Addenda to the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the COOLPIX5000
Please note the following changes to the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the COOLPIX5000 with the release of version 1.7 of the
camera fi rmware:
Nikon View (pp. 179–188)
After completing the fi rmware update, you will need to upgrade to Nikon View 5 version 5.1.2 or later, which is available for download
from the following web sites:
• For users in the U.S.A.: http://www.nikontechusa.com/
• For users in Europe: http://www.nikon-euro.com/
• For users in Asia, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa: http://www.nikon-asia.com/
Please note that the Windows version of Nikon View 5 is only supported under pre-installed versions of Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) or
later, including Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows Millennium Edition (Me).
It is not supported under Windows 98. The Macintosh version is supported under Mac OS 9.0, 9.1, and 9.2 and under Mac OS X version
10.1.2 or later. It is not supported under Mac OS 8.
Support for RAW (NEF) Image Quality (pp. 72–73)
When image size is set to FULL, you can now select an image quality of RAW by pressing the button until RAW is displayed in the moni-
tor and the HI icon in the control panel fl ashes. At this setting, data from the CCD are stored on the memory card without modifi cation
or compression, producing photographs that show a level image quality comparable to HI while requiring only about half as much memory
to store. RAW images can only be viewed or printed in Nikon Capture 3 (available separately) or Nikon View 5. In both these applications,
RAW images can be modifi ed and saved to disk without reducing image quality. Nikon View 5 supports limited white balance adjustment,
while Nikon Capture 3 can be used for more extensive editing.
An image quality setting of RAW is not available when Black&White is selected for SATURATION CONTROL (see pg. 115 of the Nikon
Guide to Digital Photography with the COOLPIX5000). Black&White is not available when image quality is set to RAW.
To convert a RAW image to TIFF (HI-quality) format so that it can be opened in applications that do not support RAW, display the picture in single-image playback (pp.
158–159). CONVERT will be displayed in the monitor next to the
Pressing this button will display the confi rmation dialog shown at right; choose YES to
create a copy of the image in TIFF format. You will then be given the option of deleting
the original RAW image. Choose YES to delete the original RAW image and keep only
the high-quality copy, or NO to keep both the copy and the original. The copy will be
stored on the memory card under a new name assigned automatically by the camera
and ending in the extension “.TIF”. Note that you will require at least 15MB of free
space on the camera memory card to create a copy in TIFF format.
A minimum of 128MB of computer memory (RAM) is recommended when displaying RAW images in Nikon View 5 (pg. 204).
Shutter Release Speed (pp. 28, 146–147)
The Monitor Options item in the setup menu now contains a Shutter Release Speed setting that controls the speed of shutter response
when the view through the lens is displayed in the monitor. The following options are available:
Option Description
Quick Response
Priority given to quality of preview displayed in monitor.
Reduces lag between pressing shutter-release button all
the way down and shutter being released to take picture.* Horizontal lines may appear when view through
lens is previewed in monitor.
* If the shutter-release button is pressed all the way
down to take a picture during picture review (pg. 55),
the focus and exposure settings used in the previous
shot will apply to the new photo. To ensure a quick
response, the built-in Speedlight will not fi re.
Options for External Speedlights (pp. 29, 152)
The Speedlight Cntrl menu (pg. 152) now contains an Int Flash Off option that allows you to turn the built-in Speedlight off entirely.
Optional grip-type fl ash accessories such as the SB-11 and SB-14 can be used when connected via the optional AS-15 accessory shoe
adapter. The fl ash mode for the fl ash accessory is set by pressing the
panel and monitor. The monitor shows
the photograph.
in all modes to indicate that light from the built-in Speedlight will not affect the outcome of
button (pg. 82), and the fl ash mode is displayed in the control
Support for Exif 2.2 (pp. 174–175)
The COOLPIX5000 now supports Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format for Digital Still Cameras) version 2.2, a standard that allows information stored with photographs to be used for optimal color reproduction when images are output on Exif-compliant printers. PRINT
Image Matching (PIM) is no longer supported.

