• Whenusingthestylus,youdonotneedtogripittightlyorpressithardagainstthescreen.Doingso  maycausefatigueordiscomfort.
• Ifyourhands,wrists,armsoreyesbecometiredorsorewhileplaying,stopandrestthemforseveral  hoursbeforeplayingagain.
• Ifyoucontinuetohavesorehands,wrists,armsoreyesduringorafterplay,stopplayingandseeadoctor.
WARNING - Battery Leakage
TheNintendoDScontainsarechargeablelithiumionbatterypack.Leakageofingredientscontainedwithinthe batterypack,orthecombustionproductsoftheingredients,cancausepersonalinjuryaswellasdamagetoyour
Nintendo DS.
Ifbatteryleakageoccurs,avoidcontactwithskin.Ifcontactoccurs,immediatelywashthoroughlywithsoapand water.Ifliquidleakingfromabatterypackcomesintocontactwithyoureyes,immediatelyushthoroughlywith waterandseeadoctor. Toavoidbatteryleakage:
• Donotexposebatterytoexcessivephysicalshock,vibration,orliquids.
• Donotdisassemble,attempttorepairordeformthebattery.
• Donotdisposeofbatterypackinare.
• Donottouchtheterminalsofthebattery,orcauseashortbetweentheterminalswithametalobject.
• Donotpeelordamagethebatterylabel.
Important Legal Information
ThisNintendogameisnotdesignedforusewithanyunauthorizeddevice.Useofanysuchdevice willinvalidateyourNintendoproductwarranty.CopyingofanyNintendogameisillegalandisstrictly prohibitedbydomesticandinternationalintellectualpropertylaws.“Back-up”or“archival”copiesare notauthorizedandarenotnecessarytoprotectyoursoftware.Violatorswillbeprosecuted.
Recorded tips for many titles are available on Nintendo’s Power Line at
(425) 885-7529. This may be a long-distance call, so please ask
permission from whoever pays the phone bill.
If the information you need is not on the Power Line, you may want to try
using your favorite Internet search engine to find tips for the game you
are playing. Some helpful words to include in the search, along with the
game’s title, are: “walk through,” “FAQ,” “codes,” and “tips.”
© 2009 Pokémon. © 1995-2009 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. TM, ®, and the Nintendo DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2009 Nintendo. All rights reserved.
Your Adventure Begins        3 Object of the Game           4 Basic Controls             5 Starting the Game           6 The Menu Screen            7
About Battles              9 Catching Pokémon           11 Raising Pokémon            11
Various Items              13 Migrate Pokémon from
the GBA              16 Gym Leaders and Badges      17
Communication             18
DS Wireless Communications   18
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection    23
Battle Frontier          33
Buildings in Town            12
This is the Platinum version of Pokémon, an extension of the Diamond and Pearl versions with new story elements and expanded play features, including different types of Pokémon. Pokémon Platinum Version can communicate with the Diamond and Pearl versions and Pokémon Battle Revolution using Nintendo DS Wireless Communications. It can also be linked to the Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald versions using the Dual Slot function of the Nintendo DS. It is not possible to communicate with the Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, or Crystal versions. This product is also NOT compatible with Pokémon Stadium or Pokémon Stadium 2 for the Nintendo 64, nor Pokémon Colosseum, Pokémon XD, or Pokémon Box for the Nintendo GameCube.
It is also not compatible with Pokémon Battle e-Cards or the WiiWare title My Pokémon Ranch.* The Dual Slot function is available only with Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite.*
your adventure begins
In this world live creatures called Pokémon Humans and Pokémon have lived, worked, and played together in harmony for ages Nevertheless, there are still numerous mysteries surrounding them In order to nd out more about these creatures, many scientists—such as Professor Rowan of Sandgem Town—have dedicated their lives to Pokémon research
One day you and your friend decide to travel to nearby Sandgem Town. You plan on asking the famous Professor Rowan to give you each a Pokémon. However, outside your hometown, the grass grows wild, and so do the Pokémon living in that grass. You both know that it’s dangerous to walk in the grass without Pokémon of your own to protect you, but your friend says he’s got a plan to keep you both safe...
