New Holland
Trailing Wheel Rake Specifications
HT152 HT154
MODEL HT152 Standard HT154 Deluxe
8-wheel 10-wheel 12-wheel 14-wheel 16-wheel 18-wheel 20-wheel
ax. working width 17’5” (5.3 m) 20’4” (6.2 m) 25’ (7.6 m) 28’6” (8.7 m) 30’10” (9.4 m) 33’5” (10.2 m) 36’ (11 m)
Transport width ..................8’3” (2.5 m)................ ................................................................8’3” (2.5 m) ..........................................................
Overall height ..................6’3” (1.9 m)................ ................................................................6’3” (1.9 m) ..........................................................
Tire size ................205-75 x 15” .............. ................................................................205-75 x 15”..........................................................
Number of raking wheels 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Raking wheel diameter ................55” (140 cm) .............. ................................................................55” (140 cm) ........................................................
Number of tines/wheels ..........................40........................ ........................................................................40 ..................................................................
Max. field operating speed ............14 mph (22.5 kph) .......... ..........................................................14 mph (22.5 kph) ....................................................
Min. required tractor hp 30 (22 kW) 30 (22 kW) 30 (22 kW) 40 (30 kW) 40 (30 kW) 55 (41kW) 55 (41kW)
Weight 2425 lbs 2750 lbs 3400 lbs 4400 lbs 4470 lbs 5210 lbs 5540 lbs
(1100 kg) (1247 kg) (1542 kg) (1996 kg) (2028 kg) (2363 kg) (2514 kg)
Visit our Web site at www.newholland.com/na. Or, call toll-free 866-NEW-HLND (866-639-4563).
Design, mate rials and/or specific ations are subject to
chan ge wi thout not ice a nd wit hout liab ility the refor.
Specificat ions are applicable to units sold in Canada, the
United Stat es, its territo ries and possessio ns, and may
var y ou tside these areas .
© 2008 CNH America LLC
New Holland is a regis tered trad emark of CNH America LLC.
Safety begins with a thorough understanding of
the equipment. Always make sure you and
your operators read the Operator’s Manual
before using the equipment. Pay close
attention to all safety and operating
decals and never operate machinery
without all shields, protective devices
and structures in place.
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