Nikon Capture 4.4 service manual

Ver. 4.4 Install Guide
Ver. 4.4
Install Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction: About This Manual ....................................................................................................1
Overview ..........................................................................................................................................2
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows ...................................................................................4
Easy Install ........................................................................................................................................7
Custom Install.................................................................................................................................14
Connecting to a Computer............................................................................................................. 21
Uninstall: Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4........................................................................................23
Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 ..........................................................................................................23
Device Registration.........................................................................................................................24
USB Interface .................................................................................................................................. 25
IEEE 1394 Interface ......................................................................................................................... 38
Installing Nikon Capture 4 on a Macintosh................................................................................... 70
Installing Software .........................................................................................................................72
Connecting to a Computer............................................................................................................. 78
Uninstall: Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4........................................................................................80
Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 ..........................................................................................................80
About This Manual


About This Manual
Thank you for your purchase of Nikon Capture 4 (Ver. 4.4). This install guide explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4 on your Windows or Macintosh computer, and how to connect your camera to your computer. It also explains how to insert a camera memory card in a card reader or PC card slot, how to start Nikon Capture 4, and how to register the camera with the system. Before reading this guide, be sure to read the Nikon Capture 4 User’s Manual.
The procedure for installing Nikon Capture 4 varies with the model of camera and computer op er at ing system you are using. Be sure to read the sections of this guide that apply to your model of camera and computer operating system.
This guide is divided into two main parts, one for Windows and the other for Macintosh computers.
This section explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4 on your Windows com put er, and how to connect your camera to your computer. It also explains how to insert the memory card in a card reader or PC card slot. Note that when you connect your camera to a Windows computer after installing Nikon Capture 4, the computer will automatically identify the cam­era as a new device and initiate device reg is tra tion. For information on confi rming that the camera is correctly reg is tered with the system, see “Device Reg is tra tion” in this manual, which describes how to con fi rm device reg is tra tion with different models of camera and different versions of Windows.
This section explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4 on your Macintosh com put er, and how to connect your camera to your computer. It also explains how to insert the memory card in a card reader or PC card slot.
The illustrations in this guide are from Windows XP and Mac OS X. Depending on the op er at ing system used, the dialogs and menus displayed on your computer may differ slightly from those shown here.


This section explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4, how to connect your camera and insert the cam­ era mem o ry card in a card reader or PC card slot, and how to register the camera with the sys tem.

Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows

Before installing Nikon Capture 4, make sure that your computer meets the following system requirements.
CPU 300 MHz Pentium equivalent or better
RAM 256 MB (768 MB or more recommended)
Hard-disk space 200 MB required for installation
In ter face
Supported cameras
(Camera Control)
* The camera may not function as expected when connected to an IEEE 1394 hub. † A list of boards and cards that have been tested and approved for use with the D1, D1X, and D1H is
available on-line at the sites listed page 2 of the User’s Guide.
** The camera may not function as expected when connected to a USB hub or keyboard.
Pre-installed versions of Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Pro fes sion al, Win dows 2000 Professional, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Win dows 98 Second Edition (SE)
800 × 600 pixels or more with 16-bit color (High Color/thousands of colors). 24- bit color (True Color/millions of colors) recommended.
Open Host-Controller Interface (OHCI) compliant IEEE 1394 in ter face board or
card† required for con nec tion to D1, D1x, and D1h
USB**Built-in USB interface
D2-series, D1-series, D200, D100, D70s, D70, and D50
• CD-ROM drive required for installation.
• Internet connection required for some options.
Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional
Installing Nikon Capture 4 under a multi-user operating system requires Administrator privileges. When installing Nikon Capture 4, log in as:
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional Computer administrator
Windows 2000 Professional Administrators
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
When installing Nikon Capture 4, you can choose between Easy Install and Custom Install options.
Easy Install
The following software will be installed in the order given below.
Nikon Mass Storage Camera Drivers (Windows 98 SE only)
Driver for D1-series cameras
Custom Install
Choose from the following (software will be installed in the order listed):
Nikon Mass Storage Camera Drivers (Windows 98 SE only)
Driver for D1-series cameras
Nikon Capture 4
Nikon Capture 4
Before installing Nikon Capture 4
• Uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture before installing Nikon Capture 4.
• Nikon Capture 4 version 4.4 can be used with either PictureProject or the latest version of Nikon View. For information on the latest Nikon software, visit the websites listed on page 2 of the Nikon Capture 4 User’s Manual.
• Exit all applications, including any virus-checking software that may be running.
Start the computer and insert the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD in a CD-ROM drive. The Install Center program will launch automatically. Depending on the country of purchase, a “Select Region” dialog may be displayed. Select a region and click Next. A language-selection dia­log will be displayed; select a language and click Next. The “Install Center” window will be displayed. The Install Center window contains three tabs: Software, Custom Install, and Cus­tomer Support. Clicking Quit will interrupt installation and close the Install Center window.
Clicking the Easy Install button in the Software tab begins installation of the Nikon Mass Storage Camera Drivers (Windows 98 SE only), the driver for D1 series cameras, Nikon Capture 4.
Custom Install
This tab lists the software that can be installed from the Install Center window. Check the desired items and click Install to begin installation.
Customer Support
Customer Support
Click the button for your area to view the Nikon techni­cal support web site (Internet connection required).
Click ReadMe to view the ReadMe fi le. We recom­mend that you view the ReadMe fi le before installing Nikon Capture 4.
If the “Select Region” or “Select Language” Dialog Is Not Displayed
If the Install Center program does not launch automatically when the Nikon Capture 4 CD is inserted:
1. Under Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional, select My Computer from the Start menu. In other versions of Windows, double click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
2. Click the icon for the CD-ROM drive containing the Nikon Capture 4 CD with the right mouse button.
3. Choose AutoPlay from the menu that appears.
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
Easy Install
The standard installation procedure involves two steps: choosing the Easy Install option and installing the soft ware.
Step 1: Choose the Easy Install option
In the Software tab, click Easy Install to begin installation of the Nikon Mass Stoage Camera Drivers (Windows 98 SE only), the driver for D1-series cam er as, Nikon Capture 4.
Before installation
Before installing Nikon Capture 4 and the device driver, make sure the camera is not con nect ed to the computer. If the Device Wizard is displayed, click Cancel to exit the Wizard.
Product Key
If prompt ed to supply a product key when starting Nikon Capture 4 Editor or Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control, en ter the product key supplied on the Nikon Capture 4 CD case.
Step 2: Complete installation
2.1 — Install the driver for D1-series cameras
If you are using one of the D1 series of cameras, fi rst install the driver for your camera. If you are using a different model of camera, click Cancel and go to the next step. To install the driver for D1 series cameras, click OK.
The system will display a message stating that installation is complete. Click OK.
Windows 98 SE
If you are using Windows 98 SE, the Nikon Mass Storage Camera Drivers will be installed before the driver for D1 series cameras. The dialog box shown right will be displayed. Click OK to continue.
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
2.2 — Install Nikon Capture 4
Installation of Nikon Capture 4 begins with the license agreement.
2.2.1 — Accept the license agreement
After making sure that you have read and understood the contents of the agreement, click Yes to continue installation.
2.2.2 — Personalize your copy of Nikon Capture 4
Enter your name and company (if applicable) to activate the Next button. Clicking Next will display a confi rmation dialog; if the information you entered is correct, click Yes to pro ceed to the next step.
Earlier Versions of Nikon Capture
Before you can install Nikon Capture 4, you must uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture.
2.2.3 — Choose a location
The folder to which Nikon Capture 4 will be installed is shown in the Des ti na tion Folder area (the default location is …\Program Files\Nikon\NCapture4). To install to this folder, click Next. To select a new folder, click the Browse… button and navigate to the desired location.
If the chosen folder does not already exist, clicking Next will display the following dialog. Click Yes to create a folder in the location shown.
2.2.4 — Start installation
While installation is in progress, the dialog shown below will be displayed.
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
2.2.5 — Create a shortcut on the desktop
When the progress indicator reaches 100%, the dialog shown below will appear. Click Ye s to cre ate a short cut, al low ing you to start Nikon Capture 4 directly from an icon on the desk top. If you do not want to create a shortcut, click No.