In Pokémon Platinum Version, you can choose from either a boy or girl character. No matter * which one you choose, there is no difference in the story. However, it is recommended that you choose a character with the same gender as yours.
Pokémon Platinum Version uses the clock feature of the Nintendo DS system. Please do not * change the Nintendo DS system you are using or change the time setting of your Nintendo DS system. This will affect many aspects of your game, including Berry growth, lucky­number drawings, massages, and the Pal Park.
obJect oF tHe gaMe
The Sinnoh region is lled with many strange and mysterious wonders. Your adventure will mature you as a Trainer and have you cross paths with many people. Only with the help of friends and the cooperation of your Pokémon will you be able to complete this daring adventure.
Catch Many Different Pokémon!
One major goal is to complete your Pokédex by collecting lots of different kinds of Pokémon. When you catch a Pokémon, its data will automatically be recorded in your Pokédex. Visit Professor Rowan every once in a while to have him rate how complete your Pokédex is.
In order to catch all the Pokémon in the Sinnoh region and complete your Pokédex, you must * trade with the Diamond and Pearl versions, as well as with other Pokémon versions. Work together with your friends to get your Pokédex as complete as possible!
Become the Best Trainer Ever!
Another goal is to improve your skills as a Pokémon Trainer. During your adventures, you’ll battle wild Pokémon, as well as other Trainers. Both types of battle will help you and your Pokémon become stronger. There are also Pokémon Gyms in the Sinnoh region, each of which has a very talented Trainer known as the Gym Leader. Only those who defeat the Gym Leaders will be accepted as true Trainers. It will be a tough ght, but you must be brave and charge into battle!
basic controls
Top Screen
L Button Microphone
Control Pad
Touch Screen
Closing the Nintendo DS while playing will automatically put it into Sleep Mode. Opening the * Nintendo DS will resume the game.
Control Pad ....Move around in the eld or move the cursor on menu screens.
A Button. . . . . . . . . . .Select a command, talk to a person in front of you, check out an item in front
B Button ...........Return to the previous screen or cancel a command.
If you have the Running Shoes, you can run while holding down the B Button.*
X Button ...........Open the Menu (see page 7).
Y Button ...........Use a Key Item that you have Registered (see page 15).
L or R Button ......
START .............Start the game, move the cursor, or quit the slot machine.
SELECT ............Organize or switch items.
Mark ...........The top square means top screen, and the bottom square means Touch Screen.
The Touch Screen is used at various times during your adventure. When control has moved to the Touch Screen, touch or slide icons for control according to the situation. In this Instruction Booklet, an orange frame surrounds the top screen and a red frame surrounds the Touch Screen.
of you, or scroll through text.
Cycle through selections when available (cannot be used if you set button mode to L=A).
When this is displayed in red, it means control has moved to the Touch Screen. When displayed in blue, it means to pay attention to the top screen.
Y Button X Button
R Button
A Button
starting tHe gaMe
Make sure the Nintendo DS system is turned off. Insert the Pokémon Platinum 1. Game Card into the Game Card slot on the back of the system and push until it clicks into place.
After you turn the power on, the Health and Safety Screen is displayed. After fully 2. reading the information, touch the Touch Screen to continue.
Touch the Pokémon Platinum panel on the Nintendo DS Menu Screen to start 3. the game.
If you set the Nintendo DS system to Auto Mode, the game will automatically start after the * Health and Safety Screen is displayed. For more information, please check the Instruction Booklet of your Nintendo DS.
Press the A Button or START on the title screen to start the game.4.
Starting a New Game
At rst, Professor Rowan will explain the game to you. When you are done reading, select “NO INFO NEEDED” and press the A Button.
Only one game may be saved at a time (one main character). If you * select “NEW GAME” and already have a saved game, you will not be able to save. You will need to delete your saved data if you would like to restart the game from the beginning (see page 7).