Support for Picture Transfer Protocol (pp. 29, 136, 182–186)
In User Sets 1, 2, and 3, the setup menu (pp. 29, 136) now offers an Interface option containing Video Mode and USB settings. The for-
mer is identical to the existing Video Mode option (pg. 155) that allows you to choose the video mode used when connecting the camera
to a television (pg. 178). The USB option specifi es the USB protocol used when the camera is connected to a computer (pp. 182–186).
Two protocols are available: Mass Storage and PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol). Choose Mass Storage when connecting the camera to a
computer running Windows 2000 Professional, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), or Mac OS 9.0. 9.1,
or 9.2. When connecting the camera to a computer running Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, or Mac OS X (version
10.1.2 or later), you can choose either Mass Storage or PTP.
Transferring Pictures Using Nikon View 5 (pp. 182–186)
When you connect the camera to a computer using the UC-E1 USB cable and turn the camera on,
Nikon View 5 will start automatically and the Nikon Transfer window will be displayed in the computer monitor. When transfer is complete, the transferred images will be displayed in Nikon Browser.
If PTP is selected in the Interface > USB menu, you can now turn the camera off and disconnect the
cable after verifying that image transfer is complete. If USB is set to Mass Storage (the default option), you must remove the camera from the system as described below before turning the camera
off or disconnecting the USB cable.
Windows XP Home Edition/
Windows XP Professional
Click the “Safely Remove Hardware”
icon ( ) in the taskbar and select
Safely remove USB Mass Storage
Device from the menu that appears.
Windows 2000 Professional
Click the “Unplug or Eject Hardware”
icon ( ) in the taskbar and select
Stop USB Mass Storage Device
from the menu that appears.
Windows Millennium Edition (Me)
Click the “Unplug or Eject Hardware”
icon ( ) in the taskbar and select
Stop USB Disk from the menu that
Windows 98 Second Edition (SE)
In My Computer, click with the right
mouse button on the removable disk
corresponding to the camera and
select Eject from the menu that appears.
Mac OS X
Drag the “NO_NAME” camera volume into the Trash.
Mac OS 9
Drag the “untitled” camera volume
into the Trash.
Do not select PTP when connecting the COOLPIX5000 to a computer running Windows 2000 Professional, Windows Millennium Edition
(Me), Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), or Mac OS 9 (there is no need to change the USB setting when using the camera for the fi rst time,
as Mass Storage is selected at shipment).
If you have already selected PTP, be sure to select Mass Storage before connecting the camera to your computer. If you have connected
the camera to a computer running one of the above operating systems with USB set to PTP, disconnect the camera as described below.
Be sure to select Mass Storage before reconnecting the camera.
Windows 2000 Professional
A dialog will be displayed welcoming you to the “Found New Hardware Wizard.” Click Cancel to close the dialog, and then disconnect the
Windows Millennium Edition (Me)
After displaying a message stating that the hardware information database is being updated, the computer will start the “Add New Hardware
Wizard.” Click Cancel to exit the wizard, and then disconnect the camera.
Windows 98 Second Edition (SE)
The “Add New Hardware Wizard” will be displayed. Click Cancel to exit the wizard, and then disconnect the camera.
Mac OS 9
A dialog will be displayed stating that the computer is unable to use the driver needed for the “Nikon Digital Camera E5000_PTP” device. Click
Cancel to close the dialog, and then disconnect the camera.
The note “Faster Shutter Speeds” on page 92 of the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the COOLPIX5000 states that “the largest
aperture setting (smallest f/-number)” should be selected for faster shutter speeds. This is incorrect. To achieve a shutter speed of
choose aperture-priority auto exposure mode, zoom the camera all the way out, and select an aperture of f/8.0. Choosing a larger aperture
(smaller f/-number) will result in slower shutter speeds.
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