Associating File Extensions with Nikon Capture 4
If Nikon Scan or other software that uses the same fi le extensions as Nikon Capture is installed, a dialog will be displayed asking whether you would like to as so ci ate Nikon Capture 4 with the ex ten sions for color balance settings (*.nca), tone curves (*.ncv), and other image ad just ment set tings fi les. To associate Nikon Capture 4 with these extensions (recommended), click Yes .
Choosing an Application for Opening Image Files
If Adobe Photoshop is installed on your system, the dialog for choosing an application for opening image fi les will be displayed. Click Yes to select Photoshop as the application that will be used to open image fi les.
2.2.6 — Choose default color management settings
To use the color-space profi le embedded in images opened in Nikon Capture 4, choose (A) Use the color space of the fi le to be opened as the working color space. To choose a default RGB color-space profi le for the work ing color space in Nikon Capture 4, choose (B) Always use the default RGB color space as the work ing color space. When this option
is se lect ed, you can choose the default color-space profi le from a pull-down menu. Click OK to put changes into effect and proceed to the next step.
Clicking About Color Spaces displays a description of the different color-space profi les. Use this ex pla na tion to help you choose a color-space profi le.
The default output color-space profi le can be changed at any time after installation in the Color Man age ment tab of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor or Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control Preferences dialog.
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
2.2.7 — Complete installation of Nikon Capture 4
The following dialog is displayed when installation of Nikon Capture 4 is complete. Click Fin­ish to proceed to the next step.
2.3 — Restart your computer
The dialog shown below will appear when installation is complete. Click Yes to re start your com put er. This completes the Easy Install procedure.
Custom Install
The standard installation procedure involves two steps: choosing the Custom Install option and in stall ing the soft ware.
Step 1: Choose the Custom Install option
Click the Custom Install tab and check the software you want to install.
Nikon Mass Storage Camera Drivers
This check box is only displayed under Windows 98 Second Edition (SE). Check this box to in stall the Nikon Mass Storage Camera Driver for Windows 98 SE.
Driver for D1 series cameras
Check this box to install the drivers for the D1 series.
Nikon Capture 4
Check this box to install Nikon Capture 4.
Before installation
Before installing Nikon Capture 4 and the device drivers, make sure the camera is not con nect ed to the computer. If the Device Wizard is displayed, click Cancel to exit the Wizard.
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
Step 2: Complete installation
To begin installation of the selected software, click the Install button in the Custom Install tab. If more than one option is selected, the software will be installed in the order listed.
2.1 — Install drivers
If you selected Nikon Mass Storage Camera Drivers (Windows 98 SE only) or Driver for D1 series cam er as, installation will begin with the selected drivers. The explanation that
follows takes the driver for D1-series camera as an example.
2.1.1 — Begin driver installation
If you selected Driver for D1 series cameras, the fol low ing dialog will be displayed. Click OK to begin installation.
2.1.2 — End driver installation
When installation is complete, the following dialog will be displayed. Click OK to proceed to the next step.
2.2 — Install Nikon Capture 4
Installation of Nikon Capture 4 begins with the license agreement.
2.2.1 — Accept the license agreement
After making sure that you have read and understood the contents of the agreement, click Yes to continue installation.
2.2.2 — Personalize your copy of Nikon Capture 4
Enter your name and company (if applicable) to activate the Next button. Clicking Next will display a confi rmation dialog; if the information you entered is correct, click Yes to proceed to the next step.
Earlier Versions of Nikon Capture
Before you can install Nikon Capture 4, you must uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture.
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
2.2.3 — Choose a location
The folder to which Nikon Capture 4 will be installed is shown in the Des ti na tion Folder area (the default location is …\Program Files\Nikon\NCapture4). To install to this folder, click Next. To select a new folder, click the Browse… button and navigate to the desired location.
If the chosen folder does not already exist, clicking Next will display the following dialog. Click Yes to create a folder in the location shown.
2.2.4 — Start installation
While installation is in progress, the dialog shown below will be displayed.
2.2.5 — Create a shortcut on the desktop
When the progress indicator reaches 100%, the dialog shown below will appear. Click Ye s to cre ate a short cut, al low ing you to start Nikon Capture 4 directly from an icon on the desk top. If you do not want to create a shortcut, click No.
Associating File Extensions with Nikon Capture 4
If Nikon Scan or other software that uses the same fi le extensions as Nikon Capture is installed, a dialog will be displayed asking whether you would like to as so ci ate Nikon Capture 4 with the ex ten sions for color balance settings (*.nca), tone curves (*.ncv), and other image ad just ment set tings fi les. To associate Nikon Capture 4 with these extensions (recommended), click Yes .
Choosing an Application for Opening Image Files
If Adobe Photoshop is installed on your system, a dialog will be displayed asking if you want to use Photoshop to open image fi les saved in Nikon Capture 4. Click Yes to select Photoshop as the ap pli ca tion that will be used to open image fi les.
Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows
2.2.6 — Choose default color management settings
To use the color-space profi le embedded in images opened in Nikon Capture 4, choose (A) Use the color space of the fi le to be opened as the working color space. To choose a default RGB color-space profi le for the work ing color space in Nikon Capture 4, choose (B) Always use the default RGB color space as the work ing color space. When this option
is se lect ed, you can choose the default color-space profi le from a pull-down menu. Click OK to put changes into effect and proceed to the next step.
Clicking About Color Spaces displays a description of the different color-space profi les. Use this ex pla na tion to help you choose a color-space profi le.
The default output color-space profi le can be changed at any time after installation in the Color Man age ment tab of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor or Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control Preferences dialog.
2.2.7 — Complete installation of Nikon Capture 4
The following dialog is displayed when installation of Nikon Capture 4 is complete. Click Fin­ish to proceed to the next step.
2.3 — Complete installation
The dialog shown below will appear when installation is complete. Click Yes to restart your computer.