Choose Your Gender and Name
Select your gender. Use the Control Pad to highlight one, then press the A Button to decide. Then, enter a name for your character. To enter a name, touch a letter on the Touch Screen, or use the you make a mistake, touch “BACK” or press the B Button to go back one letter. When you’ve nished entering your name, select “OK” to start your journey!
To protect your privacy, do not give out personal information such as last name, phone * number, birth date, age, school, email, or home address when communicating with others or use such personal information in areas that will be seen by others.
Remember, your gender and name cannot be changed later.*
Control Pad to highlight a letter and press the A Button. If
Continue playing from the last place you saved (see page 8).
“CONTINUE” will be added to the Start Menu after you save the game. * Saving the game can be done by selecting “SAVE” on the Menu Screen (see page 8).
Deleting Your Saved Game
To delete your saved game, go to the title screen, and then simultaneously press Up on the deleted, it CANNOT be restored. Please be careful when deleting your saved data. (All Pokémon and items will be deleted.)
Control Pad, SELECT, and the B Button. Once your saved data is
tHe Menu screen
Press the X Button to bring up the Menu Screen
Some selections will be added to the Menu Screen by progressing through the adventure. *
Information is recorded here about Pokémon you see and catch. Use the Touch Screen or POKéMON” will enable you to search for Pokémon by alphabetical or numerical order. In addition to reviewing a Pokémon’s data, you can listen to their cries, check out where they live, or see how large they are compared to you.
View information on the Pokémon in your party, or change their order. Use the the A Button to check the Summary of a Pokémon or switch the order of a Pokémon in your party. If a Pokémon has learned a hidden move (see page 14), it can be selected for use here.
Control Pad to highlight a Pokémon, and press
Control Pad for control. “SEARCH
You can store your items here. Items are automatically divided in your bag. Touch the Touch Screen or press Left or Right on the
Arranging Items in the Bag
Open your Bag, move the cursor to an item you want to move, and press SELECT. Next, move the cursor to the place where you want to move the item, and then press SELECT or the A Button.
You cannot move an item to a different pocket.
Control Pad to change screens.
Your Name (Trainer Card)
View your own Trainer Card. On the front it displays information such as your ID Number, the amount of money you have, the number of Pokémon you’ve seen, and how long you’ve been playing. By pressing the A Button, you can also see the back side. After having traded or fought, it will display how many times you’ve traded Pokémon and your battle record with friends. You can also view the Gym Leaders you have defeated and Badges you have obtained by touching the Touch Screen.
You can save your game at any time, except during a battle or Contest. By choosing “CONTINUE” on the Start Menu, you can continue playing from the last place you saved (see page 7).
Do not turn the Nintendo DS system off or remove the Nintendo DS * Game Card until the game has nished saving.
Warning! If you select “NEW GAME” and already have a saved game, you * will not be able to save (see page 7).
Change certain game settings, such as Text Speed and Battle Style. Press Up and Down on the
Control Pad to change it. After any settings are changed, select “CLOSE” on the bottom of the menu and select “YES” using the A Button to save the changes. Select “NO” to cancel changes.
If Battle Animations are ”OFF,” the actions of Pokémon during battle will be displayed only by * text on the screen.
08 09
Control Pad to select a setting, then press Left and Right on the
Press either the X Button or B Button to close the Menu Screen.
There are two kinds of battles One is when you ght against wild Pokémon, and the other is when you battle other Pokémon Trainers When a battle starts, the Pokémon on the top left of your Party Pokémon will appear rst If you win the battle, each Pokémon that participated in the battle will receive a share of the Experience Points (see page 11) However, if all your Pokémon faint, you will lose the battle, lose some of your money, and be returned to the last Pokémon Center you used
Fighting Wild Pokémon and Battling Pokémon Trainers
When you pass through places where Pokémon live, such as caves and grassy areas, wild Pokémon may attack. When they do, you can use a Poké Ball (or another type of Ball) to catch them (see page 11).
If you make eye contact with a Trainer, or walk in front of one, the Trainer will challenge you to a battle. You cannot run from a battle against a fellow Pokémon Trainer. The battle will continue until one of you loses all of your Pokémon. If you are victorious, you will be rewarded with prize money.
You cannot capture an opponent’s Pokémon.*
During a battle against a Trainer, the number of Pokémon you each have will be indicated by a
symbol. To win the battle, defeat all of your opponent’s Pokémon.
The Battle Screen
Gender of Opponent’s Pokémon Level of Opponent’s Pokémon
Opponent’s Pokémon
Opponent’s Pokémon
HP .......................Pokémon’s health. When its HP reaches 0, the Pokémon faints
Experience Points .....Displays the Experience Points in the current level. When the gauge
Name of
Pokémon you’ve caught will have
HP of
about battles
and can’t battle anymore.
becomes full, the Pokémon’s level goes up (see page 11).
Pokémon’s Name Pokémon’s Gender
Pokémon’s Level Pokémon’s HP
Experience Points
Your Party Pokémon
Fight .....................Display the Pokémon’s Moves. Select one to attack. Each Move can be
Bag ......................Open your Bag. Gain access to helpful items.
Run ......................Attempt to escape from a battle. You cannot run from a battle against
Pokémon ................Switch Pokémon or look at a Pokémon’s summary.
.......................Watch for shaking Poké Balls as they contain Pokémon that are close to
used a particular number of times. When PP reaches 0, the Pokémon can’t use that Move anymore.
a Trainer.
gaining a level.
Opponent’s Party Pokémon (not displayed when ghting wild Pokémon)
Pokémon (Switch Pokémon)
Touch “POKéMON” or select “POKéMON” by using the Control Pad and pressing the A Button. On the next screen, choose the Pokémon you want to switch, then conrm by selecting “SHIFT.
When Status Is Affected
When your Pokémon gets hit by an opponent’s attack, your Pokémon’s status might be affected. However, you can use your items to help your Pokémon recover. Alternatively, you can take it to a Pokémon Center where it will recover completely.
Poison .............Gradually decreases HP during the battle. If the Poison isn’t cured, HP will
When affected by Poison, the screen will shake and a sound will be heard.*
Confuse ...........If a confused Pokémon uses a Move during battle, there is a chance it could
Faint ...............When its HP reaches 0, the Pokémon faints and can no longer battle.
There are other status problems, such as Paralyze, Sleep, Frozen, Burn, and so on.
continue to decrease even after the battle is nished.
attack itself. The Pokémon will recover when it goes back to its Poké Ball.
catcHing pokéMon
You can catch wild Pokémon with Poké Balls (see page 13) While in battle, touch “BAG” or select it by using the BALLS” Select a Poké Ball you want to use and throw it at the Pokémon to try to catch it After you have caught the Pokémon, you can give it a nickname
If your Pokémon party is full with six Pokémon, the new Pokémon will automatically be * transferred to Someone’s PC (the Pokémon Storage System).
Control Pad and pressing the A Button, then select “POKé
Where to Find Pokémon
Pokémon inhabit caves and areas with tall grass. Certain Pokémon only appear in the morning or in the late evening. Water-type Pokémon might appear when you are crossing a lake or ocean by using the HM Surf. You can also use a Fishing Rod by the water, or while crossing water, to catch some Pokémon. Press the A Button when “!” appears.
Tips for Catching Pokémon
You must rst weaken the Pokémon by attacking it until its HP is low. It will also be easier to catch the Pokémon if you put it to Sleep, Poison it, and so on.
raising pokéMon
Experience Points
When you win a battle, Experience Points are given to Pokémon that fought in the battle. When the Experience Point gauge lls completely, a Pokémon’s level goes up. When a Pokémon gains a level, its stats get higher, and it might learn a new Move.