Connecting to a Computer

Connecting to a Computer
If you are using a computer running Windows, make sure that you install Nikon Capture 4 before connecting your camera to the computer for the fi rst time. After installing Nikon Capture 4, turn the camera on and con nect it to the computer, or insert the memory card into a card reader or a PC card slot.
For more information about connecting your camera to a computer, see the doc u men ta tion provided with your camera.
D1-Series (IEEE 1394 Interface)
D2-Series/D200/D100 /D70s/D70/D50 (USB Interface)
Use a Reliable Power Source
To ensure that data transfer is not interrupted, be sure that the battery is fully charged. If in doubt, charge the battery before use or use an AC adapter (available separately). If the battery is ex haust ed during transfer, transfer will be interrupted and data may be lost.
Using a PC Card Slot
When inserted in a PC-card adapter (available separately), the camera memory card func tions as a Type II PCMCIA ATA card, allowing images to be read from the card.
Inserting a Memory Card
Remove the memory card from the camera and insert it in the adapter.
Insert the adapter into a PCMCIA TYPE II ATA card slot on your computer. For more in for ­ma tion on inserting the adapter, see the documentation pro vid ed with your com put er.
a C
s a l F
t c
a p m
o C
d r
h s
a l F
t c
a p m
o C
Depending on your computer’s operating environment, you may need to install software, register the card adapter, or adjust OS settings when the adapt er is in sert ed into the card slot. For more in for ma tion, refer to the instruction manual for your operating system.
Using a Card Reader
Images on the memory card can also be viewed using a card reader.
Inserting a Memory Card
After removing the memory card from the camera, insert it in the card reader and con nect the reader to the computer. See the documentation provided with the card reader for more in for ma tion on connecting it to a computer.
Card reader (USB interface)
Card reader
Memory card


Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4
This section describes how to uninstall the Windows versions of Nikon Capture 4.
Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4
From the Start menu, select All Programs > Nikon
Capture 4 > Nikon Capture 4 Uninstall (Windows XP) or Programs > Nikon Capture 4 > Nikon Capture 4 Uninstall (other versions of Windows). The uninstall program will start.
The uninstall pro gram will display the message, “Do you want to completely remove the
se lect ed ap pli ca tion and all of its components?” Click OK to uninstall Nikon Capture 4.
If any of the components used by Nikon Capture 4 are read-only or are used by other
pro grams, a confi rmation dialog will be displayed. Follow the instructions in the dialog to remove components or leave them untouched.
The dialog shown below will be displayed when the uninstall program has fi nished re-
mov ing Nikon Capture 4 from your system. Confi rm that Yes, I want to restart my com put er now is selected and click Finish to restart your computer.
Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional
Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 under a multi-user operating system requires Ad min is tra tor priv i leg es. When uninstalling Nikon Capture 4, log in as:
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional Computer administrator
Windows 2000 Professional Administrators
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