Tips on Raising Pokémon
Place the Pokémon whose level you want to raise in the rst slot of your Pokémon party. Immediately switch to another Pokémon as soon as you enter a battle. As long as you win the battle, even the Pokémon that didn’t ght will receive a portion of the Experience Points. By repeating these steps, you can slowly but steadily increase the level of a weak Pokémon.
Pokémon Evolution
There are some Pokémon that evolve and change form as they grow. A Pokémon can evolve when its level increases, through the use of certain items, if it is traded (see page 19), and so on.
A Pokémon Egg
If you leave a couple of your Pokémon at the Day Care you nd along your journey, you may return to nd an Egg. Eggs will hatch if you keep them in your party long enough.
buildings in town
There are many different buildings and houses in the Sinnoh region As you walk around, be sure to check out everything and chat with everyone you meet You might nd some useful information
Pokémon Center (PC)
The people here will heal your injured Pokémon for free. You can also use the PC here. A Pokémon Center is the most useful place a Pokémon Trainer can visit!
Communication play can be done with your friends on 2F and B1F of a * Pokémon Center (see page 18).
Healing Your Pokémon and PC
Give your Pokémon to the lady behind the counter to completely recover their HP and PP. Your Pokémon will also recover completely if they have fainted, are poisoned, and so on.
By using a PC, you can store or withdraw your Pokémon. Also, you can store Mail, edit the Ball Capsule, or get Professor Rowan to rate your current Pokédex.
PCs can be found in other buildings besides a Pokémon Center.*
Poké Mart
Here, you can buy items that can help you on your adventure. Poké Marts in different towns sometimes sell different things. Also, the number of Badges you have will affect what you can buy.
Super Contest
The Pokémon Super Contest is held someplace in the Sinnoh region. This Contest allows Pokémon to compete using their charms. There are ve competition categories to choose from: Cool, Beauty, and so on. Your Pokémon will compete through three types of Contest: Visual, Dance, and Acting. You can even compete against friends using DS Wireless Communications (see page 22).
Battle Frontier
Once you have defeated the Elite Four and the Pokémon Champion, you can visit the Battle Frontier, a place for Pokémon battles. You can also team up and battle with friends using DS Wireless Communications at the Battle Frontier (see page 33).
various iteMs
There are various kinds of items in the Sinnoh region Items can be obtained by buying them at stores and nding them during your journey
Items that improve Pokémon stats, relate to Pokémon evolution, and so on are listed here.
Repel ..............Prevents weak wild Pokémon from attacking for up to 100 steps.
These items heal Pokémon or cure Pokémon status problems.
Potion .............Restores Pokémon HP by 20.
Antidote ..........Cures poisoned Pokémon.
Poké Balls
These are necessary for catching Pokémon. Use the different Poké Balls creatively, depending on the types of Pokémon you encounter, to increase your chance of catching them.
Poké Ball ..........Catches wild Pokémon.
TMs & HMs
Both Technical and Hidden Machines allow your Pokémon to learn new Moves. A Technical Machine (TM) can be used only once, but you can use a Hidden Machine (HM) as often as you like. Different types of Pokémon will be able to learn different Moves.
There are Moves that can be used both in battle and in the eld. They can even be used in the eld when the Pokémon who has learned the Move has fainted. Note that HM Moves cannot be used in the eld until you obtain certain Gym Badges.
Hidden Moves
Cut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instantly cuts down trees that block the road.
Fly .................Instantly returns you to a town you’ve previously visited.
Flash ..............Lights up dark caves.
Berries can be given to Pokémon to hold or they can be used as ingredients in making Pofns. Picking Berries makes the plant disappear, but you can plant Berries to grow more of them.
Oran Berry .......A Pokémon holding this Berry will use it during a battle to restore some HP.
Pofns are sweets that increase the Condition of your Pokémon. A higher-level Pofn increases Condition more. If its Condition is high, a Pokémon will enjoy greater ratings in a Pokémon Contest (see page 12). You will need the Pofn Case, obtained during your journey, before you can start making Pofns.
First, select the Berry to cook into a Pofn, and then touch the Touch Screen to stir the Pot in the direction of the arrow. At rst, stirring too fast will cause the batter to overow. Later on, stirring too slowly will cause the Pofn to burn. The fewer overows and burns you have while creating a Pofn, the better it will be! Because each Pokémon has its favorite Pofn, try feeding various kinds of Pofns to your Pokémon.
Give Mail to your Pokémon to hold. Trade Pokémon holding Mail with friends to exchange letters.
Air Mail ............Stationery that features a colorful design and letters.
Battle Items
Items that can be used to give you the advantage in battle.
X Attack ...........Raises the Attack stat of a Pokémon in battle.
Key Items
Important items for your adventure. Some can be obtained during your journey.
Pal Pad ............Check friends you battled or traded with (see page 24).
Town Map .........Map of Sinnoh region.
Fashion Case .....Keep Pokémon Accessories.
Explorer Kit .......Provides access to the Underground (see page 21).
Vs Recorder .....Record videos of battles you’ve had.
Vs Recorder
Records a video of battles you’ve had with friends over Nintendo ® Wi-Fi Connection, or battles you’ve had in the Battle Frontier (see page 33). You can show off your Battle Videos to other Trainers by visiting the Battle Video Corner on the third oor of the Global Terminal (see page 31).
You can only save one of your own battles as a Battle Video. Saving * another Battle Video will overwrite your previous video, so please use caution. You can save up to three Battle Videos from other Trainers.
Wireless router and broadband access required for online play. *
Save a Battle Video of a Battle Against a Friend
After battling a friend, you will see the message, “Press the A Button to save a Battle Video of this battle.” Press the A Button to save the Battle Video to your Vs. Recorder.
Save a Battle Video at the Battle Frontier
After the battle, you will see the screen to the right. Select ”RECORD,” and then ”YES” to save the Battle Video.
Watch Saved Battle Videos
Select the Vs. Recorder from the KEY ITEMS Pocket. Touch the Touch Screen, then when you see the screen to the right, touch “MY VIDEO” to view your Battle Video, or touch “OTHER VIDEOS” to watch other Trainers’ videos you have saved by visiting the Global Terminal (see page 26). Next, touch the
Delete Records
Delete Battle Videos that you have saved. To do so, select the video you’d like to delete, and touch “YES.”
button to play back the video.
Migrate pokéMon FroM tHe gba
You can migrate Pokémon caught in the Game Boy™ Advance Pokémon series: Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen versions (referred to collectively below as GBA Pokémon series), to Pokémon Platinum Version The migrated Pokémon show up in the Pal Park You will be able to catch them there
To migrate Pokémon, you’ll need to have obtained the National Pokédex in Pokémon Platinum * Version. You can do this by making sure you see all the Pokémon listed in the Pokémon Platinum Sinnoh Pokédex.
How to Migrate Your GBA Pokémon
Make sure that the Nintendo DS system is turned off. Insert the Pokémon Platinum Version Game Card into the Game Card slot on the back of the system and push until it clicks into place. Then insert a GBA Pokémon series Game Pak into the Game Pak slot of the Nintendo DS system and push until it clicks into place.
Turn the power on and touch the Pokémon Platinum panel on
the Nintendo DS Menu Screen to start the game.
Select “MIGRATE FROM (VERSION NAME)” on the Start Menu.
The screen on the right shows when Pokémon Emerald Version is used.*
Touch “YES” when you are asked if you would like to migrate Pokémon from
(your name)’s (version name) Game Pak. Touch “YES” when you see the message “Pokémon CANNOT be returned to the Game Boy Advance Game Pak. Make Pokémon migrate to the Pokémon Platinum Game Card?” to complete the migration.
The Pokémon you can migrate will be displayed. Touch a Pokémon to select and touch again to deselect. You can only migrate six Pokémon a day (24 hours) per Game Pak. The game will automatically proceed once you select six Pokémon to migrate.
Once you touch “YES,” the Pokémon will migrate to Pokémon Platinum Version, as seen on the screen to the right. Touch “NO” to cancel if you decide not to migrate. After you choose “YES,” restart the game and visit the Pal Park to see the Pokémon you’ve migrated.
Pokémon that are holding Mail or have learned a hidden move cannot migrate.* The Pokémon migrated will disappear from their original GBA Pokémon series Game Pak. *
Please be careful. Once migrated, Pokémon will never be able to go back to their original GBA Pokémon series Game Pak.
The Pal Park has a competition to see how quickly you can catch six Pokémon. You are given six Park Balls upon entering the competition. Pokémon migrated will appear in the Pal Park. Throw your Park Balls to catch six Pokémon. How well you score depends on how long it takes you to catch all six Pokémon.
New Pokémon cannot be migrated until you nish catching the six Pokémon already in the * Pal Park.
Only Six Pokémon Can Migrate per Day
When you see the message “Pokémon cannot be made to migrate for 24 hours,” you cannot migrate Pokémon to the Pal Park for 24 hours, even if you change the Nintendo DS’s clock settings or try to play Pokémon Platinum Version in a different Nintendo DS system. When you see the screen shown at the right, select “YES,” and wait 24 hours.
gyM leaders and badges
There is a Leader in every Pokémon Gym. If you are able to beat a Gym Leader, you’ll receive an ofcial Pokémon League Badge as evidence of your impressive victory. Wearing these badges allows you to use HM Moves that previously could not be used in the eld, even if your Pokémon had learned them. The number of Badges you obtain determines what level of traded Pokémon will follow your orders.
up to Lv. 10 2
up to Lv. 70 8
up to Lv. 30 4
any level
up to Lv. 50
Allows you to use Rock Smash, even when outside of battle
Oreburgh City Gym / Roark Coal Badge
Allows you to use Cut, even when outside of battle
Eterna City Gym / Gardenia Forest Badge
You can connect to nearby Nintendo DS systems using Nintendo DS Wireless Communications You can also connect to a person who lives far away by using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (Nintendo WFC) Please check the following pages for more information
Please note, while Pokémon Platinum Version can communicate with Diamond and Pearl * versions, there are some wireless features that are exclusive to Pokémon Platinum Version.
DS Wireless Communications (Connect to Nearby Nintendo DS Systems)
On the second oor of a Pokémon Center, you’ll nd the Union Room counter, Colosseum counter, and Trainer Sign reception (where you can sign the back of your Trainer Card).
Pokémon Wireless Club Union Room
The Union Room is a room where people can gather to enjoy battles, trade Pokémon, and chat with each other. You need to check in at the Union Room counter and save your game before entering. Once inside, press the A Button while facing someone to speak to that person. There are various Features you can enjoy in the Union Room, including Chat.
If you trade Pokémon, you will be given the option to add the player * you trade with to your Pal Pad (see page 24).
Show your Trainer Card to each other. Press the B Button to end.
Choose from
Draw a picture with up to ve friends. The people participating will be displayed on the top screen.
For a Single Battle (see page 21), choose two Pokémon that are Lv. 30 or under. After choosing your Pokémon, select “CONFIRM” to start the battle.
You need at least two or more Pokémon that are Level 30 or below * in your party in order to participate in a Union Room battle.
Quit drawing
three kinds
of pens
Draw here
Touch to
change colors
Trade Pokémon with your friends. Talk to other players to offer to trade Pokémon. Also, you can receive offers from other players to trade Pokémon. When players agree to trade, the screen on the right will be displayed.
Select a Pokémon you want to offer for trade using the Pad. Select “TRADE” when you have decided which Pokémon to trade.
Once you and the other player have selected Pokémon to offer for a trade, select “YES” and press the A Button to complete the trade.
Pokémon that evolve by being traded will evolve at this time.*
Choose “Quit” after trading to return to the Union Room.
Pokémon are saved once the trade has been completed.*
Give a Pokémon an item to hold before trading it!
You can give an item to your Pokémon to hold before trading. By doing this, you are essentially trading items using Pokémon. Remember, certain Pokémon will evolve when they are traded holding certain items.
Mix Records (Up to 5 Players)
You can exchange your own various records with up to four friends. Once your records are mixed with those of your friends, the records of those friends have a chance to be broadcast on TV in the game. To mix records, talk to the person you would like to mix your records with. You can also accept offers to mix records with other players. Once each player is ready to mix, the screen on the right will be displayed.
Other players can also take part in record mixing if they are in the Union Room. The player listed at the top of the list needs to press the A Button after all players participating in record mixing have entered. After mixing is completed, all players return to the Union Room.
Spin Trade (Up to 5 Players) *Pokémon Platinum Version only
Trade Pokémon Eggs with friends. You won’t know whose Egg you’ll get until the trade has nished. To do a Spin Trade, talk to the person you would like to trade with. You can also accept offers to Spin Trade with other players. Once each player is ready to trade, the screen on the right will be displayed. Other players can also take part in the Spin Trade if they are in the Union Room. The player at the top of the list needs to press the A Button after all players participating in the Spin Trade have entered.
During the Spin Trade, touch the Touch Screen to spin the Eggs around. After the Spin Trade is completed, all players return to the Union Room. The fun is in not knowing what kind of Pokémon Egg you’ve received until the Pokémon hatches!
Bonus Area If your Egg lands on a spotted ar ea, you’ll receive a Berry!
Chat (Everyone in the Union Room)
You can send messages to the people who are in the Union Room. Press the X Button to bring up the Union Room menu and select “CHAT” listed at the top. Create a message by selecting a word for each text box. When sentence by pressing Left and Right on the
Words that can be entered in the text box are categorized by topic groups. Select a text box by using the Next, choose a topic group. When you choose a group by pressing the A Button, you’ll nd words related to that group. Touch the Touch Screen to switch the list between the following two modes.
Group Mode ......Search for a word based on the topic groups.
ABC Mode .........Search for a word in alphabetical order. When you send a
message, it will be displayed on the Touch Screen of everyone in the Union Room.
is displayed, you can switch the
Control Pad.
Control Pad and pressing the A Button.
Leaving the Union Room
Step onto the yellow circle to exit the Union Room.
Pokémon Communication Club Colosseum (2 or 4 Players)
Two or four players can do battle here. First choose a type of battle, and then select a Cup. Different Cups set rules for which Pokémon can participate in the battle. You can use any Pokémon if you select “NO RESTRICTIONS.”
You are given the option to register the player you battled in your Pal Pad after battling * (see page 24).
Two-Player Battle
Single Battle ......Use one Pokémon each for the battle.
Double Battle .....Use two Pokémon each for the battle.
Mix Battle .........
Choose three Pokémon. Each Trainer chooses one of the opponent’s Pokémon, mixes them with his or her party, and then battles the other Trainer.
Decide who will “BECOME LEADER” after saving the game. The other player will need to select “JOIN GROUP.” After selecting your opponent, press the A Button to conrm.
A battle will begin after each player steps on the correct
spots located on the right and left sides of the room. When you play a Mix Battle, the battle will start after choosing a Pokémon to switch. To quit a battle, select “RUN.” You can leave the Colosseum by using the exit at the bottom of the room.
Four-Player Battle
Multi Battle .......Four players will be split into two teams. Each player uses one Pokémon.
You cannot enter the Colosseum without each player having three or more Pokémon in his * or her party.
Underground (Up to 8 Players)
You can play in the Underground. This is a broad tunnel complex spread beneath the Sinnoh region. You will need the Explorer Kit, obtained during your journey, in order to gain access to the Underground. Press the X Button to see Menu options.
Traps ..............Place a Trap. You can also dig holes into the wall using the Digger Drill. You can
Spheres ...........If you bury Spheres, they will grow.
rescue someone from a Trap by talking to them.
+ 28 hidden pages